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 No.40172[View All]

Post funny lookin bugs and bug adjacent media

NO arachnoniggers welcome in this thread! This thread is an insect ethnostate!
121 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


is that jelly poison?




I remember a time where a yellow jacket crawled on me, never stung me, it just wanted the sugar from a banana peel I was holding. Ain't no wasp neva did me wrong



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Nest grows every time I look away from it, wouldn't be surprised if we have an egg by the end of the weekend
This species is extremely polymorphic and I've been waiting for a good picture to show it, if you look closely at the wasp on the top left you'll notice she has bright red 'shoulderblades' while the rest are mostly black with or without red fringes
The body colors aren't all that different since these wasps are from the same region but as you can see with the pair on the right their faces are a different story, every wasp has a uniquely patterned face that lets them recognize colony members individually by sight
https://bugguide.net/node/view/14227/bgimage ← gallery showing wider range of colors and patterns across the continent
given the legal limitations of antkeeping in the USA importing those is out of the question


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First cell taking shape
it looks a lot more fibrous close up than i expected


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Lady and the Tramp


yummy mealworm


dipped in honey
they left bits of its empty carcass strewn about the floor


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Yamame in this one is such a BWC whore


Yamame is a cutie but also a spider and this thread is for insects basically




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who and bint


>Spiders are not insect
nerd boooo


more fun facts:
centipedes and millipedes are not insects
pillbugs are not insects
harvestman, camel spider and whip spider are not spiders


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>The males of this species have the habit to aggregate on and attempting to copulate with discarded brown "stubbies" (a type of beer bottle). The males are attracted by the refraction of light produced by the glass bumps of the bottles, resembling giant females with a very similar colour and surface.


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why would hamas do this


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I hate the anti Christ AKA Monsanto/Bayer.


Have sex incel


>pillbugs are not insects
>They are the only crustaceans adapted to living their entire life on land.


a moth flew out of nowhere towards me in my house and I almost screamed


noo can't find it anymore, wanted to take a photo
maybe it flew out of the window


I kidnapped her sorry


thank you for adjusting to my language (moth is female in polish and male in russian)


Its also female in russian although im totally not fluent in it


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found this kickass spider


huh thumbnail makes it look like the desk is floor and paper is wall which gives illusion of it being huge


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its more badass that way


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s-ssooooo yum-eeeeeeeee!!!!!


no it doesnt


Massive Jews ITT


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meet the pyro alternative intro


This gyate whale is a miss


Are these yours


soft crawly pillows nest


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nope i've never bred tarantulas before


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they are proliferating


i can't stand centipedes but am fine with spiders. They build and engineer giant webs yet have no understanding of physics and math and other boring shit. I can respect that


spiders love physics and math also those are objectively interesting go kill yourself




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i just found an adult female phidippus jumping spider with an egg sac and shes super cute so i took her home
pics + last months wasp footage i was too lazy to convert later
I can fix this


these guys are chill but i hate the yellow ones you find in your house (if you live in the northeastern us especially)


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best photo i can do for now
She ate her eggs cause of my meddling, i think she'll lay more, looking for resources on how to overwinter her spiderlings if she has any


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>she ate her eggs cause of my meddling
wh-what? what did you do?


I think a huge number of animals cannibalize their children when stressed


tore apart her house and imprisoned her and her babies for my amusement


I was thinking, is there a single person who has strong feelings about flies
they're such a mid boring animal and it's easy to forget their existence despite them being extremely common


Everyone hates them though. They puke on your food and make you eat their puke. pretty epic


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im completely ambivalent towards most flies. my policy is that if its too big, i will attempt to kill it once or twice. im generally pretty good at killing flies because i have this electric tennis racket type deal, HOWEVER, if it survives my attempt, it deserves to live.



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reminded me to upload this

i assume you're talking about houseflies and similar body shapes instead of the full taxon so i can't talk about robber flies, hoverflies, mosquitoes and such
personally i find the monochrome stripes & red eyes typical of sarcophagids very attractive and at least one species is a parasitoid of tent caterpillars whose massive aggregations of larvae can completely defoliate trees
all flies lack hindwings, they've been modified into little sensory organs called halteres which tell them their angular position among other things


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Is that larvae? Is that why you used the baby emoji?



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Insect stingers are repurposed ovipositors so moid bees don't have them
>Mating between a single drone and the queen lasts less than 5 seconds, and it is often completed within 1–2 seconds… …Once the endophallus has been everted, the drone is paralyzed, flipping backwards as he ejaculates. The process of ejaculation is explosive—semen is blasted through the queen's sting chamber and into the oviduct. The process is sometimes audible to the human ear, akin to a "popping" sound. The ejaculation is so powerful that it ruptures the endophallus, disconnecting the drone from the queen. The bulb of the endophallus is broken off inside of the queen during mating—so drones mate only once, and die shortly after.

i might adopt some scorplings soon so im gonna have +100 magic DEF


i fucking hate flies i fucking HATE the buzzing noise they make when they fly around stuck in a room aimlessly
I HATE when they touch anything i HATE when they fly in my face i fucking hate flies fucking nigger bugs im disgusted by maggots only maggots i dont care about worms or caterpillars i hate FUCKING FLY MAGGOTS


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this is metal as fuck


geeeeeeeg beesissies why are we so cucked?


Worth it


thats not cucked though they get the most amazing ejaculate and die nobly for the life of their hive, without edging a single time because they cum in 5 seconds


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i have a lot of work to do


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That is still cucked


Imagine dying for pussy LOL


- Bugs and crabs are basically the same thing
- Humans generally hate eating whole animals for some reason
- Crabs somehow instinctively trigger parental responses in humans
- When adam dropped the beetle larva into the pot alive it made me feel that same awful feeling in my gut as actual gore. Interesting that humans can feel empathy for insects on that level.


Crustaceans have traditional 'meat' while land arthropods are almost always filled with fluid and muscular fibers line their exoskeletons instead
Also crustaceans are high in copper which most people are deficient in
Also they're not disease vectors


this is atheist propaganda dont watch it


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i saved this retard from drowning



even though insects are dying out, it seems there are more spiders than ever
what do they eat?


sorry humancucks. agriculture isn't yours. antGODS own you.


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>sorry humancucks. agriculture isn't yours. antGODS own you.


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there's supposed to be six of them but i rarely see more than two at a time cuz they're so shy


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Sympetrum meadowhawks


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powdered dancer and a bluet i think
idk much about damselflies


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Phymata ambush bug stalking the flowers, look at their cute little raptorial legs
+flower of an hour bonus


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eating aphid poop from this milkweed leaf


This post made me have a dream about large arachnids being released in my room that I would have to locate in my sheets and under my bed and remove so that I could sleep without being bitten or stung


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I found a ladybug in my room



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aw helll nah that aint no ladybug nigguh thats an asian lady beetle and theyre INVASIVE!


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me when snowbunny


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>his name is fartilis


I found a male paper wasp trying to get into my colony so hes gonna get laid too after their next feeding


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imagine how good it would feel if you could peel all your skin off at once like this


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just found out scorpions have eyes


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We wasp and bee enjoyers will always have the last laugh. 🐝🐝🐝


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saw this friend today


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me and bint

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