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 No.4462[View All]

Anything related to dreams
This is apparently the area from a dream I had on January 29th
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Wear a condominium


That's immoral and an act of cowardice


there was like these little train cars taht the way they were made was so their wheels would fit snugly underneeth the protrusions on a singular rail of the regular train tracks so you could make them go along the same train track and I made pushed them along the real train track in the desert and back and forth and through different junction route and like hit them against each other so they exploded also the each miniature train car actually represented an event in a different narrative about like these eldritch monsters which were entire planet sized planets with lots of eyes and tentacles and stuff


Somehow, It snowed early this morning despite being in the midst of the Summer. The rest of the day was spent worrying about someone that had to get a homunculus surgically removed before it eats whoever’s insides.


i woke up over two hours ago but i lied in my bed in a delirium unable to decide whether i should try to sleep more or get up for two hours and there was like two 10 minute naps in there somewhere


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had a weird dream after dozing off a few hours ago that i cant fully remember anymore but it was about how i shot someone and i felt really bad about it , will sleep again now


Had a very depressing dream where the general idea was about ppl getting separated by being kidnapped to different dimensions. It was pretty surreal and hard to remember but there was one part where I was in a self-driving talking car with Yukari whale and we knew a terrible fate awaits us at the end of the ride, at one point the car produced a plushie of Yukari whale which made her cry


I was fighting this entity with the Higurashi girls and my brother to regain something it stole from him and once it got easier to fight it through shrinking/growing, my brother just went into a car to play brawl stars on his phone.


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Near every dream is stupidly specific and odd to make any type of sense.

The most normal ones I had are short, one of them is just me on my neighborhood when I saw a furry driving a car, then I chased it runnin like a smilodon (yeep and unlike how would look irl because human proportions doesn't allow that type of locomotion, I was running fugging fast)

Then I've failed and retrieved home just to be surprised by the apparition of this Suchomimus


How do I artificially induce a fever in order to dream of something beyond the weather


Sleep very poorly


+some booze


lick doorknobs


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I had a dream that Sonic grabbed my balls and it really hurt


man dreams where something crushes your balls are the worst, I feel the pain even after waking up


I had a dream that I was like in one of these battle royale games but it was like real life, like I could physically climb the obstacles and walk around, but I also had this inventory bar as well. There were also these strange monster creatures, one of them was a strange amalgam of a naked cute girl and a spider and it was kind of scary


I dreamt that I was a mouse and I was running away from Rika in some polished kitchen until she caught me and started licking me.


Satoko was also an Catgirl and joined in with Rika


I dreamed I was playing this yume nikki game thing where you play as madotsuki only its even more dull then yume nikki because all it is is this black hallway with differently shaped doors and behind each door is a different le random oneiric thing and a lot of them were just like jumpscares that is way too loud and everytime you enter door half the time its one that kills you and have to restart from beginning of hallway


I wrote a Higurashi fanfic about the club members and the rest of Hinamizawa fighting a guerrilla war with occupying Soviet forces under the command of an devout Marxist. The story ends with Rika, Kimiyoshi, Mion, Shion, and the rest of the Sonozaki family being gruesomely executed and the entirety of Shishibone city devolving into primal anarchy.


I consumed 1500mg of caffeine in the form of powdered candy and had an extremely painful headache for a few seconds


wtf dont do that because you just cant ok!!!


I dreamt that I was playing tf2 on a 3cp map and that we were losing because the enemy heavies kept pushing our stuff and I wanted to learn how to play sniper

Also side note taking two pinches of salt with a swig of milk has made me start dreaming vividly again


I had a dream that I found myself in Vanuatu


I had sleep paralysis where my dad was trying to strangle me


i am daydreaming usually



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this video ruined one of my favorite songs


No way


i remembered i had a dirty dream a couple days ago
strange enough i dont recall having any dreams last night even doe i had a bad fever


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the other night I dreamt I was eating a delicious turkey dinner at my grandmother's old house. somehow it felt like I could taste it in the dream. it was salty.

last night I had one in which I was going to a first day of college and my high school friends were there along with random people from high school. I get this sort of dream often for some reason. I haven't seen any of those people in a few years.

