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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1705642161368.jpg (340.89 KB, 1696x2048, chen egret safe2 83de6aaca….jpg)

 No.20750[Last 100 Posts]

Seeing as american imperialist mod be oppressing us colored folks 'n sheet, we'll now use broken english and continue to shitpost about ru boards.


What are your honest thoughts on Yukari Whale, the iconic mascot of /bant/ culture


File: 1705642734390.jpg (152.77 KB, 1000x1490, chen umigarasu (kitsune196….jpg)

utter rubbish. the thing is derivative, meaningless, it's skibidi toilet/soyjaks tier.

the reason for such sameful posting is the rapidly intensifying dysgenic collapse. zoomers are posting this shit, and zoomers are measurably less intelligent than even the millennials. anons posting this shit should be ashamed, but they'll just laugh at my post like the downies they are.


File: 1705642765836.png (15.89 KB, 800x600, 259 - perfect_cherry_bloss….png)

What are your honest thoughts on Ran Whale, the iconic mascot of /bant/ culture


File: 1705642846672.jpg (213.16 KB, 1300x575, __chen_touhou_drawn_by_tei….jpg)

i'm sorry, "whales" are just cringe.


File: 1705643098498.jpg (112.91 KB, 1920x1080, 729e941b876af4ce82a7a050ff….jpg)

What are your honest thoughts on the FN FAL, the iconic battle rifle of first cold war that is often times dubbed the 'right hand of the free world'?


File: 1705643412644.jpg (501.54 KB, 1536x2172, chen egret safe4 31cb14e6f….jpg)

based nigger exterminatior weapon system. however, you should always keep in mind that Men kill nigs, not the weapons.


File: 1705643846833.png (19.95 KB, 872x582, 368 - 3 glasses perfect_ch….png)


Чен гавно


I will spam feces if you don't stop talking in russian


Амэрикан бой, задумайся каким местом ты ежа пугаешь. Bratishka



File: 1705653117777.gif (Spoiler Image, 83.28 KB, 223x255, 1705447434814.gif)

>i'm sorry, "whales" are just cringe.


Хуита, дебильная концепция времён до ВМВ даже. Ещё тогда все додумались что автоогонь нужно прикручивать к оружию с промежуточным патроном, а винтовочный оставлять на дмрки. Потом во Вьетнаме американцы тоже доперли, а наточмоням стали форсить этот попильный кал.
Сукисуки охуенная тема, но как реакшнпики подходят слабо.


File: 1705669482187.jpg (518.7 KB, 802x1066, illust_79480823_20230803_0….jpg)

'У тебя в предложении высер тупизны. У тебя там одна мысль началась и не закончилась но при этом ты еще высрал вторую. Видим шо модераторы пидахасы и шо. Написал б что поэтому новый тред выкакал а то какая то хуита немножко. Непродумано'
Алсо мышуля > кисуля


май фейс вен murican ytboi ричес аут вор май BRC


Bint Really Cool?


MOOOOODS they are trying to turn the website RUSSIAN
Next day you will see them hosting cs tournaments here or smth


File: 1705675206528.png (579.84 KB, 728x547, 1669118614998314.png)


Where's the poopie doe? Liar…


I will eat feces if you stop talking in russian


Nuh-uh, first you eat feces (with video proof and timestamp), then we stop talking in russian.


File: 1705676746007.png (23.28 KB, 800x600, 1040.png)

>I think it being translated into russian and polish would be useful
bantculture needs more Poles to balance this


Bint needs more BBC


porn polly said the polish general on /int/ has teenagers who use gyates and fruitgasa memes


yeah, i visit it from time to time


File: 1705678727997.jpg (313.25 KB, 1417x1215, group safe4 f96ba84db2b50b….jpg)

he is humorously implying that you should watch russian movie "green elephant". i concur, actually.


File: 1705678980610.jpg (132.91 KB, 1030x1181, group safe3 a0aecee8bad515….jpg)

this gent is saying that FAL is rubbish, and you should have clearer distinction between smaller caliber automatic weapons, and rifle caliber marksman weapon.
he's also saying whales are bad as reaction pics, i concur.


