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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1698780299193.jpeg (1.79 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5597.jpeg)

 No.576Cyclical[Last 100 Posts]

Everyone post your drawings. Now.
Original thread >>>/j/7264


She looks like the girl that got me into 2hu at my old school. She always wore baggy khaki pants too.


File: 1703881527581.png (449.3 KB, 1272x820, image_2023-12-29_152513718.png)

big ol' spermy


Can't booze until I finish drawing
gonna #speed


cute as hell


neato burrito


File: 1703887703401-0.png (1.01 MB, 4960x3508, 24(2).png)

File: 1703887703401-1.png (1.12 MB, 4960x3508, 24.png)

i cannot colo(u)r


but its good


This is awesome


File: 1703891216707.jpg (168.57 KB, 939x1194, 123456789076543245.jpg)

i hate it
it will never be good enough
nothing ever will


File: 1703891431032.png (894.05 KB, 2176x2888, document_.png)

Did p. bad but I can booze now
keyedmaxxed colour pallet




cute little yomer
cute vibrant witch
cute shorty


baby eiki torture needs 2 be on the menu


me every time the gooncave enters my vision


File: 1703975523558.png (874.01 KB, 4960x3508, 25.png)

reisen is such a dork no wonder tewi bullies her on a constant basis
also yes i forgot tewi she will be tomorrow
and i think i mess up the proportions too


File: 1703975605351.jpg (815.59 KB, 1803x5372, DONALD_TRUMP_TWO_THUMBS_UP….jpg)


aint she a golly


File: 1703989004630-0.png (117.13 KB, 820x768, Krevchenko guys.png)

File: 1703989004630-1.png (132.42 KB, 800x600, Retard with shotgun.png)

File: 1703989004630-2.png (390.19 KB, 820x768, FATHER.png)

Character design dump


File: 1703991588909.jpg (5.24 MB, 4032x3024, seija1.JPG)



wtf this is dope


goes hard


This guy is very strong
She cute


i like character sheets like this desu
neat how it flips lol


seija should learn how to not flip the bird so often…


File: 1704066950770.png (378.15 KB, 926x462, file.png)

High T challenge: draw one of these before new years


cant, i have to finish a retarded witch first


I think extending it to before january 2nd is more logical
Spiclet wake up


SinGyoku utsuho


Let's get drawing! #Entrepreneur #Grind #🧠💪


File: 1704068844052.jpg (130.42 KB, 546x498, 1703933172616.jpg)

im at an "appointment" which is just me waiting around for 3 hours
distinctly not at my computer hence lack of today tewi, i have the sketch pre made i just have to finish inking when i get home


I'm doin utsuho gl


maybe ill do satori
strong maybe


File: 1704075331608.png (664.49 KB, 4960x3508, 26.png)

i rushed this out tbdesu
im a busy spic so not likely ill do another today


File: 1704085157570.png (389.61 KB, 1600x1200, 5 minute koishi.png)

5 minute koishi


File: 1704085307126.png (Spoiler Image, 1.55 MB, 1442x1085, file.png)

true years greeblet


this is unrelated to the challenge parameters


you said NOTHING about them needing new years yukatas doe


File: 1704085820908.png (260.54 KB, 600x580, 1562862989670.png)


File: 1704086045957.jpg (139.33 KB, 546x498, 1517880972618.jpg)

yeah mr acoot now i gotta redo the clothes you GOD DAMN GORILLA STUPID MONKE- lovely admin




File: 1704086298146.png (89.67 KB, 256x256, file.png)

You retard.


File: 1704086494021.png (379.54 KB, 850x800, 1756787545354564.png)

im not happy about, but your opnion is irreverent
regardless ill find you one day and drive a bloody broken vodka bottle down your god damn throat
tell me something i dont know


my birthday is in a few months and that would be the best gift ever


wasnt your birthday last year


File: 1704086796877.jpg (300.17 KB, 800x800, IMG_0154.jpg)


File: 1704086900473.png (75.72 KB, 793x459, 1701116790943.png)




I'm jobbing


File: 1704089587875.jpg (1.23 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4849.jpg)

I forgot how to draw


File: 1704090485324.png (733 KB, 4960x3508, new years.png)

i actually prefer the chinese new years
and i rushed this out too lol
ok im a be real with you i almost choked on my drink when i saw it but i didnt want to be mean desu


You didn't want to be mean? Then explain your last 2000 posts.


File: 1704092936734.png (78.92 KB, 256x256, Th07_trial_plus_Marisa_6.png)

um well you see like i mean the thing is i kinda well dont really just that like umm i didnt want to kinda look like something something i dont know its just that well you have to understand sometimes you just kinda well you know


being vague is low t


File: 1704095440124.png (287.59 KB, 427x378, asdd1.png)

the thing is that well first i have to like tell you that um well like the thing is that im not sure about well some stuff and like you know how it is is just well sometimes you just gotta you know just well maybe you think that well i dont know its not really important its just like you know it be like this sometimes but you just gotta just like do the thing man


Nigga you instigated it


File: 1704098753839.jpg (2.83 MB, 2150x2000, __kirisame_marisa_and_brol….jpg)

Proof that marisa is a dbz fan


File: 1704100534083.jpg (174.58 KB, 2048x1152, 9218806-fwagmfkxkai5txt.jpg)

UPDATE: I'm back


File: 1704100587392.png (734.09 KB, 4960x3508, new years(colour).png)

ok i kinda finished it but no not really


File: 1704114539267.png (1.36 MB, 3898x3500, utsuho3.png)

Yeah it's up



anchoring that shit 🧠 ☝️


File: 1704117239391.png (293.58 KB, 777x777, yosho drawe.png)


pet this thing immediately


thoughsho looks kinda fatte


I’ll draw New Years okuu but later. My neck is killing me so I can’t assume drawing position


new year new greeb
nice girls
nice girl
nice bird


File: 1704140090416.png (115.16 KB, 1384x1029, 9900 - full_bodied hourais….png)

Get Whale Soon


dveles retweeted my shit even though he hates us and doesn't know it's me, this is crazy like shounen bro


File: 1704148581086.png (928.54 KB, 4960x3508, 27.png)

i imagine having to protect useless kaguya can very stressful
new year new bird


File: 1704150105627.png (400.67 KB, 1920x1020, Untitled.png)

thought i could cheat the next one by using an old drawing i didnt finish but holy shit its bad it has to be redone completely




File: 1704151996336-0.png (983.64 KB, 1980x1080, Bernkastel and Sonic sketc….png)

File: 1704151996336-1.png (17.35 MB, 2696x1728, Bernkastel and Sonic.png)

Bern meets the GOAT.


She's dead




Simply epic, my good sir


File: 1704153823588.png (43.61 KB, 703x544, 6682 - forward_facing reiu….png)

holy birb



My daughter…


File: 1704168290121.jpg (364.41 KB, 1920x1080, [Touhou MMD] Optimistic Ei….jpg)

okuu peace…
rom or death
nice bern, but i vote for lamdadelta



this looks extremely professional


I like it a lot


she coot
dam, so real


I can feel the sotsu shading vibe


cute birb
now draw her giving birth


File: 1704231866234-0.png (2.41 MB, 4960x3508, 28.png)

File: 1704231866234-1.png (819.28 KB, 4960x3508, 28ink.png)

i have no fucking clue what im doing desu




very nice moon lady


File: 1704236681364.png (2.56 MB, 4960x3508, 28.png)

somewhat cleaned up the background but not really


File: 1704238593912.png (1.74 MB, 900x1291, oku.png)

this is like the first time i've drawn her even though we're legally married. fucked up



File: 1704245837137.png (58.98 KB, 788x615, 10574 - angry bandage engl….png)

This is really pretty and I really like it but we're not legally married. But you are very talented


you say funny things, my beloved wife




add a penis, this picture asks for it


Fuck you piece of shit


File: 1704266305875.png (6.57 MB, 3720x3134, utsuho4.png)

She bad


cute birb


is the word


bird with lively colour in her cheeks
joyful bird new year




die thanks


File: 1704321923114.png (1.04 MB, 4960x3508, 29.png)

i made miss keine too savage looking but i overslept and had no time so im not gonna redo it


You're too hard on yourself


yt babas… they are superior to us


File: 1704323894487.jpg (83.19 KB, 1200x900, Divine.jpg)

I refuse to accept that, time to level up


File: 1704325483613.png (100.67 KB, 1134x1153, 1700129793342.png)

i accept this and lay down in defeat


File: 1704352345608.png (331.91 KB, 1980x1116, whales3.png)




>whale under skirt






good post


File: 1704401612847.png (940.05 KB, 4960x3508, 30.png)

i never did get around to capture imperishable shooting
i wanna be immortal


I have an idea for drawing a goth Cirno. Stay tuned


File: 1704442235994.jpeg (2.27 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5087.jpeg)

Sleepy now but here's my sketch


your gesture skills have subtle 180+ IQ rizz


what he said but better


>fembrained insults
So not keyed


I forgot the wings. FUCK


File: 1704482324393.jpg (38.8 KB, 594x436, Gmen....jpg)

Next high T challenge: draw Keiki
Join this now that IN is over ok we need a mob


File: 1704487522192-0.png (80.56 KB, 1300x1300, keiki_plant.png)

File: 1704487522192-1.png (65.72 KB, 481x563, keikiplant.png)


File: 1704489400905.png (1.05 MB, 4960x3508, 31.png)

i just started the next incident but i have the weekend off so ill see what i can create, any particular theme?
nvm i see what you mean im not the best at foliage but ill learn


I've avoided themes because I'm bad at starting something new
I think the plant theme is fine as long as some of us draw a full body, I will


File: 1704489833026.png (24.04 KB, 408x585, Untitled.png)




File: 1704490521925.png (239.94 KB, 489x474, 1525389843029.png)


File: 1704492830898.png (84.79 KB, 670x742, Untitled.png)

ok but im still gonna do my daily but ill have miss keiki on the side
along with all the other stuff ill do
some time in the future
at one point


File: 1704494150531.png (11.24 KB, 492x317, Untitled.png)

maybe i should use a new file at this point….


I'll try 2 finish Keiki on sunday


Idk I chuckled a bit


File: 1704523199293.png (247.35 KB, 480x360, IMG_5169.png)

For real this time, my work has started.


File: 1704523237952.jpeg (905.83 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_5166.jpeg)

FUCK I posted the wrong image. here's the sketch


Don't rush


File: 1704575071608.png (241.88 KB, 1600x873, 1703473377991.png)

I haven't started


i have to family time so i haven't either


File: 1704587244789.png (948.04 KB, 4960x3508, 32.png)

the lunatic ai in pofv is bullshit the battles dragged on for 5 plus minutes at times, aya's theme is pretty good and her fight was just side step simulator
i dont like how her face turned out something about it is bothering but im moving on


File: 1704602072566.png (132.87 KB, 679x723, Untitled.png)

im starting to feel a bit burned out
just a little bit
and my hand kinda hurts lol


I have a few lines done


File: 1704607865009.png (166 KB, 315x329, 1703486638064966.png)

creating is hard chief sir…


File: 1704654934812.mp4 (944.58 KB, 656x480, penis exploder.mp4)

on gah?


Make a bantbooru like a booty that iichan has but for bint. Archive stuff



File: 1704667049555.png (249.86 KB, 532x906, file.png)




hypercute and cool geometry


I forgot how to draw




File: 1704672966027.png (387.68 KB, 1278x836, image_2024-01-07_191500634.png)

koishi teeeeftoo


File: 1704677507272.png (2.05 MB, 900x1386, keiki.png)

slice of keiki

not overwhelmingly happy with it but here she is


File: 1704677673909.png (653.43 KB, 4960x3508, 33.png)

i hate how this turned out


File: 1704678215580.png (31.23 KB, 830x630, 10900 - detailed kanmarisa….png)

Reply to other niggas young man
P.S. I can't do that until I finish ok


File: 1704678673272.jpg (28.34 KB, 225x300, 1573229199794.jpg)

i was gonna do it sir i just went to go the store
i like the soft coloring and the contrast in coloring the clothes with full and lines
she looks upset


It would be pretty good if the nose were moe


my inking is done, it just needs color


File: 1704679097011.png (2.05 MB, 900x1386, keiki2.png)


yeah that actually does improve it a lot




File: 1704679323963.png (42.98 KB, 1415x1178, file.png)

noses look like this


yeah they do


why do you scribble on such a large canvas


just 'cuz


because small canvas bad i think
i do big canvas now too (even if i dont use half of it and i never post my art on any chan-like anymore)


File: 1704681470659.png (25.96 KB, 700x700, 3477 - crying sad tatara_k….png)

> and i never post my art on any chan-like anymore)


this is my secret life


File: 1704681542280.jpg (808.29 KB, 1000x1414, 1704604848446.jpg)

> i never post my art on any chan-like anymore
change this


File: 1704681575295.png (233.36 KB, 1200x1200, F0mDt1HaMAAraDT.png)

thoughever i am scared and also people would find out, im not supposed to be here anymore desu..


File: 1704681772504.png (163.4 KB, 543x481, 1662229682827008.png)

FUCK what other people think(unless they have a gun to your head)
DAB on haters
we will love n support you
unlike other koishi posters…..


File: 1704681787142.jpg (299.98 KB, 1700x2048, FwSEppoXgAEV55H.jpg)

I tried keeping everything separate so that my eggs weren't in a basket but people found my socials easily because of the whales


File: 1704682106173.jpg (134.39 KB, 969x1200, 545432143475687674.jpg)

oh you mean that
well i never used any social media desu so i cant relate to this


could be worse..


