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losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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> progressive view on social issues
> neoliberal economics
> pro-social safety net
> universal healthcare and free education
> hate niggers
> hate pajeets even more
> ban islam


>neoliberal economics
Stopped right there


I'm sorry I am too advanced foe you, anon.


hate niggers is not a political view. Segregate or kill niggers are


Nice try thatcher


It's only natural to remove what you hate from your life


evendoe I literally said pro-social safety net


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NOBODY said that


The british, yes


The british are 50% pajeets and 50% pakis now


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>>hate niggers
>>hate pajeets even more


>free gibs with a dash of racism
what's so good about welfare besides the fact that it is neet friendly ? without free gibs the mutants can't propagate to the point that there are no people who would need gibs anyway, unless they get old or injured
the rainbow people as well would simply stop being born once the genetic fitness of society increases too, as the general rate of behaviour counterproductive to survival goes down
welfare is just too dangerous because of how much consolidation of power it puts in the government and how much weakness in genetics it creates

the real solution is much more freedom-centric, with low taxes but low services, with a state that understands if it can create a society with fairness and high social mobility the citizens will love it, creating a positive feedback loop of greatness


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Didn't expect that from you. Major yikes bro. Major red flag bro. You need to check your white privilege or some such nonsense.

>the real solution is much more freedom-centric, with low taxes but low services, with a state that understands if it can create a society with fairness and high social mobility the citizens will love it, creating a positive feedback loop of greatness

This is theoretically true but America is so niggerfuxated in general that ppl will never have high social mobility without the welfare state and once free universal gibs is established there isn't much of a way off it. This might sound like a bad thing but you could literally buy every American a pony for 1/3 of our military spending budget if I remember the statistic right so we have the money to do gibs and just. Don't.

> pro-social safety net

> universal healthcare and free education
> hate niggers
> hate pajeets even more
Xhe hates Tyrone and Ranjesh but still wants to give them healthcare and a pension. OP would make a great Dem politician


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>My political views are perfect
>> neoliberal economics


All that stuff will just concentrate wealth and power to a small elite who already have money. Freedom doesn't come from lack of government intervention but rather a balance of different social forces. Also lmfao for thinking total liberalism would support eugenics in the modern century when in reality It would select for low IQ obedient servants for the capitalist order. The only difference is that without government support those kids would have to eat brown rice instead of pork (or realistically Nutella on toast since most of these welfare matriarchs be hard on that shit)



i dont know what neoliberal antfia or whatever niggas call themselves these days even means


Have sex with me


But then you break your leg or something, get evicted and die a homeless bum, dumbass.


I hate them but I expect them to work and pay taxes. Literally point 2.


Are you a hot trans woman


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I have a 7 inch penis and some nice thighs I believe I pass good enough


let's see it




I loathe pubes





very nice. now show them thighs.



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>America is so niggerfuxated in general that ppl will never have high social mobility without the welfare state
>once free universal gibs is established there isn't much of a way off it.
then they will naturally stop reproducing and die out and stop being a burden on producers of society. then the producers will have more resources available for themselves, and have larger families, and then produce more.

>All that stuff will just concentrate wealth and power to a small elite who already have money.
freedom can never centralize power. freedom will always enable a more intelligent person to undercut the competition or make a superior product. only regulation can create monopolies.
>Freedom doesn't come from lack of government intervention but rather a balance of different social forces.
freedom creates that balance you speak of. artificial barriers of law/taxes/regulation skew it.
>Also lmfao for thinking total liberalism would support eugenics in the modern century when in reality It would select for low IQ obedient servants for the capitalist order.
no, it doesn't. being low intelligence makes you less able to survive. being higher intelligence gives you greater ability to survive and reproduce. therefore the average intelligence of a society increases. this is easily observable as the flynn effect since forever. forever until recent times that is, when intelligence has measurably declined due to the welfare state (child mortality declining from 50% to <1% from healthcare and welfare)

i'll be crass because its extremely simple : if you take from and suppress intelligent people they aren't able to reproduce, and if you enable retards then they go fuck other retards and make more retards


intelligent people are able to foresee times of scarcity and plan accordingly in times of plenty. they would survive because they are intelligently able to overcome challenges like illness or injury because they plan ahead and defer gratification.
unintelligent people are not, and would die in this scenario.


I don't know how to use numbers sorry


Nigga, humans has lived for thousands of years without welfare. Why do we still have old people?


*dumb people


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because being low intelligence is relative to the average intelligence and the level of complexity in society, nigga!


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>"Hey, um, I came up with a really great idea, dude."
>"I'm gonna play both sides."
>"Why would you tell me that?"
>"Should I not have?"
>"Probably shouldn't cause if you're trying to keep it secret from me, well now I know"
>"I should've… should I tell them?"
>"No, I don't think you should tell either side cause if you're trying to play both sides and they both know, you're not playing anybody"
>"What should I do now?"
>"I don't- I don't give a shit"


That's pretty average tbh




>freedom can never centralize power. freedom will always enable a more intelligent person to undercut the competition or make a superior product.
What are you talking about when you say freedom. Anarcho capitalism
>only regulation can create monopolies
That wasnt real communism logic. Economic freedom will inevitably lead to large inequality because there can only be one "best" if that makes sense, and as that inequality becomes apparent wealth centralizes to a small group of people who use said wealth to fund politicians and influence elections to their favor. Ayn Rand style libertarianism is a pipe dream
>no, it doesn't. being low intelligence makes you less able to survive
Then why arent the somalis or hazdabe the smartest people on earth? It doesnt actually take that much intelligence to survive and reproduce no matter how shitty your conditions are
>this is easily observable as the flynn effect since forever
The flynn effect happened because of things like universal education and the availability of high quality food. And since when has the average iq of the united states declined? Because as far as I know the opposite has been happening. If it is happening I would blame the floods of third world migrants more than welfare queens. Making people starving peasants will not make them more intelligent.


also why is this thread autosaged

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