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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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 No.68692[Last 100 Posts]

Happy 33rd birthday to the greatest character in fiction, the "GOAT".
Sonic the Hedgehog.


File: 1719113003797-0.png (654.54 KB, 900x875, GQr6xjuaEAAZhVi.png (1).png)

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File: 1719113082014.jpg (192.21 KB, 1200x846, GQr7W6PaIAAHZdc.jpg.jpg)

Guess I'll use this bread for art dumping from now on.


File: 1719114077183.png (229.7 KB, 622x597, DEVLISH.png)

*opens harddrive* I saved this in 2016 but I know the franchise was on life support and cucked back then so it's a little interesting
Context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/it-s-better-than-nothing


did jackson really work on sonic 3


This is common taku knowledge


I thought it was essentially a conspiracy


If you squint chadow is holding champagne lole


i believe it
i just want definitive answers


File: 1719115185808.png (151.03 KB, 911x402, file.png)

Checked reddit: Yes he did


File: 1719115433005.jpg (1.93 MB, 3500x3000, GQtE0r7W0AA2S3A.jpg.jpg)

The self deprication era was a hard time, niggas had to be there, I hope Arin Hanson dies in a fucking car crash.


File: 1719115605083.mp4 (3.06 MB, 1280x720, nDLGmxZhqLkKeURr.mp4)


happy birthday sonic


happy sunday mario


Honey… no…


File: 1719131855360.jpg (1.41 MB, 3600x2800, media_GQr-JqGaUAErYRn.jpg)

So many June birthdays
monday is Satoko's


File: 1719142580169.webp (57 KB, 1024x771, 0y68F7feJupAlxbzbwe5dWtS-….webp)

Will still never have half the rizz chadio does


File: 1719143775335.jpg (102.64 KB, 1200x675, GQr7z-6bUAAgMrI.jpg.jpg)


File: 1719143854733-0.jpg (234.66 KB, 600x879, f7d4825a-72a2-49d1-afd7-fe….jpg)

File: 1719143854733-1.jpg (234.02 KB, 600x879, c6bcf1b6-595b-4c96-ba5b-8e….jpg)

Trust me gang, you do NOT want to go band for band with the goat 😭🙏🏾


File: 1719144297383.jpg (62.24 KB, 661x543, 8bibe96used51.jpg)

I like mario better because his romantic options remind me more of my tinder matches


>all those tinder matches


They dont respond to me so Im still in the bucket


File: 1719150968524.png (94.35 KB, 600x600, 10258 - 07th_expansion che….png)


File: 1719176390138.jpg (57.38 KB, 680x510, psychoku - 1.jpg)

When I was 4 and I went to buy sonic 06 with my dad he took the disc out and shoved it in my face and was like "BOO!" and I was like "WAAAAAAAAAAH" because the disc is sonic's face which made it like a jumpscare


File: 1719453434331.jpeg (325.4 KB, 1864x2048, GRBsCjCWIAExS_4.jpeg)


This reply was meant for >>70173 btw


casually mention commiting some violent crime and they will be wet


except the tranny because they actually have morality


There's something fundamentally giga3 in so many Adventure era fans pushing this idea than online critiques of those games were all some sort of psy-op to ruin Sonic


File: 1720114416868-0.jpg (81.3 KB, 1100x1350, FYTdzagWYAYMTNU.jpg)

File: 1720114416868-1.png (2.47 MB, 3208x3845, __sonic_the_hedgehog_shado….png)

File: 1720114416868-2.jpg (610.61 KB, 2513x1401, heroes.jpg)


File: 1720114855846.jpg (898.62 KB, 3468x4096, GRh4zXsaYAME1D0.jpg.jpg)

You will like this


sol vs order sol fight becomes 06 shadow vs sa2 shadow


File: 1720630422613-0.jpg (124.27 KB, 2048x1234, GR-E1T6bsAAIrFx.jpg.jpg)

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File: 1720630551732-0.jpg (279.11 KB, 2048x1148, GR5UZjTWcAAXRCe.jpg.jpg)

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File: 1720630551732-2.png (383 KB, 600x535, GSHcEE_aUAEAzv8.png (1).png)


File: 1720634265007-0.png (167.24 KB, 462x550, __chao_and_shadow_chao_son….png)

File: 1720634265007-1.jpg (1.61 MB, 1582x2048, __sonic_the_hedgehog_cream….jpg)

Wonder if I have the attention span for chao garden as an adult lole


File: 1720797621729.jpg (1.8 MB, 4096x3277, GSN9t8CbIAANH_0.jpg.jpg)

Check gamebanana for mods if you ever decide to do a replay.


He got 3 legs


chadow mogs


File: 1720798359150.mp4 (1.54 MB, 360x640, Sonic vs Shadow.mp4)

…in the fraud competition.