Erm, you should consider a xivvy for the sake of allowing the greater pisstaku community to see your work


I have someones shitter account bookmarked so I can feel good about myself knowing I could be worse and my confidence could be more wrong


is it art related or are you laughing at an ugly person of some kind


I used to know someone who started trying to draw at around the same time I did, some people just have no drive to do better I guess
I know I drive myself insanae


File: 1704682842442.png (175.12 KB, 480x480, 1527788866955.png)

i hate the idea of that, this has always been for me desu, ive never had any intention of making it big/official desu since the beginning, its just something i strive to do for, once again, my sake
it just so happens this is a small place where not many people can see and i dont mind that


File: 1704683074181.png (53.36 KB, 768x768, media_F01gZTeaAAEWN2Z.png)

gun against my head (will lose all my friends)
im somehow managing i think, people havent been contacting my socials going "i know you from bantculture!"


File: 1704683159042.jpg (52.17 KB, 329x399, 1567895305676.jpg)

thats you get for having friends LOL


I made my own bed but didn't mind


how is someone going to know you by your doodles if you only post them here


i dont only post them here


I think he means he would like to have art socials


File: 1704684734062.png (130.05 KB, 747x722, Untitled.png)

ok i just need to learn how to actually shade
and color
and draw in general


Very nice


File: 1704688276939.png (38.47 KB, 1057x1249, mspaintkoishistressed.png)

i cant really post this on my usual places or to my friends so congrats you guys you get some of my art for once
(changed flags sorry)


File: 1704688484124.png (61.12 KB, 400x275, 1686822495940552.png)

saved reposted shared airdropped dropboxed catboxed


dramatic improvement


File: 1704695015032.png (1.55 MB, 4960x3508, keiki.png)

i cant do this anymore


File: 1704695212415.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, AoIB4Sl.gif)



wat draw????




File: 1704696391139.jpg (288.38 KB, 1000x1200, 1589992543113.jpg)

its bad
i admit defeat
all i can do is try again


This place should have oekaki


File: 1704718058419-0.png (63.49 KB, 600x600, me and waif realpt3.png)

File: 1704718058419-1.png (48.79 KB, 600x600, me and waif real 2.png)

File: 1704718058419-2.png (99.61 KB, 600x600, me and waif real .png)

i lost track and idk who to reply, but good shit everyone.


File: 1704754197019.png (867.61 KB, 4960x3508, 34.png)

im going to try and starting to color these too, im going to start with basic coloring and shading because i obviously lack experience for anything more complex


File: 1704757587641.png (740.19 KB, 1213x748, 471.png)


File: 1704763784455.png (6.02 KB, 647x568, image (9).png)



File: 1704763917639.png (12.06 KB, 860x677, image (10).png)

think im retarded


File: 1704764369401.jpg (363.13 KB, 2561x2016, 20231216_110006 (1).jpg)

also these


File: 1704841054800.png (16.04 MB, 4960x3508, 35.png)

i will learn to color properly
i will try


I'm sorry for being slow my liege
Hank Hill moose


File: 1704844717054.png (2.21 MB, 1145x1424, 1703835062029.png)



that's a drawing alright


File: 1704877880504.png (1.21 MB, 727x801, Untitled.png)

you WILL finish keiki
sloth will NOT be tolerated
you WILL be punished


File: 1704878125938.png (24.77 KB, 700x700, screaming.png)


File: 1704880008702.png (192.75 KB, 985x887, file.png)

she's too busy painting figures




Fucking beast.


File: 1704887309978.jpg (62.5 KB, 1280x720, 1476646684252.jpg)

This is earthshaking


The eyes look really cool and talented


File: 1704927197471-0.png (20.45 MB, 4960x3508, 36(2).png)

File: 1704927197471-1.png (18.9 MB, 4960x3508, 36.png)

ok so i love eiki, but not for the reasons one might think, its the idea of defiance against black and white judgment that i like, I do try my best to make my best choices and what i think is right, and of course we should as a society punish those whose wrong others and commit wrongdoings
but i loathe the idea of some absolute judmeeperent, even if it lines up with my beliefs
also holy shit her fight in pofv is absolute complete bullshit i fucking hate and love it
and yeah honestly getting my tongue cut off would be a suitable punishment i am too blunt and abrasive with my words, i tend to keep my mouth shut for that reason around most people irl for that reason


Eiki is a 6'3" mesomorph with a six-pack.


Fauxtaku as hell for a myriad of reasons


File: 1704930301666.png (26.9 KB, 120x120, 1699640276456.png)

i find that hard to believe may you provide factual evidence to back your frankly outrageous claims


File: 1704930861094.jpg (456.66 KB, 900x1767, kgc6ru1i9bkx.jpg)

>i find that hard to believe may you provide factual evidence to ba- BLAM


File: 1704931019303.png (541.15 KB, 900x700, 1704688142047.png)


File: 1705013035768-0.png (19.58 MB, 4960x3508, 37(2).png)

File: 1705013035768-1.png (17.76 MB, 4960x3508, 37.png)

im literally just waking up, morning exercise, drawing, then working, come back, draw, sleep, repeat


leveling up


I haven't drawn in so long Q_Q
So far I think Yuuka had the best colour, maybe too much darkness though


not enough darkness


File: 1705048008029.jpg (138.1 KB, 853x480, goth 07th.jpg)




File: 1705048249606.gif (247.65 KB, 596x446, 1534166881812.gif)



I suppose it's that time of the week


File: 1705048919161.jpg (95.82 KB, 531x600, 1597383965808.jpg)

i mean there is always making another thread i suppose
im not gonna do it though
also draw or i will punish you


I think >>13416 philosophically implies that threads should be infinite


File: 1705049156520.jpg (821.8 KB, 1000x1414, 1324576809098765433.jpg)



File: 1705049529967.png (352.61 KB, 535x682, 1597107501150.png)

none of us are
tick tock
the time ticks away
my life is running out
time is running out
my strength will wane
my youth will slip through my hands
my body will deteriorate
every second that passes is one gone forever
time waits for no man
time is a cruel mistress, no one will be spared


see you at 950



File: 1705096808364-0.png (17.37 MB, 4960x3508, 38(2).png)

File: 1705096808364-1.png (16.23 MB, 4960x3508, 38.png)

i still have no clue what im doing, im not doing the corn i would like to have an hour to do nothing for once


I at one point also splattered colors all over the place with a neat brush but I got bored and thought to myself "I could be wasting this time on LOOOOMIS instead"
I still don't feel happiness



ok but did you loooomis???


kinda, not well I guess


post em


deleted it all, I'll post my garbage when I make more garbage


File: 1705098117119.jpg (133.16 KB, 849x1200, EbYHH0eU4AAUZc_.jpg)

i still have all my old stuff, from old krita files and my old sketchbooks, its one of the few things that make me physically cringe but its important to keep nonetheless, at least to me
care to see?


you can post it if you want, I have a bunch of my old stuff but it's not on my computer, just backed up somewhere, all the project files are gone though


File: 1705099821361-0.jpg (3.88 MB, 4096x3072, P_20240112_144458.jpg)

File: 1705099821361-1.jpg (3.79 MB, 4096x3072, P_20240112_144530.jpg)

File: 1705099821361-2.jpg (2.91 MB, 4096x3072, P_20240112_144543.jpg)

some body studies and random sketches


File: 1705099911042.png (81.68 KB, 400x237, 1524251282900.png)

ive got older stuff but holy shit im sorry but those are never seeing the light of day like im anonomoose n shit but i cannot deal with that actual embarrassment




File: 1705100331952.jpg (235.39 KB, 839x1200, 17456789654356.jpg)

ze anime "moe" style" is a simplified style
you cannot simplify shit if you do not know how it is at its base point


File: 1705100825004.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, [MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….png)

Post it. You know you want to scratch that itch…


File: 1705101166045.jpg (174.92 KB, 859x1200, 1703831352074.jpg)

as much as i like self inflicted pain this is one i will pass on
work time bye bye


File: 1705129217383.png (576.96 KB, 1612x2284, 1676321314298974.png)

This is a little old


File: 1705140372350.jpg (3.78 MB, 4096x3072, P_20240112_144557.jpg)

didnt notice my 4th pic didnt upload
definitely not an excuse for me to slack off haha i would never do that no not me haha


when will you wake up tomorrow


File: 1705141680984.png (692.12 KB, 493x720, Untitled.png)

t'was an empty threat sir i need to do this if i want to get better regardless………..


wat drew??


File: 1705143121669.png (1.07 MB, 670x774, Untitled.png)

just one day boss, let me have one day off boss……


scatcord woke up




File: 1705197817113.png (17.38 MB, 4960x3508, 39.png)

i may or may not take tomorrow off actually i might have to do stuff im not sure yet
will color later i have family stuff
also yes i forgot the frills on the arm IM RETARDED OK


This is fantastic


File: 1705208343736.png (16.78 MB, 4960x3508, 39(2).png)

its ok i guess


ur ascending


File: 1705215444173.png (878.14 KB, 568x698, Untitled.png)

am i gonna make it……


File: 1705273618465.png (15.91 MB, 4960x3508, 40.png)

i woke up mega late and now i have to work so i cant finish it…..




File: 1705309236076-0.png (59.24 KB, 392x282, image (1).png)

File: 1705309236076-1.png (81.22 KB, 321x424, image.png)

new art wips!


File: 1705310628226.png (15.02 MB, 4960x3508, 40(2).png)

ok i kinda finished it
big poof hair


File: 1705327860371.png (371.84 KB, 1104x860, image_2024-01-15_091052684.png)



File: 1705359736308.png (14.7 MB, 4960x3508, 41.png)

barely finished in time for work
how did a literally who wolf become so popular
i couldnt get the other foot right


(Hen + keyed)


drew now?




i'm getting outputmogged


File: 1705395505848.png (130.17 KB, 309x336, oh no.png)

acoot my dear chief sir lord heckrino admin…………………………………………….put the FRICKING STYLUS ONTO THE HECKIN TABLET NAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Just Draw™


hes so happy


omg please don't scare me


what is this…….


me after Just Draw™


i do like the shadows


the shadow on the ground is pretty bad, an afterthought, I didn't spend much time on this overall so I just accepted my failure


File: 1705440093499.jpg (209.48 KB, 1050x768, 1586440322489.jpg)

thats all we can do
just accept it and move on, learn and try again


File: 1705446392580-0.png (15 MB, 4960x3508, 42(2).png)

File: 1705446392580-1.png (13.51 MB, 4960x3508, 42.png)

ok my logic was that most people skip 9 and move to 10 and thats where they meet aya but then i realized no one actually plays the games
still have no idea what im doing



File: 1705451859857.png (1.82 MB, 900x1279, lol.png)



File: 1705454513165.png (60.91 KB, 277x220, 1703584304484.png)

ironically i only like how the hands turned out
ironic because theyre usually the worst desu
lol cute


I kinda forgot what I was drawing and started making random shit :(


Bite bill's tail


File: 1705464462774.jpg (Spoiler Image, 495.14 KB, 1036x940, koi_TITS.jpg)

I enjoy drawing Koishi with large breast.










have you done your daily cooking


File: 1705531645505-0.png (13.22 MB, 4960x3508, 43(2).png)

File: 1705531645505-1.png (14.62 MB, 4960x3508, 43.png)

just finished
i think cell shading is better?


wake up my head hurts


all depends on the skill level i would say






crackhead time for your daily Just Draw™ you must Just Draw™ immediately


wanna do another patchi, any suggestions?


File: 1705609986679.png (206.59 KB, 600x600, 1562879372717.png)

i just woke up half and hour ago


File: 1705615845884.jpg (3.06 MB, 4160x3120, IMG20240116102129.jpg)

6 days work, still unfinished until further notice


File: 1705618726294-0.png (14.83 MB, 4960x3508, 44(2).png)

File: 1705618726294-1.png (13.45 MB, 4960x3508, 44.png)

color is hard and i have to work so no giant donut
oh yeah mountain of faith i like it, its relatively easy compared to the titles that come after……
if i recall correctly zun was supposed to end at 9 but he kept going
hold faith in oneself and just keep climbing, thats just life
failure is an inevitable part of life and we can do nothing but keep moving
maybe one day ill reach the top


Where are her mountains of faith


File: 1705635891376.jpg (78.41 KB, 852x749, 145313666665443.jpg)

im wageslavin and didn't have to time to add the giant donut
unless you're referring to something else in which case keiki??????????


File: 1705641109128.png (373.86 KB, 500x500, file.png)

draw big tits


File: 1705652421702.png (47.5 KB, 197x139, 2345678543212423.png)

there are many here who share your love for "big tits" who would gladly accomade you, that and you have proven to quite capable of producing your own
as such i shall continue to produce modest busts


I'm being chastised


File: 1705653853543.png (40.15 KB, 123x134, 2343546543432325.png)

perhaps if you educated yourself on the intricacies of the female form you would appreciate it to be much more than simple breasts and hips


File: 1705655777818.png (698.76 KB, 1276x824, image_2024-01-19_041602798.png)

miyoi is a notorious whaler


Whale Whaling


lol i love it


nice dude


draw ironing boards


File: 1705690780046.png (Spoiler Image, 1.88 MB, 900x1373, stori.png)

wooly girl


I like the eyes


File: 1705701839837.png (19.99 MB, 4960x3508, 45.png)

confession time
i never actually took the time to beat 10 extra i just didnt really like it desu the stage theme is good but i didnt feel like learning suwakos entire spellset and i didnt care much for her theme
im probably not gonna color this im feeling a tad burned out im spending more time rubbing my face in frustration then actually drawing and im TIRED of sitting in front of my computer my entire waking life when im not working



File: 1705702541897.png (1.78 MB, 900x1334, stori2.png)

post production to hopefully make previous drawing more appealing
nice frog, i hope u can have a nice break if that is what you need


frogot to spoiler it :/




you're gonna have to deal with a girl's butt this one time


I'm gonna MSPaint a skirt over it


she was going to have a skirt originally but I am tired of obfuscating the forms that i have taken time to draw with flowy cloth. be my guest though as it would be in line with the original vision xd


you should obfuscate form NOW


speaking of form, I've been shitting all over the canvas and failing to create natural poses, gonna die like this, time to pick up the pencil


File: 1705704684879.jpg (134.37 KB, 969x1200, 1704097669195.jpg)

im sorry sir but im taking the weekend off
im tired, im a go hiking or something maybe just play call of duty all day like the good old days, once i get my full vacation days ill go climb an actual mountain one day


I'll do you proud


gonna naturally put this pencil through my hand


wut druw?


