>>97646>buy smokesWhat cigs do you buy

I had a dream I went to a house that was supposedly inhabited by /jp/ guy who was selling stuff or something. I went inside and nobody was home so I went to his room and nobody was in it but I could see he was selling stuff like a kigurumi and then I jumped in his bed and fell asleep because it looked nice. Then I woke up and noticed a pet container poking out from the closet and the /jp/ guy was actually inside it and he woke up and crawled out and was angry that someone was intruding. He looked disabled and was spindly and I got ushered out and I noticed his mother had a disappointing physiognomy. The twist was that they were living in my childhood home, I think it's because I was upset seeing other people live there
>>100269You went to sleep in your dream?
I had a dream i was on a pillar of kraussnuke in hell surrounded by a lake of fire and everything was positioned like a tram carriage. I sat next to a cute girl and then she called me a retard and moved away from me. What does this mean
>>100277In the same nap as this one
>>100307I had a dream within a dream where i was going through several really fucked up ai generated looking houses like they were gmod maps
what if you dream 24/7 after you die
i dreamed my dead cat was haunting my house
>>101719Retarded faggot, go through a conversion therapy NOW.
I had a dream that Dr Eggman fought the Gotei 13 from bleach because eggman liked vegito and the gotei 13 liked gogeta
>>101719thats the reality tho
I witness a Spic with neo nazi clothing approach some fat kid I know, saying “That Makwell Yearick!” in a strong hispanic accent.
I also has another dream where I was playing at a pachinko arcade and a gang of Japanese tweens started puncturing pins into my neck for being a Gaijin
>>102585>what are the political implications of thisjews

Circumstances of test:
One (1) can, Rip-It Energy; Aprx. 2:30 PM
Aprx. four (4) fluid ounces, cold brew coffee; Aprx. 11:30 PM (under assumption of all-nighter)
In reality, driving test tomorrow.
Faded in and out of sleep multiple times. ASMR, music, and silence all did little. Fell asleep approximately 4 AM. Dreamed about driving. At first, everything was normal. In driver's seat, mother in passenger. Gradually, infrastructure began to become more "steampunk" - wider, longer roads, more barren backgrounds, deep bodies of water, large prevalence of open motors, gauges, rusty pipes.
Gradually became worse at driving. Began blacking out whilst driving. Inform mother I am unfit to drive. Swerve towards nearby water. Begin switching seats. Misplace foot during process, hit gas pedal. Freeze. Car begins tipping.
Moments pass, car falls into water. Begin drowning.
Awaken with a jolt. Skin tingling. Find myself caked in sweat, under two blankets in uncooled room, both dogs lying next to me.
Conclusion: caffeine + heat = extremely vivid dreams? More research required.
In my dream last night I was in hot topic shopping for clothes and accessories and such when a man and a woman walk in. At first I thought they were in a relationship so I ignored them and kept shopping, but when it was time to ring up my purchase, the guy started flirting with two of the other girls in line who were very much 10/10 staceys. Apparently this guy was part of Hollywood Undead at some point so he had #clout. The girl he was with originally just kind of stood off to the side awkwardly which made me feel more comfortable going up and talking to her. As for the girl, she was a young adult with blonde hair and looked very similar to heather mason or ashley graham. For reference, the guy was in his mid 30s or thereabouts and was still very desperately trying to cling to emo fashion (ie: eyeliner, black parade tank top, even doe he was overweight and hairy)
Basically the chick was his sister and we became friends swiftly, exploring the mall and then somehow ending up in an old abandoned soviet school. We got into a firefight with russian authorities for trespassing and then just continued exploring once they were done. All the while, girl's brother was just off fucking around doing nothing.
I think the moral of this is that we don't need to worry about chad and stacey because they're very superficial and the quality of their relationships reflect that. Stacey would never go exploring abandoned schools in Russia with you, but a nice 7/10 girl would.
>>104566share your last one, we'll listen
I woke up a million years into the future and saw evolved chimpanzees watching a recording of a man who they considered to be “the last sovereign”
had a dream a bout touhou udoalg dlc. it added utsuho, takane, kongara and sriel. first had large slow shots, third had ability to turn enemies imnto bombs at the enemy screen
I witnessed a voluntary sissification facility and 360'd out of there but later and more importantly i sliced my eye open and it still burns when i think about it
has a dream where i had dinner with 2 girls ive never seen in my life
then i had another dream about; getting nearly mugged but an asian guy helped me but we couldn't communicate because i dont speak ching chong
had another dream about somehow losing my clothes on the street and having to find my way home naked fellas
>>111961it literally went like this
I had a dream where I had to pee in a cup for a drug test for some reason but the doctor was in the bathroom with me and I did it in a urinal that had a showerhead ontop of it that flushed my pee everywhere on my hand
Didn't remember what lead up to that point but MC was playing with his mech in some sand filled container and then something happened that made him think that the mech was in a danger and MC tried to prevent this but slipped and fell landing his eyes on a railing on the mech's body. After a grieving interlude his aunt introduced MC to a witch that first equipped him with a device for extrasensory vision who granted him an discrete perception ability, MC some way or another carried on with a daily life and after a while MC was announced to that the witch came up with a ritual to completely restore his vision. There I thought that it was a lame move but then agreed that there was no other way to progress the plot. Then there was a scene of his aunt which turned out to be a witch herself and MC splashing each other with water spells and then the witch came about and proceeded with a ritual that involved MC to bite on a wooden stick and her peeling layers from it. I felt a strange sensation in my teeth and woke up to discover that I was indeed clenching my front teeth too hard. And now I got an insomnia bout with my total sleep time being no longer then 3 hours.