File: 1720887330267.swf (1.44 MB, ultimate-flash-sonic.swf)

Oh my goodness gracious


File: 1720893483479.swf (8.27 MB, ssb (1).swf)

Ice Paradise has such a cool aesthetic.


File: 1720970000354.jpg (292.45 KB, 2200x2970, GSbB4KRWEAAFnz_.jpg.jpg)




File: 1720999652987.jpg (48.82 KB, 736x552, 6064395fa5134b4075a61ba80b….jpg)

>I likes to get my dick sucked while I'm getting high
>Make her deep throat, her mouth never get dry
>I say "Who pussy is this?", She say "Shadow the Hedgehog"
>Who pussy is this? She say "Shadow the Hedgehog"


File: 1721144938491.mp4 (340.51 KB, 766x598, RMQMLyWkoXgCXsZA.mp4)

>gyatefag is remaking fundamentally broken dogshit


File: 1721237613029.gif (5.52 MB, 500x628, de2urbs-82b5ad12-477e-4ad8….gif)


File: 1721344065118-0.jpg (278.76 KB, 790x1200, GSzIHkGXUAE9YOr.jpg)

File: 1721344065118-1.png (230.69 KB, 668x201, file.png)

>IDW partnering up with Shueisha
>Upcoming big Sonic crossover in the works
Is it… No, it can't be.


You will get toyotaro sonic and you will like it


>Toyo and Flynn joint
Fusion dance of hacks


File: 1722021518104.png (385.4 KB, 608x581, file.png)

That's nuts


This artwork might be the first official non-uekawa/Sonic Channel render that I consider to be genuinely amazing in over a decade.


File: 1722041807866.jpg (76.34 KB, 827x827, GTN4srBWwAAyV2B.jpg)


They don't look like good guys
Not that Sonic considers himself a hero or anything he just does whatever he wants which happens to be good


File: 1722219373355-0.jpg (526.47 KB, 1442x2421, GTeCsY7WYAAiLA0.jpg.jpg)

File: 1722219373355-1.jpg (634.47 KB, 3680x1480, GTeDqMNW8AA5b6g.jpg.jpg)

New Uekawa


File: 1722220074269.webp (70.97 KB, 1056x1056, _77000_boxprod_v39.webp)

bruh what the fuck is this


File: 1722220409217.png (84.09 KB, 800x700, 3813 - cum funny kicchou_y….png)


german youtuber already destroyed lego's reputation so hard here that they are losing the entire market


File: 1722363935103.jpg (547.61 KB, 2048x1532, 1722358711949881.jpg)

>SHIT Battle is back from the dead
Get this man a [kys]


Hang in there Mahito, you are the champion


Not a stomp as they think, Shiggy has no way of actually killing Mahito since he can't interact with the soul.


They should just kill him off already. It's embarrassing at this point tbqh.


there is nothing related to sonic which has as much as sovl as this video https://youtu.be/xkreaWxL224?si=LR9C7medmIND5JVu


im glad kasen vs fleetway sonic lost, its a cringe matchup and a terrible first outing for troonhou


Holy Mother of dogshit I wondered why it sounded so familiar. Lmao holy erm poopierald. Cacamaxxed dogdoo massive fecaloid stinkie brap.


File: 1722458202095.png (332.93 KB, 421x416, whentheresanigger.PNG)

most normal ESL third worlder in ohio


he'll agree


File: 1722476727477.jpg (666.47 KB, 2309x2447, GTmVhJ_XkAAhKh_.jpg.jpg)


File: 1722536635423.jpg (189.52 KB, 1200x900, cuckly.jpg)





File: 1722824758141.jpg (4.64 MB, 3186x4096, GUKvCfMXsAAvxDA.jpg.jpg)


File: 1722832499435-0.jpg (1016.63 KB, 3350x2369, GUL0jBhbkAAaOXc.jpg)

File: 1722832499435-1.jpg (3.05 MB, 3840x1994, GUG0_jmWgAAm945.jpg)


File: 1722957868154-0.png (1.2 MB, 594x1206, file.png)

File: 1722957868154-1.png (350.51 KB, 760x1200, 2-o.png)

File: 1722957868154-2.png (241.74 KB, 760x1200, 5-o.png)

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We're so fucking bac-
Fuck off, they're gonna strip Shadow of all his aura AGAIN


New sexy voice man


File: 1723120919958-0.jpg (340.51 KB, 2764x1833, GUcvJdJaYAAbLKx.jpg.jpg)

File: 1723120919958-1.jpg (301.36 KB, 2764x1833, GUcvKJCb0AAjGO9.jpg.jpg)


File: 1723175353510-0.jpg (51.09 KB, 1280x720, GUbRq1zWQAAgY5w.jpg)

File: 1723175353510-1.jpg (50.47 KB, 755x613, GUbRq19W8AAEyHH.jpg)

CHADow in 2024
>new highly anticipated movie in the works
>new highly anticipated game
>new highly anticipated animation in the works
>new manga in works
KWABob SquareBITCH in 2024
>sniffing literal dogshit on screen


File: 1723175569655.png (1.14 MB, 1422x1080, spong.png)

dont you dare disrespect the REAL GOAT…


Damn it feels good to be a gangster 🙏


File: 1723177814212-0.png (306.83 KB, 431x374, GUeZvFqXMAAVF6-.png)

File: 1723177814212-1.png (362.09 KB, 2224x2988, GUboMVXaIAAjjML.png)

Hold up, this might just be pea-…🤔 nah, I wouldn't trust them.