I get those often and wake up with wet underwear


I get them no matter what even when I was in the purest state of mind without thinking about sex most days. So I don't think they're indicative of an unhealthy state of mind, at least. It seems like I might get them the least often when I'm most depressed or anxious.


i dont really get them often desu and that never happens to me
coom less


i never coom besides from the dreams it doesn't come out if i try. perhaps i get the dreams for this reason


just had a dream ac sent me a reimu cosplay and supplements that were supposed to make me obese so i could cosplay fathus


Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”
>becoming obese
1 Corinthians 3:17 "If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."


id say following anything but the 10 commandments should be considered a blasphemy, but christkikes are so funny that they actually believe god wanted to hide his commandments from people in some fucking ark instead of sending a 10x10x10 mile rock cube on earth with his commandments copied on the sides for everyone to see


>anything other than 10 commmadments is blasphemy
why would you even say this given the positions implied by what you said after, especially "christkike" ?
>10 commadmments ate hodden away in some ark ev&oe pretty much everyone knows about them so God's delivery of xhem was effective


Does anyone else essentially AI generate songs as they dream? I just had a scary dream about people getting bored but my mind generated a song that was a bit like Scater Boy


I generate absolute bangers when I'm about to fall asleep and have hypnagogic hallucinations


you mean like… just intelligence


We call it Natural Intelligence (NI)


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i ai generate all my thoughts


I'm not gonna bother explaining any of the massive amount of context and the intricacies of the backdrop but I dreamed that kanon-kun was an FtM transgender and Battler had vaginal sex with xim in the Men's Bathroom


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Yo I wrote scater boy instead of skater boy


I had a dream I was in a Switzerland-esque place reading something Shakespeare wrote on recommendation but the owner of the frogpond was observing me and I saw a paper cutout of neutral pepe flutter in through the window that contained a quotation of something I had just read in the story


you weren't dreaming


that gigachad feeling when you don't give enough damn about soysphere sites to have dreams about them and instead you get to explore fantasy landscapes


even doe soysphere sites have more novelty in them than most fantasy settings


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i had a dream i won the lottery and i was so sad when i woke up


Had a dream last night that there were these venomous snakes which filled me with fear, and I tried my best to stay away from them - I remember that I had to grab them for some reason so I begged that Christ would deliver me from fear and then I finally got the courage to slowly come up to one of the snakes and grab them by the head


I had a dream about a western dbz television program that was 3d instead of drawn where goku, vegeta and broly were all somehow friends on planet vegeta but these happy times were ended by the arrival of a diabolus ex machina that arrived on a comet which was revealed to be baby goku black. Unfortunately he became an adult when he went super saiyan rosé to fight broly which was the first fight of the series


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last night I had a dream where I was an anime loli with weird gill-like orifices on the back of my head that looked like pic related, and one of those bald brown muscular eyeless hentai men was put tape on my mouth in order to pervertedly watch me breathing through them. we were on a pier.


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I once dreamed i was in a party in some weird neighborhood where the houses looked like concrete boxes stacked on top of each other. the people in the party were stereotypical black americans. i befriended one of them, he spoke only by babbling random words, but i could understand him somehow. suddenly the people in the party started panicking and running into the houses. me and my friend ran into an empty one. after getting inside and hiding he said to me "funeral has doctor", which i understood as him pleading me to run away because i was in danger or something. then a huge nigga showed up. he looked me in the eyes then pulled up a pistol and shot me in the face. then i woke up


I had a dream last night where I was in the middle of a Japanese shopping district, and every time I visited one of the stores, the staff would spontanously give me some sort of RPG style quest to do mundane tasks like trapping rats or restocking the clothes hangers. Somehow I knew exactly what to do despite not understanding a word of their Japanese
>>89897 I've never been shot in a dream before but one time I was lying down on the side of a cliff and ended up slipping off the edge. It caused me to jolt awake in an instant.


that happens to me at least once a month


When I woke up, I was laying in a park near the town's square. The temperature dropped from 100f to -30f overnight so I was shocked I haven't experience hypothermia yet.