File: 1705716005134-0.png (2.51 MB, 1410x1540, patchi_wow.png)

File: 1705716005134-1.png (2.44 MB, 1410x1540, patchi_wow2.png)

patchouli love

super cute

momiji squeezing a plushy


who does she main


sniff sniff


she's a hardcore scunt


she clicks random


File: 1705769689502.png (1.67 MB, 2048x2048, Ryugu.png)

Higuslop I'm dumping here and will probably never finish




satori butte
fatchouli is so cute, so is her bush…
big rena


she cute, good luck on your next piece




culo de hig


File: 1705792118388.png (148.22 KB, 608x561, image_2024-01-20_180811312.png)

did a grup drew


holy cow dude thats adorable


File: 1705795473574.png (1.44 MB, 2048x2048, Rumia panties.png)

I think I'm going to draw all 2hu characters' panties, next is Dai, what kind of pantsu fits her the best?


nice dude


dai is very modest and proper i think she wears lace


Any specific color?


File: 1705804025843.png (470.79 KB, 720x1342, nodata.png)

Since you didn't specify the color, I'll go with pink and finish the actual thing tomorrow


I did nothing today so I shat this out brap


His cry played in my head


File: 1705824386472.png (387.17 KB, 397x551, Untitled.png)

i just did a futo scribble today


File: 1705827383945.png (524.73 KB, 439x698, Untitled.png)

i heckin love mikos theme and her fight


sorry I fell asleep, I was originally thinking white but it's looking very cute as is so I'm happy


File: 1705881320883.png (1.92 MB, 900x1342, chen2.png)

Just a quick sketch to serve as a reminder to any WISE GUY on kogasatopia that engages in duels


File: 1705882499809-0.png (1.14 MB, 1770x2048, Daiyousei pantsu.png)

File: 1705882499809-1.jpg (1.91 MB, 3120x4160, killp.jpg)

I don't even know what I'm doing at this point, I was watching tranime while drawing this Diyusi here.
Also pic2 here's a forbidden Medicin


where are her hands




right is cute tho


Didn't draw


mion cosplaying dai-chan


Big fairy Sonozaki




File: 1705887071176.png (1.18 MB, 1980x1980, Lambda blood.png)

Lambdadelta for >>20776


Look at the mess she made…


she could be your angle… or your devil


I politely request you also draw koishi's ass this is very good


wut draw?


File: 1705919128364.jpg (36.07 KB, 720x713, 1705029467322.jpg)




Do it man!


thank you for the enthusiasm, I will soon draw Koishi's ass


File: 1705937041421.png (13.72 KB, 700x500, 6263 - kishin_sagume legac….png)


File: 1705947316515.png (641.1 KB, 1192x1350, Medicine Bikini.png)

Medicine goon thread soon


File: 1705952760283.png (1.7 MB, 900x1130, koishi2.png)

here she is
came out a little funny but she's a funny girl so whatever



It's peak


Damnn koishi bear is so cute

She is pretty funny


File: 1705956979975.jpg (45.75 KB, 500x644, 93e8771563c1514b4e0b6b6a1e….jpg)

i like her floral bullet proof bra


It's containing her T(era) cups


File: 1705957582807.png (674.12 KB, 708x755, 1705051454211.png)

i will NOT be dressing up as a 2hu
it would be impractical


beautiful squeezable belly, as expected from fatchouli.


I've been gone for a bit, took care of school stuff but I will get back to drawing soon. I might experiment with digital more


I might try drawing a touhou ass later

If anyone has a request do ask




i-i dont know how to reply ughhhhh this is so prettyyy thankyouthaaank you uyu oyu uoyuo uyouo 4 every min thamksmkamskamskm


very cute and funny koishi


File: 1705963546835.png (8.49 MB, 3000x3000, 46.png)

i hate subterranean animism so much
i was wondering how she fits in there but then i was like its a stupid yoki it doesnt have to explain shit


she is stuck in the bucket
cute hair


File: 1705995694464.jpeg (2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6473.jpeg)

Easing back into it and realizing I'm shit at drawing big but good at drawing small


She kills and eats people.


File: 1705996698337.png (212.92 KB, 327x616, 1585280495159.png)

all yoki do that
thats why total yoki genocide must be enacted


we should pick up and hold small girls just above the ground to annoy them more often


Is that Narumi holding her


I was making it Marisa but I have to finish it because you can't really tell who it is


File: 1706041230726.jpeg (45.21 KB, 320x480, IMG_2713.jpeg)

Everyone can post drawings here?
Even bad ones?


Don't point fingers




Kino Drawing idea:
[spoiler]Shion and Mion cosplaying the twin towers, Kasai cosplaying Bin Laden and Keichii dressed as an Airplane[/spoiler]


File: 1706046166941.png (58.95 KB, 700x800, 1702323316431.png)

Wtf spoiler is not like in 4mutt


File: 1706050454272.png (853.19 KB, 619x737, Untitled.png)

so im not finishing this i am OUT of time
i think im changing it to once every 3 days to give me breathing room these are slowing becoming more complex desu
bad drawings arent real ASPIRINS NOW


File: 1706052631614.png (571.74 KB, 1012x1443, Hinners (1).png)



Beast. Understanding of the face requires some work but still, very beast indeed.
I'll have to step up


very very nice!!!!
spectacular hina butt good job


File: 1706054432488.jpeg (20.54 KB, 450x350, images-4.jpeg)

I meant to hide her face in this image but it's true that I need to practice faces more
Should've made it bigger.


needs 2 be slightly bigger but great


there is no such thing as too big when it comes to ass so I would be un-wise to critique you on that
Anatomically it looks fine


holy ssp meepermy


File: 1706061964838.jpg (62.5 KB, 600x480, Niwatari.Kutaka.600.312872….jpg)

it has been 18 DAYS since youve promised me keiki milku


File: 1706083896835.png (Spoiler Image, 530.16 KB, 2000x1790, sunny milk upskirt.png)

Sunny Milk is cute

I'll do the benben eventually


I will be very sad if this thread is taken over by too much dirty material so we need to draw some swolesome stuff to maintain integrity


As the guy who drew Sunny Milk's ass at 2 am I agree

I'll draw something wholesome tomorrow probably


File: 1706084566181.png (19.87 KB, 750x500, 10236 - female_singyoku fo….png)



File: 1706084908724.png (205.33 KB, 600x355, 969.png)

My next image will likely be something lewd since I already sketched the thing.
I'll draw cute Satoko afterwards


File: 1706085861290.jpg (50.62 KB, 400x400, 1706049133767514.jpg)

how about YOU do something about it


Jit spitting




O my aspirin…


You did NOT draw this


File: 1706108042804.png (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 1507x2048, Lolkyu.png)

New degeneracy


Forgot to spoiler :(((


File: 1706108383588.png (73.32 KB, 635x351, 7269 - imperishable_night ….png)

Safe For Whales content when


File: 1706108664626.png (356.11 KB, 721x960, Pc_satoko_pool_b_(15).png)

Either today or tomorrow


File: 1706110515393.png (1.47 MB, 900x1254, 1984.png)





Titty Eiki


Ok erm we're supposed to be SFW so my reply to >>22924 is now "Chuunieyed"


File: 1706114630521.jpg (346.98 KB, 4096x3072, IMG_20240121_094751460.jpg)


File: 1706114639281-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.37 KB, 4096x3072, IMG_20240123_144153858-1.jpg)

File: 1706114639281-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 423.54 KB, 3072x4096, IMG_20240123_081313478.jpg)


very very nice


Reminds me of Elun_(Meido)


File: 1706117443344.png (Spoiler Image, 7.81 MB, 2077x4096, IMG_20240124_122159112 (1).png)

I don't really like uploading my stuff because I think it's cringe.


Y the boobz are so big? O_o


So I can bury my face in them


File: 1706118464599.png (90.24 KB, 772x787, keyednic shock.png)

I have to draw to clean up the thread omg


your style is really cute, it reminds me of spacezin
It is not cringe at all


im not suprized my i study his work alot
which is why it probably reminds >>22983
of elun because his work is also based off him as well


File: 1706119477408.png (1.99 MB, 900x1314, okuu.png)

quick zero construction bird sketch because I feel bad that I don't draw her more often


Funny and also so true
Nice chen


I love how expressive his work is and you do very well at capturing that same essence
I should start studying artists like him more often


It's peak


It's amazing


File: 1706120401597.jpg (1.47 MB, 3120x4160, ShitokovsGodicine.jpg)

Here's a Loose-up sketch for the thing I'm 'bout to draw


File: 1706131424008.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6663.jpeg)

She may not be a Shoutoku Legend but she is a True Administrator


She put melonpan in her chest to make it look big
I like how this looks









Nice stuff!!


File: 1706144728920.png (9.18 MB, 3024x3241, bnuuys.png)

sketched some rabbits


This is a neat artstyle
Reisen looks quite tired


File: 1706166057735.png (226.13 KB, 1730x2010, aya cute idk.png)

Felt uninspired but I like Aya


>>23297 cute birb


Hi Aya


File: 1706207376526.png (8.77 KB, 609x468, IMG_6680.png)

I was bored on my calculus homework so I drew a lil caveman couple


Literally me on the left


Literally me on the far left I'm the bull


File: 1706216171543.png (1.76 MB, 900x1232, sparrow.png)



Ur ascending


File: 1706218874811.png (9.94 MB, 3000x3000, 47.png)

oh yeah i kinda finished it
im not gonna finish it im gonna play video games instead


the random directionless background noise really makes gave me nostalgic touhou vibes…


draw cuckman


File: 1706219685003.png (351.05 KB, 500x800, 435678765432134543.png)

you have been practicing right???????





File: 1706237390037.jpg (26.27 KB, 267x410, 1588079779407.jpg)

been drawing 1200 hours a day but getting less comfy with what I make ev&o it's better


Wow, please lead me to your izakaya of doom


Video games schmideo games…


File: 1706307985709.png (596.99 KB, 486x644, Untitled.png)

why struggle to produce failure after failure when i can get easy dopamine and have fun in lobbies filled with the most racist people on the planet


Failure is in the eye of the beholder. That's why I have so many unfinished sketches too


why do you keep them around


Burning the library of alexandria is bad



Ok I'll redraw something old


File: 1706320812964.jpg (256.88 KB, 1807x2048, 1703832380638.jpg)

are you implying this whole time you have done nothing


um i've been saving otaku culture by porting touhou minecraft map to freetard game so that poor ppl can play it wif dey potato pcs??


it's legacy launcher now


modpacks and hurdles are fauxtaku, adding touhou maids to the software itself is deeptaku


this is betrayal i will not forget


>this is betrayal i will not forget


Cmon man, you like, totally didn't draw for a millennia on bant1 there, this vacation has been far shorter…


File: 1706389309638.png (143.69 KB, 374x319, Th175Kutaka.png)

fair enough
however consider that bant1 IS CRINGE and deserves to rot like the cesspool it has always been and i was finally free until you conjured your sick rituals to summon me


File: 1706390074218.png (15.78 KB, 720x720, sketch-1703453629428.png)

i drew satsuki rin u guyeis


Give big boobs


File: 1706390766434.png (16.81 KB, 720x720, sketch-1706390751118.png)




File: 1706392315328.png (17.81 KB, 720x720, sketch-1706392286668.png)



too big


too small


now give her a penis




File: 1706400697858.png (42.29 KB, 400x400, kog.png)

not sure what was this supposed to be I am nearly 48 hours up and drank on vodka


she is a sign the dark ages are ending




File: 1706412002073.jpg (Spoiler Image, 362.53 KB, 2703x2130, ExnM_BOVoAMtDX1.jpg)

add penis as demonstrated




I think I will live actually


File: 1706412142755.png (43.39 KB, 629x608, 6386 - badass forward_faci….png)

Oh hell nah


File: 1706412698433.png (727.17 KB, 1500x1500, sad.png)



File: 1706412733068.jpg (160.92 KB, 600x600, 115522627_p0.jpg)



File: 1706412763802.jpg (72.62 KB, 574x500, 2.jpg)

pls you have to die for ME PLEASE PLEASE


File: 1706412809698.jpg (180.72 KB, 604x604, 1631310698218.jpg)

no I'm good, for now


File: 1706413076989.png (177.61 KB, 500x500, anime ear banana.png)

have you just drawn today, THOUGH
I did but I have nothing to show for it, difficult to draw ideas from thin air, that's becoming my bottleneck, trying to copy shit that exists, doesn't always work


File: 1706413548517.jpg (285.28 KB, 2048x1536, 1654919068246.jpg)



I'm a minimalist


oh my……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


File: 1706427947452.png (Spoiler Image, 77.73 KB, 702x615, Untitled.png)



File: 1706428115253.jpg (118.03 KB, 1440x1080, Armor Hunter Mellowlink - ….jpg)

Procceed to your local KFC immediately.


imagine the taste


File: 1706428376505.jpeg (93.2 KB, 448x537, 354676432467543.jpeg)

im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying im dying


I ate seed oil from goyslop and I cant stop sharting


File: 1706428907266.gif (91.85 KB, 190x190, 1494129076280.gif)



Calm. your organism`s meat levels are just critically low, it can be easily fixed with proper nutrition and a good nights sleep.
That sucks, they dont sell sloppy here, at least in my town. I think we mostly use sunflower oil anyways.