File: 1723384609956-0.mp4 (660.36 KB, 1280x720, wyGOXl1QdszRb0P6.mp4)

File: 1723384609956-1.jpg (406.5 KB, 2370x3189, GPhZQKBaEAEBUPn.jpg.jpg)

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Peak is finally here


File: 1723661276056.jpg (227.26 KB, 875x1094, dark chadnic.jpg)



File: 1723734298689.mp4 (8.39 MB, 720x720, -5i82C_wfVRZuFuY.mp4)

This goated Sonic Rush animation will kill Touhou for REAL this time.


File: 1723786862731.png (17.04 KB, 1250x887, GVDMvTbWwAAD62Z.png.png)


File: 1723840853598.mp4 (512.27 KB, 384x216, PeppermintSRB2 - 182446608….mp4)

Holy suke (soul nuke)


File: 1723841954580.mp4 (2.94 MB, 1280x720, X2REyJgHVCuST8-r.mp4)


File: 1724272455569-0.png (27.88 KB, 610x360, file.png)

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Immeasurable levels of shwayed.


File: 1724647370600-0.jpeg (340.05 KB, 1409x2048, GVsEWSna8AMMCN5.jpeg)

File: 1724647370600-1.jpeg (319.08 KB, 1409x2048, GVA3tMHaoAA5ucc.jpeg)

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File: 1724647370600-3.jpeg (325.44 KB, 1409x2048, GVhflGVbgAM5oc9.jpeg)


Godnic movie 3 trailer drops tomorrow


File: 1724697593290.webp (26.93 KB, 128x128, 4x.webp)

This was like the only day I didn't check the trending thing


File: 1724710961130-0.jpg (754.95 KB, 3840x2160, GUg4WkdWYAAW-_4.jpg)

File: 1724710961130-1.jpg (1.26 MB, 3840x2160, GUg6jLKWMAArQSM.jpg)



File: 1724715701524.webp (38.79 KB, 400x584, IMG_0279.webp)

All troonslop btw golems won


It's up


It doesn't look rushed


File: 1724781404578.png (430.4 KB, 640x509, file.png)

There's no space station


>The carry is back


He came back unexpectedly because his grandchildren loved the role he explained


It was in the story leaks so we'll see it.


In other news, What I'm Made Of is back.


the child must perish


File: 1724902593490.jpg (202.76 KB, 1524x1524, GWCzUa-bEAAWVVR.jpg.jpg)


File: 1724912555746.png (1.06 MB, 1280x838, deu1009-14a717a4-5c14-4dfb….png)

>Happy 33rd birthday to the greatest character in fiction, the "GOAT".
>Solidus Snake


File: 1724974681449-0.jpg (298.25 KB, 2048x1152, GWLWtxIWQAAU5y-.jpg.jpg)

File: 1724974681449-1.jpg (286.67 KB, 2048x1152, GWLWtsCWoAA8sHP.jpg.jpg)

File: 1724974681449-2.jpg (301.35 KB, 2048x1152, GWLWtt_WUAATTDL.jpg.jpg)

File: 1724974681449-3.jpg (285.46 KB, 2048x855, GWLWtvUWQAAps2W.jpg.jpg)

This artist man, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


File: 1724982264880-0.jpg (118.52 KB, 2048x2048, GWHSXTeWYAAS81g.jpg)

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My goat is just like me fr



File: 1725076655765.jpg (51.57 KB, 1024x681, GWJkZKsXMAAhLK2.jpg.jpg)


File: 1725119921758.mp4 (1.81 MB, 360x640, videoplayback (1).mp4)


File: 1725130113737.jpg (171.67 KB, 1920x1080, GWSptdYaYAA6LP3.jpg)


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Holy mother of whaled



File: 1725145230672.png (455.65 KB, 861x850, 39319ad7d6c2f6b5943217364a….png)


File: 1725145646384.png (31.42 KB, 900x700, 4853 - kirisame_marisa sin….png)



File: 1725234788631-0.png (417.3 KB, 406x490, GWVmRXkWkAAgLS5.png.png)

File: 1725234788631-1.png (272.99 KB, 319x388, GWVm0VeXoAALE0Z.png.png)

Current IDW arc is cooking with the designs


File: 1725299363159.jpg (393.32 KB, 4096x2351, 1725259221224937.jpg)


