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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1742570017522.png (230.93 KB, 1024x862, EU-Slovenia.svg.png)


heading to femboyland tomorrow


is this america


File: 1742571569078.jpg (118.4 KB, 894x996, 61FmyO0 FZL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

Yes, the whole picture.


everything shaded in green


File: 1742571867648.jpg (865.36 KB, 2544x4000, 1491056376336.jpg)

Kek! Russybald posted that thinking this would pwn americans but only europoors got btfo! HAHAHAHAH!


What does the green mean though


Countries with slovenian first language


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>Kek! Russybald posted that thinking this would pwn americans but only europoors got btfo! HAHAHAHAH!


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So youre saying i have infinite smv?


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>airline ticket printed my last name twice


File: 1742657520496.png (100.25 KB, 800x800, 1713054737264028.png)

blogposting is fine except when youre blogging about your gay homolust for boys
hella cringe


Don't forget to bring condoms for your femboyfriend!


File: 1742658807518.jpg (93.36 KB, 941x920, GhtLxSsWAAAOx8R.jpg)

He's actually straight but he's calling our internet acquaintance who posted here sometimes (Stove) a femboy


ITS JOKES! Dont you guys go on 2european4u smmmhhhhh


bussy isnt gay since theres no diffrence between a mans and a womans asshole neither is getting your dick sucked by femboys since theres no diffrence between a mans and a womans mouth either

Sucking/jerking off femboy dick and getting railed by them is gay however


This cope is lame af. The only meaningful distinction that matters is sodomy vs non sodomy
kissing a femboy is preferable to doing a cis woman in the poophole. Both are gross but one is better than the other.


File: 1742664039807.jpg (286.84 KB, 2025x2048, 1741987657457.jpg)


What makes sodomy bad or gross?


Why did you post an image addressing yourself futakike
Bro really wants his penis smelling like doodoo XD


Washing your ass was invented centuries ago


Stick ur dick in a fleshy sewer pipe! It's clean just trust me!


Condoms exist too, and youre the one that always posts the scat vid whenever someone pisses you off so i think youre just projecting your scat fetish onto me


Bon apatite bussysauceboy


Proving my point


wtf kinda of cope is this


It isn't gay as long as



Faggot-sama, I kneel


hold on, retard.
There is a difference between a man's piss and a woman's piss (estrogen enrichment), following the logic, there is a difference between woman's poop and men's poop, thus the vessel that contains the poop (the intestines and by extension the asshole) is different.
Verdict: you're a faggot.


its bad because a person with arno breker pfp on his account said its not wholesome


There are two non binary people kissing in front of me. #onlyinslovenia


Can you really feel the diffrence though


Can you feel bacteria? The difference is scientific nigguh


If my dick cant feel the diffrence then there isnt any


Women butts and men butts have different shape. :333333


Mention Slovenia and you get a conversation about buttsex. This is sooooo r/2balkans4u


>Ponynigger in solvenia


The troons I'm sharing a room with are talking about how Leon Kennedy is a bottom in perfect twitter prose


Leon's femurs are too long for him to be a bottom


ppl born after 2000 live in different universe


what about people born in 2000(me)


Are you having sex with them


Are you retarded or something? You dont live in a diffrent world since he said only people born after 2000 live in a diffrent world holy shit how can you be this dumb


No but one of them keeps swiping looks at me and it's making me uncomfortable


Is she a passoid




File: 1742844362417.png (342.56 KB, 502x623, 14932179517541.png)

<Are you retarded or something?
<how can you be this dumb




Nigga you are almost 30 and actin likea anime girl hell nah 💀💀💀 get a job touch grass get some bitches on your dick nigga 💔💔💔💔


File: 1742845609352.jpg (22.16 KB, 453x340, comb-finger-77058__340.jpg)

>get a job
he has several employee of the month awards


File: 1742846450160.jpg (184.51 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20250324_210031.jpg)

This her? 😹😹😹😹


File: 1742846769797.jpg (1.71 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20250324_210346800.jpg)

It's peak


Tell them about bbcculture, they're the type of people to post here


are they soybabas


I'm gay.


