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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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 No.23262[View All]

bern > lambda
erika > lambda
featherine > lambda
dlanor > lambda
236 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1717172892328.jpg (75.7 KB, 750x421, 69e01f74f23964b8ffe4270f10….jpg)


everything on this profile screams "annoying teenager who just discovered internet beyond facebook"


old 4chan would dox him and vandalize his property



They're making decent Elon pay parroting 4shit lingo/opinions for engameeperent.


jobbed to filter again


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fuck that I'm becoming a brony
they don't have cancer like this because they're all 30+yo oldgods


>calling ximself a çhud unironically
How stupid can twitterites be?




File: 1717198408644.png (639.03 KB, 1280x794, large (20).png)

come to the dark side, we have peetzers cookies


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They combined two of what I like


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File: 1717356113484.jpeg (973.74 KB, 3136x1981, eb1e3d763bb1b6756bb0f20b2….jpeg)

holy beast…


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unspoken rizz


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kiss all lambda posters
in the mouth


O-okay *blushes* >3<


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why did i read that as kill all 34 posters at first


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File: 1718377389846.png (40.03 KB, 295x293, GP_pBQ_aQAAn4pe.png.png)


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File: 1718399722625.jpg (276.29 KB, 1115x2000, GQCqvSKXsAEc4c6.jpg.jpg)


stop doxxing me


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File: 1718561104331.jpg (27.58 KB, 366x500, 836e3abeca4a9b77b35901ca7f….jpg)

wtf 'jeet hanyuu confirmed?


File: 1718589784018.png (Spoiler Image, 2.25 MB, 1376x1831, 1691677979924.png)


they would do this


… if they were being held at gunpoint


I'm the blue girl and I do this


File: 1718622948433-0.jpg (686.26 KB, 1506x2048, media_GOT8MgLWcAAAjbe.jpg)

File: 1718622948433-1.jpg (803.08 KB, 1506x2048, media_GOT8ZbXWsAAlu_I.jpg)

when i first saw pic related i thought Lambda's arm was a black bvll


unlock me


Yes! I love AGP Sonic and I get to watch this…!!


File: 1718711492050.jpg (99.59 KB, 1200x1200, 20240618_075010.jpg)


File: 1718719938257.jpeg (69.36 KB, 600x824, battler_flan.jpeg)

what is battora DOING


being valid?


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File: 1718858044493.png (1.75 MB, 2160x2493, 54235632624372.png)

god these characters are ugly


i just noticed the transheart LMASO


ban the turk from these threads


actually just ban the turk


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do me a favor


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add black next to the cock and he'd be wtctwt's dt


Huh, so that's what bob lover gets up to these days


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are there even 97 mental illnesses


>There are more than 200 types of mental illnesses


I guess you can get to 200 when you consider neurodevelopmental disorder as mental ones


speaking of mental disorders, read this
extremely fascinating, niggas think they can see when they can't


This is also interesting because they can write but they can't read.


File: 1719778263678-0.jpg (548.36 KB, 1536x2048, GRV32XuWoAAC5wo.jpg)

File: 1719778263678-1.jpg (416.89 KB, 1496x2048, GRV4bdzXIAA14k6.jpg)

When the /bant/ meetup hits


I think the beato with huge legs was lost in the iraqi thread


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Which one


File: 1719938542371.jpeg (198.67 KB, 716x650, GRfq137W0AMzG9L.jpeg)


xhe got that post nut clarity


File: 1719939441979.jpg (1.12 MB, 2792x2048, 1698019134970.jpg)

The face never hit me until now


but the face is cute


File: 1720209877626.jpg (151.5 KB, 584x382, Kamina glasses 2.jpg)

The ultimate objective scale just dropped.


I definitely understood every last word!


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are we sure thats the reason he had to say nanjo with a question mark




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what's a seaca?


I get it


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Squint and the rose is a blicky



File: 1721271938395.png (247.6 KB, 496x480, file.png)

this sprite has an aura to it


how does that describe it in any meaningful way. its like saying that looking at it gives you a feeling. it could be applied to any other member of the "sprite" class and doesn't set it apart from others. you have to describe the aura in some way


I think shes just giving you the bedroom eyes




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boring body type, needs some chub


Variety is the spice of life


come back


He left because he got a boyfriend from soyjak party who also posted here and the soyjak guy was a gangstalker of sorts who hates me but they like dressing up as touhou characters so it's not as bad as it sounds
Also maracco laughed at the boyfriend for being obsessed with BNWO roblox conspiracies so it's funny because nazi is gay lole


there are less and less relatable people out there it seems


File: 1726206633017.jpg (120.76 KB, 807x355, 1725504035675414.jpg)

This picture is crazy bruh (check the date)


File: 1726678188790.png (378.22 KB, 640x480, GXr5lEZW0AA94H6.png.png)

look mom I made it look like the characters are saying the latest unfunny reddit meme




I sent it to my cord friend and he made fun of me because it was known to be about trans folks before episode 7 or something


File: 1728078259563.jpg (94.61 KB, 825x968, 1687545610997505.jpg)

bruh why is NOBODY in the comments knows


I love manlybadasshero like you wouldn't believe

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