I'm gonna hit you
With sonic speeeeeeeeeeeeed


Babe, wake up, it's SAGE season


File: 1725388026159.jpg (243.7 KB, 1750x1950, GWgmPeIXgAAAvms.jpg)


File: 1725452290769.jpg (777.84 KB, 4096x2608, GWgWLa6WIAEj1D8.jpg)


File: 1725564318982.mp4 (4.71 MB, 360x640, sonic.mp4)

bruhhhh wtf did they do to tails


There's a busty black midget girl that's a meme on gay/black women twitter and I need to see her in one of those suits


File: 1725566603352-0.mp4 (25.07 MB, 1280x720, 4-W95HP7d1QLD8lf.mp4)

File: 1725566603352-1.jpg (130.76 KB, 1170x754, GU_-9ejXkAAhnPN.jpg)


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File: 1725641884623-1.jpg (1.9 MB, 2051x2890, GWyPiW0XoAA3oEl.jpg)


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File: 1725725101187.jpg (5.46 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240907_174722.jpg)

Played some Sonic today



File: 1725730261048.jpg (97.64 KB, 400x782, Sonic_spinner.jpg)

They had this machine at the cineplex arcade from my childhood until sometime around 2020, I would've been devastated but I knew it was old as hell since it's sonic adventure and had been expecting it to go anytime


File: 1725905028197-0.jpg (142.05 KB, 1080x1080, GW0T9GSXsAEsrR8.jpg)

File: 1725905028197-1.jpg (168.34 KB, 600x708, __saigyouji_yuyuko_touhou_….jpg)

File: 1725905028197-2.jpg (246.69 KB, 1525x1937, GFlJgdDWAAAm_9-.jpg.jpg)

File: 1725905028197-3.jpg (968.95 KB, 2880x1800, CYA3sc5UMAAAN3n.jpg.jpg)

Discord fairy day: 🤡🤡
LORDreamcast's 25th anniversary: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


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Truchan is saved


File: 1726083027148.jpg (203.81 KB, 1200x675, GXLl4o8XsAA03CU.jpg)

Sheesh! I see you Sonic Team, the artwork improvement is insanae 🥶


File: 1726083618502.jpg (332.37 KB, 2048x1554, Fq5sIWMXgAAwhL5.jpg)

Gimmick final boss that revolves around attacking yellow eyes incoming


Boost era fatigue


File: 1726237336891-0.png (1.07 MB, 618x895, GXSbE7mXAAA0bn7.png)

File: 1726237336891-1.jpg (399.74 KB, 1284x1843, GXSo9W0W4AEkf1g.jpg)

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Everyone shut the fuck up, peak is finally HERE


File: 1726237366731-0.jpg (366.99 KB, 1284x1841, GXSo9-AWUAA4X1N.jpg)

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File: 1726238842075.mp3 (12.79 KB, Woohoo. - Sonic The Hedgeh….mp3)


File: 1726251866777.png (155.27 KB, 813x979, sanic.png)



File: 1726252046921.png (1.29 MB, 1280x720, file.png)

Redraw this pose


i will later tonight hopefully



File: 1726279440142.png (284.73 KB, 1359x1197, sonic the banthog.png)



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File: 1726360773001.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1152, CHADnic.png)

The one true Sonic vs disgusting western piggu fanfic slop


File: 1726369377726.jpg (60.5 KB, 639x720, GSM4GgCbMAAJuH1.jpg.jpg)

/sthg/ and sonictwt should be nuked, someone went on an autistic tantrum once just because Sonic said "y'all"


File: 1726372409214.png (Spoiler Image, 292.47 KB, 759x1131, amy pose.png)

i also love amy and amy loves…


File: 1726372708289.jpg (88.61 KB, 800x1050, FGsYm92UYAA7Cz6.jpg.jpg)

If this was the shitter you would've been bombarded with SS4 Gogeta and age of consent babble.
You should try drawing Honey cause she's the cutest ever and everyone should love her.


File: 1726372964644.png (187.53 KB, 769x851, beep beep.png)

i might do that sometime, ive been asked to draw other characters but im still learning to draw sonic characters in general, (they are insanaely hard to draw) but im used to drawing furries also here's a lanolin i drew



File: 1726374552783.png (6.89 MB, 1986x3056, file.png)

Thug life


File: 1726625397877-0.jpg (109.48 KB, 902x1170, GXtME6mXgAA16xm.jpg)

File: 1726625397877-1.png (153.38 KB, 327x187, file.png)

New IDW Issue has mobian Sakuya racing, and femboy inclusion, pog to the max.


i often put this video on in the background whenever im reading or playing stalker because its very high quality
running shine in general is a good yt channel, he's like sseth but more chill and not a sellout


File: 1726941377033.mp4 (1.14 MB, 1280x720, DPN0QPlUzsBGIA4c.mp4)

Okay fine maybe Batkek IS kind of cool.