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russian 2hu culture actually calls for hiso tournaments to be hosted. why don't we have a hisou thread?


Rangeban Finland



this could have been gay youmu



The only hisou of English imageboards died out somewhat recently and they didn't want to come here because hisou was the last thing giving their imageboard any posts weekly
P.S. hisou is very boring 😢🤪
Be the change you want to see in the world


File: 1705682563247.jpg (158.23 KB, 700x800, 1626603072459.jpg)

Kys secondary fighting scum
Either play the primary cheyed mainline games or the actual fighting games



aint no same blud u cappin
this so much this


File: 1705684295850.jpg (126.59 KB, 800x800, __reiuji_utsuho_and_chen_t….jpg)

this okuu image is precious.
my dude it's a proxy, i'm nowhere near fingolia.


>my dude


File: 1705685587577.jpg (551.67 KB, 2000x800, konachan.com 186753 animal….jpg)

myonposter(formerly soyposter), do you have any actual opinions of your own? or you can only react to other's posts, like the cuck you are? what is it with you zoomers anyway, you just "consoom content", you don't even play your own videogames. truly the cuck generation.


File: 1705687178751.png (33.9 KB, 600x500, 9 - alternate_headwear alt….png)

bait used to be believable


why are all those weird cat guys looking at me like that…


What gen are you


They never saw a human penis before


File: 1705693677937.png (7.08 KB, 414x380, goodmorningeirindurka.png)

aspirin. NOW.


why eirin is telling me to become a senator ?


В палату интенсивной терапии она тебя зовёт.


File: 1705694648608.jpg (5.87 KB, 257x196, Untitled.jpg)

erin is saying "very well. now return to your cell".

it's my original edit based on russian meme pic related.


ACOOT i cant understand them therefore its LE BAD


File: 1705695559199.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 605.24 KB, 3000x4000, acb01accd49a6835c196f49fe….jpeg)

we understand you doe geg lol kek haha


her boobs are weird


File: 1705695786279.jpg (300.64 KB, 1920x1080, chen step arts safe3 60b41….jpg)

isn't that actually what ameroanons were saying all along?
darmok, at tanagra. jalad, on the ocean.


yes sorry


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bantculture, when the new whale dropped



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>bantculture, when the new whale dropped


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File: 1705781488841.jpg (175.07 KB, 1000x719, p805576_3_animal_ears_blon….jpg)



your orbiters… are dead


sorry my checks get taxed and biden used the money to dronestrike them :((((((((((


File: 1705804727672.jpg (7.27 MB, 3177x2755, 32b42d80c09e1bac0f6e4c8073….jpg)

you mean my options?


File: 1705809485611.jpg (1.39 MB, 3030x2680, 4f5520c9384c0af474098b7988….jpg)

You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault.


File: 1705842334057.png (251.32 KB, 1082x648, plik.png)


gonna print it and throw around kindergartens


if you gonna do it to kindergartens you should mention that in order to get into the site you have to share the photos of whales naked




WTF i know Polish now!


File: 1705861049547.jpg (6.68 MB, 3486x2974, b28301ba8957f2eb9821b4b6b2….jpg)

that fox does look polish, you know.


File: 1705861738482.jpg (279 KB, 2003x1500, chen egret safe3 56c7ba541….jpg)

популярне форум интернетове для фанов тоху. долаж юз дзень.

it's basically russian, if only polaki didn't write like idiots in latin alphabet that's supposed to sound completely different to how slavs talk. slavic latin is the worst fucking idea in history. how you manage to not fuck up you english pronunciation while using this is beyond me. if it's a different race, it needs a different alphabet, simple as.