The moral of the story is not to mew in bed or something.
>>119818i must have definitely offended the sleep gods in some way because when i did manage to get a wink of sleep i dreamt of an anime adaptation of nonexistent western sword and sorcery novel with a first ep theme featuring scientific explanation of springs water tasting good because of otter piss and a man who hallucinated beavers. it was so hilarious in sleep and i was sure that i read it that i forced myself awake and realized that no, there is none…
dreamed about being stuck in school again
>>46370you must've been short
pervy dream
>>36155come back……
>maybe because running(from my problems) is one the few things im somewhat good at:(((
I had a dream I was on vacation in New Zealand and I canoed really far in the sea until I came upon an island town and I saw orca fins and they pulled up and befriended me and I was like 'this is lit because they'll scare away predators' and then in another dream I was at our vacation home with my fam which is my most common dreamscape and the lake is always dangerous as hell but I saw an orca and I swam out to befriend it but it jumped out of the water into an inflatable pool instead of following me around to deter hostile wildlife
>>121573its a good skill desu its ok to be jealous
>>122468its clear your dreams are telling you to work at seaworld
Had a dream where some foid was going around a tranime con interviewing people and approached a group of brohus to ask them why they decided to dress up. One of the brohus was high on coke and decided to fuck with the interviewer by saying stupid shit like how they cosplay because they are autists who need safety helmets and most of them want to be girls. At the end he sayed "I have a receding hairline by the way" then took his wig off for a moment to reveal it
had a couple of dreams today, in the first one i ran an animal shelter where all kind of different tranimals (mostly cute little kittens and various rodents) coexisted peacefully but then they contacted some kind of a lethal disease and the last thing i remember is basicaly bipedal rat skeletons in black shrouds chasing me for some reason.
The second one is pretty kino, i was walking through some kind of a rocky terrain which was similar to dragon peak from dark souls 3 when i ran into some weird deserted temple complex, the architecture was more western than eastern (although could probably be a weird pajeet temple) and it was built from seemingly clean cut boulders or massive stone plates yellow or weathered orange in colour. I ascended up to it from the side and when i got to the top i entered the large room, with one wall missing, a hole in the floor where that wall was missing, and open roof. The room itself was fileld with clay vases with bird skeletons put into them in a way where their ossified or rotten heads were put outside the bottleneck as if watching me. After i walked through about the half of the room, a humongous number of birds started flying up from somewhere inside the temple and shitting down on me and everywhere around me but it was pretty kino because it felt more like snow falling down or something. As i was contemplating how cool the yellow walls look half covered in white my roommate woke me up by deciding to go to shower at 5am.
where didnt even know we had character limit
Third dream i remember the least, basically i was roleplaying with a group of other people, dont remember what role i was but there was a warrior guy and a death knight/vampire guy and maybe a female healer or something. For some reason i got KO`d and basically had to pretend i was dead and it was the warrior guy`s fault somehow, for some reason i also though his name had something to do with titans of Greek mythology. Also the vampire/death knight guy wanted to torture me but in real life using justification "he`s dead anyways, corpses dont feel pain" and wanted to put some kind of a steel brackets inside my brain through the eyeholes but i resisted via physical violence although i was bound in rope i think. In the end once my "KO" penalty ran out i also physically assaulted the warrior guy but halfway through decided to jump off a cliff for some reason and fell to my death, for some reason i jumped down holding a chair and another unseen before guy who also jumped down after me landed in it but i turned the chair upside down and he also fell to his death, this entire suicide sequence there also played some kind of a song in the background, all i remember was female vocalist screaming "WAKE ME" over and over again or something like that. Also the suicide tower looked kind of ancient middle eastern in regards to architecture.