My father created a pinball machine that mostly centered around Higurashi but also had motifs regard Richard Nixon. He was talking about how he was going to demonstrate the machine at a pinball convention to attract investors, but I insisted on bringing it to Japan so that it would garner more attention


I had a dream that Youmu was Spider-Man but she kept her headband on because she is a dork which allowed everyone to know it was her


Dream I was leaving a library and someone I hadn't seen for a few years recognized me and we began talking in a park. Then they left and I was going to find the parking lot where my car was and leave, but I had some backpack with an open parachute up and it was a windy day and a gust of wind blew me in the air 30 feet up and I was looking down trying to find my car. I started waving my hands a little to try and move faster and then another gust of wind throws me another direction and I see the mountain the library was built on and I see I'm floating maybe 100 feet up on a river and I realize I might drown if I fall in there. And I come over some water filtration building with giant walls on the end and I was going maybe 50 mph from the wind and I might die if i smack into them so I wave my arms to guide through the concrete beams. It was like the old minecraft dropper game but sideways


had a dream where I had ability to turn into a little girl who could fly


I had a dream where I was avatar fagging with pictures of Akari Akaza in a college class discussion forum, and then I accidently posted a lewd image of her, and tried to run out of the classroom to kill myself before I got arrested.


Osana Reimu


I dream about the end of the world alot.


I watching this scene on a vintage tv in a hospital but the actress for Constanze was replaced with Satoko. There were a few altercations in the dialogue but I struggle to remember it.


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I was*


Satoko was also still speaking in Japanese for some reason


I had a dream i was in north korea driving in from china but it was a beautiful mountainous landscape with ski resorts and huge north korean flags
It was also full of russians


met a futa who turned into an ugly transfolk in a dream, epic bait and switch


There was a reference to another dream i’ve had where 8 cities were nuked with low yield nuclear weapons by a Russian activist and J. D. Vance visited this cities to support the efforts of recovery


I had a dream that ssp did lots of coke so he spammed the website with cp


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I'd like to preface by saying this is 100% true, I'm not trolliny or posting this just to be funny
I had a dream last night which is difficult to remember except the ending where I had 4 blue archive fans lined up against the wall bound and blindfolded and basically went down the line executing them for their crimes. From left to right, they were charged with: "Playing dogshit", "Being bald", "Having facial hair in the 21st century" (not entirely sure what dream-me meant by that one), and of course, "being a pedophile". This all took place in 2fort sewers btw.

This is the second time in my life I've woken up laughing but it also kind of worries me that im dreaming about things specific to bnat. Should I bant detox?


do it irl


>being bald
It means you have to start Peating


That was me practicing iramqis dream rituals sorry


that's just your subconscious trying to force you to face the reality of your tastes


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One of the most memorable dreams i've had was during my second year in high school. From what i remember the dream starts with me waking up in my bed in a dark void. I was surrounded by figures in dark cloaks, some of whom i could recognize as friends from class. One of them said to me "destroy the traitor", then he grabbed some clay and molded it into a doll that looked just like a girl from my class, then he crushed the doll in his hand while repeating "destroy the traitor". Then all the figures around me began repeating the same thing. The dream ends with me responding "i will destroy the traitor".
The next day the girl i saw in the doll did not go to school. I actually got scared a little bit that i might have killed her while sleeping or something.