File: 1727009597851.mp4 (1.02 MB, 720x720, csI4cA6bOuEQYmRE.mp4)


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File: 1727226735588.mp4 (1.16 MB, 1280x698, 2pwU1AmkrAjPKuSm.mp4)

He's back



File: 1727281112565.jpg (815.03 KB, 1080x1350, GYSwp1oakAEhgG9.jpg)

Not bad, Maria looks great.


Kino is finally here


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File: 1727724762594.jpg (73.95 KB, 806x1024, F-yhWMKbUAAUGng.jpg.jpg)

One day crackerjapan will see the #vision


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File: 1727760046874.jpg (49.59 KB, 500x500, JOBdow.jpg)

The fall off is crazy #FraudEra


Jackson's "team" (Specifically Brad Buxer) worked on 3, mostly with samples that were already on his keyboard.


Babe, new episode is up.


File: 1727979052241-0.png (492.9 KB, 590x829, 2024-10-02_22-11.png)

File: 1727979052241-1.jpg (140.9 KB, 2048x1755, GY66_63WgAAO-m6.jpg)

I have befriended school shooters


Rouge with hecatia's shirt would go extra cray cray


File: 1728089050114-0.mp4 (7.17 MB, 450x360, Shadow the Hedgehog singin….mp4)

File: 1728089050114-1.mp4 (6.29 MB, 480x360, Kouji Yusa - Untitled (Jap….mp4)

Imagine being such a goated character both your English and Japanese voice actors are phenomenal singers 🥹🥹, there are #LevelsToThis


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File: 1728335420171.png (11.13 KB, 399x40, file.png)



File: 1728336616329.jpg (4.04 MB, 3763x2630, 20241007_172948.jpg)

This is an actual dinosaur


i really should have bought one when they were like 5 bucks


They were always keyed as hell, first time I've gotten it working on linux, new UI update recently, mostly because the steam deck is a success tho


the gamepad is pretty crazy too


File: 1728342287750.png (343.48 KB, 778x480, GUPR8P_2024-10-07_18-54-56.png)

This hero mission is actually brutal
Also kill redditcord for shitting on this game (the patch is inconsequential in this)


Word up, it's 100% functional, or at least, that's how I remember it.
I've never tried reloaded, I'm gonna play it right now lole


Yeah I was just going flying off the stage and losing all of the rings, I blame the movement but I don't think the movement is an issue in this game, it fits the level design properly and it's nice and fast
I installed since I just found out from YT that it had an expert mode I didn't know about


File: 1728346372630.png (473.16 KB, 778x480, GUPR8P_2024-10-07_19-45-31.png)

Dam I never realized how cool this place was
Level wasn't terrible tbh only running out of checkpoints sucked
Redditcord talks about this level all the time


File: 1728421400358.png (440.11 KB, 778x480, GUPR8P_2024-10-08_16-52-50.png)

omg chao


Lol, the Amy stage, I associate this level with chocolate yogurt in my memory, cool stuff


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omg umireddit


File: 1728499895752-0.mp4 (385.44 KB, 1280x592, rA59zeWGdVYM8u9A.mp4)

File: 1728499895752-1.png (1.06 MB, 1280x720, file.png)



Maracco is happy 👍


That song, I can't… just shattered my fragile heart man 🥺🥹💔💔
Peak everything


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File: 1728950820680-0.mp4 (13.49 MB, 1988x1440, Umineko OST - Thank You Fo….mp4)

File: 1728950820680-1.jpg (492.93 KB, 1000x715, __ushiromiya_lion_and_will….jpg)

She said the Umineko thing!! They're so Willlion coded… 😌


File: 1729039740204.png (529.26 KB, 778x480, GUPR8P_2024-10-15_20-41-03.png)

Don't worry Eggman, everyone has shadow fever in 2024


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"We love you Shadow!" - Every girl on earth


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File: 1729120999938.webp (204.92 KB, 927x1068, Spy-ops2-may2005.webp)

8.5/10 game and the reputation is a travesty 😭 every complaint I took to be true was retarded except for the cutscenes being disjointed from the plot sometimes which is factual but usually funny
I wish I played expert mode for the first time without the patch since it looks like the heavy lifting went there maybe
People complaining never bothered trying to understand the movement and complaints like "you have to play westopolis 5 times" are the worst since they're just 3 minute missions
While I was on a hover disc with an M4A1 it made me want to make fanart because it was so cold but I'll probably job


>you have to play westopolis 5 times
Br00tal you need to play it 10 times without reloaded I just realized lole


File: 1729259149449.jpg (692.15 KB, 3046x2588, GZX-3yCXQAA1TfW.jpg.jpg)

7/10 for me, I can understand the criticism regarding the movement, Shadow's initial acceleration is slow which can be pretty annoying.
Still good. Lost Impact supremacy.




