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File: 1706985078712.jpg (249.55 KB, 1000x1000, SQ_SNES_SuperMarioWorld.jpg)

 No.26764[Last 100 Posts]

>Being the most beloved jump&run protagonist? Leave it to me.


is mario saying it or yoshi saying it i cant tell


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Get real!


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even doe vegeta is the most popular dragonhoe


when I was a little kid I would draw Mario stage ideas on several sheets connected with tape


same i would also cut out my own mario enemies from paper and make them go through the stages with whatever one piece tier powerup moves i could come up with


i did that too but then it devolved into me cutting out pictures of mario and various enemies i drew and having them battle it out in several big ebin fight scenes


smb3 bros keep coping


Wonder dethroned 3 as the best 2d mario


It was ok but still kinda soulless compared to the nes/snes titles


Mario had no soul before SMB3
The original games were generic as fuck


fact check: super mario brothers 2: the Lost Levels is hyperborean sQvl


smb2 is awesome even if it isn't mario


mario practically absorbed everything from Doki Doki Panic anyway but I count SMB3 as the first mario game with real identity because of that


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Did anyone else use to draw mario with fused powerups and shit? When I was a kid I used to draw mario with the tanooki suit and a cape or metal mario with the cape.


hammer cape mario would sweep the floor with the blue rat's face


They're both saying it in unison.
I did. Shit was fun.


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I'm at the mayor's office and there's a Pan-African flag, the joke is that I'm humblebragging about being important and I'm owning the rw


>saved by sonic
>in his OWN GAME


That's just a retarded kid playing with toys doe


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Base Sonic-sama, if you can hear us, please, base Sonic-sama, please save us, please save us, Tabuu is killing us out here


>fanfic game that nerfs star mario down so the blue rat stands a chance


fanfic is when the mario fan uninstalls discord


fanfic is when the sonic fan stops microwaving and eating diapers.


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those cisgender idiots cant stop eating truchanpoop kek


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he won


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>he's projecting his diaper fetish
G to the MEN…



File: 1707875115737.png (303.62 KB, 388x514, GODrio and SHITnic.png)

Keep telling yourself that.


>MARIO-SAMA… Your star power up was too strong…


..the side character in Chadnic's CHADmic role.



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Never forget the fact that SHITrio canonically lost all olympic games to GOLDMEDALISTnic.


all sonic fans on bant use incel forums lmaooooooo


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SHARTnic's lucky none of the competitions were based upon having functional and well-built games.


The well-built indian janitor vs the dysfunctional PSL monster


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Most are misunderstood experimental meepers and more than functional, Sonic has higher peaks too.


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>Being the most beloved jump&run protagonist? Leave it to me.


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>retardbabble that even the most dedicated of sonicautists wouldn't believe if they had half of a brain


The only good mario games are experimental ones like Yoshi's Island and Inside Story while the only bad Sonic games are non-experimental like forces and lost word, not being able to grasp that games like shadow and battle are more enjoyable and worth more playtime than copy paste mario titles is insect brained


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bruh have some mercy


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was waiting for someone to say this


Why did mariocucks plant this falseflag


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Gender-affirming 'toss


The second game (international release) is the like the best platformer ever. Nigger.


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Sonic beats Mario at 2D platforming.
Mario beats Sonic at 3D platforming.

There's an alternate dimension where Sonic X-Treme was released for the Saturn and did beat SM64 at sales, and every Sonic since then became a rotating spheric 3D platformer.


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no there isn't, alternate universes were just made up so that there could be more power scaling tiers in battleboarding discussions; they aren't actually real


It's relevant because we live in this dimension or something


This is the npc opinion but it is also the correct opinion


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I dare a Mario fan to match the level of soul in this video


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Mariobrothers…not a good look…


there's goombas at 0:27, proof that sonic is so inherently trash they need to rip sovl from mario in order to make a sovlful sonic fangame


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I enjoy this unironically


>Mario beats Sonic at 3D platforming.
Lol, lmao, 3D Mario levels are unimmersive piles of mediocrity overhyped by cuckolds, jump from 1x1x1 block to another 1x1x1 block *cough* 3D land/world *cough*, snoozefest, but of course since the bing bing wahoo man did it, it's a 10/10 to the soyjak.jpg collective, they don't make you look and say "Damn, I wish I LIVED in this bitch", few evoke that feeling, but not close to the goat, no Mario level will reach the aesthetic of Rooftop Run, the mystique of Kingdom Valley, the chaotic ambiance of Crisis City, the sense of urgency of Green Forest, or the complexity of Crazy Gadget… the list goes on.


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SonicLORDS cannot stop winning.


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Sonic has 1 good 3D game, and It's a Doom mod, and slopes don't really work so there are no loops or pipe rails, therefore It's not even a Sonic game.


Adventure is good… except for fishing


Very good even


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top 4 things a sonictard looks under his bed for


Kek mogs sonic's bald ass


Why are they so dangerous.


