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 No.68976[Last 100 Posts]

>You don't get it, my imageboard friends called me a based cunnychad


File: 1719173795582.mp4 (119.95 KB, 368x360, 1719139783741q.mp4)


>man: i consent
>child: i consent
bigoted bad faith and hate filled georgecel: i will now assault an innocent man because women dont want to have sex with me


it was little boy though so its gay and he dserved its


Boys are little and low T, they deserve whats comin 2 dem



File: 1719277204916.mp4 (18.05 MB, 1272x720, v_JMKM5t-Mqg8-wj.mp4)

they caught another bluearchive enjoyer 💔
why do they all look sub5


they should beat people up like this but frank hassle style do it on random people instead of actual predators that would be funny i think


None of them will get convicted for anything. Police won't touch evidence obtained by cavemen vigilantes. Cameraman and his buddy might get jailed for assault though.


Imagine going out of your way to harass an innocent rapist. For the crime he supposedly committed off camera.


we have something like this in poland too
these guys are giving us truecels a bad name


police often searches through disks of guys caught by pedo hunters and finds cp


They still got exposed to millions on the 'net.


they need to create pedo hunting licenses and impose restrictions on how many and what time of year you can hunt them in order to avoid messing up the ecosystem


This is just porn for bald 40 year old men



the way he fucking runs and slides at the end


Окупай педофиляй or something.


Tesak seemed like the kind of guy who'd say topping a guy in prison is not gay


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Avrora site


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is there a correlation between glasses and the stuff o algo


When you want to bully sub 5s but do it in a morally justifiable manner


File: 1719337853593-0.png (65.5 KB, 170x211, that_bangladeshi_stare.png)

File: 1719337853593-1.jpg (27.52 KB, 480x720, chef_skinner.jpg)

i think its symptomatic as those with glasses are slightly more likely to have developmental issues. this is an unreliable data point given the margin between NTs who have glasses and 'tards who have glasses is small, so I think the link is probably better defined in terms of the correlation between developmental disabilities and pedophilia, as conditions such as autism and adhd are often characterized by poor impulse control and social isolation (due largely to bullying), which when combined create the ideal conditions to become a blue archive enjoyer


cool response, chatgpt


youre a nigger which is typically characterized by black skin and responses like "cool response, chatgpt"


File: 1719338981653.png (232 KB, 680x383, gggdhhdghhdgggdh (6).png)

i have 20/15 vision thoughever


…the tldr is that glasses arent a strong indicator of pedophilia but they do relate to developmental delay which is why it seems like so many pedoforks have glasses. shine on, glassesCHAD


File: 1719339362579.mp4 (3.07 MB, 934x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)

search up which number is which again cuh


aw hell nah




File: 1719341366578.jpg (302.43 KB, 562x800, e63a3dbd0afabf58a6b6bea83f….jpg)


Animated by MAPPA(tm)


File: 1719494929033.mp4 (36.3 MB, 1902x1080, vX-a0kY3c3TCa-cb.mp4)

That norwood infinity reveal had me dead bro 😭


disgusting behavior! why would they beat him up like that??? what the hell?? did he commit a crime???


it seems that the pedos caught by hunters in US are usually some weird nerds while the ones in chadland are mentally handicapped rural folx, interesting to see the difference


okay he ignored his daughter birthday for that
still..this was harsh….


that's age of consent here


The strong must do as they will and the weak must accept what they must


every jrpg villain be like:


File: 1719499385834.jpg (31.56 KB, 550x502, 1715704507978 (1).jpg)

>Bant culture analysis: The philosophy of dark aryan chad (43:32:07)


where are you finding these


File: 1719500675829.jpg (294.96 KB, 1880x1980, __hifumi_and_azusa_blue_ar….jpg)

I wish I could get exposed fucking fairy girls. I'd just tell those paedo hunters that I'd do it again and spit at them for being faggots.
Pederasts can be lynched doe.


>what a shame, a handsome, young, tall guy out of all the other girls he chooses a kid
>A shame that such a handsome young guy could wanna go for a child
>He looks young. This is so sad what the hell is wrong with him?
> He’s pretty cute. I would spare him. Go after the old and ugly ones geez

>handsome lawbreaker therefore deserves pity o algo

normiekeks this is your mindset


why dont these saviors of the vvest dont fight back? pedoniggers deserve to be treated like this. The don't lift, dont carry a knife. Punching bug niggers.
Yea smae




File: 1719508389212.jpg (243.73 KB, 1080x1552, FhXqA7jUUAA6klT.jpg)

if I ever went to meet up with a underage I would bring a gun conceal carryed so if some gay nigger like this came up to me and showed picture and said how do i have this I would just make world better place by shooting him


File: 1719508532963.png (65.5 KB, 170x211, that_bangladeshi_stare.png)

pedokeks all look like some variation of this doe so even if u kill the pedohunter you still lose


File: 1719508962183.jpg (98.55 KB, 828x1020, GQr9N87WUAEKPJ3.jpg)

This is true. This is how it is.