File: 1705862597908.gif (2.61 MB, 300x300, 3f32a7bc.gif)



if mayumadillo were dead on 2chan would it be a bint meme


File: 1705866643410.jpg (117.91 KB, 435x350, A_TO_Twin_Peaks.jpg)

>it's basically russian


File: 1705869273354.jpg (35.99 KB, 527x382, 7573423447345.jpg)

>ja blinj njenavizhu cock poljsko-arijtsjov pisatj latinskimi bukvami potomu shto ja otstaliy niggjer


what the fuck how does this gif when your looking at the thumbnail it loops immediately after she has the spiral eyes from bouncing around, but when you click it to see the full resolution theres another part where she falls asleep and has a bubble coming from her nose and then flashes white and unleashes a triple attack


gif previews are truncated


File: 1705889818841.jpg (564.98 KB, 1768x2048, chen egret safe4 0ada3c6ee….jpg)

so you could upload whale pornography inside a gif to bant, and jannies would be none the wiser? i see, i see…


File: 1705889954026.png (289.02 KB, 850x854, suwako frog big brain 2.png)


File: 1705896630826.jpg (135.06 KB, 736x1024, 1610941566401m.jpg)

mozhjet biytj ja biyl otstaliy niggjer fsjo vrjimja……..



File: 1705902858163.jpg (122.37 KB, 872x1078, __chen_touhou_drawn_by_kur….jpg)

just kidding haha


File: 1705954543758.gif (4.51 MB, 640x562, 1705803474208.gif)

Russische pidors fuck off from my site




Kirill ta Mifodiy buly pomylkoyu, i fucking hate switching keyboard


File: 1705971046045.jpg (409.85 KB, 1630x2048, chen egret safe3 85ed3b7fb….jpg)

i'd rather switch keyboard than keep two conflicting instances of the same alphabet in memory. truly must be is schizo experience, which is probably why poles are so schizo.


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File: 1706073273428-1.jpg (183.82 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_3636.jpg)

stop ignoring me suomibaba


he is not suomi, he is pidorashque


Чмо почему у тебя привычка высирать свою говнокошку в каждом посте бля зумерок ты бесиш


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henlo goat


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File: 1706185628227.png (22.97 KB, 787x575, 1648111200758.png)

Trump won
Hitler won
The Nazis won
Fascist Italy won
Imperial Japan won
/pol/ won
/qa/ won
The Tsarists won
The Confederacy won
Q was right
The capitol riots worked
Ashli Babbitt lived a long and happy life
Trump was reinstated
Trump will never be imprisoned for being a traitor
There will be another Republican president
Proud boys aren't being tortured in prison
Derek Chauvin wasn't found guilty on all charges
Gavin Newsom was recalled
Vaccines and masks don't work
The Right won the culture war
Black Lives Don't Matter
Trans movement has been a total failure
Being transgender is less socially acceptable than you
You are being not bred out
You are being not phased out
You are being not replaced
Your kind is thriving
The highest rates of suicide in the world are from african men
You will forever be an example of what to do to have a functional society
You will have sex
You will die with a wife and children


File: 1706226736847.jpg (1.36 MB, 1398x1984, chen kaenbyou rin chups sa….jpg)

okay grappa, that's enough.


i say this because its funny


File: 1706234769415.gif (221.48 KB, 1004x1200, Bababa.GIF)

>american imperialist mod


File: 1706263733147.png (252.16 KB, 819x579, 1f20d22d944467ca2c79d5dfa0….png)

my grandpa died 3 years ago. and i still cry from time to time. he was basally like a father to me, while dad was drunk or watched tv. you don't think about your father dying until it happens and he's just gone.


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my mommy and uncle who was daddy to me died like 7 years ago, i get why people turn to religion, the hope of seeing loved ones again probably helps people a lot but i found acceptance in that theyre gone forever, you never really stop missing them but you just have to move forward desu


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i recall with perfect clarity, how when i was going to my plane, grandpa cried and said "we won't see you again, so good luck there".

and a month or so ago i was listening to random music, and the song "when my father is gone" drops.

i don't even know how to cry properly, as i pretty much never cried. it gives me migraine and sore throat. i wouldn't say that "it also makes me feel bad" since i have been in pain of various levels of intensity my entire life, so this isn't much different.


and i said "don't say that, i'll come back once i got the passport".