*whew not where
had a dream i got arrested because my coworkers were scared of me
How do I gain ability to recall my dreams? Every dream of mine feels like an AI video, context switch is so fast when I try to remember what was happening like a half a minute ago I realize the location was different back then, like I forget almost everything what leaves my FoV in mere seconds
>>132470Recollecting as much as possible about your dream the moment you wake up will train your ability to remember them
Indonesians keep appearing in my dream
it was like a political thread but there wasn't a visible imageboard interface, just voices
I was looking at an empty soviet factory/theater/or whatever devoid of its equipment all covered with tall plants (like corn) of some sort. the voice said that matriarchy had won and large progress had been achieved, in Russia. the other voice said it was all right and "look, we can even use these plants to generate electricity when they're without their ears! (nothing has been lost, we've only won)". the third voice said "so is your mom going to buy all the necessary tools for that? or is it just that you can't go buy them because of your schizophrenia?" or something
in the dream before I was posting one word replies on bantculture and saw tpg and ssp's posts and something made me think and I got puzzled if I needed to post that one word reply
>>134149Is this fitting? 👀
>>134149i just had a dream where i spent an hour trying to find a wig for a tewi cosplay at some goth/cosplay store that basically only sold black wigs
Someone was selling apples that would turn people into fly-people who would attack people and infect them so they would transform too. But there was also meat that permanently gave you speed boost and double jump which I ate and it proved to be quite useful in running away from the infected. There was also this one crazy guy kidnapping children who would then imprison them in a chapel and preach sermons while injecting them with the fly disease so they would become higher lifeforms or something
Another scene in the dream's disjointed storyline was recording a porn movie with 2 binters and some jap girl. I was basically playing the role of a cuckold and sniffing her feet. But AC wrote on bint how I was apparently the director and cameraman and described me as a sleazy looking guy in a pink shirt (far from truth)
another scene I was in a camp from this old eurojank RPG called Gothic but the camp's guards were using mechas to fight
>>134328i didnt realise that was an egg until now. on mobile it was just a white circle.
also no im not a tranny and i wouldnt actually cosplay tewi cuz cross dressing is unnatural and weird
There was some sort of outdoor political event with many leaders discussing something and there was a big audience, it was near some mansion or hotel whatever and everyone living there could be the part of the audience and watch the discussion. Everyone except short guys, who were not allowed to leave the building until the end and there were guards next to the exits. Apparently it was to not ruin reputation of everyone involved
The manlets inside rebelled and tried to escape but the guards caught everyone. Also one of the invited politicians was Putin and he looked sad and annoyed when he saw how his brothers are treated
>>134583You forgot to mention being one of the manlets
>>134606actually I could freely enter and leave the building but I was their ally working undercover or something I don't remember the details
I'm trying to do nofap but i had a dream about sucking a guys dick and it caused me to orgasm so now I'm back at square one
I was visiting a Touhou club nearby (paradoxical) irl, started to look around, saw a few wall posters here and there and a table with short legs with comics on it in the corner on my right. People were sitting at the table in front of me. I hadn't greeted them and was just familiarizing myself with the place thinking "Why greet or talk to them without anything interesting to discuss, I might talk to them after I find interesting details" and kept looking through the posters and the comics. I opened a manga lying on the first table and something surprised me but now I can't remember what it was, there were images of Remi and Flan or something. Then I looked at the people, there were some girls in the background, 3 Slavic-looking neckbeards sitting in front of me and talking, to my back I saw a fit Kazakh guy sitting

I had a recurring dream where George Floyd was on the run from the cops and managed to shake them many times by driving at an extreme speed. However he escaped into Canada and we were hanging out and I got to ride in his car while he drove away from more cops. Eventually I turned myself over and didn't get into any legal trouble because of that
Then I had a dream that was like a survival horror game where I would enter a suburban house at night and needed to find stuff inside but someone would inform me I was being pursued and i would leave as fast as i could. While outside of the house I realized the survival horror game is based off of Turkish mythos
>>136021>Slavic-looking neckbeardsthis was induced by the con pic I posted for sure
>>136038Youre a bitch ass nigga for turning yourself in and betraying george floyd
>>136101Floyd wasn't necessarily caught
>>136102You still ditched him
>>136101it was necessary for him to become george droid
Peaters, druggies, and alike: What supplements/drugs can help my dreams become more vivid?
I had a dream where I was on badwater last and saw a woman in a Nazi jacket so I punched her. Her friend said "you're gonna regret that" and 10 minutes later a nuke fell but I survived by hiding in that garage under maps where engies like to set up.
Idk what happened between this incident and the next one but the next thing I remember were the Nazi people doing a concert in school in like science class and my classmates were going "hey this is pretty good actually" and me trying to go "the lyrics are literally 'fucking skin all niggers' and such" but they couldn't hear me over the music
From that point forward the dream is pretty boring, the Nazis cut some Asian girl's hair to make her look like she's nw5 and she's distraught for a few minutes before eventually coming to just own it and be like "yk what this looks good actually"
The last thing I remember from that dream is two monkeys smoking bananas like they're blunts on a porch
>>138846thats in an actual hentai rpg game where u play as a trap and theres like futa monstergirls i think
the game would be hot if the artstyle wasnt so shit
>>138848what is it called 👀