You must hunt and eat a pigeon now, i know it wont be easy but it must be done in order to survive


File: 1706429115884.png (379.17 KB, 600x522, 723 - hakurei_reimu.png)






the yama has no power over me
kaguya booba
why does she wear bear pantsu…


File: 1706484571682.png (152.55 KB, 847x760, image_2024-01-28_182902870.png)

yuuma has late night cravings



Small asses are good


Sunflower oil is slop though


while I may disagree with my contemporary here I think this is a very cute drawing


File: 1706490288910.png (541.3 KB, 2000x2400, sekibanki cat.png)

The bear pantsu is very moe


File: 1706490825552.png (240.48 KB, 1366x1282, fujiwara-no-mokou-neutrapl….PNG)

i sort of drew this


You'll be neurotypical one day


File: 1706566484264.png (9.83 MB, 3000x3000, 48.png)

oh yeah i forgot i had this sitting at 70% doneish for 3 days
cool beans


File: 1706567468264.png (Spoiler Image, 113.92 KB, 762x703, 1706566878545535.png)

Why draw when I can manipulate people into drawing things for me online?


not NSFW, funny!


It's NSFW-ish because of drugs, alcohol and sexually suggestive content.
Didn't even ask for dat ass doe


File: 1706569945678.png (96.15 KB, 700x700, nazrin yukkuri.png)

Need to manipulate people into drawing Iku's ass




File: 1706574225581.png (Spoiler Image, 1.31 MB, 2048x2048, cuuUUU.png)

Here some roughs.







'cord attack


I never used discord in my life


not you, precious angel






This is very good, very good!!!

Thank you!!!


File: 1706594415585.jpeg (1.67 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7113.jpeg)

Hitler told me to draw this


I look exactly like this in real life


agreed. also that's a cute seki right there.
tired and smol
easy modo


yup another day of not drawing



Let a hero rest


File: 1706651119890.png (117.31 KB, 520x828, Untitled.png)

draw even doe its super hard and im not gonna make it


File: 1706652699612.png (388.28 KB, 538x821, Untitled.png)

ok this is it this is my magnum opus its all downhill from here


A hero…


File: 1706732562322.png (41.68 KB, 800x800, Untitled0.png)

i finally bought a chink graphics tablet


Wow she's a vixen


Nice handwriting


its so starting


I agree
you can do better


Holy mother of meeper


no sorry


yes not sorry


no sorry not sorry sorry


File: 1706778883179-0.png (Spoiler Image, 935.39 KB, 2200x3000, reisen chest underwear.png)

File: 1706778883179-1.png (Spoiler Image, 915.77 KB, 2200x3000, reisen chest.png)

Degen hours again

This time with Reisen's breasts



File: 1706828431647.png (81.05 KB, 414x570, Untitled.png)

draw even doe its super mega hard and im never ever gonna make it


She has a giant ear


supposed to be hair but the curve does make it look like that ha


Looks nice to me


Did it make your day


looks nice to you even doe only my opinion matters and I SAY ITS BAD
its impossible to make my day on any day i have to work sorry


File: 1706872438160.png (94.14 KB, 733x656, Untitled.png)





File: 1706907581660.png (32.17 KB, 600x800, mar-1.png)



tacoloco can stop ripping out his hair now


File: 1706913709072.jpg (1.39 MB, 2976x2360, IMG_20240202_231153.jpg)

Not really a drawing, but some sculpting I did


File: 1706925479829.png (Spoiler Image, 1.56 MB, 2244x1452, Feb 1 and 2.png)

eeee eeetto moshi moshi, i am new




File: 1706949517288.png (78.41 KB, 600x450, nokappa.png)

How do I get better at drawing????


does anyone have the koischizo gyate mouse drawing tutorial, it disappeared



It's oni day today which one should I draw


Big drunk Yuugi


Is it with pencil or a drawing tablet


drawing tablet


If you draw each line by swiping very fast it'll look much better to the eye than trying to draw a steady line, get ready to crtl z a lot doe
for construction you can draw the head as a sphere, draw the spine (as a line), then the ribcage as an oval, then the pelvis as a short cylinder… at that point you can make the layer semi transparent and start drawing on top in a new layer, or you can continue construction by trying to draw the scapula, shoulders (I usually do a sphere for each) then the clavicle
tracing to learn is good


Cheat code: just use hard edge and you don't have to worry about how the lines look


How big



File: 1707021223035.png (Spoiler Image, 515.04 KB, 1280x1280, cat and chair exposure adj.png)

>tracing to learn is good
Seriously look at this
Go find a sexy anime girl from your fav artist or whatever, trace over it, note the proportions and spacing(mostly focus on body / face), try drawing your own right next to it.
Now drag the picture you just drew over the original and compare, you'll immediately notice what you missed.

Its a really fast way to start noticing your mistakes.


File: 1707042005021.jpg (2.68 MB, 4000x3000, 20240204_091408.jpg)

drew this during lecture then gave it to my prof


File: 1707042958899.png (1.11 MB, 4960x3508, dog.png)

i really like this dog, also 2hu 19 is a BANGER desu the gameplay is fun and the ost is top tier why did no one tell me the goat got such an epic theme i completely forgot 17.5 took place even doe i love the art in that game
what did they say


he said blessed your hands


File: 1707051378904.png (10.9 MB, 4960x3508, dog.png)

i was able to actually concentrate on finishing this even doe its perro caca haha and holy shit the time flew by im far past my bedtime
is that good in arab because in the states blessing someone can sometimes be backhand(i know i do it alot)


flip harder


Only 2hu19 fan


File: 1707056842100.png (314.92 KB, 478x475, 1703866489843.png)

this is my first time seeing this 'hu


File: 1707083287034.png (13.58 MB, 3024x3910, rumia.png)

so nanoka




Enoko gods



yes that is soda


File: 1707092639349.jpg (1.15 MB, 1200x960, 65432.jpg)

beat me in 2hu19 and ill give you 5 bucks


File: 1707120328112.png (92.19 KB, 1303x858, image.png)

Sketches before bed, I'm testing my drawing tablet's pressure sensitivity in GIMP


There's no nipples but if yuyu needs to be spoilered then so be it. Thats a decision for the higher ups


i like and look forward to your progress


File: 1707135179012.png (38.42 KB, 610x860, smart.png.png)





Dam you improved





File: 1707146259366.png (130.18 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_8994.png)

Here you go


File: 1707146315648.png (497.85 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled502_20240204214248.png)

And here is the non toony art style




MLP vibes



>drawing in gimp
I'm afraid it's terminal


There's nothing wrong with that


the SKILL tumor?


File: 1707187968009.png (10.38 MB, 3024x3690, pieceofclown.png)

Here's a 'Piece






Let me see your drawing then.


File: 1707198104957.gif (399.54 KB, 498x498, 5e5d88457388e736d5d08d5ca9….gif)

gimp IS dogshit for art though, shove that pepper up your ASS.

Krita is best free software if you wanna actually learn anything relevant to drawing or painting.


File: 1707199417501.png (1.31 MB, 2000x2000, gimp ass.png)

dont care fuck gimp


File: 1707200814305.png (99.21 KB, 616x533, Untitled.png)

youre right
microsoft paint is clearly superior to everything, even adobe photoshop


Im shitfaced so I don't like this drawing sorry


its ok i dont either


File: 1707202981554.png (25.67 KB, 722x612, Screenshot from 2024-02-06….png)

I learn to draw how I want to learn to draw.


File: 1707205163921.png (40.67 KB, 527x923, Screenshot from 2024-02-06….png)

Here is a sketch of my beloved daughter before I go to bed.


you dont need sleep


tsmt peat said sleep and darkness is a stress


File: 1707214646113.jpg (59.25 KB, 1080x786, Fq3deHIWIAAw3vs.jpg)

Look, you can draw in or on whatever you want, but if you ever stop drawing I get to kill you.


File: 1707218300854.png (78.75 KB, 353x619, Untitled.png)

i love sitting on my ass all day scribbling nonstop figuratively smashing my head against a wall


Marisa doesnt want you to do that!!!


File: 1707355642237.png (4.78 MB, 3024x2000, reimu and yuugi.png)

The miko and the oni




If this were SinGyoku it would be the positive and the negative


File: 1707454110024.png (1.66 MB, 900x1200, shut up.png)

maybe if i just pretend i am spacejin i can be happy


File: 1707454429254.jpg (59.77 KB, 916x600, trumpku.jpg)


I think my motivation to draw will die before I get the chance to draw again


Now draw her crushing someone's nutsack


draw her crushing my nutsack


draw her putting nue in chastity cage and kicking her balls while she's wearing nipple clamps


i 🏳️‍⚧️ ❤️ trumpku sama
almost as cool as nikocado coinslot


why is the <3 gone from my post
why was it spoilered for a second


I was scratching my head trying to make you less creepy


did I mention the fact that nue should be on a leash


These niggas…


File: 1707532261430.png (9.94 MB, 2900x3590, cirno.png)

Drew a hearty Cirno


File: 1707533995776.gif (106.33 KB, 560x420, 1703205163551281.gif)

u guys are perverts!


File: 1707534644958.gif (384.21 KB, 538x370, 1618506993797.gif)

it hurts when I pee


File: 1707544088875.png (181.02 KB, 815x722, image_2024-02-10_004759507.png)

i drew a nitori



i like it


File: 1707557610597.png (1.77 MB, 900x1200, kill yourself.png)

looks better if i just copy an existing drawing i'll draw whatever you want just make sure it exists already fuck you


sugoi breasts, dekkai. Shirt hugs them nicely!
draw your hands bum, if you had good hands this would be kino rkgk


ttb2, shirt is obscenely deformed


didn't like the color so I removed the color..


File: 1707705324101.png (10.81 MB, 3024x4032, pepperoni.png)

pepperoni guppie


File: 1707712923420.jpg (228.01 KB, 973x1280, image.jpg)

friend's catgirl as engineer


wake up


You're winning


Funny little nigga
Damn what a chest
What did he mean by this…
Impressive. You don't see full color drawings every day


Where are bad drawings?


my storage


File: 1707948784236-0.png (212.85 KB, 1400x1640, iku for koggy final.png)

File: 1707948784236-1.png (463.48 KB, 900x640, koggy motd.png)

File: 1707948784236-2.png (559.08 KB, 2300x2000, kyouko mystia yoshister.png)

Someone in koggy asked about my art so I am reposting it; I'll draw something new later today probably

I'll do the benben eventually I don't remember who asked for it


File: 1707956896369.png (204.83 KB, 800x596, 17e46eacad93ce36c6512338fc….png)

you better draw today


File: 1707973292497.png (233.89 KB, 1330x1900, momiji sketch.png)

I had something bigger planned but I got lazy so here's something quicker in the meantime



File: 1707994805686.jpg (3.44 MB, 3024x4032, junko.jpg)


Junky bunky lol


kill yourself nigger


File: 1708010238937.jpg (54.35 KB, 625x473, 3abff8172ecf41339216144a8b….jpg)


So fucking cool


wakie wakie


I'll add one line to my tenshi drawing then


Have any of you drawn over CSP Pose-able Figures before


I don't have CSP but I have used some online model posing thing as reference before

I usually like the shorten the torso a bit though


File: 1708257172364.jpg (94.08 KB, 800x760, 1559335104899.jpg)

my old drawing from jp




he loves her personality and she tolerates his


nice censorship


I don't have a computer

Sent from my toaster using Tapatalk


File: 1708313700447.png (644.79 KB, 2000x2400, sekibanki swimsuit.png)

It's said drawing the banner you want increases your chances


File: 1708324574748.png (196.65 KB, 1094x899, image_2024-02-19_013555533.png)

i bored




thats a good way to do go about it..
eventually you build up a 'repertoire' of your own art you can use as reference (´ω ` )


Hello titty
you're stunning


File: 1708427602803.png (98.34 KB, 704x767, Untitled.png)

ill come back when i have something to show for it
see you in several years at the rate im going
please wait warmly, eternally


File: 1708434403324.png (1.46 MB, 900x1378, mado.png)


also thank you i will do this


You're evolving


File: 1708475348218.jpg (1.18 MB, 3024x2687, kookookutaka.jpg)

Kookoo for Kutaka


File: 1708628103111.jpg (4.18 MB, 3024x4032, neet.jpg)


One of the best touhous really


File: 1708640567175.png (1.46 MB, 900x1095, sabi.png)

almost exactly the same as the other drawing but oh well.
Sabitsuki is the best yume girl because she's an alcoholic


File: 1708671838229.png (234.56 KB, 811x845, image_2024-02-23_020230219.png)

should i post my older non 2hu stuff?


File: 1708708039079.jpg (868.2 KB, 3840x2160, 2024-02-23-11-50-33-225.jpg)

Shion (green)




how do you make art so sovl


File: 1708844695706.png (2.95 MB, 3840x2160, file.png)

2 renas

left is a tiny bit dysgenic


right is very cute


She looks more like Chie-sensei


Chie is blue rena


c-ciel bros??