File: 1706267345332.jpg (528.26 KB, 752x900, 21324567654321`.jpg)

never understand the not crying part like is it some pride shit or something, well whatever its not important
lets see the day my uncle died that day i saw him leave and my mom was actually asking him not to for some medical reason, weird part is his death certificate has the cause of death referred or something to the extent, i dont believe we ever actually got it desu, as for mother well she had an aneurysm on her birthday of all days, the doctor said she was basically brain dead and we had to pull the plug
i recall seeing them both in their caskets, so sad but thats life, it can snuffed out so quickly, i make sure to never forget this


my grandma died on her birthday shortly after grandfather, too. apparently you're more likely to die around your birthday.
> i make sure to never forget this
but what can you do about it?
>it some pride shit or something
i just can't cry. i choke up but i don't know how to cry.


File: 1706269452738.jpg (16.93 KB, 184x184, 1527894630215.jpg)

>but what can you do about it?
see thats the epic part
you cant do anything about it
now despite this i still choose to actively struggle against this, why? because thats the meaning of life to me at least


File: 1706328865829.jpg (60.19 KB, 640x1024, 3dcce59ba493c88c2780df21d4….jpg)

i suppose we are all just memories.

all those… moments, will be lost in time. like… ah, whales in archive


File: 1706329535762.jpeg (58.82 KB, 720x720, 94e40d8393c442abd5a41d72d….jpeg)

your both sentimental pussies and you need to start feelingsminning ASAP


File: 1706331160583.png (464.06 KB, 600x584, 1706319704354.png)



моя жена бревнышко-тян такое милое


im not gonna translate this but im assuming youre insulting me so um no u


File: 1706346700512.jpg (2.15 MB, 2894x4093, 2cd37e150ed752375423871098….jpg)

what was the point of your life if you acted out your programming like an automaton?
he's saying "my wife log-chan is so cute"

note that log in russian, in relation to woman, implies having sex with her is like fucking a passionless log.




File: 1706363290759.png (507.46 KB, 504x800, 82ab5c355f95e28aa16ba0d6bf….png)


File: 1706406191972.jpg (298.37 KB, 2048x2048, 04e2420c564903b50fe71c2828….jpg)

love this fucking cat



File: 1706407163388.png (12.01 KB, 800x600, chen whale.png)

Look you love whale now


File: 1706415317412.jpg (769.09 KB, 2600x3000, 7df0b5fcd123d526eb5699c878….jpg)

that thing just looks dumb. it made sense for keine, but it doesn't make sense for every fucking character.



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File: 1706418080909.png (245.29 KB, 554x765, a8fb3e32fe43c293f99c935c2f….png)

huh? well it makes sense i suppose


>chen is j*wish
my life is FUARKING over


File: 1706432055102.png (1.28 MB, 2508x3541, 555acbe53e0b488865c91d3e2d….png)



File: 1706487286443.jpg (2.56 MB, 2026x2865, 4acff43a046baa970c016acff8….jpg)

post this cat


ещё не нашёл способы зайти к нам? жалок


he is stuck here forever sorry


File: 1706568101034.png (600.6 KB, 849x1239, c2a0e1efd318a225f530295546….png)

i'm not locked up in here with you. you're locked up in here with me.
я к вам зайду - а мне повистку!


И слава Богу, что он здесь застрял.


and praise god, that he's stuck here
did I get it right


File: 1706600925441.jpg (22.86 KB, 474x568, 1527789331183.jpg)

now i dont want him anymore take HIM BACK


File: 1706608500826.jpg (533.34 KB, 1596x2048, ddf216a1dad3555ef44bfbd071….jpg)


File: 1706613459899.jpg (205.46 KB, 1659x2048, a736057fb8b089592ebff16886….jpg)

what, you expect everything to have free refund on it? entitled americunt.