File: 1719510143874.png (483.26 KB, 598x628, Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 2….png)

holy normaltranny



oh neat you can donate


…He's just acting.


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File: 1719513791843.png (18.21 KB, 800x473, 7448 - funny kazami_yuuka ….png)


Where did you get this one I couldn't find it on the Twitter poopland posted


File: 1719514075280.jpg (63.96 KB, 850x583, remilia_shadow.jpg)

>okay im sorry sir


It would be so pleasing if the pedonigger had a gun. These balxfolx could easily chop this pedofella. As a self defense. In Minecraft



its kaguya's actually


Literally no one:
Not a single living soul:
Not even Reisen:
Not even Tewi:
Calling kaguya *mister*


The joke is that it's big hedgehog cock because your filename has shadow in it.


File: 1719515183022.png (1.61 MB, 531x2480, seija_shadow.png)

its seija's actually*


Seija Norwood ∞


hedgechad is fullhead culture


File: 1719515970184.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x800, the_norwood_swordsman.jpg)

it's all jomu's fault



I feel like old 4chan would do some action of mass reporting the videos where they assault them or something


pedophillia le bad actually


Letty crush his skull


File: 1719546770081.mp4 (9.04 MB, 1280x576, hElDcV08_ZU6VASp.mp4)

Anti-MAP PUSSBOYS tried to sneak attack Germany, little did they know homeboy can FIGHT 😤💯



new idea: pedo hunters… but they target female pedos!


File: 1719567335596.mp4 (4.2 MB, 1080x586, XFM-L5ZcpxfiEti0.mp4)




what is he waiting for??? beat her up!! make her bleed!



Cuntoids are evil and they have the *itch*
Sisters, notice that nobody beats the living shit out of this paedoeoe. What an ginocratic shithole of an area. Them girls (pedo gender) don't want equality, only privileges unspoiled by responsibility.


ahem ahem you don't hit women and girls chüddy
not very gentlemanly of you, you know


File: 1719584919209.jpg (15.08 KB, 498x636, Tumblr_l_2680065814005.jpg)

i believe in sexual equality, i punch women the same way i punch men


there is a line similar to this in postal 2 but about races


13yo should be the max age of the fake kiddies tbqh but of course it would mean less caught people and less fame


File: 1719590233595.mp4 (14.95 MB, 1280x720, qWNbvTFy96Z2JGin.mp4)

aw hell nah bruh they caught ZUN lacking 😭😭


1:14 gęmo


this can't be real

Highest T among asiankeks or something



imagine getting raped by this chingga


File: 1719595725597.jpg (109.24 KB, 1125x1067, [twitter] SpongyyyP—2024.0….jpg)

xir looks and sounds like xir can rape only dem childs younger of the age of 7 geeeeeeg only able to overpower the minuscule demographic


for a while it her skirt looked like a third leg she was kicking up in air


File: 1719596332299.png (49.01 KB, 800x650, SUWAKEK3.png)

Omg i diying


The interrogators are actively sabotaging the evidence. Even if the guy admits to doing it, he could say he's doing it under duress because the people were attacking him.

I also hate these videos because they're nothing but vigilantism/extra judicial punishment. You shouldn't punish someone before they are found guilty in a court of law, and punishment should be done by the state, not the mob.

Hansen's to catch a predator was way better than these ones because he was actively working with the police, and never attacked anyone. He left the punishment to the cops.


I googled "marfan lol player" and got pics of him


I'm pretty sure this guy was on drugs, IIRC I watched some video about the lead up to this video and he wanted to do drugs with the kid or something.



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i fell out of my chair when he crashed his car lmfao
this is true though. I feel like there's definitely some masturbatory element to these; a lot of the "hunters" in these videos can be heard laughing/clearly finding amusement in this. I personally don't think there's much wrong with vigilante justice, especially in the case of pedokikes, as long as they aren't killing them or doing anything to self-sabotage; they shouldnt be recording the beatdowns. In any case, it seems like a lot of them are more in it for the attention and opportunity to beat someone up than to actually stop child predators and that alone makes it seem disingenuous and tone deaf.

also why does every predator hunter channel ever use that same drawing of the guy in the hoodie as their logo


that explains much


If you believe in gender equality you have to equalize things so you have to beat women up even harder to make up for their privilege


File: 1719607715234.png (3.3 MB, 1179x1149, file.png)

>I personally don't think there's much wrong with vigilante justice, especially in the case of pedokikes,


File: 1719607814680.jpg (125.32 KB, 700x861, HES_JUST_LIKE_ME.jpg)

this is what i look like in real life. pedophiles fear me because im scary like kogasa tatara.