Sonic has Michael Jackson, the italian manlet has Ye perhaps




Sonic is covered in hair


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I understand being humbled by the last masculine blue-collar kid's character, but how the fuck do you get MOGGED by POKESOY. KEK! SONIC LOST


Detective Pikachu's budget was 50% higher than both sonic movies, the sonic movies are far more profitable


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So true




File: 1709580280927.png (3.24 KB, 55x48, noobface.PNG)

Detective Pikachu:
Budget$150 million
Box office $450.1 million
Total Profit $300 million

CHADnic 1
Budget$90 million
Box office $319.7 million
Total Profit $229 million

CHADnic 2
Budget $110 million
Box office $405.4 million
Total Profit $295 million

We did it Chadnic. It only took 2 movies to beat 1 movie, but we did it.


Who cares about that shit when Dune 2 is coming out


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I watched dune 2 with my brother and some foids in the audience said shut up when the bald dude started talking.
bruuuutal man brooootal.


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He was 17 in this picture, I knew a ginger with a hugeass beard in school.


Because he was a Harkonnen?
bruh this is like NW -1


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Oh, mama-mia. The angiogram just-a came back, and I'mma sorry Sonic, but I-a diagnose you with Coronary Artery Disease. We-a told you to go easy on the chili dogs. I give you 2 weeks to take Kiev. Game Over!


poor lad


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>Oh, mama-mia. The angiogram just-a came back, and I'mma sorry Sonic, but I-a diagnose you with Coronary Artery Disease. We-a told you to go easy on the chili dogs. I give you 2 weeks to take Kiev. Game Over!


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mario is actually an actor, smb3 confirms it


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mario is not any one man holding any one occupation, he is an archetype, an idea, an integral member in the pantheon of the modern subpsyche, his immense popularity advantage in the real noosphere granting him nigh limitless power to trounce and flounce sonic every which way in the immaterium as their perpetual battle continues on for eternity immemorial



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Mario has B4nny, known for using Yomps as his secret ingredient for the world-renowned B4nnyBurger™


>solid CHAD hates sonic, likes mario
Many such cases.


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Popularity via Google.
Mario = THE ENTIRE CRADLE OF Human History & Achievement
CHADnic = latinx, 2 more weekenese, habibian-descendants

It's official. Mario = White. Sonic = Dysgenic Afrolatry-adjacents.


I am trans




>sonic ip


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the mariussy has to be insanae


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For every 1 Mario fanfic there are 200 Sonic fanfics. Fact. Not even debatable it's just true and you know it.


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final opinion on the matter


Miyamoto was smart in handing off mario to the guy that made donkey kong jungle beat. He's already like toriyama in that he doesn't know what the fuck to do with the series anymore.


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>don't worry sonic, we'll take care of them


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>Leave the marioverse to me, CHADnic-Sama.


yfw LORDnic wears mario's toupee better


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Sonicbros… we have been REPLACED…



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lole the fat plumber would've been toast if the goats didn't save his ass


Even doe JOBnic and JOBdow didn't do anything and it was just the capsule falling that broke Bowser's metal shell.


the fat plumber jobbed to a sub-capsule tier fodder couldn't be my goat




Holy beast


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>Jobbed to jewtube


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Dr. Mario Mario (5'1") MOGS Olgilvie Maurice the Unemployedhog (3'3"), ask Trump.




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Mario website.


File: 1710179508262.jpg (183.24 KB, 720x1280, 198779cd042dc45f754fca3301….jpg)

Don't let mario fauxtaku look at Yuyuko's hat. They don't deserve the BTFOing.


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What's the matter?


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>An icon of a console that SEGA killed themselves with on the hat of a character that killed herself


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>The English manual for Super Mario Bros. 2 describes Birdo as a man who "thinks he is a girl" and would prefer to be called Birdetta… Birdo is also depicted as being romantically involved with Yoshi.


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she rapes little boys


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>Referred to as "Birdo" instead of Birdetta like xe prefers
>0 recognizability as a "Mario" character
>original game is called Doki Doki Literature Club or something liek that but was rebranded for Nikocadian-Americans
>only friend is sacrificed to bottomless pits everyday for a double jump


Luigi DOMINATES the bible belt god fucking damn


File: 1710182988176.jpg (76.21 KB, 461x435, 1573538903726.jpg)

>Vivian (Japanese: ビビアン, Hepburn: Bibian) is a character appearing in the 2004 role-playing video game Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door […] In the original Japanese version and some European translations, she is a transgender woman, while the script in English releases was altered to remove any mention of her transgender status.
Oh hell nah, ALLYio is SLAUGHTERING every chÜdcel out there today


File: 1710183178068.jpg (152.56 KB, 1280x720, p06xj8jl.jpg)

What's all this?- pickin' on Mario? OUR MARIO?
We're gonna whack that hedgehog cocksucka while he chokes down a chilidog if youse keep this up.


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>>In the original Japanese version and some European translations [HEADCANON] is [HEADCANON]


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>The *Italian* version, in particular, emphasizes her status as a trans woman by having Vivian express pride in having transitioned;[6] she pushes back against her sister's bullying by saying "I'm proud to have turned into a woman!


