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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
(For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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why does this happen?


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they are called sukusuku hakutaku


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fake news


Because the discord tranny got turned off by russian kutaka posting while ac and country marisa sleep before xhey could open orin and find 0 sukusuku threads.


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What server is this


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vewry intense faggotry



i will never call 'whale' gaping assholes and dildos


Hes referring to the images on the recently posted thing not the whales themselves


Theyre called touhou whale actually


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bruh everyone is on hrt there


/lgbt/ site



is this yours? you're going to be such a cutie :3


File: 1739871594886.png (134.39 KB, 271x230, waterfox_z6lwUb53E5.png)

do not trust pharmaceuticals to deliver you to any goal
or else this guinea pig is YOU because you're a lab rat


but… it's not mine


i knew that


Is this yours? You're going to be such a cobby


Bruh that discord is supposed to be for sharty but it's full of trans people now
They're group fapping to sonic gay porn rn




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Troonkikes if you prefer


Is this baby orin


do they have good Tails pics?


Nobody does


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Ditch discord whale for chao


they're called getting empty getting empty white marsh


They wiped the cord so that they don't get mass banned for being in it
I left since I don't wanna get banned lole

They were average, it was from some russian furry vichan site
Also the op pic wasn't from bint apparently


how is this thing so alive anyway, new post every minute
did all of internet move to discord or something, imagine this sort of activity here


feels like discovering an underground world or something


give me back phpbb forums


File: 1739893064466.jpg (348.45 KB, 1079x698, Screenshot_20250218_103720….jpg)

bro is injecting cum 💀




>did all of internet move to discord or something
Yes but when people talk about the dead internet they usually bring up that most large discord servers are also fairly inactive
It's big because it's a sharty cord


that does not look healthy and they probably aren't even using a filter needle so literally injecting glass


This made my dick to a scared turtle


Sharty faggots are a bunch of self-hating troons.


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propofol's color is due to seed oils which is the main solvent, also most long-acting lipid-based drugs use seed oils to prevent fast metabolization in the liver



where are the diapers


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i was looking through my old screenshots folder and i had a screenshot of a DIY HRT website from when i was 17
kill me now


File: 1739936033013.jpg (2.51 MB, 4032x3024, b655b145-1cb2-45a2-ac48-97….jpg)

Hello frens :3 I love this server


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Truth Neus


post it


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>DIY HRT website
>it's a single html page that says "finasteride"


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what the flip you look almost exactly like me


Didn't you look completely different in that doxx you posted


might've gained some weight


I got that mongoloid gypsy churka pizdnyakov-esque look



You fuxking swine, you're not a cute mentally disturbed, socially inept Russian girl?


never meet your heroes


forks in a kitchen


Im a kike mysterymeat nigger
There's a saying that goes like that or something


Are you jewish?



You gotta make this more clear, I don't know. Take some alpha male courses, do something. Unleash your masculine.


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>alpha male courses
the teacher:


I don't who I hate more. Him and people like him or the people he manipulates and exploits


Every lesson of his contains a gaping practice


Wait is he a gay porn guy or an actual alpha male coach.


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>he doesn't know about the technology


he's a warrior


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File: 1740170617604-1.mp4 (351.61 KB, 426x340, lG9mstUPNZz2CBl0.mp4)

>Alpha males when w*men

<Alpha males when Nue says "bend over"



whats going in the manosphere


After you deal with women you become more enlightened. You start to despise them. The more enlightened you are the more you want to suck dick because you realize that there is no such thing like seen and it would feel pretty funky to suckle a little bit on the tip of the penis of some guy or nuenis in this regard. Nue is alright because she's not really a woman. Not a human or even a youkai. Just a babygirl with a massive silencer for manchildren.


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>The more enlightened you are the more you want to suck dick


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The proof for my ridiculous point is ancient Greece and every nerd (futafaggot by definition)


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Or maybe you're just a homosexual?

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