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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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this #frogfriday lets remember /qa2/ and all the keks we shared together


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selfbumping samefag kikesplosion, kys.


File: 1738943982432.jpg (61.09 KB, 971x845, 1738258029492665.jpg)

It's called dumping


File: 1738954778042.jpg (62.64 KB, 433x464, 17389196572510.jpg)

>this #frogfriday lets remember /qa2/ and all the keks we shared together


File: 1738954891031.jpg (204 KB, 1443x1684, 5zjje2q2ctr91.jpg)

this #frogfriday lets remember /qa2/ and all the keks we shared together


We're bringing pre-/qa2/ Frog Pond into 2025



File: 1738977571606.png (31.26 KB, 502x472, file.png)

guys i found an awesome trick: search "jew" on yandex and sort by images


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File: 1738978593073.jpg (671.99 KB, 720x1488, 1738978589436.jpg)



what even happened to qa why was it full of unfunny fags


On february 6th, 2025 the cobson nostalgia hit 4chan.org/qa like a tsunami and it was closed down permanently out of respect


File: 1738980876877.png (470.72 KB, 2500x1250, file.png)

>cobson nostalgia




oh my oldqa meeper




xho is qa?



Rest in power ✊🏿

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