Italian version is a noncanon localization, thoughever.


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>well-known JRPG
>alphabet character
Every. Fucking. Time.
Why are Japs OBSESSED? Stop playing slopPGs.


is there actually any exception to this rule im actually curious i remember even in ff7 cloud did faggot shit in 1 area


mario vs sonic




now poopio will die like tf2, based



None of this is legible for 1-C let alone outer, superspaces are still bound by dimensionality.
And Sonic is beyond VSBW's tiering so it really doesn't matter.


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Why do blacks like bowser


Erm, why isn't peach an option


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sonic has been claimed by the black community, he's a BROTHA through and through he got dat BBC = Blue blur cock
mario crakkas could never


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saw my coworker play Tradio on the Switch today at work.


Which one? Wonder?


dont know just heard bing bing wahoo



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Kidding, I enjoy is autistic works of art actually.


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*blocks your path*


I used to play troonic when I was a lil snot and I'm fully aware that no sonic game is good
Mustache polaktslian is probably shit too


through very hazy memories I can tell sonic adventure is good


I played classic sonic a lot on the console of the son of my mothers friend


File: 1715093734768.jpg (12.75 KB, 281x259, GLgwXZjawAAO4qv.jpg)

Adventures and heroes were alright


someone should make this in real life i think. marisa pudding i would totally eat it :)


File: 1715102155791.png (43.66 KB, 800x800, 7089 - confused detailed f….png)

Holy BASED SwitchARYAN GODtendo fan


File: 1716828668584.jpg (161.07 KB, 1080x810, Walpeach_Design_Instagram.jpg)

If there are any time travelers reading this, please go back to 2001 and get Fumihide Aoki in charge of the bingbingwahoo characters.


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I'm being told by an multidimensional force not to google what Sonic's ambassador means


Hello Biggie Smalls


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This does not pertain to Chadnic or Mario, I think it's Disgaea


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its mario's girlfriend though


File: 1721860469903.webp (65.43 KB, 640x929, 7jzHhoSpT-YgQc1CHQD9quzmp….webp)


while directory
related being email value


free department teen department


f american thread
read o gallery


page air a
return case content
insurance sign





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why do people keep making these Mario games KNOWING Niggendo will buttfuckrape them in court?
Why can't we have Sonic Robo Blast 3 or some shit?, Sega doesn't give a fuck.


we need more third worlders making mario fangames that piss off nintendo but it's only first worlders who grew up with nintendo games and they're easy target for lawsuits


So true, PoCs don't play Mario because they don't have our viking genetics and kiwifarms VIP perks


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Upon closer examination, one can see how Mario's world is an allegory for the destiny of Faustian europe. Luigi clearly represents the Catholic aryan man, stern, cultured, full of the creative and manly devout soul and solar aristocratic character, and yet there is a tragic aspect to his character, in that his spiritual and creative passions are given no place in the degenrate modernistic kosher bacchanale that is modern (((jewish)))-run World, except for his wife, the princess Daisy, who opposes to the degenerate state of the jew world, since she is appasionat for protecting her people and their christian values, both of them Luigi and Daisy are the future of the human race on that wicked world. Mario represents the Dionysian aspect of aryan culture he is the unawakened gentile, who has succumbed to cultural marxist brainwashing. Always maintaining a cheerful, carefree demeanor, and yet fawning and servile before the semitic toadstool(jew) power structure. Bowser despite being a jew represents the introduction of the primitive negroidic blood into the formerly pure white ethnos. He is an utter buffoon and unproductive anti-social drain on society because of how much he became addict to orgies and other sexual abominations, and yet the good goy Mario has been conditioned to accept his friendship, unaware of how his own way of life is gradually succumbing to the cthonic, subterranean negroid elements. As I'm sure we're all well aware, Wario and Waluigi represents the eternal merchant themselves, as while not only are they filthy money-grubbers, it is shown in Mario Party gameplays from latin american ZUN, that Waluigi alonside Bowser are pushing homosexuality upon the intelectually unaware Mario by trying to set him up on a date with his biologically male yenta transgender friend (((Peach))). Clearly, this videogame series was ahead of its time.



File: 1723862440498.mp4 (1.2 MB, 640x360, WAHOO.mp4)

>Get real!


wait there will be a new mario movie in april 2026
this will be epic


File: 1725843152363.webm (2.22 MB, 640x360, 1725825607616712.webm)

does anyone want to play super mima world 64 with me


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i still want to play co op touhou 64 ……………………….


File: 1726082828192.jpg (811.51 KB, 2808x1579, super mima world.jpg)


this arrange has so much personality, there's no wasted notes, it's like the instruments are actually speaking


Yesterday I saw some soyboy nintendocuck of a faggot and he had some dumb 90s shit tattoos on his right arm. He had Gaika from cheep en del and that faggot dragon from the op Yoshi's the name or whatever


why are the stars anarchocommunist




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