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File: 1729385942298.jpg (25.1 KB, 598x238, 1728629945404954.jpg)

Jews robbed us of kino


Did you get the deluxe edition for sxsg
I wanted to hear keanu so I did :soypog:


There's nothing interesting in the d.edition that warrants it, Terios looks like… lol


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The base campaign being locked to 60fps while the Shadow one has 120 made me chuckle
Unspoiled 🎉


File: 1729628883441.png (Spoiler Image, 295.47 KB, 1044x822, file.png)

chadnic x


Damn… I miss Mephiles's voice actor


That boss fight was just Infinite with Mephiles' skin, whoever wrote that
>I-I just wanna exist, Shadow-sama
Should khs for this character assassination


They would do whatever they wanted but Mephiles asking "Have you forgotten me again?" is funny since if they rebooted 06 and used this version of the character it would mean the paradoxical plot holes are still there, not that I think they will
The engine and assets kept having me thinking 'what game is going to be remade after this' and apparently it's still Pedroes
Knuckles and Mephiles had me thinking I should switch to jp voices like I did for sparking zero lole


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It was funny, although, Shadow not remembering Memphis Tennessee hurts me, considering Sonic and Blaze are still aware of the events of 06.
Ian Flynn being the tertiary that he is wouldn't know that of course, oh well, at least I can use him to canonize obscure Sonic books.


File: 1729905686136.jpg (4.64 MB, 3777x2998, 20241025_211722.jpg)

The money is because it's gangster ⋆♱✮♱⋆ 🔪🤙🏾🔫💰


nefarious draw idea: making it rain on a ghetto bern in a strip club


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never realized this place was so huge
I saw the volcanic debris slowly killing the fire birds (apparently they're called "Iblis Takers") that were semi-necessary for platforming and found it a little interesting but maybe it was RNG
I keep thinking about how Sonic's character progressed from SA1 -> SA2 -> 06 and all of the character progression was erased by 06 plunging the franchise into the cuckold era/crackerhell 🤪


its ok we are coming back


The cultural turning point was when they redid Sonic's model for Sonic Movie (2020)


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They added reflections to kingdom valley.


is the fan project i hear so much about
and by so much i meant once


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If it's gameplay I'd agree, characterization wise, Gamenic's peaked with Black Knight/Unleashed/the Sonic Channel stories.

If you play as Shadow, head to the tunnel in the hovercraft section and you'll see a spooky familiar creature in one of the gates/cages.


It was moreso that he was written as responsible and because the franchise imploded that became a no-no across the board
Yuppers, as you can see us Linux users are proliferating rapidly.


I don't quite get what you're saying.


My understanding is that the franchise became more childish from colors to forces as a consequence of 06 happening even if games from around the time like secret rings and unleashed didn't suffer from it yet, I was embarrassed and stopped caring about sonic for a long time then ages later seeing people on yt and /v/ say it was because of 06 failing resonated with me, there was nothing crazy about the characterization but they were able to tell a story where chadnic reacted seriously to things without going OOC and it was lost after black knight


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The Adventure era as a whole had somewhat of a mixed reception and ended up creating the divide, ShTH was bombarded with critics calling it too "edgy" and "trying too hard". The vocal genesis classic fanbase wanted a simpler Sonic, not shonen-esque stories or tons of extra characters. "Sonic's dumb friends", "Hedgehog with a gun is cringe" become common memecriticism.
>1 minute chorus just seething about Shadow

Always remind your local classicshitter that Santiago is fucking dead and Superstars flopped.


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New Tailstube, King Boom Boo now has an origin story


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We don't like your kind


File: 1730597868179.mp4 (1.52 MB, 1280x718, 6xI6cYfYpOfB12D9.mp4)

I was too harsh on you, Kirk, I didn't know you were chill like that


File: 1731180952616.jpg (680.92 KB, 2048x1536, declan.jpg)

saw this


Best bintculture post of all time


The dinosaurs


Sonic & The Secret Rings reference I'm afraid


we love you declan


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File: 1731437796372.webm (1.09 MB, 486x540, tenrec twerk.webm)


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duuuuuuuuuuuuuude having the snobby maid scold me for failing is cuute


sonic sisters, our response ?!


File: 1731542738029.png (1.48 MB, 1170x1033, static-assets-upload200908….png)



File: 1731542880197-0.webp (36.54 KB, 1050x349, igns-review-of-mario-and-….webp)

File: 1731542880197-1.png (1.49 MB, 1283x725, file.png)

Who tf still watches Yahtzee in 2025


which touhous are team Mario and which are team Sonic


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Backlog sketch idea #354: Doremy wearing a Nights costume


File: 1731634682925.png (298.57 KB, 421x429, GcX6ykJW4AAjrQp.png)

This is big


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File: 1731788472922-1.png (416.16 KB, 900x652, GM1pVV_bMAAV67M.png.png)

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So heartwarming to see the test stage from BlitzSonic still being used in most 3D fan projects.


