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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1739673441924.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.93 MB, 3000x2337, President_Reagan_speaking_….jpg)


Worst president award goes to


inb4 tards claiming trickle down economics is a good idea


but the rich invest back into the economy o algo


But muh hecking cold war, le stagflation


Is op


In the morning people will be like "what was this before it got pigged"


what was this before it got pigged


Gay niggers having sex


So it was you having sex?


they were white actually


they were whale actually


File: 1739698183915.png (423.2 KB, 600x402, file.png)


The real trickle down economics hasn't been tried yet


Even tho the annoying orange Blumfp has that award


It's probably gonna be gotten by da guy who was killed a month after getting in office




File: 1739745658289.jpg (Spoiler Image, 320.32 KB, 808x1024, dubya.jpg)

Why not him?


Because he helped get rid of iraqis

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