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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1739752033350.png (21.12 KB, 749x464, 10676 - kasodani_kyouko mi….png)


The wamen at work are sharing gore videos again


get new work


post em


File: 1739755917689.png (205.75 KB, 426x441, 17396609906090.png)

Don't watch it then


I remember one of my customers went "yo bro watch this" and then summarily showed me the video of Ronnie mcnutt blowing his brains out


scrotes are finding our workplace accidents folder


File: 1739761501547.png (3.69 MB, 1278x2048, file.png)

>wamen at work


File: 1739763317938.png (19.6 KB, 800x600, 10023 - kurokoma_saki scar….png)

Why are they so veiny



Not that veiny, calm down


File: 1739765241560.mp4 (54.71 KB, 320x240, qDYOymNeHdIorB29VyyLs5wi3o….mp4)

>clam down


Looking at this smug BITCH pisses me off so much, I want to rape her but not for the sexual gratification rather for the principle.


>I want to rape her but not for the sexual gratification rather for the principle.
What's the rape principle? What's the point of rape outside of sexual gratification? Punishment?
What's even the point of rape if neither of you are enjoying themselves? Is it to just be miserable together or something?
Sidenote, if you wanted to rape someone but your johnson couldn't get hard, how would you feel?


Do you agree with >>98216 on principle also? Maybe rape isn't the answer but slavery.
This is a nonsense question because it's addressed to autism,madospin,autism. He just imagines his victim is iramqi and his ED goes away


>He just imagines his victim is iramqi and his ED goes away
Then it was for sexual gratification…


To really punish you have to chop off her clitty


Its about showing whos boss


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That sayguh looks smug imagine we're having this conversation
>you jordans are fake
<shut up
>you have no jiangshi
<I have! She just goes to another mausoleum
>bitch nigga!
<die kike die!
So quirky

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