File: 1708932873073.jpeg (1.08 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9039.jpeg)

I am trying a simpler style for posing practice. She isnt anyone in particular


Cute pose, but also RED


File: 1709006042294.png (56.36 KB, 373x454, Untitled.png)

went a whole week without drawing
fuck work i hate it


You didn't fall off


File: 1709009624171.png (93.29 KB, 567x698, Untitled.png)

mega rant i cant fucking draw for shit and its literally the only real ambition i have in life desu i really just want to quit my job and lock myself in my hut but its honestly the best job that im gonna find for the time being ,and lately it feels like im missing something


Become a neet like me and draw all you want


File: 1709017121017.jpeg (2.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9054.jpeg)

TV screen


File: 1709020785012.png (104.01 KB, 893x702, Untitled.png)

arent you in education or something


Dag nabbit you got me


File: 1709023881857.png (113.05 KB, 837x768, Untitled.png)




File: 1709202450983.png (119.1 KB, 749x755, Untitled.png)

ze slav squat of defeat


File: 1709230112321.png (1.88 MB, 3508x4960, Roomia.png)




nice work, also hi


File: 1709248054617.png (738.99 KB, 1139x1657, sanae with otaku glasses.png)

comfy colors


>bump limit


cute rumia


What brushes do you use? It's a nice effect



good colors


hard round brush with aliasing (basically pencil) and a soft round brush for blush


File: 1709315914518.png (2.16 MB, 1223x1479, nue.png)


File: 1709368321952.jpeg (1.28 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9143.jpeg)

Learning to draw with markers and its kind of tricky


File: 1709420893135-0.jpg (2.46 MB, 4000x3000, 20240228_090810.jpg)

File: 1709420893135-1.jpg (2.32 MB, 4000x3000, 20240219_093231.jpg)





rick and morty artstyle


It says 2021, did you draw anything after?
your artstyle is still recognizable with markers
erika's perfect math class


what kind of markers are you using for that nuclear bird woman?


File: 1709427952150.jpeg (2.94 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9171.jpeg)

These, and possibly one other color that I forgot


Tomboys are winning or something


I bought these from the university bookstore since my mom gave me several hundreds of dollars three years ago on my school card that I never used, but they aren't exactly cheap, I think its around 2.50 USD for one marker





File: 1709523330599.jpg (162.71 KB, 846x884, sda.jpg)

I promise I'll breakthrough this stagnation, eventually.


He's returned…


you like sharp teeth


big fat lies


File: 1709539433194.gif (9.8 KB, 500x500, test.gif)

How did people make animations back then dawg I can draw three frames and I'm burnt out


flash made it easier idk


Mickey mouse and Tom&Jerry were made in flash??


Yes sister, I love it when the nuclear bird vaporizes gensokyo


File: 1709583638573.png (3.74 MB, 4960x3508, 2.11.24.png)


This is very /twowhos and natural landscapes/


I'm thinking that landscapes are almost as important as the girl


They are


File: 1709604576236.png (1.76 MB, 900x1200, youmu.png)



Goon time


File: 1709632763622.png (127.69 KB, 610x714, Untitled.png)

im procrastinating drawing by drawing if that make sense


File: 1709648921951.png (1.56 MB, 900x1257, youmu2.png)

i forgot to add myon


sperm time


Put your skirt on Youmu there are visitors!!


i forgot what she wears so i gave her a nue dress it's just short


Can you procrastinate procrastinating by procrastinating?


I see the balls


it ain't nothin but a youmussy


Let's settle this in the ring


File: 1709671502582.jpeg (54.03 KB, 480x360, IMG_9234.jpeg)

'Taku challenge: draw this but with 'hou characters of your choice


File: 1709671820785.jpg (7.52 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)


File: 1709697990431.jpg (140.63 KB, 746x1028, not_touhou.jpg)

I'd post more but I don't really much to share.
Yeah you're probably right I don't really know what I'm doing, haha…




nice aya


W-whats going on here…


dont worry we can stagnate together


What peating does to women


File: 1709799368549.png (Spoiler Image, 439.47 KB, 1830x1990, mokou boom bikinis.png)

There was some discussion about Boom Boxers being made compatible in koggy earlier so I drew Mokou with the Boom Bikinis (Panties)

Heart panties are pretty cute


this is funny


File: 1709850309084.png (202.3 KB, 680x774, file.png)

not old but not 2hu



Cute tho



File: 1710099912852.png (1.7 MB, 900x1322, yuum.png)

goat with no arms because she ate them or something idk


If she eats enough she can regrow them


File: 1710159056043.jpg (Spoiler Image, 335.45 KB, 1650x2292, paizuri.jpg)

Haha, I love lolis with huge tits.


File: 1710387465215.jpeg (834.67 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_9504.jpeg)



oh chibi celestial!


no more drawings sorry


Any trans arts yet?


She bad


File: 1710448335197.jpg (4.28 MB, 3024x4032, meiling.jpg)

Bing Chilling


holy moly


This is very good, I like it, do it more


You have to draw ice cream now


i love china gate lady


This is only loosely related, and certainly not pertaining to any of you, but something I notice with a lot of artists is that their art gets worse over time - they start out with a unique and charming artstyle but as they learn common techniques to "draw better" it ends up making the art loose its charm and look refined and generic. What do you all think are things that lead to this?


It's because they receive a lot of satisfaction and validity from the increase in popularity, and there's much less of a market for stylized art
It's also why they start drawing touhou then move to each popular gacha


The majority of western 2d artists dabble in that to some level, eastern artists might dabble in it but because they have actual talent they're more inclined towards professional work


File: 1710541331814.png (727.81 KB, 1361x1668, Hanyuu share ver.png)



File: 1710541376902.png (Spoiler Image, 3.39 MB, 5839x2481, Doodles.png)

bonus sketches from the past week


File: 1710541789704-0.png (4.63 MB, 1870x1887, junko_ran_tsukasa.png)

File: 1710541789704-1.png (3.21 MB, 1870x2202, kanako_suwako_sanae.png)

A few collection of characters linked by a nebulous determining factor


File: 1710545283547.png (107.24 KB, 600x600, 10073 - 07th_expansion fur….png)

holy peak…
very good sketches, shinobu is my favorite one there.
the meeperalds


File: 1710551999411.jpg (69.93 KB, 607x741, retard.jpg)


I really like these.


big baaaka


very girls
I enjoy
I like sanny the best


He's back and better than before.
This looks like Cirno is breastfeeding the frozen frogs



File: 1710637467727.png (64.11 KB, 770x695, image (1).png)

Out of boredom I draw a little more


nemuno is too old
but very nice otherwise


File: 1710641949353.png (14.56 KB, 750x381, 10984 - sukusuku_hakutaku ….png)

What should I draw next


File: 1710642508773-0.png (231.99 KB, 756x1000, Willard sketch.png)

File: 1710642508773-1.png (1.52 MB, 1642x1875, Moriarity smirk.png)

File: 1710642508773-2.png (543.92 KB, 1500x1500, old man sketch.png)

some men because manly men are goated


draw eirin


aya whale



good Will


Nemuno is supposed to be old, she's a hag!
You should draw okuu vaporizing gensokyo in an evil fashion
We need more men. Draw Dragon Ball niggas


File: 1710652945739.jpeg (2.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9653.jpeg)

New sketch that I drew when I was drunk on a bottle of sake




File: 1710668585859.png (363.46 KB, 710x863, nitori22.png)


What will she play



how to draw again


Put pen on paper


File: 1710885513254.png (155.88 KB, 800x800, cowfrog2.png)

>neebs bore boomis
just have fun with it. try drawing different things outside your comfort zone, and do life studies. here's an entirely unrelated cowboy frog i drew a couple years ago.


File: 1710900091684.png (57.23 KB, 1366x768, file.png)

blender sucks i'm coming back


File: 1710900959714.jpg (413.44 KB, 2600x4624, h.jpg)

i havent touched a pen with the intention to draw in like 7 years but this thread made me want to fuck around a bit


File: 1710902509067-0.png (50.57 KB, 579x514, Screenshot 2024-03-19 2240….png)

File: 1710902509067-1.png (195.88 KB, 746x752, Screenshot 2024-03-19 2240….png)

gay retard doodles for the drawthred


big whale!


File: 1710910423822.png (Spoiler Image, 210.17 KB, 1500x1600, momiji skirt tear bone.png)

momiji ass


File: 1711012249813.jpg (50.55 KB, 718x705, ball muh.jpg)

Microscopic Bulma and scooter quad thing i tried to make look dragon ball'ish

bone pantsu good
this is awesome, so baller

thank you!


Looks pretty cool, I think drawing vehicles that look good is pretty tough


that's a very cool draw there


satori …


File: 1711044410738.jpg (3.98 MB, 3024x4032, rin.jpg)



File: 1711137386032.png (1.36 MB, 900x1213, cirn.png)

ice fairy wip fuck arms
pretty kitty


I think it's kind of funny that arms are what you hate drawing the most because I like arms
You are rapidly improving nevertheless


thank you
i hate arms i hate attaching them to the shoulder i hate not making them not look silly i also don't like hair or midsections thanks for reading


they're like lines that bend at the boobs and end with the hand on the butt


too complicated i'm just going to become an amputee fetishism artist


Draw girls with the oversized flappy sleeves, ez


I am not a man that makes compromises


File: 1711172183493.png (299.36 KB, 1479x1679, cute and sunny.png)

Cute and sunny

This was supposed to be a quick big sleeves drawing but then it became not that


File: 1711251744574.png (64.6 KB, 1078x686, assortedstuff.png)

This is the kind of stuff I draw when I don't draw Touhous



Looks nice, I like the abstract monsters



idk why I gave the green thing a layer 6 gyatt or whatever anyway good night


This is a cute style


File: 1711501252286.jpeg (1.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9842.jpeg)

Drew an oni but not a Touhou one


This is just like touhou but the spirit animals are all bunnies
Urusei Yatsuragartha




Welfare parasite



With a whale?


File: 1711626390342.png (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 2691x1668, Slob gf re.png)

been craving….. big steak….



File: 1711647431355.jpg (3.84 MB, 3024x4032, nue.jpg)

Illegal Alien

I really like how this one turned out.


I got a yukari whale album cover that I am cooking up.


good houjuu


File: 1711688578027.png (687.53 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled5_20240328233734.png)


i am not a good artist but i thought this was silly





File: 1711691747165.png (1.59 MB, 1350x1350, gojira whale bant.png)

This was a thing, I don't know if the person who drew it knows about this website though, it's a sort of mystery


never seen it before but it’s much more well done than mine lol


It's okay because the spirit is there


Very quick sketch I did at the dining hall


File: 1711698393889.jpeg (1.52 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9892.jpeg)

The image did not upload


sunny should've known better than to wear such an outfit while it's extremely windy…
nue peace


File: 1711948570389.jpg (1.91 MB, 3024x3810, PXL_20240401_051158002_1.jpg)

dumb fucking retarded moron neanderthal ice fairy


Someone sent me this website on discord and asked me to reply to this post. It look good! 7/10



File: 1712294242255.png (580.51 KB, 1014x1431, phan.png)

>danny phantom artstyle is nadir af


H-holy FUARK


tenshi when she is about to mog cirno


File: 1712307080437-0.jpg (256.95 KB, 800x991, 800px-Johannes_Vermeer_-_G….jpg)

File: 1712307080437-1.png (63.26 KB, 775x849, 'son.png)

Ez, why can't /trant/oids draw shit


you are NOT Johannes Vermeer


File: 1712389796494.png (14.16 KB, 553x650, dark parsee.png)

I was trying the danny phantom style heh


Aryanbros… this is how you really look?




File: 1712517255157.png (Spoiler Image, 6.67 KB, 256x256, dRINk.png)

₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ


File: 1712547051105.jpg (1.79 MB, 1034x1388, patchhhhh2.jpg)

drew a patchy



This is incredible


KamS type beat


File: 1712600285204.gif (53.36 KB, 640x640, iji-640-350.gif)





for a friend..


Hey man good thing you waited for lent to end x-D


File: 1712833630945.jpg (1.63 MB, 1028x1436, mari5.jpg)

marisa dinner (you're invited)


File: 1712838416023.jpg (124.69 KB, 792x1024, 1523133795477.jpg)

>marisa dinner (you're invited)


fixed something..


Black men are so lucky…


File: 1713131684202.jpg (2.05 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)

Rika (Maybe)




nipah lol


File: 1713261365905-0.png (Spoiler Image, 669.2 KB, 2600x3600, lidelle bully.png)

File: 1713261365905-1.png (Spoiler Image, 573.34 KB, 2600x3600, lidelle bully nopan.png)

Lidelle being bullied for having a big butt

This was supposed to take less time




File: 1713305728280.png (288.56 KB, 1795x1663, bakin.png)



cool and wholesome


Cute kitty


File: 1713323031286.png (Spoiler Image, 629.66 KB, 1181x2309, r kitty butt.png)



When bad drawings will be posted here?
I want bad drawings!!!


File: 1713337920677.png (Spoiler Image, 44.1 KB, 1924x1183, koggy.png)

I tried


Cirno’s ass is too nice
But i appreciate the pseudo soyjak stickmans in the background



drawsissies you look like this


Artist niggas be like: Mine


snoipa and soljer


File: 1713430084069.jpeg (874.79 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_1828.jpeg)

I have no clue what I'm even drawing. This isnt touhou related or really even from anything I just started sketching and seeing what my mind could conjure, kind of like a dream



You stepped it up a lil


>rainbow birb pantsu
she needs to get her dress off the hook, or it'll rip out…
poor maid having tripped over…


I hope she walks forward




The table would fall over


Not if the fabric is weak enough…


File: 1713646342093.png (1.77 MB, 1440x1440, HORN SIDE.png)



my calendar is marked


File: 1713720169928.png (1.36 MB, 900x1200, YukariThatLooksABitLikePat….png)


File: 1713720308866.png (176.71 KB, 405x341, file.png)

Easy now, we can talk about this


>>48537 Last seconds prior to face grab head pat combo.


