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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com


This album is literally perfect


…at being mid




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>Kaleidoscope Dreams (2017), 5/10
>Spectral Ecstasy (2018), 4/10
>Rainbow Nights (2020), 5.5/10
>Burning Bridges (2023), 4/10

>Australian metal band Black Magick SS became more famous for their Nazi imagery than for their sound. After a series of EPs (Symbols Of Great Power, 2012; Panzerwitch, 2013; Hidden In Plain Sight, 2015), the album The Black Abyss (2015) collected early lo-fi material, mostly released on cassettes.

>The 27-minute mini-album Kaleidoscope Dreams (Infinite Wisdom, 2017) opened their major phase presenting a style that liberally mixes black metal, hard rock of the 1970s and psychedelia of the 1960s, notably in Kaleidoscope Dreams, with its epic teutonic-influenced aria, and in the soaring hymn Eclipse.

>Spectral Ecstasy (Infinite Wisdom, 2018) leans towards occult atmospheres, particularly in My Love, but it mostly sounds amateurish.

>Rainbow Nights (Infinite Wisdom, 2020) boasts more interesting vocal harmonies, bordering on Jefferson Airplane-esque, while painting organ-driven gothic atmospheres. The anthemic Iron Maiden-esque Endless Hallucinations leads to the frenzied prog-metal melodrama of Rainbow Nights. Get Out flirts again with electronic dance music, displaying the influence of the Sisters Of Mercy. Kali is demonic doom-metal via coarse AC/DC-esque riffs, and their best stab at mainstream rock. Even this, their best album, suffers from too much amateurish filler.

>Burning Bridges (Creep Purple, 2023) grafts derivative prog-pop melodies onto antiquated hard-rock bodies, notably in Dinosaurs, but the effect is often comic. Let Go even winks at the steady beat of disco-music. The guitar solos are derivative of pop-metal. Let The Magick In is the worst prog-metal nightmare.


nooo it's not a genre defining 20 minute long recording of toilet sounds and harsh noise


nooo it's not a genre defining 20 minute long ai cobson song


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He put paid in full in his top 5 rap albums, so watch urself pleb

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