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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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I hate tech NIGGERS so much. These supbar sub-animals all want to be like elon musk the faggot. They are autistic self deluded monkeys except they have money and a bunch of kiss-ass faggots around them that feed their delusions so they never get the wake up call that all autists with egos get. I sat with the ceo of a small company and not 5 minutes in, I wanted to whip my dick out and piss on him.


Not getting into IT was the best decision I've ever made


I thought only slavs call the entire industry IT instead of tech, every time americans say IT they mean connecting printers


Im autistic as well (obviously) but LYFE has beaten me down so much, Constantly my ego was raped, I was whipped into neurotypical form. This wouldnt have happend if my parents were rich and lyfe was ez. I know understand why iramqi wants to implement communism






Do not insult our President.


I think Richard Stallman could beat Elon Musk in a cage match


Musk will go down in history as america's Caesar while stallman will go down as a fat retard that no one cares about. So maybe like Cicero or Cato

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