I thought this was wemy for a second until I saw the chest size


File: 1714377897111.jpeg (1.1 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3272.jpeg)

I have been extraordinarily poorly motivated as of late but I figure it might not be bad to bump


she really does look like Patchouli


File: 1714382083238-0.jpg (78.81 KB, 724x965, sketch4.JPG)

File: 1714382083238-1.jpg (69.33 KB, 724x965, sketch3.JPG)

I was going through old photos and saw a few sketches I had in a sketchbook I lost


File: 1714404701210-0.jpg (558.38 KB, 2250x2790, Hig1.jpg)

File: 1714404701210-1.png (13.3 MB, 4050x2250, Higanbana field.png)

Higanbana (Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni), as a Sonic character.
For >>44183




File: 1714406799995.png (51.95 KB, 400x275, 10059 - embodiment_of_scar….png)



Holy beast


Ok chat, this is epic.


I am pogging uncontrollably


File: 1714540653872.jpeg (1.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3447.jpeg)





File: 1714566246735.jpg (5.82 MB, 4032x3024, junko2.jpg)


File: 1714566826058.png (586.04 KB, 549x732, Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 1….png)

>What a funkin' hot bitch I have drawn. Can't wait to put a horse penis on this… whore…




We need to bring her jouga


gasa spaghetti or


File: 1714864837855.png (1.29 MB, 971x981, file.png)

letty when its hot outside


File: 1715059828739.jpeg (3.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4127.jpeg)

Napkin hitler


What if it were 99 degrees


File: 1715060185838.jpg (1.69 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20240507_013218124-1.jpg)

A Canadian georgedy asked to upload again


do it again


Youmu won.


File: 1715206441789.jpg (276.86 KB, 1015x1163, horn_fold.jpg)


File: 1715300471197.png (Spoiler Image, 23.87 KB, 1024x1024, ran1024e.png)


:keanu: You're stunning



File: 1715475224816.png (612.17 KB, 729x716, file.png)


she looks so pure








File: 1715559370098.png (1.34 MB, 3426x2175, aurora.png)

drew this the other day


I wish I saw the aurora…


File: 1715802578844.jpeg (2.3 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4746.jpeg)

I'm a day late for Koishi day…


cute koosh



noice foot


File: 1715847628397-0.png (325.27 KB, 1780x2400, tenshi gyatt.png)

File: 1715847628397-1.png (67.4 KB, 363x94, tenshi big gyatt.png)

Tenshi big gyatt on keystone





Celestial gyatt I am coming tenshi


horn sword


File: 1715980798411.jpeg (1.41 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4893.jpeg)

Plane sketches


File: 1716012197106.jpeg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4925.jpeg)

Did more work on the flan one


the flandre is banger
it took me a long time to notice the aya sonic
also aya sonic and tenshi are pretty "appealing"


"Appealing", I see


File: 1716082581431.png (32.8 KB, 800x500, file.png)


Hey, you're the guy who did the Three Fairies of Light calendars!


yea, both maps I made for the server (koth_youkai mountain and cp_bantlands) as well as koth_sunnymilk have custom calendars by me

I plan to keep doing it for each map I work on because I think it's fun


File: 1716320646116.jpg (4.08 MB, 3024x4032, erwin.jpg)

Finally got the motivation to draw again. Enjoy this guppie


Wow nice


you're climbing the food chain


File: 1716582747782.png (7.37 MB, 3024x3816, file.png)

smile dog koishi


she scary




stage fright is also cute


why are they deleted I missed them


nothing worth seeing


I like the brushwork a lot


delete this to instantly end my life


File: 1716850386626-0.jpg (2.8 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20240528_004654.jpg)

File: 1716850386626-1.jpg (3.67 MB, 3569x4404, Wladyslaw_Sikorski_2.jpg)


Bery coor


File: 1716860335645.jpeg (2.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6281.jpeg)

New wippy, no girls just green




File: 1716932362637.png (27.75 KB, 642x700, sneed.png)

Just. Draw



File: 1716934768723.gif (1.77 MB, 200x200, nuke.gif)


You're just asking to become a drawslave


draw your favorite girl over and over and over and over


File: 1716989621607.png (2.29 MB, 2051x2305, tegaki_2024_05_29_13_28_48.png)

>open youtube
>close youtube


File: 1717076626072.png (13.77 MB, 2281x2879, IMG_9373.png)


This is well-done, I like the hatching


File: 1717096079845.png (10.16 MB, 4960x3508, chirei.png)


cool lighting


Sorry pisscel, you have to be a cute girl to draw


File: 1717450063547.png (199.18 KB, 640x1046, Screenshot 2024-06-01 1330….png)

idk if i'm going to end up finishing this, so i'll post it here in case i don't


bvilt 4 bwc


Blue posting nigger


nice legs


It's actually blue blur because of Sonic flag


File: 1717463707731.png (13.39 MB, 3508x4960, marisa3.png)


File: 1717627237902.png (340.28 KB, 951x1002, Screenshot 2024-06-05 0453….png)



File: 1717635779675.png (Spoiler Image, 8.48 MB, 1500x1480, reimu-coinslot.png)

i drew this reimu coinslot a few months ago




Holy meepermy


File: 1717643120249.png (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 2400x2600, iku boob.png)

Iku with big boob because it's my birthday and she's one of my favorites

No cute bra because bare tits are nice


What a coincidence!! Hopefully your birthday goes as nice as mine did


File: 1717779745860.jpg (2.8 MB, 3672x7251, 20240607_115122.jpg)

I posted this originally in /jp/ but I drew Biten a while ago, I remember saying that my mother liked it so much that she hung it on the wall, and yeah, she is still there. It is a parody of Gabriel von Max's "Schlafen gehenǃ" painting but with Biten instead for those who don't get the reference.



File: 1717782652858.jpg (1.66 MB, 4000x1800, 20240429_120120.jpg)

Mine is terrible, did I do a good job?


File: 1717783619271.jpg (288.98 KB, 1080x1135, cat2.jpg)

Nah, it's cute, keep drawing and you will eventually become the artist you want to be, then you will look a your old drawing and you will see how far you have come.




Never pick up a pencil ever again.



Pick up a pencil again and again


Put down the pencil over and over until it's just molecules


Was it thursday or tuesday




File: 1718263243593.png (573.85 KB, 2000x2200, elevator girl.png)

Drew a friend's oc for their birthday


File: 1718292169024.png (141.53 KB, 687x811, Screenshot 2024-06-11 2139….png)

This is the first digital drawing i've ever coloured in my entire life


File: 1718292624186.gif (30.87 KB, 187x187, bocchi.gif)


File: 1718429056732.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x500, 200kmh.jpg)

suggestion for drawfags:
aya and hatate as julia and lena on the 10th anniversary cover of 200km/h in the wrong lane (picrel)


Julia is cute


she is cute on this album cover but i looked at modern pictures of her and she kind of looks like russian kim kardashian


File: 1718438625154.png (581.84 KB, 1790x1994, koishi comic wip.png)

I will consider it once I finish other things


She got old and bogged and converted to islam true story


File: 1718486781839.png (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 3600x3000, koishi fat comic.png)

Growing girl

Also Okuu tits


File: 1718487037111.png (84.09 KB, 800x700, 3813 - cum funny kicchou_y….png)


Not even a joke but I got an erection, you have made it as an artist.


Nothing more erotic than koosh gyatt


angles are hard


File: 1718493621069.jpg (236.12 KB, 1583x1600, dorawingu.jpg)


Cute room, that chair looks soft


Thank you

I love how the blush blends with the skin. Good job
Self expression through art reached a totally new level, that's why it's good. but… do never do this with my precious Reimu, please :concern:


File: 1718578100111.png (4.56 MB, 1933x3606, file.png)

Mokou!!!(short legs, sad)


File: 1718596308381.png (2.67 MB, 3840x2160, ReimuConcept.png)

You can have this dogshit sketches I made for a temptative DST mod that I never went through making.


i will draw
one day


I'm sending your kaguya drawing to a friend without permission


File: 1718745249760.jpg (3.39 MB, 3024x4032, erwin3.jpg)

Gifting guppie




File: 1718771398403-0.png (188.65 KB, 707x874, Screenshot 2024-06-19 0022….png)

File: 1718771398403-1.png (73.61 KB, 559x811, Screenshot 2024-06-19 0024….png)

I think I found the reference for this drawing on bantculture, but im not sure. This is the second drawing i've coloured. What do you think????


File: 1718776085721.png (137 KB, 874x740, untitled.png)

here i shat this out in 10 minutes this is my quota for the year



This looks really nice. Only thing is I think the eyes are too high up on the head, but since it's very stylized, it is reduced to a stylistic choice


He's back on the drind (draw-grind)


when I stop being lazy and shit


File: 1718992827097.jpg (6.62 MB, 4000x3000, P1060168.JPG)


File: 1719010193089.png (1.9 MB, 1200x1600, Illustration2.png)


File: 1719010686282.jpg (136.15 KB, 720x900, 3477eaf00c19530a0b5e0091fd….jpg)

reminded me of


File: 1719010697930.png (126.27 KB, 800x769, f66.png)

This is my reaction, it's just amazing


I have no idea why but confederate Reimu is extremely cute and hot to me

Nice coloring and gun


File: 1719181756876.jpg (284.39 KB, 896x1770, drink3.jpg)

I return.


retvrn of the pailoli king…
also i like that wemy she looks very pensive


These are cute and nice


nice remi and granboob


Remilia is awesome


File: 1719296171449.png (99.98 KB, 647x653, untitled.png)

probably not




my calendar is re-marked


File: 1719525317701.png (2.17 MB, 3508x4960, mors2.png)


File: 1719633360827.png (1.1 MB, 2500x1408, feets.png)

im stoooodying, im gonna stoooody


I hate yuri but the feet are good


File: 1719634280847.jpg (40.75 KB, 506x494, 5986ca233774bede8a73f131cf….jpg)

yuri is GOOD


File: 1719634352018.png (157.8 KB, 451x529, 1c0c317a7a8abeb932c8f021ad….png)

also, thank you!


File: 1719634396445.jpg (43.77 KB, 393x406, 5010a41c162fb33183df853a89….jpg)

I uh….


File: 1719897482477.jpeg (1.8 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9314.jpeg)

Inspiration seems to be dry lately so I've started sketching this new 'kuu to help inspire everyone (minna ganbatte)


File: 1719941396454.jpg (281.47 KB, 3072x4096, SPOILER_IMG_20240702_05425….jpg)


I see where a lot of the attention went with this one heh


Nice oguu

Nice mountains of faith


I thought it was suigintou daze


He either thinks it's Sanae or likes calling breasts mountains of faith


I thought that he thought it was kanako


Okay I'm 50/50 because the chair could resemble shimenawa in the silhouette


I don't know who suigintou and at a glance the tits look like Kanako's sorry


I'm a fake weeb




(´ Д `)(´ Д `)(´ Д `)


=⩊= =⩊= =⩊=


File: 1720365624960.png (593.22 KB, 1515x2297, IMG_0252.PNG)


It was hard to recognize something coherent like this as yours


File: 1720376772079.png (12.85 MB, 3508x4960, kappa1.png)



This one is really charming


File: 1720393389550.png (501.37 KB, 2000x3000, aru cute.png)



File: 1720461481792.png (886.27 KB, 1741x2163, IMG_0261.PNG)


File: 1720461664524.png (711.15 KB, 1745x1591, IMG_0256.PNG)




ultra soulful art style


File: 1720493727020.png (752.51 KB, 1766x2263, IMG_0275.PNG)




File: 1720662473346-0.png (947.27 KB, 2097x2956, IMG_0291.PNG)

File: 1720662473346-1.png (2.75 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_0305.PNG)


holy fuck you drew sharthou


why ur artwork give depressing viebs


world is not a good place so art should reflect it


The world is full of wonderful moments so my art reflects that


File: 1720830385426.jpeg (1.83 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0248.jpeg)

Baby's first watercolor


baby made this?



very nice


Has a sumi kinda feel to it
Are you using decent paper btw it matters for watercolors


File: 1720835337764.jpeg (1.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0260.jpeg)

New experiment
It's watercolor paper that my friend gave me, seems pretty aight so far


the hair is really well done I think


this is epic


File: 1720857720188.png (2.06 MB, 600x900, okuu in a nun outfit.png)

okuu if she catholic


File: 1720868021300.jpg (300.92 KB, 3060x4080, 20240713_115159.jpg)

satoris (ignore the thing)



Man that was a weird thread for it


Oh my MSPaintler


File: 1720903050114.jpeg (1.91 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0319.jpeg)

Oh my gosh I think the skin color was too much


File: 1720903622812.jpg (149.99 KB, 625x491, junko run.jpg)

No negativity allowed kike


Text is often poor at conveying emotional intention and my counter reply reduced possible emotional damages while also having a cute gyate to smooth things over


It's like we are aristocrats in a diplomatic situation trying to prevent the Great Otaku War


File: 1720908692986.jpeg (2.02 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0342.jpeg)

This is kinda meh but like it's my second watercolor so thats that


yooooooo this came out great


This is very cool


File: 1721086116935-0.jpg (3.43 MB, 2238x3436, IMG_20240716_012325.jpg)

File: 1721086116935-1.png (78.88 KB, 217x245, IMG_20240716_001854.png)

Marisa drawing based on her portrait from PCB

I sadly couldn't erase her "scar", guess she grazed a shot fired at her


Marisa (boy)


File: 1721181499592-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 1813x1418, IMG_0322.PNG)

File: 1721181499592-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1685x1650, IMG_0325.PNG)

File: 1721181499592-2.png (Spoiler Image, 1.91 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_0346.PNG)

File: 1721181499592-3.png (Spoiler Image, 1.2 MB, 1568x2239, IMG_0358.PNG)


File: 1721203214097.png (769.23 KB, 2500x3250, yuuka shopping.png)

Yuuka shopping in the garden section of Home Depot


Too big


first post in an hour on a dead website award




File: 1721247716764.jpg (5.66 MB, 3024x4032, saemonza.jpg)



Archery plate


File: 1721318187044.jpeg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0835.jpeg)

Doremy commission for socks, just have 2 sign it and send it his way


File: 1721425473305.jpg (6.37 MB, 3024x4032, suika.jpg)

La Goblino



Woah I like this one


File: 1721530140392.jpeg (1.2 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1178.jpeg)

Effortless 5 minute sketch of Evil Eye Sigma giving lunch to Kogasa


This is just like how Broly appears in Toyoble's DB AF as a supporting character


File: 1721536829053-0.jpg (2.02 MB, 4000x3000, 20230327_112946.jpg)

File: 1721536829053-1.jpg (2.25 MB, 4000x3000, 20230327_111949.jpg)

File: 1721536829053-2.jpg (2.18 MB, 4000x3000, 20230327_112939.jpg)

I don't have any drawings of 2hus but I just remembered that back when I was 14/15 I used to draw these postage stamp thingies


fuck they have rotation metadata, enjoy looking at the previews and only the previews I guess


I adore these actually they're really charming



I don't remember entirely why I stopped, I think it was related to WANTING to draw 2hus but sucking majorly at character drawings

Also because I wanted to move to drawing digitally but it was substantially harder and more time-consuming and I didn't want to buy a drawing tablet to alleviate that because that would make me gay


Draw Touhou buildings and landscapes instead


Those drawings remind me of medieval artwork or something you would find in an old print.
Drawing digitally is pretty difficult, what honestly speeds up workflow the most digitally is shortcut keys. It's like comparing how someone plays RTS without it and someone who does.