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File: 1731807370227.png (816.22 KB, 1330x750, file.png)


i spent hundreds of hours in chao garden (japanese pro-natal indoctrination propaganda) and my brain never recovered, all i can ever think about is caring for my child
but i'm childless




File: 1732074080628-0.jpeg (59.2 KB, 680x399, GccYFjvWQAE6iOg.jpeg)

File: 1732074080628-1.jpeg (506.42 KB, 1969x1538, FNFWLi3XIAE1xvq.jpeg)

File: 1732074080628-2.jpeg (308.77 KB, 1188x1782, Gcsod22bcAY7_y4.jpeg)

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As expected, they got quite literally everything wrong, and I ended up giving them attention, it is what it is I guess. 😔😔


super neo metal sonic didn't job as badly as in IDW 🤪


File: 1732076585500.mp4 (1012.42 KB, 720x720, kageaki hates everything a….mp4)

He shouldn't have jobbed at all, none of them scale to his durability or strength, and none of them have any ability that he hasn't resisted on a larger level, the retarded turtle doesn't even resist erasure.
Infinite alone ends the fight in zero time.


File: 1732077317840.jpg (810.38 KB, 800x566, __metal_sonic_neo_metal_so….jpg)

Metal Goatnic, they could never make me hate you, easily top 2 other than the goat himself.


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Happy post Miles birthday (Nov 20).


File: 1732219422851-0.mp4 (2.97 MB, 1280x720, KH6z7yZ8QhdvwGok.mp4)

File: 1732219422851-1.jpg (101.12 KB, 736x1034, Gc7hnfZWUAAWOvK.jpg)

File: 1732219422851-2.png (321.86 KB, 480x640, GQ4fbeYXoAAgl4U.png.png)

I was going to make the joke of him sharing a b-day with Biden, but his is the 21st.


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that new sa2b chao mod looks cool
i could never play something like that anymore though


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Bruuuuuh Korone is doing a Sonic café in Tokyo


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that blue hedgehog again of all places ………


File: 1732335936742.mp4 (4.01 MB, 1280x720, j56y1alafM3CyZJm.mp4)

The sonadow agenda is growing stronger


File: 1732386649711.jpg (372.45 KB, 1800x1544, Gb9bvFdbsAAjnC0.jpg.jpg)





God damn


Bought chains and new outfits for Chad 3 #ThisSonicShitGetSerious

Going with a binter so that's kinda why tho


File: 1733089500103.png (54.65 KB, 419x248, 3906 - angry fujiwara_no_m….png)

>🙈 what if we kissed at the sonic 3 theater 😳




Babe, it's up


I knew several autistic folx who sounded like Nazo… I thought retards just sounded like that, but they were probably sonicpilled


For 2006 his voice acting was very impressive


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File: 1733274640192-1.mp4 (4.95 MB, 640x480, I Am All of Me but its a m….mp4)


File: 1733276149294.png (1.27 MB, 1543x868, 1991786.png)



This isn't the Dragon Ball Pooper thread cob


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File: 1733438000629-0.png (1.25 MB, 1500x1000, shadow-the-hedgehog-standi….png)

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Rip bob bryar


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Oooh they finally gave her a name


File: 1734139615142.jpg (39.51 KB, 600x393, 1750686_37919084.jpg)

>Suspicious. I should (sudden stop) follow
>A beautiful (sudden stop) city, it looks like how Maria described (stutter) the… (sudden stop) Earth…


File: 1734309258957.jpg (231.28 KB, 1235x676, 675a7b0c91920.jpg)

i havent played any sonic game released after sonic heroes, but i have 100%ed sonic heroes, sa2, sa1 each multiple times

convince me to play something else before i set on a course to 100% sa2 pc again


Hop on Mania, now.


File: 1734310327833-0.png (1.08 MB, 949x1010, file.png)

File: 1734310327833-1.png (1.4 MB, 952x1004, Jet Black Hedgehog - Mephi….png)

Babe, wake up:
Manga Mephiles is… real.

I think I'm gonna start coloring these panels, they look so raw ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ


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File: 1734610440472-0.mp4 (11.57 MB, 1280x720, vgpEDuh9e4XniJBJ.mp4)

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The creator of Final Fantasy Sonic X passed away :(


Melissa fam….


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The movie was alright. I still can’t stand Movienic's personality, even more because some of that will seep into the mainline continuity *cough cough Prime*. The ending with him locking in was solid, though. The pacing was way too fast, I didn't even care about Maria or the backstory, although maybe that was largely Shadow being an alien this time, Maria not being an aids monkey, their connection doesn't hit as hard.
A few minor jokes got a chuckle out of me, like Gerald's sexist remark and Shadow's "revenge guac". Live and Learn was not butchered, but the scene got interrupted by a comic relief fight, enjoy it while it lasts, you'll never see it again (Crush 40 is pulling a Penders against Sega)
If there's one thing I want to be in the game continuity it would be the dap up super transformation, that was HARD, overall 7.9/10 not enough Wade.
Shadow knocking the super out of Sonic and #GirlBoss Amy blitzing metal goat copies should be a crime but I need 2 stop powerscaling.


