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I love beer but hate the taste of vodka. I drink it anyway but it kinda makes me sick. How do i start liking it?



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You probably drink poorfag vodka. I also used to drink this shit a bit but it was always terrible. I'm not sure how much of a cattle you must be to enjoy this crap but you certainly have to be.


this pic is such a blast from the past




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Anyone claiming to like gin, whiskey, vodka etc. are lying
You drink it to get drunk and chase it with soda



kill booze in general


Rumchads are we back?


I chase Vodka with pickles


american pickles or salzgurken


I get it, today is bizzaro day in Poland


When you are drunk on 40+abvslop everyone can tell you are drunk because you smell like gasoline


>I chase Vodka with pickles


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>kill booze in general


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>I chase Vodka with pickles


me and zanmu (or the eggplant lady)


>You drink it to get drunk
>and chase it with soda
if youre a girl

when i started drinking i found wine (10%) to be too much, but now i think 35% brandy is fine
my homemade whiskey is still too harsh to drink by itself, but i drink it while eating pork/wild game and it pairs very well together
stop posting these


>stop posting these


The only acceptable alcoholic beverage is wine, everything else should be banned.

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