>Those drawings remind me of medieval artwork or something you would find in an old print.
That's cause of Darkest Dungeon inspiration - Darkest Dungeon derives heavily from medieval to 19th century artwork.
Back in 2018 when I was 14 I was big into Darkest Dungeon, having just played it for the first time.


File: 1721563001406.png (10.13 MB, 3508x4960, catrisa.png)



File: 1721588217844.jpg (1.39 MB, 4962x7014, reimu.jpg)


You're stepping it up


Yeah, I even bought water pencils(sadly water wrinkled the paper)



File: 1721593005074.jpg (3.34 MB, 2678x3004, yuyuko.jpg)





File: 1721603388521.png (622.77 KB, 850x720, s.png)



You're still cracked


fairy good


The legend… is back.


File: 1721693515582.jpeg (1.16 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1394.jpeg)

I wonder if it's still considered a rakugaki if it's watercolor


aw yea



File: 1721711020733.jpg (5.21 MB, 4000x3000, P1060261.JPG)


File: 1721721112631.png (1.32 MB, 3072x4096, image_2024-07-23_035138946.png)

elding bling



File: 1721854646518.jpeg (2.2 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1539.jpeg)

I'm making a xitter to post my stuff



File: 1721856945189.jpg (98.13 KB, 602x608, 6882fc429f9e2a5fb0eaf9cd22….jpg)

Kikes are seething, better follow!


File: 1721886872068.png (32.17 KB, 677x839, IMG_1273.png)

Yuyuko drawing I did a long while ago but a good friend dug it up for me


File: 1722016615336.jpeg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1984.jpeg)

I drew this for the pole let's hope it flips the right way


is this loss




I was retarded and forgot to mention that it went from top right to bottom right to top left to bottom left


Loss is an ancient 4chan meme, he wasn't complaining about format actually


I know but it suddenly made me realize that the way I drew this doesn't make it intuitive the direction you're supposed to read it


File: 1722041398460.jpg (2.76 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20240727024526.jpg)

Marisa I just drew


File: 1722042828264.jpg (44.21 KB, 1500x738, 24d2732115474e93d79db8dba2….jpg)


File: 1722043261549.jpg (1.64 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20240727031837.jpg)

I noticed few details that looked bad, so I fixed it a bit(plus took a pic with better lighting)


I like the way you draw the eyes


I love it



File: 1722140702138.png (67.36 KB, 1200x1200, image (2).png)

I drew this in GIMP, next order of business will be figuring out a suitable color palette


make her mtn dew colored


make her piss color


That's just cuckoobird bro


the joke is that mountain dew is piss color so effectively the same thing as the previous post


european mtn dew is pee, american mtn dew is neon green


drink enough anerican mtn dew and your piss will be neon too
source: i used to drink it a lot in my teenage youth with dortios while playing cod zombies for 8 hours straight


File: 1722153627504.jpg (20.39 KB, 600x600, mountain-dew-500-ml-b-iext….jpg)

European Mountain Dew had neon green bottles… Until jews ruined it!


File: 1722199946486.png (Spoiler Image, 701.6 KB, 2011x2000, bimm bored art.png)

drew bimm from mighty magiswords the other day
rip kyle


File: 1722199985421-0.png (Spoiler Image, 283.51 KB, 945x1633, cassandra dress.png)

File: 1722199985421-1.png (Spoiler Image, 157.51 KB, 988x1474, katiaass.png)

File: 1722199985421-2.png (Spoiler Image, 325.47 KB, 969x2005, HOLUP.png)

few other things


File: 1722200135793.png (129.15 KB, 785x464, 10472 - deformed kasodani_….png)

The second and fourth one didn't shorten my lifespan


i could have gave them all dicks


Don't worry I like it but reacting in that manner provided a warning



Glad Ms. Katswell has a nice ass like she should


File: 1722201663533.jpg (4.21 MB, 2854x3327, IMG_20240728_231822.jpg)

Sadly I didn't draw the space on the cape, might edit it in later tho


File: 1722202397378.png (17.43 KB, 745x461, 1422 - happy kasodani_kyou….png)


This is a massive win for my daughter


File: 1722205285340.png (4.58 MB, 2854x3327, okuucolor.png)

A massive win for your daughter of color


File: 1722205326458.png (149.16 KB, 680x402, GJinNPJXAAAirqL.png)

This goes hard


I wonder what you use to digitize this


File: 1722220768841.png (1.7 MB, 2322x2501, IMG_0397.PNG)


too dark


I just edited the photo in gimp, I was too lazy to scan it first


File: 1722367019860.jpg (5.07 MB, 3024x4032, yukari1.jpg)

A sad floof



Looks pretty good


I was tempted to make an evil joke but I will refrain


is that the fucking prequel cat in 2024 what the fuck


File: 1722494277257.jpeg (2.2 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2552.jpeg)

Wolfgirl a friend wanted me to draw, I'll post it to my xitter tomorrow ev&doe it's a mob character basically


File: 1722541125750.jpg (6.14 MB, 3024x4032, tewi1.jpg)

Rabbit Rabbit



An evil rabbit of mischief


File: 1722574217823.jpg (205.53 KB, 1280x1106, dollgrill.jpg)

character of some sort


unless what??? O_O


noice coloring


File: 1722643300819.png (106.41 KB, 1500x980, harpy doro.png)



File: 1722708006054.jpg (2.58 MB, 2301x2946, IMG_20240803_195330.jpg)




File: 1722732212025.png (22.55 KB, 800x500, 3537 - hakurei_reimu.png)


Hi Reimu


File: 1722839822366.png (Spoiler Image, 412.58 KB, 567x1668, i want to fuck this rabbit.PNG)

i want to fuck this rabbi t.


dont have sex with tei because she's evil and will definitely do something awful. best case scenario she's fingering your ass. worst case scenario she beats you over the head with a mallet.

it isnt worth it.


File: 1722901665149.jpg (3.4 MB, 2446x2923, IMG_20240805_235112.jpg)

Marisa from Touhou(literally me) snoozing


File: 1722912862914.png (1.17 MB, 1221x1115, untitled.png)

cant be bothered to finish


New momiji test which is in watercolor pencil, I'll see what happens when I water it in later


File: 1722998434929.jpeg (1.32 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3018.jpeg)

It didnt upload


i like


Where G cup tits and juicy lips?


File: 1723179329719.png (22.39 KB, 600x600, i cant draww.png)



Beutifgul!!!!!! :D


cute moji and stupid bird drawing



File: 1723238122097.jpeg (1.95 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3406.jpeg)

Ok I need some honestly pertaining to this drawing: >>86765
Doe it look better with or without the pen inking? Here's the inked one



the inking would look better but its way harder to do it well


I like the inked one better doe


File: 1723319877744.jpg (4.91 MB, 3024x4032, anchovy.jpg)



I love :)


she evil


File: 1723324430413.png (57.44 KB, 799x600, F8F5F0D9-52F3-44B6-83FA-A8….png)

Skullgirls art spotted


File: 1723369036833.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.28 MB, 5767x7109, hombcumshot.jpg)


File: 1723512337271.jpg (118.89 KB, 1280x532, doodleddl.jpg)

im a fan of small tanks, im a fan of Chobi, im a fan if this draw



File: 1723541520981.png (830.63 KB, 817x929, untitled.png)

i tried
not really


It's big


you can draw too sir


File: 1723542177193.png (293.17 KB, 967x594, !1653724841133.png)

impressive, very nice



File: 1723669420393.jpg (4.85 MB, 2616x3687, mokou.jpg)

Here's Mokou


File: 1723804653952.png (14.52 KB, 444x525, fritzshtierlitzgyate2.png)

Drew one of my OCs as a gyate.


File: 1723838182150.jpg (2.31 MB, 2595x3107, rum.jpg)

Drunk drawing (I wub Rum)


Cute girls


She's melting faces


File: 1723986087123.jpeg (1.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4170.jpeg)



Vibrant Remi. Looks great


cute banpaia


I wish I was her



File: 1724131698374.jpg (463.69 KB, 2404x2597, yukari_nose.jpg)



oh my sukusuku!


What in the whaled


me when dirty touhou feet


File: 1724207298327.jpg (381.88 KB, 2500x734, doodleseszes sm.jpg)


File: 1724208529817-0.jpg (432.71 KB, 1881x2717, 1714058926261.jpg)

File: 1724208529817-1.png (3.98 MB, 1982x3063, 1714654940194.png)

File: 1724208529817-2.jpg (651.02 KB, 3739x2664, IMG_20240330_231809.jpg)


File: 1724255606481.jpg (2.24 MB, 2085x2819, IMG_20240821_174831.jpg)

Sunflower girl


vroom vroom


File: 1724269082114.jpg (2.33 MB, 3024x3074, shinmy.jpg)

Angry Shinmy


File: 1724269235874.png (366.46 KB, 512x560, oked.png)


File: 1724271363769.png (Spoiler Image, 424.47 KB, 1597x1899, master shakec.png)

drew this and its now my most popular drawing, i hate my life.




I LOVE IT!!!!!




File: 1724463998313.png (Spoiler Image, 187.53 KB, 769x851, beep beep.png)



File: 1724539283441-0.png (488.79 KB, 1280x679, file.png)

File: 1724539283441-1.png (592.08 KB, 1280x681, file.png)

tried to make some simple rocket launcher



File: 1724594334882.png (483.04 KB, 1280x679, file.png)

tried to make something like the UT3 Rocket Launcher



cute 'lin


File: 1724697600904.png (619.03 KB, 1200x760, file.png)

pfp vs owner kek lol lmao


File: 1724701714359.jpeg (2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5470.jpeg)

I've started my first oil painting experiment, the PUFA fumes from the linseed oil are so bad that they actually make me want to throw up


>throw up
Free green colour palette


File: 1724703694721.jpeg (2.06 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5471.jpeg)

Finished the little test run, it was supposed to be Koishi but it looks like Takane. I think it would have looked better if I planned out the anatomical features more. Btw apparently linsneed oil can catch fire as it oxidizes so hopefully this painting won't just erupt into flames
It would be white because I drank milk


File: 1724738857203.jpeg (2.38 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5525.jpeg)

Alice painting that I will finish later


Wtf why did it put my name as sage


good one


This goes crazy


File: 1724787090302.jpg (2.27 MB, 1747x2073, hatate.jpg)


File: 1724812815425.jpg (Spoiler Image, 69.63 KB, 893x841, BUTTE.jpg)

Another rut… More shitty drawings.




What is she so angry about.


She's mad because the inferior crow gets more attention than her


File: 1724892622925.jpeg (3.19 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5870.jpeg)

Full color dropped, will add some stuff later


File: 1724943181338.jpg (432.35 KB, 3275x2532, IMG_20240829_215032.jpg)

We getting into NTR with this one.


Extreme sovl overload


File: 1724964049903.png (5.06 MB, 2500x2500, slavwife.png)

(original is kinda cringe)


this is badass


I really need to. Life has been hectic.