Seeing the peaknic movie today


The cockteased us too hard with that live and learn intro. Other than that it was pretty good


I'm only seeing it for the first time today prolly


im gonna watch it tomorrow


sonic adventure 2
but instead its 3d platforming with touhou characters
and instead of chao its whale


biggest pedo award


File: 1734885360143.jpg (772.96 KB, 949x2187, 3e763a99acf0b0ceb026468d73….jpg)

what do you want retard


I want to suck your big cock and get my tranny ass raped by you


File: 1734887536084.gif (92.83 KB, 370x300, 1630692468199.gif)

i love you too


File: 1734889491114.png (705.53 KB, 1080x369, file.png)

When I'm in a character assassination competition and my opponent is IDW



Kinoplex walled hard bruh the robot cashiers barely work


File: 1734898968328.jpg (159.62 KB, 640x439, 8606 - embodiment_of_scarl….jpg)

>all of these nw7 fathers


The movie was lit, the post credits make me feel there's nothing to look forward to, at least a bunch of kids shouted METAL SONIC! and they were keyed for this


File: 1734910130401.png (104.9 KB, 2050x301, 1734908607199389.png)

He took estrogen once


He's talking about a scofield bible


was really good desu


It's perfecto.



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Jartaryans and the goat linked up


File: 1735858932961.mp4 (3.34 MB, 576x722, aIGYFA28qHENTX2v.mp4)

4cuck has yet to produce anything half as gеmmy as yeat/carti tiktok edits


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Sonic 06, I don't mean to alarm you…


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It's time


My FUAAAAARKING hero is out here buckbreaking conservacucks, die /pol/turds DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE


it takes a real man to sit through sonic 3


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>Just a normal day in Gensokyo, where we see Reimu just cleaning the outside of her shrine, as usual.

>Then something catches her eye. It was a ring. Though, she is suspicious. Wondering if it's real gold or not.

>She picked it up and muttered. "Is this one of those "onion rings" from the Outside I keep hearing about…?"

>She shrugged and chomped on it without a second thought.


>After a few seconds, her eyes widened in realization.

>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!" Her loud scream of immense pain can be heard across the entirety of Gensokyo.

>She ended up losing a tooth after that.

>But then another realization struck her.

>"I-IHS GOH'G! WOOHOO!!" (I-It's gold! Woohoo!!)

>She then waved her arms around in joy while holding the ring with one hand.


>Said ring soon disappeared without a trace, to which the shrine maiden immediately noticed.

>She then began to frantically look around for it, wondering where she had lost the solid gold ring.

>Somewhere in the Touhou HUD, something seemed to have glitched in and popped by below the amount of Grazes made.


>The same sound made by the ring appeared with it's own icon with the numbers; "001/999" next to it.


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He's so fucking cool


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>He's so fucking cool


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Flood detected; Post discarded.


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>Flood detected


Holy crap lois remember the time I dressed up as sonic and got beaten up by shadow the hedgehog


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ABT's meltdown when autists called him out on his artstyle was pretty funny lole


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the brimmiest takes of all time just cursed my timeline, and now my day is ruined 💔


sonic frontier keeps crashing




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Look at how much the girls adore him, he's just the coolest ever 🥹
Isekai him into every fictional setting and it would work


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He burned the kitchen


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the dap up transformation had me gushing bro…peak cinema…peak culture


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>that blush
Sonadow is official


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Who is the rabbit cob


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Plushtrap from fnaf


Yoooo he's like compact konpaku but for mlp


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If Yuji Naka wasn't an all-around ass, we would've had a Nights x goat crossover (long one)
oh shut it, knave! must thou deafen me before the enemy falls :P
>vol 15 chapter 307
Imagine that timeline haha lol, we could've had it all if gookland didn't hate the goat for some reason, nuke them again for this alone
and look, I said "if x" again haha, truly "potential man": the franchise 😅


All this just to get no diffed by ring racers, extreme gear and Sage in a Giganto car are pretty cool tho


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And the ending is here, babe.
Kino, his smile is worth more than a thousand diamonds.


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wdym no diffed ? no differential ? i also don't like cart racers for the lack of technicals but what did you expect
a transmission would be nice though


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It would be a fun time, Transformers was great and this might just be better, I'm just hoping for Megaten characters to hopefully make an appearance instead of the inevitable le reddit Yakuza man


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trans…formed* ?????????? :PPPPPPPPPP


Nu megaten is far more reddit than yagangsta


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im not gonna make it


>Mephiles, now in the past, realizing he can just go into the local grocery store and buy an onion or two


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