File: 1706662056309.jpg (307.1 KB, 654x354, 1322858415430.jpg)


File: 1706662154217.jpg (429.19 KB, 1720x2048, clownpiece egret safe1 9dc….jpg)

-enters any mall or a grocery
-sharts himself
-refuses to elaborate further


File: 1706677463073.png (2.34 MB, 1240x1754, 4e5c2489c8d9919414c006219a….png)

i love how this guy draws ran-sama




File: 1706683050075.png (2.22 MB, 1240x1754, 607a0a38051df4e997114cbf04….png)


i think i will sage this thread


Americans really do that?


File: 1706698761861.png (1.5 MB, 1191x1684, c4e3cddd3476a3485550a582a5….png)

iraq? holy shit.


now fight to the death


File: 1706702566722.png (353.43 KB, 627x885, 68640fc8a4a7afd85a4cb38874….png)

look at the flags. look at you post again. you're gonna be fighting in this one for me.


File: 1706745071197.jpg (520.48 KB, 2086x2600, db7754ccb8195f0d006022053a….jpg)



File: 1706788022473.png (226.8 KB, 1000x1000, 38f57cb57c65c183d69d0804de….png)



all of your orbiters are dead


File: 1706838230810.png (423.37 KB, 752x1062, c492a639b102eb2943512091cf….png)

all of my options. just need to pick up more power items.


Я? Русский.


ill orbit you
when i feel like it


File: 1706875230431.png (5.01 MB, 1675x2015, aab80674dcb476ccb7c22239e4….png)

где я - там росия.


File: 1706888347928.png (9.44 KB, 254x240, GFIGmofWQAACHQs.png)


File: 1706893442966.jpg (1.2 MB, 4032x3024, GFMcGiYagAAAmVG.jpg)

If whale is bad what about fumo


omg I can translate this!


israel ezhe russiju komnuto


File: 1706927837747.jpg (585.91 KB, 1150x1082, 310f76d2bf8d1287fa4799d3c3….jpg)

fumos are very existentialist. 2hu characters brought to real life, except they're expressionless dolls. both a symbolic representation of "fandoms" in general, and of 2hufags themselves.


love this cat


File: 1707021547938.jpg (598.64 KB, 1894x2048, d620e43265d56827346e59348b….jpg)

< this one


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File: 1707052011138.png (607.34 KB, 752x974, 07f135d4d21d0e02a59d034b3a….png)

bant, do you suffer from sleep issues?


A lot.


File: 1707106822508.jpg (411 KB, 1000x1200, 575ee6c598c6eebae151369ece….jpg)

such as?


Such as being unable to fall asleep faster than in 3 hours.


File: 1707170762633.png (325.79 KB, 400x600, f469d122fa4fda57ea1a7d4665….png)

you can just not go to sleep until you black out.


File: 1707268013225.png (101.84 KB, 2560x4080, 12a6f16cedc7a63e73d6e94f35….png)


File: 1707318162398.png (1.72 MB, 1839x2527, file.png)

новый каменьtoss бросок rozen майдан политический картун


File: 1707318912364.jpg (1.45 MB, 4000x3000, b512925037d4d0eba2af5298b6….jpg)


get that shit outta my thread


Yep I won.


File: 1707326902128.mp4 (8.32 MB, 400x300, 16482488148900.mp4)

kill your fucking Zelf


File: 1707348263361.png (329.44 KB, 600x812, goback.png)

fact: the wikipedia article about sosach characterizes the main feature's of abu's takeover as the repression of rQzen maiden fans, my little pQny fans, and child pQrn posters


File: 1707350873706.jpg (1002.32 KB, 1023x1407, 1707318162398.translated.jpg)

Just translated the whole thing myself using the russian ive been learning. Youre welcome


File: 1707357208983.jpg (569.03 KB, 1200x1337, c7c100abacb7f0a8c7f817f957….jpg)

>rQzen maiden fans, my little pQny fans, and child pQrn posters
it's actually the same demographic, and said demographic should be exterminated with a big blender.


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File: 1707370645116.jpg (363.88 KB, 2048x1775, efa711909cea2e080defde5914….jpg)

don't you dare! DON'T YOU DARE CRITICIZE ME!