Pedophilia le bad because it breeds retards who ruin videogames or something




Reddit take
>Baldcel gets caught by pedo hunters
>catches a beating
>learns his lesson and never does it again and moves on with his life
>Baldcel gets captured by chris hanson
>He gets sent to prison for 29042835984750935876093479034872094857 years and shanked by tyrone and even if he makes it out his life is ruined because of his record.


or you could just fucking leave them alone



File: 1719614003191.png (646.12 KB, 1725x318, baaaald.png)

>or you could just fucking leave them alone


beat up pedos because its funny


>Just leave me- I mean them alone you fucking bully!


or you could just fucking leave me- I mean them alone you fucking bully!


File: 1719617963046.png (264.19 KB, 813x725, Keine_fact.png)


it's funny
they tried something similar in denmark and almost immediately got caught and are now facing assault charges


holy aryan hyperborean country


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wtf i hecking love denmark now


Norwood 5+ thread


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Pedohaters are getting too cocky


…you mean #DecentHumanBeings


pedophobia is tied in very much with islamophobia so that makes sense


File: 1719673047310.png (488.05 KB, 1662x308, 1719614003191.png)

>Pedohaters are getting too cocky


they could just have normal fetishes like futa like us well adjusted people and goon without bothering anyone


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I'm two of those things and have a famous mop


Growing out ur hair to hide ur nw2 won't save you in the long run


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>MAP pride flag is not blue archive


tsmt but replace the balding guy with ernest khalimov


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Cool beans


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keyed nigger



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File: 1720051368596.png (97.37 KB, 243x261, 54326236236423623.png)

this guy is the worst poster


Don't check which race's pheremones I just rubbed under your nose


norwegian fail


File: 1720094488164.mp4 (14.78 MB, 1920x1080, W1ncSFrT6WvZl594.mp4)

Kai just blew up his house!



>Highest nigger IQ


are there any pictures of the crater


kind of




not epic



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maybe bashar had a point when he did what he did to such creatures…..


File: 1720187092904.png (648.45 KB, 1024x1024, 1639142787267.png)

the view of a bearded salafist is satanic…it is disgusting..vomit inducing… you almost can smell them through the screen…


sneako getting redpilled out of being a promoter of mudslime in real time


File: 1720207741103.mp4 (1.48 MB, 886x492, ZKR5FRXG5c34kR1v.mp4)

Sneako is /cultured/ as well so nah


File: 1720248943802.jpg (295.56 KB, 904x1080, 17139559032480.jpg)

leddit meme template



oh great leader bashar save us from blue archive players



File: 1720621433126.jpg (50.92 KB, 600x500, ...jpg)


Pretty sure one of the cunnychads shot this guy in the leg once. Should've been in the head.


File: 1720624271445.gif (113.74 KB, 400x231, 1630656694937.gif)

This is kinda 'material'


this nigga 100% muttering single word answers under his nose while staring at the floor when someone asks them a question


File: 1720655181137.mp4 (3.66 MB, 720x900, jbnGIk7Ky9iinXgJ.mp4)





File: 1720676329407.png (195.54 KB, 948x708, 6551 - angry food ice_crea….png)

>It isn't going to lick itself


File: 1720706536332.jpg (89.18 KB, 1000x500, GSNDVypaUAAkt3C.jpg.jpg)

New stonetoss


Big chungus next


dumbass artist doesn't know bluaka is not anime


Is now george


Ahh yes the memories of phantasm effect


Among us in the monster energy logo


'cord hates ASStasm


He just got arrested



thanks i couldnt find it


RIP legend T_T


Stonetoss missed the opportunity to make a tossx involving trump getting shot in the ear


breaking news from chadland: two 15yo Ukrainian heroes set up a 26yo Uzbek pedo with their 13yo friend (female) then attacked him but he had a knife and stabbed them but looks like they're fine


grooming 13yos is morally correct


if people did it 1000 years ago it's still morally correct today


our 100PLN bill has a face of ruler who had a 12yo wife



I'm so glad that we destroyed those faggots.



File: 1721920377846.mp4 (6.74 MB, 1280x720, 636zoo.mp4)


File: 1721920692666.mp4 (1008.43 KB, 360x640, When your son is a DORK😂.mp4)


File: 1721921419989.mp4 (972.26 KB, 720x720, facebook-1020623429654333.mp4)


Blackniggerz bros….were we the pedos all along?


