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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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bantculture.com in 2022: "Cobson is trooncordpilled, qa culture has fallen"
bantculture.com in 2025: cobson nostalgia posts in every single thread


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cobson is dogshit like every other slopjak doe


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Actually, Cobson isn't a slopjak, that's its own thing


if it looks like a duck…



obligatory qa lost post


no, cobson is special


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>bantculture.com in 2022: "Cobson is trooncordpilled, qa culture has fallen"
>bantculture.com in 2025: cobson nostalgia posts in every single thread


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bantculture.com in 2022: i-i think im ready to become a girl, girl girl! I love saying the word girl, its such a feminine word, and i love femininity so much i wanna be a girl i hate being a man so much, girl girl girl! what a beautiful word, short skirt, long hair, high pitched voice, i want to be one so bad, like those tranime girls!

bantculture.com in 2025: "here lies banty mctroon"


bantculture.com in 2025: "you like futa goy, it has girl parts so that means it's not gay ehehe"


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i-i think I'm ready to become a hoodtaku, gangsta! gangsta! I love saying the word gangsta, it's such a masculine word, and I love the streets so much I wanna be a hoodtaku I hate being a moesquim so much, gangsta gangsta gangsta! what a beautiful word, baggy pants, short hair, piccolo's voice, I want to be one so bad, like those hoodtaku thugs




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Holy fuck the reason why I'm having cobson nostalgia is because February is black history month

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