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Ugh he's too handsome for my weeby circlejerk 💔 #NotLikeUs



File: 1742855339931.jpg (651.85 KB, 1914x2048, 1723631787866.jpg)



Behold, the aryan countenance


bantoids seem to share a similar phenotype somehow


It's called being a babyfaced white boy


I do kinda look like korbo except not a bald manlet


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Slovenia living up to her reputation


this is the same as every European country ive visited recently except the uk


>be gay
>do crime
>troon flag
you fit right in ponyfaggot


Sieged srpska didn't have this


kys ponynigger


He's still obsessed


true except for me and possibly ssp


cuz u would probably get killed being seen putting those up


also you shouldnt be allowed to have five consonants in a row with in a name


Who else got face revealed




big cities will never be slavic, people there are different species


Slovenians desperately try not to appear slavic


They are geats


Also Slovenians are really high PSL. I see chads and Stacies everywhere


The stacies are all men


Ok but when will you get beaten up and have your fumo stolen.



- Akari brap sniffer
- Maggy
- Yonkers (and his parents)
- Memeboi
- Korbo
- Normie
- Mrs Normie
- Reimu
- Ritsu
- Futasuck (partial)
- Kurezi (AKA Dr chen)
- PD
- El Caudillo De /bant/
- El arcon
- Pinkybong
- space cowboy hellhound (partial)
- Ashleyfag
- The doc
Probably some people I forget, Also I stopped reading bant1 in 2023 so there might be more people now.


>Those who know


Seek help


all bbc slaves


there’s boymoder now too
oh and some irrelevant narcissistic schizo as well


Seek help even though I stopped browsing /bant1/ and therefore don't need it anymore.


You need to work through that truama


The transqueens here smell pretty bad so when I was playing Tekken with one of them I slid on the floor to avoid being next to them and I got shit for it but I couldn't say anything cause that would be too rude


Bro transphobic (cringe)


dont lie. you love their shenis ball sweat smell


Puked a little bit ngl


File: 1742976833777.png (906.49 KB, 680x680, file.png)

Should have lean to their year the closest way possible and gentle tell them bro u stink


File: 1742976958212.png (10.22 KB, 800x500, 1742382257371.png)

im sorry but YOU decided to stay with eastern European troons


how is bant2 better


youre here :)


It has two gojo stickers


In korbussaly now


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It has all my oomfies


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Hope you get cultrually enriched by Muhammad


File: 1742992682222.mp4 (10.4 MB, 854x480, زهير العطواني.mp4)

>Hi, I'm Muhammad. Nice to meet you


Omg hecking imranqi


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I have seen 5 whops identical to korbussy height hairline and all and they were all holding hands with cute girls. You cannot suffer in italy


Dawg youve seen my face. To these people I am Muhammed.


Fr I got a lot of shit looks in ljubiana cause I pass as a gyppo and I dress like shit. Italy is alot nicer for us Bulgarian bronze folk ngl.


okay but were they as crazy as him


They are Italian so they are at most 15% less crazy than him


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File: 1743001993042-1.mp3 (8.61 MB, banger.mp3)

real zunpets overdose


Bro it's so cool in here omg


I missed it


It was a russian guy having sex with a pig



File: 1743004674890.jpg (289.47 KB, 889x875, Screenshot_20250327_015604….jpg)

Weird ive seen a lot of pig related "activites" recently


so a russian women


>russian women


Madospin was right the russies are destined for diapers


Damn, you make pig porn sound way better than the tranny shitting itself video.


You didnt like my comment about the tranny shenis neovagina ball sweat yet you always post stuff like this


File: 1743006734327.jpg (95.35 KB, 1080x1440, 20250327_010719.jpg)


She's bonita, fr fr


File: 1743012576336.jpg (3.01 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20250326_174333798.jpg)

I change my mind you can suffer in italy


I saw a female bogdonoff today and started laughing my ass off then when I was still laughing there was some African brother looking at me then he started yelling at me.


Kebab is epic

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