File: 1722362112648.png (43.01 KB, 1043x822, alice_ant.png)

>speech impediment
loliniggers, your KING…



Russia is a scary country.


File: 1722368466243.jpg (945.86 KB, 1290x1452, killer jock.jpg)

It's just women.



This is the strat to escape unscathed. Act like a total mong.


crystal shart's actual culture was eroded and replaced by lolcowfarm


How can you erode something that doesn't exist.


By the time germanic savages did that the Romans outlawed it.


This statement is agreeable however I recently observed some annoying discord vermin I know of are praising crystal cafe's culture and anti-male sentiment which is mostly obnoxious because the calls for violence and discussions of male hate are invasive and come from a much larger female imageboard called lolcow


obvious moid, females don't have thought patterns like this


File: 1722370323917-0.png (9.3 MB, 1852x2224, file.png)

File: 1722370323917-1.png (7.45 MB, 1536x2048, file.png)

do you guys think this is a good fit for trying to lure kids at the playground


Seething """fem"""cel
Siegtard bait that hooked no one.


I think a skibidi outfit would do a better job


yeah just wear a mask


Ignore the replies everyone loves this getup


File: 1722370848132.jpg (26.98 KB, 639x480, images (13) (8).jpg)

>I guess I'm just too strong


File: 1722372208010-0.jpg (116.76 KB, 1200x650, 1701111691696781043-138142….jpg)

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>I guess I'm just to-AAAAIIIIIEEEEE


>Justice for Cameron


File: 1722378744625.png (386.94 KB, 532x681, GTtIYLsWkAACqUT.png.png)

New giga3


File: 1722380127241-0.png (23.95 KB, 800x473, 10591 - bored double_deali….png)

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File: 1722380127241-2.mp4 (1.45 MB, 640x360, 2.mp4)



Predator hunting is mainly practiced by psychopaths to indulge in bullying or other sick behaviors without pushback from society, real pedophiles are in the philippines enjoying prime cunny.


File: 1722450309159.jpg (102.23 KB, 602x600, log fact.jpg)


File: 1722450528021.jpeg (209.22 KB, 1191x1684, 1720287098089.jpeg)

Real pedophiles are binting



File: 1722450740522.jpg (119.02 KB, 486x604, 17219781877390.jpg)


poland reading this be like: I didn't know we were emo


File: 1722450879874.webp (6.49 KB, 300x180, Picture3.png-APL-300x180.webp)


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Seething pedo


took me 3 visits to bint to get it, before I was like "but that's what it says"


Sproking MAP





EDP is back


tell him to leave again


File: 1722734828571.jpg (61.98 KB, 604x604, Shiki.Eiki.full.253641.jpg)

Literally the blue t-shirt guy of this video encapsulates all the touhou posers, both sodomites or regular coomers, from yaGirlJuniper to the anons who post porn here, from Japan to South Africa.

Is just Touhou Posers in a nutshell.


File: 1723261229086.png (432.34 KB, 592x700, file.png)

New giga3


File: 1723261876832-0.png (440.62 KB, 827x467, 1.png)

File: 1723261876832-1.png (338.87 KB, 826x468, 2.png)

>Actually, it doesn't reduce testosterone. What it does is it inhibits the enzyme 5 alph-ACK!


Peatgods are back


get me out ;_;


File: 1723264348941.jpg (81.82 KB, 1047x1325, 1722910273323.jpg)

Hi iraqi


you can get a 12yo dominatrix who whips you and steps on your balls, what's not to like


lets switch then what do you say


polly will get a tan and become 7 psl


and i will et to cosplay as lambda in any fest in the country
its a winwin


File: 1724734655094.mp4 (11.42 MB, 886x648, 1724603697189153036.mp4)

let them cook


File: 1724734768707.webp (39 KB, 1023x1134, meat.webp)

i hate pedos but that hook nosed nigga is annoying as shit


What did this one do before the video


Don't worry son people will change after highschoo-


Only children can hate pedos. Grow up or get better


My dad said this to me for some reason


Based aryan warrior seasoning his hyperborean feast


File: 1725903115316.webm (3.65 MB, 720x480, 1725829114242387.webm)


File: 1726326220707.webm (27.89 MB, 480x848, 1726249872481.webm)


The way they just spawned out of nowhere felt like a family guy skit.


This fat distribution is crazy


File: 1726332169742.mp4 (8.69 MB, 576x1024, jsFdfgj7h-Lq17bF.mp4)


This will be every supermarket under the BNWO


wtf i love cecefem now


He wasnt joking 0_0 he actually did it kek



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File: 1728514336118.jpg (57.48 KB, 680x1069, 1725368894998.jpg)

Theyd beat the shit out of you

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