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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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>wait 10 minutes for catchpa
>Solve 3 different puzzles 1 of which doesnt register and is bullshit
>Ip region banned
When did 4georges become so shit to use? Havent used the shit hole in ages but holy fuck its bad and bant1 is like an Indian garbage dump compared to what it was originally, an american garbage dump


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4dravidians had on 2024 an average of 81000 posts daily, on 2025 the site is getting around 65000 posts/day and touching a minimum of 55000 posts/day.
Yes, It's fucking dying. A very slow dead. No matter if they keep or deactivate the craptcha, they won't save the site.

At some point they will reach under the minimum critical mass to sustain a "community" (specially the normalgarbage users) and they will abandon the site for another one. Christopher Poole then will come back as le based admin og savior of the chan and no one will give a shit.


the 5+minute captcha is enough of a deterrence for me desu


Bant gets 65000 posts per millenia nigga 💔🥀


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I dunno how it managed to get so much worse over night. Was it all the race bait BBC spam I kept seeing being posted on /k/? If so well so what? 4Jannies would rather B& people for racism and 'off topic posts' last I checked via personal experience.

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