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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1739574177943.jpeg (773.74 KB, 3712x2560, j761b7b2a628fdcaee35af481….jpeg)


There's more to life than sex. jews and women don't want you to know this because they lose all power but there truly is. It also reveals the whorish nature of 99% of women. All they know is: "look pretty so a man will fuck me and buy me things." Almost none of them have hobbies, or at least not a hobby they do more than once or twice a year to take pictures of to post on the internet and make them look interesting. And almost NONE of them can handle being alone. They all need a man whether he's a booty call or a boyfriend. When they're left alone to their own devices they self destruct and lose all will to live.

The jews fears you realizing this because it reveals how much power you really have over women and how little they hold over you. If you can make yourself be content to not having pussy unless a woman is worth marriage and be happy pursuing your own hobbies and interests their influence evaporates and women's rightful place is revealed. If women think they will wind up alone instead of always having a beta to settle for in their worst case scenario they will have a crisis and become subservient to whatever man will take them, and if you can hold them to your standards and refuse to settle it will scare the younger generations into compliance.

Remember, there's an endless sea of pussy out there. New girls turn 16-18 every single day and there are more women than men. You can always find a younger, hotter woman that won't come with baggage, kids, STDs, and an attitude. Women can't do that.


Just say you got rejected for being a manlet, we're not gonna judge you bro


moor boring threads


Actually ssp is super tall


stop talking about urself in third person


File: 1739576090000.jpg (353.02 KB, 1080x800, Screenshot_2025-02-14-08-3….jpg)

>it's yet another jews bad incels good thread


traveling, netflix, wine, eating at restaurants and walking their dog are hobbies too you fucking çhud


File: 1739600247604.jpg (60.18 KB, 720x707, NFT.jpg)

Continue to talk about yourself in third person.


brainwashed by chads and foids


jews, their servants, and foids seething hard in da thread


fifty of ssps and the society would be okay


This image is so good I almost made it my wallpaper.


pedo award



Our young generation is clearly lost mayne


based award


>If you can make yourself be content to not having pussy unless a woman is worth marriage and be happy pursuing your own hobbies and interests their influence evaporates and women's rightful place is revealed
I guarantee you that no woman on earth gives a shit if anyone on this board goes celibate


Chronic cynicism is a disease


Bro chugging the slop


File: 1739648960655.jpg (156.8 KB, 1500x957, 81r8i-fTXBL._AC_UL1500_.jpg)

the slop is winning and you can't do nothing, take this and wear it proudly


>bro just let the joos win
that hats for you


File: 1739651618980.jpg (244.94 KB, 1320x1320, 00668-ILU soles reiuji uts….jpg)

>joos is when I can fire up my nvidia and create porn out of thin air and statistics


File: 1739652148085.jpg (25.69 KB, 336x274, 1567187758428.jpg)



It's not that good, wake up
Erm… Based? Super frickin zased?!
Trolling with stupidity that is
Ahh yes, the hecking crusade against the ai kikes, so arno
That's how it is, the "we need to kill ai artists.jpg" crowd are trannies niggers and whatever.


Theres no even a single tech company that you cannot mock with this pic. This is ridiculous


>bro just keep obfuscating whats real and what isnt with slop
>Gov issues mandated internet IDs to combat bots
bros really winning this time


File: 1739670870903.png (205.75 KB, 426x441, 17396609906090.png)


Why do u faggots keep bumping this sobach'ye der'mo thread


>turns off the goyternet
>slopmachine keeps working
But Shlomo, I'm still winning and you are seething.


I get it


good pic


File: 1739741165345.png (753.6 KB, 594x1176, 1738976396949.png)

>being a retarded incel…. LE GOOD!

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