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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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why aren't you cosplaying as touhous while posting it's not even expensive to order an outfit


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These suits are made for skinnykeks


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why are you making me look at this thing


because most people here are cis heterosexual men


File: 1719167228921.png (285.34 KB, 720x393, gokek thirsty.png)

you're saying the userbase will go into a sexual frenzy


what do u mean


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nobody's saying it'd be gay except you motherfucker


Acoot: funny


If you do this you deserve to be graped.


File: 1719168970864.jpg (1.43 MB, 2111x3424, 106358598_p9.jpg)

this is why imageboards are dead nobody wants to take things serious and commit anymore


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Then do it.


I had written "Funny" but this post appeared when I was going to press enter
It's okay I need two cosplays for touhoufest next year so it'll happen but I would only cosplay as broly while at home because I must be shirtless or I get upset


Sharty commits stuffs like raids oxxes and sticking cobsons on lamp posts


I fapped to that.


File: 1719169461336.png (429.99 KB, 849x600, 53236604_p6.png)

one for you and one for the child you've been grooming huh
>sticking cobsons on lamp posts
going outside holy fucking shit what a commitment


Damn, insta deleted.


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I need mokou for day 1 and tenshi for day 2
It was a black guy's anus


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>a black guy's anus
i thought you guys liked those


Why do you hate me


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very cute let's get you dressed up


It's insensitive to call dragon ball black culture unless you are black


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calm down midget it's straight to dress up as touhou characters


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otaku culture


as long as you don't delude yourself into thinking you actually are a 2hu or a woman folx its pretty straight yeah


*sharts on your thread*




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romanians do tend to shit everywhwere


File: 1719175498701.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x1333, Reijeet_Hapoorei.jpg)

>*sharts on your thread*


File: 1719175603079.jpg (79.86 KB, 960x960, Brazil.jpg)

>>*sharts on your thread*


File: 1719198365772.mp4 (856.37 KB, 576x1024, 17082714624300.mp4)

*sharts on your thread*


This reminds me of the korean makeup video where they put on a fake nose that makes their nose look smaller.




>why aren't you cosplaying as touhous while posting it's not even expensive to order an outfit

My bad, I'll do better now


because 24/7 erection would be uncomfortable


imageboards are filled with people who praise inaction


let's be honest baby seija and yukari whale games are meeting up in unfinished game heaven


baby seija will be there alone


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Cold as fuck 😭



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This will be my drip


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I've seen male-on-male porn in touhou cosplay though. Wouldn't consider it gay cuz you can't assign proper sexuality to deranged autists.


Proof that they're deranged?


They must be otakus, probably no luck with girls and desperate.


They are dressed as 2hus


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This is actually supposed to be African



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why you be crying


retard doesnt know what deranged stands for (award)


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pls be in ontario


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Sorry he's from Quebec


im not a woman


File: 1732667236738-0.webm (16.73 MB, 1280x720, 紅魔城伝説の博麗霊夢さんがお散歩中にムラムラしたよ….webm)

File: 1732667236738-1.webm (26.87 MB, 640x360, 女装注意紅魔城霊夢がお漏らし.webm)

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>crossdressers are normal people just like you and me


Mine is here in a week or two o algo


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>Mine is here in a week or two o algo


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nuclear happening dropped rn /pol/ sisters


Now head to some deserted place and put it on


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Surprised the suspenders are packed separately
The surplus of bows is fortunate cuz I figured there'd only be one and that would be bad cuz I'm not a chick and would suck at DIY
I don't want to be a public disturbance even if it's summer at 4am


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It comes in a bodybag so that you have one spare for killing chüds


I fucking love thrill and I am not sure what can beat dressing as a touhou character knowing there are people in 50-100 meters radius around me at 4am at summer


that bag will not hold plus it will leak


Fucking finally


File: 1737078801438.gif (2.26 MB, 374x498, lr-teq-broly-lr-teq-legend….gif)

Tailoring the pants to fit rn


Didn't you say you would suck at DIY tho? (You'd've said "getting the pants tailored" if you had a tailor do it)


It's for the future of mankind


Are you going to use a sewing machine or rawdog it?


I have a sewing kit but I'll only pretty up the cuts when I'm due to wear it somewhere


you would need to have a gun pointed at my head for me to wear this


So you're not actually going to tailor your pants to fit you???
or wdym


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i thought about it for 5 seconds and there isnt a single outfit i would wear


>nuclear happening dropped rn /pol/ sisters


>i thought about it for 5 seconds and there isnt a single outfit i would wear
Do you just go around naked?


yeah im just that confident



Mommy saw the wig


Hold on, I thought u cosplaying and brickhoning was a joke


How did you explain it to her? 🤨


Is it gay to do makeup for a cosplay


Just tell her you finally got a job,
Doing onlyfans


I need something to wear at conventions + I wanna feel pretty
I told her I needed one for when I go to a convention again this year and she was like "okay…" but she forgot all about it after breakfast because I'm super charismatic


im just gonna say you aint gonna hear this kinda talk coming from a frogposter


transition already


Never transition


If you wouldn't be heartbroken by dat you're in for a whooping rn


i would support you ac
you dont need to hide it anymore


[T]. It's the only way to complete ur trvtaku transformation


This separates wheat from chaff ngl. But it would be bad because every trans folk is a trainwreck racing to 0 bar almost none even though I'm not a george… I knew one trans folk who had it together but it was because he was a korean american and used /r9k/ and he loathed work so he transitioned then he married a super rich IT guy by cosplaying touhou and posting it on instagram. Even that nigga told me about how he tried to make uglier trans folks kill themselves


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You won't transition because trans folx are a trainwreck? Not because you don't have trans thoughts?


He's the rich IT guy


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I was explaining why he has to feel bad about it or I beat him up
I found his instagram again


Why don't you cosplay soew stage 1 mid boss


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>That vid with the dog


File: 1737698360506.png (43.69 KB, 900x600, 7084 - facepaint lipstick ….png)

>Samurai, Lampe says, used to wear makeup to protect their faces from green marks that might transfer from their copper masks.
>They needed their faces to look clear and free from fear or weakness if their heads were taken by their enemies.
also kabuki, it's all warrior technologies


this is very helpful


Ryunosuke or whotshisname though


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you would be the exception because of our support, and be mega based by dabbing on other trannies
you could marry iramq so he can come to the west and be happy o algo
that was my first thought but i didnt know how to spell his name so i didnt bother lol


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Please don't transition, a little puppy both of us know is already blaming me for your homosexualisation (even though afaik I wasn't doing anything at the time). You'll break its little puppy heart if you transition. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I personally will just be -11.031% to 23.567% more likely to troll you in a way that would genuinely hurt you though.


dont listen to him


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>Tatiana turning AC into a troon


Where is the masturbation videos


I mean if reverse psychology is more likely to stop ac from trooning out, then I'm free to change the tune I play.
But all I can do is ask nicely, or else I'LL be the asshole or it'll backfire in some other unfortunate way y'know.


He used bold letters, this means he is serious


its ok to be the asshole i do it all the time


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Being an asshole makes me crashout so I'd rather not be one.
It does stem from selfish desires and my warped ass view of what is right/good and wrong/bad, though.


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go to a store and just fucking buy one?


Gift wrap on Amazon

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