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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1741673527358.jpg (260.98 KB, 643x917, 1695834375015164.jpg)


Mohammedan women: We are pure unlike western whores
Mohammedan women when random botoxed up kpop guy:




He thinks Muslim women are against imperial Japan because of the crimes they did to Korea in WW2


Or he needs to be pegged


Get a better image to represent your statement


File: 1741707502157.jpg (82.55 KB, 1170x1367, GlUzyd9WMAAUdVE.jpg)

all women*


When I made this thread I was at the bus stop and saw two mohammedan women playing with a cut out picture of a kpop star using it as a mask but I wasn't fast enough to take a pic


Just found out about topiachu from turkey tom ^^^


Jba general


This is hype

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