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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1740033946465.png (50.63 KB, 421x510, S_heh-BUST-.png)


When artificial wombs become availabe, I will breed georgedies like human cattle



i want to milk people when we create human cattle with bioengineering




im not a troon but i think a lot about if i was the first biological male to get pregnant with the help of soyience


Not that kind of artificial womb


i know but its just something i think about a lot


chuds cant breed even an artificial womb would reject their semen


Not that kind of breed, idiot.
You take their DNA or something and breed them like cattle.


Why soytrannys are so stupid geeeg.


georges wont get one, sorry lib.


i believing he is implying he will do it by force


oh no
i had an esl moment


Libs don't have the wrist strength to do anything with force, can't even open a soylent green bottle


lmao you just reminded me of the soylent bottle opener


Never say ESL
Always say polyglot instead


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I was lurking a large steamcord and an esl hispanic kid added me because he thought vegito was genderbent cirno


File: 1740122107970.png (78.99 KB, 977x1457, 13140 - curiosities_of_lot….png)

welcome to the club



said limp-wristed catholic faggot


They forgot to ask the rusnya


That's odd, why wouldn't shartniggers consult with the smartest nation in the world? Probably it's because sharty sisters are not the sharpest tools in all of the altchansphere.


There are no soyjaks in the thread. Meds.

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