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Gonzalo Lira was killed by the Ukrainian army




Didn't happen


He probably shouldn't have talked shit while being in enemy territory


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>t. subhuman kike


I don't support either sides of the slavoid war. I'm just saying don't be dumb enough to talk shit while living in the middle of their territory.


but enough about Gonzalo Lira


he got dabbed on


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>Gonzalo Lira was killed by the Ukrainian army
Yes, a fate that could have been avoided had he any common sense whatsoever but his normalcy bias prevented him from seeing the actual real war over the horizon and even when the war came and he was absolutely proven wrong his response to mortars and rockets flying over his head wasn't to get the fuck out of dodge and cross into Poland Belarus Romania/Moldova/Transnistria or sail on down to Bulgaria or Turkey, oh no his response was to then proceed to shit talk Ukrainian grunts and Azov Battalion trans queens dying on the front lines and regardless of what you think about them (I know I have plenty of opinions personally) no one is surprised in the slightest that an IRL streamer got his shit wrecked, really makes Johny Somali's punishment look like a slap on the wrist in comparison.

Me personally I don't believe Gonzalo deserved to die, a simple tard beating and deportation would have sufficed and in retrospect that would have been better for the Ukrainians too as he wouldn't end up becoming a Martyr to his fans.
Non the less it's a great example of 'Fuck around and find out'. There's a reason why I personally don't plan on ever going to China Saudi Arabia Venezuela Myanmar Pakistan or Israel for example, I actually value my life and know that even my most milk toast opinions would get me killed if I failed to hide my autismo power level.

Let's continue to discuss IRL streamers like Lira for no good reason what so ever.

>I don't support either sides of the slavoid war.
Same, this whole war could have been avoided had N.A.T.O. and the Eurasian Union had both been willing to make meaningful concessions rather than try to out glownigger each other for the sake of having militarized buffer zones.
Also lithium mines, a good chunk of this war is "secretly" over mineral dominance.


Wow, a 12 line post, as always reading your posts has offered me a balanced opinion on the matter. Thank you Mario 1911 gun American.



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>as always reading your post has offered me a balance opin-GLK GLK GLK GLK


I agree completely btw


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I killed Gonzalo Lira


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ban Mario 1911 gun American


watch rehab's video on him


she gives kumis




promote Mario 1911 gun American



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