New facebook group dropped


Yup, issa cringerald






Holy fuk


File: 1725034899322.png (44.03 KB, 750x498, 8224 - eyes_closed nippaku….png)

>stop having fun


File: 1725139607870.jpg (3.87 MB, 2768x2175, 2huyukari.jpg)

Gap Hag


what was it


It was a video of a babushka getting angry with her husband or son and stabbing him and then it cuts to him naked and bleeding and calling her a blyat


File: 1725239241959.jpeg (2.67 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6649.jpeg)

Pintaba la princesa




File: 1725305783236.jpeg (2.61 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6712.jpeg)

Frupdate (not final)


Never seen another kag this tradcath


Where's the tiddies


If I post nudity on a public forum full of gooners then I commit a grave evil even if the original intent of the drawing is not erotic


post it on /foul/, it has no flags so no one will know it was you


Anonymity does not hide you from God


I've heard of muslims who drank alcohol under the table so allah wouldn't see them so maybe try something of that sort


File: 1725548426104.jpg (2.36 MB, 2516x2262, IMG_20240903_191124.jpg)

I drew this few times ago, I should remake it when I get better tho


*Few days


What is she listening to


I think I get it


actually I dont


Probably ultrakill (<- Clueless)


She's holding dubstep gun from saints row


File: 1725722921603-0.png (169.94 KB, 901x957, katswellchu.png)

File: 1725722921603-1.png (168.78 KB, 901x957, katswellchu2.png)

gotta go fast


insanae levels of cluelessness holy shit


File: 1726035330288.jpg (2.91 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240910_230034.jpg)


File: 1726035411204-0.jpg (2.84 MB, 3405x2609, IMG_20240910_221711.jpg)

File: 1726035411204-1.jpg (2.7 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240910_142801.jpg)

File: 1726035411204-2.jpg (2.84 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240910_143609.jpg)

File: 1726035411204-3.jpg (2.67 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20240910_143953.jpg)

Silly sketches


nice moko


File: 1726189449042.png (3.35 MB, 3935x2020, 3 sketches.png)





My daughter…



File: 1726218491326.png (930.7 KB, 900x1153, thickmarisa.png)

could you archive this fucking thread and create a new one already so my computer doesnt half-near crash every time i want to see my mate's new drawings



invest a unnecessary amount of money into a new computer


how about i beat the shit out of you instead


File: 1726220042046.png (116.94 KB, 740x509, 1718059796747.png)

lovingly at least?


ironic or not, faggotry will see you turned away from the pearly gates, faggot




There's literally a button to only open the last 50 replies retard


thanks for your contribution, memeflag


nice legs




File: 1726251789977.png (Spoiler Image, 596.76 KB, 1357x2119, peach2.png)





Bowser is so lucky…


File: 1726281793644.png (261.75 KB, 1109x999, remi.png)

sketch of remillia


Remilia with gloves = this is crazy



File: 1726856002382.png (Spoiler Image, 54 KB, 256x512, tsu-8-9-s1-mk0.png)



File: 1726929215226-0.jpg (318.29 KB, 2053x3453, IMG_20240921_193556.jpg)

File: 1726929215226-1.jpg (396.29 KB, 2013x3802, IMG_20240921_213126.jpg)

OC (it's green)




File: 1727170455913.png (1.25 MB, 1900x1900, sonic.png)

Legends can coexist


oh my sanic this is epic


oooouh that's hot


i forgot how to draw


File: 1727767110876.jpg (2.15 MB, 3037x2688, IMG_20241001_141746.jpg)

Maybe I'll colour it later. (Maybe I won't)


File: 1727769907113.png (24.71 KB, 800x550, satori_gyate_wink.png)

>'bre vtuber secret service


Copied to >>>/j/7264
Thread now cyclical (1500)


like my procrastination


Why would they do that


I'm insecure about giant threads crashing people's devices
And last 50 doesn't let you see the whole thing mkay


those people are inferior tho


File: 1728363585317.jpeg (1.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0504.jpeg)

What the freaking hitler


I forgot the i in komeiji


File: 1728593770060.jpg (2.19 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20241010223112.jpg)

I drew a pear



File: 1728598377924.gif (214.9 KB, 128x128, pear.gif)




File: 1728838916122-0.jpg (38.91 KB, 494x638, poti quakerl.jpg)

File: 1728838916122-1.png (68.11 KB, 408x361, referenceimg.png)


its beautiful


File: 1729378795817.jpg (3.69 MB, 2407x3138, IMG_20241020_003626.jpg)

Heavy Marisa mod


I love it


File: 1729669270078.jpg (1.39 MB, 2675x2269, keramo granit.jpg)


File: 1729669418552-0.jpg (1.75 MB, 2248x2748, IMG_20241022_144655.jpg)

File: 1729669418552-1.jpg (3.43 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20241022_132618.jpg)

File: 1729669418552-2.jpg (2.2 MB, 1793x3574, IMG_20241021_151449.jpg)

File: 1729669418552-3.jpg (398.76 KB, 708x1632, IMG_20241018_131744.jpg)


File: 1730178109529.gif (8.6 KB, 180x240, koa.gif)

Test of a passive flight animation on Koakuma



Guess who's getting a spatial reasoning trophy



File: 1730221366741.png (838.04 KB, 1000x1342, file.png)


File: 1730353728958.jpeg (1.94 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3005.jpeg)

Forgot about this page, look at Mima and totally not the cirno


stop being productive please


This was drawn over a year ago so it's okay


File: 1730439772673.jpeg (3.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3101.jpeg)

I started another painting and I have no clue how it will turn out it might honestly be bad


i told you to stop being productive


File: 1731043728266.jpeg (1.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4147.jpeg)

Low effort kokoro


how is it now


File: 1731094222242.jpeg (2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4184.jpeg)

I added another layer to it, I can tell I'm coming up on the eyes but have no clue what I'll do for it since I already painted the hair


File: 1731094331166.jpeg (2.61 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4185.jpeg)

That pic didn't give the skin tone contrast well


File: 1731115360688.png (191.29 KB, 687x984, coom_sketches_8_26_24.png)

Old stuff


File: 1731115377943.png (157.93 KB, 602x835, coom_sketches_8_26_24 (2).png)


File: 1731115409953.png (338.29 KB, 1086x1718, coom_sketches_8_26_24 (1).png)




File: 1731116657974.png (10.53 KB, 799x464, 1722654489225.png)


bbl drizzy


cute 'machi and leisen, love em



File: 1731245540970-0.png (5.17 MB, 3072x4080, file.png)

File: 1731245540970-1.png (6.13 MB, 3072x4080, file.png)

File: 1731245540970-2.png (2.34 MB, 1080x1920, file.png)

Finally did some new stuff although STILL no 2hus

(the third one is unfinished and was intended to have two people praying)


You should keep going I like your style


File: 1731260950862-0.png (471.1 KB, 1443x1704, IMG_0530.png)

File: 1731260950862-1.png (2.28 MB, 2255x2178, IMG_0516.png)

File: 1731260950862-2.png (492.32 KB, 2266x1488, IMG_0529.png)


File: 1731340871003.jpg (1.54 MB, 2397x2034, IMG_20241111_225824.jpg)



File: 1731456938270-0.png (Spoiler Image, 351.93 KB, 2266x1488, IMG_0536.png)

File: 1731456938270-1.png (Spoiler Image, 630.92 KB, 2048x1561, IMG_0542.png)

File: 1731456938270-2.png (Spoiler Image, 436.14 KB, 1112x1681, IMG_0543.png)




This goes hard honestly


bro is nukunukunigirimeshimaxxing


File: 1731679017624.png (89.74 KB, 1110x1239, 1650311853562.png)


Funny tei face


Touhous do not look like that (other than Tewi, Cirno and Reimu and the cow one)


Reimu b cup is reasonable


File: 1731679339704.png (33.64 KB, 697x522, 1720289376833.png)

Thats why i mentioned it, yes


cirno looks funny


File: 1731679514644.jpg (84.41 KB, 506x596, 118012359_p2.jpg)

>the cow one


File: 1731679563793.png (371.14 KB, 812x1907, 5267 - clownpiece drooling….png)

Oh God I just woke up and my brain completely skipped over that


Touhous do not look like that (they're all ZZZ+)


File: 1731679735842.png (198.63 KB, 720x720, 1623301783926.png)

She is too forgettable so i dont remember her name


File: 1731680141984.png (12.71 KB, 800x559, 1710604532867054.png)

>eosd gamers "remembering" the names of characters like stage 4 midboss
>eosd gamers attempting to remember a proper stage boss name from a game thats only a few years old


File: 1731680434027.png (7.88 MB, 2894x3858, 195af3fb711f2351282d1a0588….png)

Don't be hatin on midbosses nigga


File: 1731680472645.png (142.02 KB, 1300x1600, 1dc6143e8c0363620b56f383eb….png)

she's canadian btw


File: 1731681390134.png (177.31 KB, 728x545, 1718338334793.png)

In my defence 17 was the point where i lost interest in the mainline games


File: 1731681462790.jpg (75.41 KB, 740x1069, 1710427279509889.jpg)



The games after 16 are shit


File: 1731689310455.jpg (764.74 KB, 4096x4096, 279df8c8c13820954d8c602e1f….jpg)

>The games after 5 are shit


Yukari has the biggest boobs of all at approx. 105cm bust.
Patchouli, Alice, Ran, Reisen, Byakuren, Junko and the cowgirl are all also very large (90-95cm).
Everyone else is smaller.

Hope this helps!


Smallest bust obviously belongs to Wriggle Nightbug cause that fucker is a prepubescent male and if you like Wriggle you are a faggot LOL!

Other extras:
Reimu and Marisa are both small to medium size but Reimu has slightly bigger boobs and Marisa has a slightly bigger ass
Sanae is large and I forgot to mention her earlier
Sakuya is average sized in spite of all the pads memes from 2009
Youmu is tiny as if that wasn't obvious




File: 1731692915573.jpg (172.46 KB, 750x1000, wriggle_gyatt_2.jpg)

>prepubescent male
sorry georgedy reuters already fact checked this. wriggle is a girl.


P and AA are lit


File: 1732116893004.jpeg (421.57 KB, 1258x1287, IMG_2815.jpeg)

ive found this on my ancient uni writings






File: 1732576675710.png (570.18 KB, 1366x1874, IMG_0556.png)

dead chat like my brain, haven't drawn anything in like 5 days


File: 1733556185592.png (24.02 KB, 600x800, sigma.png)

Youmu meets Evbil Eye Sigma


File: 1734713145785.png (4.23 MB, 2469x2356, file.png)

forgot if I posted this here or not (probably not)




File: 1735012536669.png (331.61 KB, 1024x1024, 2.png)

pirated csp but don't rlly know how to use it yet lole



holy oni boobs



do kanako next





This is cuckoobird


i 4got how to draw



File: 1735210135777.png (5.9 MB, 3072x4080, file.png)


File: 1735400121511.jpg (3.78 MB, 2235x3651, IMG_20241228_150738.jpg)

B positive


File: 1735419060856.jpg (737 KB, 1056x1005, ranandchen.jpg)

I'm back




How did you know my blood type??? :O


it's on your sleeve


File: 1735754577023.png (254.59 KB, 780x926, portrait.png)

i found a portrait someone drew of me in 2018
so flattering


same perspective as yajuu senpai


kys weabtranny


File: 1735933297054.jpg (7.55 KB, 322x270, 1501064074138.jpg)


File: 1735940381904.jpg (57.87 KB, 416x488, 1655965785510.jpg)

homo men have said lots of flattering things about me
too bad hot girls don't but i'll take what i can get


File: 1735943574624.webp (63.88 KB, 512x512, FreemanAlyx.webp)

you kinda look like Gordon


File: 1735949631247.jpg (1.13 MB, 2285x2665, gordon IMG_20211125_152732….jpg)

lil bit


Mogs 95% of this board


File: 1736273889908-0.png (1.54 MB, 1484x1337, IMG_0573.png)

File: 1736273889908-1.png (435.35 KB, 1955x1572, IMG_0593.png)

File: 1736273889908-2.png (525.46 KB, 1579x2392, IMG_0592.png)

File: 1736273889908-3.png (542.23 KB, 2266x1488, IMG_0581.png)


File: 1736273913256-0.png (374.62 KB, 2266x1488, IMG_0584.png)

File: 1736273913256-1.png (359.04 KB, 2266x1488, IMG_0583.png)



File: 1736451075866.png (18.08 KB, 650x600, 1698500329207.png)

I was hoping kazakhi would reply with "I get it"


I get it


File: 1737464815803.png (3.06 MB, 2339x1654, RebelleArtwork2.png)

Drew today.
Digital "pencil" completely ruins any semblance of immersion and I can't keep the watercolor in place, but it's not too bad I feel like.


Wait what program do you use to make the watercolor effect


Rebelle 5


drugs bad doe


this but with Seija


undelete these





Very dope


File: 1737675171794-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.46 MB, 5537x7760, IMG_20250123_151942.jpg)

File: 1737675171794-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 429.07 KB, 1107x1552, compressed.jpg)

We are back.




File: 1738127747449.jpg (8.5 MB, 5711x7883, 1738127742691.jpg)

Started this last week




File: 1738225857988.jpg (2.03 MB, 2747x3730, 1738225853264.jpg)

Turns out I don't have any good pink or purple watercolor colours so you'll have to wait for some time until the next OC art.
The ink bottle is a part of the art piece.


miku lizard


I was looking for this place

Wonder if some of you posted on the cirno threads of /qa/. The one bant and the.


Seems I caught a wordfilter. The ones before bant got created I mean.


Its a discord cabal


huh, that's a weird direction to go. They were organic back then and had a number of artists, that's why i thought of this thread.


Idk i thought it was always a discord cabal since its inception. Im surprised its still a thing


who this



joe who


Joe mama



iirc they were a /jp/ colony in /qa/ . then they moved to /bant/. I remember them because they had a couple aritsts with 'em, I wonder where they went

Same thoughts go to the board tan guys.


One of those people came from pissu to ask about that here and he got beaten up by thugs


File: 1738951097071-0.png (1.03 MB, 1600x1200, 2-5-2025.png)

File: 1738951097071-1.png (1008.92 KB, 1600x1200, 2-6-2025.png)


ibhn (ik begrijp het niet)


File: 1739880341603.png (578.54 KB, 1899x1874, IMG_0642.png)






Should I learn to draw ponies now


draw pickle pony rick so you can summon "" him""


File: 1740122630236.jpg (2.16 MB, 2761x3137, 1740122625201.jpg)



File: 1740130099097.png (19.33 KB, 419x341, file.png)

meh I'm gonna do low res sketches instead so I can learn to make pixel art or something and gamedevvy

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