last night I had a dream where there was three toilets spaced non-gridly and weirdly but all facing the same direction, but my diarrhea was so bad that I couldnt get onto one of them in time and my poop INSTANTLY caked EVERYTHING in the room with a layer of my poop but then I was so sick that I started projectile vomiting insanae quantities of pristine clear water that washed all of the poop away


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my touhou related dream from july and the result when someone i shared it with ran it through AI

i was driving fast on the highway i take to the native american reserve to buy smokes and gasoline
i was in top gear near redline and the engine was knocking, i saw the check engine light was on but i ignored it. then the car started shaking so i started slowing down and downshifting but the car shook harder and the dashboard was chiming and the check engine light flashing, so i looked down and felt horrible uneasiness, then the steering rack stopped responding. so i looked over and saw angel of death sariel and held her hand and looked back to the road and it was a wall and then i woke up


>buy smokes
What cigs do you buy


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they were made at the reserve by a guy named woody with no last name, but now i started to buy a brick of chew so i can do it in my office cubicle


I had a dream I went to a house that was supposedly inhabited by /jp/ guy who was selling stuff or something. I went inside and nobody was home so I went to his room and nobody was in it but I could see he was selling stuff like a kigurumi and then I jumped in his bed and fell asleep because it looked nice. Then I woke up and noticed a pet container poking out from the closet and the /jp/ guy was actually inside it and he woke up and crawled out and was angry that someone was intruding. He looked disabled and was spindly and I got ushered out and I noticed his mother had a disappointing physiognomy. The twist was that they were living in my childhood home, I think it's because I was upset seeing other people live there


You went to sleep in your dream?


I had a dream i was on a pillar of kraussnuke in hell surrounded by a lake of fire and everything was positioned like a tram carriage. I sat next to a cute girl and then she called me a retard and moved away from me. What does this mean


In the same nap as this one >>100307
I had a dream within a dream where i was going through several really fucked up ai generated looking houses like they were gmod maps


what if you dream 24/7 after you die


i dreamed my dead cat was haunting my house


I genuinenly dreamt that everyone called me a faggot on bant
I don't even post much here to care but I think its just my fear of not being liked manifesting in a retarded way


Retarded faggot, go through a conversion therapy NOW.


I had a dream that Dr Eggman fought the Gotei 13 from bleach because eggman liked vegito and the gotei 13 liked gogeta


thats the reality tho


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I had a dream that the spic from this site had a high PSL, but then I realized he had a combover and didn't even know


I witness a Spic with neo nazi clothing approach some fat kid I know, saying “That Makwell Yearick!” in a strong hispanic accent.


I also has another dream where I was playing at a pachinko arcade and a gang of Japanese tweens started puncturing pins into my neck for being a Gaijin


the body was too short or empty


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just had a dream about heading back upstate and was staying with some random girl who told me her sad backstory so i helped her run her jewelry shop
also i had another dream last week about my boss renting me a video game
what are the political implications of this


>what are the political implications of this


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Circumstances of test:
One (1) can, Rip-It Energy; Aprx. 2:30 PM
Aprx. four (4) fluid ounces, cold brew coffee; Aprx. 11:30 PM (under assumption of all-nighter)

In reality, driving test tomorrow.

Faded in and out of sleep multiple times. ASMR, music, and silence all did little. Fell asleep approximately 4 AM. Dreamed about driving. At first, everything was normal. In driver's seat, mother in passenger. Gradually, infrastructure began to become more "steampunk" - wider, longer roads, more barren backgrounds, deep bodies of water, large prevalence of open motors, gauges, rusty pipes.

Gradually became worse at driving. Began blacking out whilst driving. Inform mother I am unfit to drive. Swerve towards nearby water. Begin switching seats. Misplace foot during process, hit gas pedal. Freeze. Car begins tipping.
Moments pass, car falls into water. Begin drowning.

Awaken with a jolt. Skin tingling. Find myself caked in sweat, under two blankets in uncooled room, both dogs lying next to me.

Conclusion: caffeine + heat = extremely vivid dreams? More research required.

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