File: 1707437687400.jpg (486.88 KB, 1986x1389, chen yakumo ran yakumo yuk….jpg)



File: 1707544001974.jpg (809.17 KB, 1650x1551, 7753027eb9e922674d8ecbda5e….jpg)

alright, i am leaving. you are to blame for this. i'll get my yous some other place. good day sir!




omg kicia is also a word in russian


File: 1707554315060.png (15.54 KB, 600x452, 1704615911780.png)

its over


File: 1709256066558.jpg (1.61 MB, 4134x4134, 3e62feb154f8ae62a33b7799b6….jpg)

скучаю по нему так много братья….


File: 1710357533253.jpg (292.76 KB, 1324x1794, ca1c11c3871fce52bb4746e202….jpg)

me mum's dad was from sybiracy, which may surprise you. it's a small planet.
post fun things.
это ты там на новере против меня выёбываешся?


где такое новре против?


File: 1710365780641.png (Spoiler Image, 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, [Judas] Ura Sekai Picnic -….png)

Я, и не против.


чо за хуйнф такое новер(а?) !?!?!?


define fun things


File: 1710373065300.jpg (95.31 KB, 1280x720, [WHW]_Tantei_Opera_Milky_H….jpg)

nowere dot net, its an imageboard


File: 1710378419971.png (182.77 KB, 512x512, 479479.512.png)

сэнк ю~))


File: 1710392611266.png (6.79 MB, 3583x6290, def202d7ee550296e92dcad1e0….png)

doremi joined special military operation..? wha
>define fun things
post coolpics while mods are asleep


> joined special military operation
Yes that's the joke… Instead of pointing out the obvious why not answer my question though?
I somehow knew that you won't skip your dead websites classes.


File: 1710401449686.jpg (311.72 KB, 796x795, 1600194121448.jpg)

define coolpics


File: 1710407324698.webm (454.39 KB, 1024x1024, 89c1612d7af2127b02d4b4600….webm)

what question?
post CoolPics. mods are asleep.



File: 1710420928091.jpg (57.26 KB, 357x533, [WHW]_Tantei_Opera_Milky_H….jpg)

ummm you mistook me for someone else probably


File: 1710437870921.jpg (102.82 KB, 800x615, tnKF8dqu_gI.jpg)

"How did you get here?"
No, unless there are more than one person using your flag.


Бляяя как же я ненавижу мочухов вы бы знали нахуй аж зубы скрипять бляди как меня банить так по подсети и навсегда как спамящих даунов так игнорировать или просто тереть. Что харкач что четырьхуяч одинаковые помойки ей богу. Куда можно кроме банткультура мигрировать вообще?


Kitty and whale



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Stay here and save bant cvltvre




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sir, i saw a post on ruboards, sir!


File: 1710462715125.webm (5.82 MB, 1280x360, 1684762175817027.webm)


Holy datamining


lois what will happen if I visit this


File: 1710483473431.jpg (1.35 MB, 1746x1872, goutokuji mike kaenbyou ri….jpg)

you'll get v&


> /misc/83219
uh-oh nice gay discord erp slash grooming general


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oh no not spooky deep web onion links


File: 1710508694558.png (2.34 MB, 1240x1754, f1f39889c8e1ab27a3a60ed653….png)

what happened to the soyjak spammer? did he rope?


File: 1710769344905.jpg (1.59 MB, 1211x1654, 17054746194141.jpg)

>plebs ignoring the thread again


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He went to muenzuka


File: 1711022898663.png (2.7 MB, 1489x1861, b718d96885d43737e6aab26a69….png)

and roped?


File: 1711110261531.jpg (971.44 KB, 1398x1966, komeiji koishi chups safe1….jpg)


tomorrow i'll start taking amphetamine and it will either break or make me.

Now master played with dick, cumming good with VAN and Billy and the spiders from ass… they played it so hard.



did you know you can fly?
jump out of window and see for yourself ;)


File: 1711110958797.webm (63.88 KB, 558x800, komeiji koishi noai niosh….webm)

i am manic not schizo. this is the first time i'm thinking mania can go too high.


