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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1715878485121.png (543.23 KB, 800x600, 1715821942414v.png)


Post anything fate related lol.


im gilgamish


no im ishtar


You're taking Whis's lunch money.




Coombait the series


It has Touhou in it that one time


File: 1715878788044.jpg (315.02 KB, 1748x2480, 1714526376590m.jpg)



Didn't this image make twittards lose their shit


Wait rlly wtf


File: 1715879580443.jpg (28.62 KB, 386x480, IPZuP3KMaE7751EWbheKqgYHag….jpg)

saber riding a banana.


When and where?


she cute


File: 1715879742085.png (1.28 MB, 1069x1500, c7fb3frzgj441.png)

Correct. Especially when she eats.


File: 1715880305398-0.jpg (162.75 KB, 597x899, FnRjWV0XoAARw-C.jpg)

File: 1715880305398-1.png (32.67 KB, 580x313, FnRjaiZWYAExOuL.png)


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>It's about cute girl eating burger




File: 1715882337583.jpg (388.13 KB, 2000x1335, Muscular-vegitarian-guy-in….jpg)

>absolutely no political dimension to a picture of a human character treating the animal-derived product, meat, as manna from heaven. no sir, don't even *think* about opening a biology book
>but seriously, that artwork is a reflection of global anthropocentric animal-abusing hemeeperony. it's not that hard to see this stuff if you know how to look at the world.


File: 1715883550359.jpg (27.85 KB, 859x960, ThinBoi.jpg)

>absolutely no political dimension to a picture of a human character treating the animal-derived product, meat, as manna from heaven. no sir, don't even *think* about opening a biology book
>but seriously, that artwork is a reflection of global anthropocentric animal-abusing hemeeperony. it's not that hard to see this stuff if you know how to look at the world.


I am the bone of my sword


File: 1715893205322.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.88 KB, 800x567, saber sexo.jpg)


i look like this


Can we kick this vegetard out of yhis thread?




These two have their lunch money stolen by Gilgamesh


page 266 of DEATH SENTENCE:

"58. Niggers stop watching anime and smiling for Asians. You look like a bunch of sad little boys who are afraid to kill the white man. Instead you eat cereal and watch cartoons like you are nostalgic for the days when you believed the enemy's lies and propaganda. All anime is propaganda. All anime is propaganda. Kill it with fire and hunt them down for poisoning you IN RETALIATION SEND THEM TO MASS GRAVES."


>>55179 was referring to>>55048


I like rin more than saber ngl


File: 1716059888960.jpg (86.29 KB, 850x556, __artoria_pendragon_saber_….jpg)




I didn't know nazis tolerated FTMs


Holy shit my aryan wife of 5 years.


Artoria is not an FTM, she is a pure woman like joan of arc.


File: 1717523832975.jpg (482.88 KB, 2160x1440, 1716220423149f.jpg)

Artoria is indeed an Aryan, Glory to the Sonnenrad.


Should I watch the Heaven's Feel Movies?


gil aint gonna steal my moners


actually it had way cooler colabs too


Wulin Warriors mogs


Didnt watch it, im more of a thunderbolt fantasy god myself


The joke is that it's the terrible English dub of Thunderbolt Fantasy


Not a fan of gacha games but fate go aint that bad



File: 1717949836007.webm (1.34 MB, 640x360, 1705491993300706.webm)

What's his problem?


File: 1719235010719.jpg (426.77 KB, 1536x2048, GIJ9UqTboAARbrf.jpg.jpg)


Haven't seen kara no kyoukai but Tohno is better



File: 1721427842528.jpg (140.45 KB, 1050x1493, sabbbber.jpg)



File: 1722013783701.jpg (487.19 KB, 1169x826, GTSgp5FXsAA0q6H.jpg.jpg)


File: 1722014439811.png (713.83 KB, 661x623, 1592635904250.png)


why are they sitting like that


File: 1724451958533.jpg (2.54 MB, 5950x4093, sabersex.jpg)


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>look mom I made it look like the characters are saying the latest unfunny reddit meme


File: 1726977248243-0.jpg (3.99 MB, 2866x2704, GYAqghZb0AUHGut.jpg.jpg)

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Akiha cakeday



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File: 1729097205964-0.mp4 (4.52 MB, 640x360, utIS_6DNSFczqGnq.mp4)

File: 1729097205964-1.png (869.27 KB, 2480x3508, GZ9da03bcAAP3Wq.png.png)

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File: 1729097205964-3.png (773.61 KB, 1434x1707, 1634783470531.png)

Nii-san's birthday


File: 1729098310895-0.jpg (39.97 KB, 557x696, F9KADgOWgAAeth_.jpg)

File: 1729098310895-1.webp (2.27 KB, 190x166, Ghacio.thumb.png.06ba2b64….webp)


Only melty OGs will understand this funny


>Bring me composite servants


File: 1730435824923.jpeg (299.88 KB, 1240x1754, GbPBjjZWwAEVMcs.jpeg)


File: 1731207287764.mp4 (6.84 MB, 1280x576, 2cn9rRG0iGreONdj.mp4)


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Damn I didn't know jay eazy was chill like that



Lol what, dub is out before sub? Insanae


When Merlin made sabre a futa so Mordred could be born
Bottom text


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red garden tease


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The strongest groomer in history vs the strongest groomer of today


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Lord forgive this blackpilled soul for giving the 'pd attention, but she has to be the cutest cosplayer I've laid my sorry eyes on yet, she needs to cosplay Alice more


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I really like it when you can see nipples be implied like that


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Happy cakeday to the 3rd best Shiki.



File: 1739995264341.jpg (335.75 KB, 1769x2260, GkBY1U4XcAASNHZ.jpg.jpg)

Aww, she's the purest! Look at her helping baldcucks feel more confident instead of wallowing in self-pity


File: 1740148267264.jpg (455.2 KB, 1024x1024, GkQUh07XcAABiuw.jpg)

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