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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Who is going be at TouhouFest this year?


What a coincidence, I've been reading flowers of evil recently, as for touhou fest… I don't want to see 6'2 Germanic men in shrine maiden outfits.


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I've never gone on a plane trip alone.




"Ah, I see what you mean. It appears to be a clever visual metaphor! The eggs could symbolize potential, as they contain life waiting to hatch. In the context of Touhoufest, it might represent the excitement of new beginnings or the anticipation of unexpected surprises that the event holds. It's a delightful way to stir curiosity and engameeperent among the thread's viewers."


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>unexpected surprises



Sawa is literally me


im takao



60% chance I go


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What was the smell like


I didn't notice anything smelly but a youtuber said the rave room smelled super sweaty, I didn't notice that in there doe


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lol first time i read flowers of evil i did it in one night


> i read flowers of evil


Its in cuckifornia, no


My English teach briefly talked about baulder and he asked if anyone knew who he was and I said yes he wrote Les flours du mal and he said "where the hell did you come from" then I said I learned it in a manga.

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