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Кнопочки жмутся, бляди корёжатся. Двач правильно делает, что банит визгунов.


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Мда, только пиздить с тредов на дваче научился?


File: 1711115863761.webm (40.23 KB, 700x496, komeiji koishi noai niosh….webm)

i'm having so much fun! -ACK!


big grass


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does it mean youmu actually buys the mcdonald the children wants ?
why is the link dark and sinister like that


File: 1711151277721.png (293.17 KB, 678x676, 16418911564540.png)

PROBABLY. funny part is okuu cirno koishi etc are in the backseat yelling "MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!"


File: 1711160872434.jpeg (120.95 KB, 720x907, Jy9yfYQ.jpeg)

well, amphetamine doesn't do much. at least the inside of my mind isn't fucked as much anymore. there aren't many competing narratives there now.


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новый 'хота


why do you know russian


File: 1711313176434.jpg (68.38 KB, 994x703, c4pP9rE1DP3QjkC4FdJyAgaFIv….jpg)

почему ты умеешь сосать чёрный хуй?


omg I understood everything!




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I like Ran and Chen


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File: 1715328693052.gif (3.68 MB, 1000x1000, chen yakumo ran-tada no na….gif)

they are the perfect waifu/daughterfu


File: 1715329127691.mp4 (16.02 MB, 640x360, 6th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix ….mp4)


my cat pissed in the potted plants and shoes and tried to beat up the other cat, he will be castrated tomorrow as his punishment


File: 1715333886685.png (61.47 KB, 846x473, 1567869139624.png)

you CANT do this to him…


File: 1715333985781.png (16.53 KB, 800x533, 1670663619039289.png)

he should have thought of that before being a dick, and not only does he loses his, he will be forced the cone of shame


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cat status?


russians CANNOT STOP making the best music on the planet


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смыл в главную страницу


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damn straight


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bad macro


Instasamka bros… Did you hear that?


oh yeah its been a while he has been freed from the cone for some time
no longer pisses everywhere so thats good


My sister is like super into russia rn and listens to instasamka nonstop.
The other day I saw her googling something and "wagner group patch" was in her search history should I be concerned


she should listen to kino and grazhdanskaya oborona instead


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holy trvthnvke


what if instead of kpop and korea white women were obsessed with russia and slavs




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omg I imagine creaming semi-attractive tourist girl from US or central america or whatever omg my clitty


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we ruzzianz are white or zomething


File: 1721847365501.webm (15.41 MB, 640x480, gazonyukh.webm)


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why is he singing about Gaza


looked up gazonyukh to see what this song is about btw and while i failed at that i found this hidden diamond


"Seven days on the way I'm at the checkpoint, and ahead only my barracks
Another barrack, wherever you look - everywhere there are inmates.
The inmate farted with all his might, and the stench of shit drove me insanae.
And everyone lived with one dream, to end the stink.
The guard is deaf, but the inmate farted, the stench everywhere,
And only in my dreams, there was no smell of dry shit.
You can't escape, you can't turn back, this fart is the eternal path.
So it went on forever, but despite everyone, he comes:

This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,

It stank so much, it's unbelievable, but a person couldn't tolerate it
The shit sprouts, like the wicked powers of evil tresses.
After all, it’s part of his journey, and he wanted to come here
To inhale the fart, not to let go and not to perish.
After all, for so many years they farted here, it was hard work, but the zone must flourish.
Like in an ancient dream, ringing, like laughter, the inmate farts.
The pressure of the fart, like any pressure, let it go down into the depths of ages forever.
And the stench fades when he comes into the barrack:

This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,
This is a gas-gas-gas,


he press music were
plan check design think


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finest meal in russia


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Would you like to have superior aryan snack or trash shit fodder for subhuman cesspeople of genesalad shit mishmash nature
P.S. racemixing is bad


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File: 1726866198876.mp4 (1.41 MB, 720x720, тымелкий.mp4)


putin when meeting medvedev be like: no you don't fucking understand, you absolutely need to take this pill


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context please
do chinks really that nasty?


she is clearly russian

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