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File: 1719610704534.jpg (3.78 MB, 4000x3000, 20240427_120130.jpg)

 No.70865[View All]

07th expansion thread
343 posts and 217 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1734758051749.jpg (474.75 KB, 1703x1282, GfLVqtZWcAEMkAj.jpg.jpg)


File: 1734801691886.jpg (92.67 KB, 640x907, GfUYyS5bMAEICh-.jpg)

New manga, and Keigoat (not really?) is back.


File: 1734885137531.jpg (297.05 KB, 640x419, 20241222_113143.jpg)


File: 1735164843938-0.jpg (319.95 KB, 1104x1566, 20241226_010049.jpg)

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File: 1735405478891.jpg (4.25 MB, 2480x3508, RDT_20241228_1203425812737….jpg)

she's so based


wtf is 木っ端舞い散る その頃に


File: 1735777835985.jpg (191.34 KB, 800x1400, GfIEso8bQAA_wnK.jpg.jpg)

>wtf is 木っ端舞い散る その頃に



>cunny not censored
>missing butthole
>penor is censored for some reason


File: 1736613834215.jpg (510.61 KB, 2048x1771, GgihfLObgAA5G9i.jpg.jpg)

Don't infantilize Bernard's castle please, do that for Rika instead.


File: 1736693936091-0.jpg (427.6 KB, 2048x2048, Gg6uZIiXEAAnK-R.jpg.jpg)

File: 1736693936091-1.jpg (450.37 KB, 2048x2048, Gg6uZEeWIAAdZKF.jpg.jpg)


File: 1736821698996.jpg (232.77 KB, 1348x1524, 20250113_212726.jpg)




File: 1737056497060.jpg (237.07 KB, 1766x1379, GhK22npacAAgtBa.jpg)


File: 1737057223535.jpg (308.51 KB, 1620x1907, GhRYcs6XwAANYdo.jpg.jpg)

>Q: What inspired the structure of the squads in Ciconia?
>R07: Ah, actually, it's a bit embarrassing, but I was playing Sonic Heroes at the time. (laughs) You know how that game has teams of three, with each character having a different role? Speed, power, flight, it really left an impression on me.
>After that, I started thinking, "A trio like this could work well in Ciconia too." It wasn't something I thought about too deeply at first, but I liked the idea of having three people supporting each other in a balanced way.


File: 1737225714832.jpg (294.12 KB, 1600x1720, Ghl1exIagAAryJ6.jpg.jpg)


File: 1737341959917.jpg (421.86 KB, 2048x1676, GdFt9WEXcAA1wTP.jpg)

now that palenstine conflict is lightening up maybe the hack will release phase 2 of his shitty series


File: 1737395857315.jpg (373.46 KB, 1448x2048, FoXcG50akAAguVV.jpg.jpg)




File: 1738511135489.jpg (233.11 KB, 1200x987, GENrz75aQAA60Pu.jpg)


File: 1738511454016.png (13.84 KB, 206x244, images.png)

BBC king morrokeyed joined the 't admiration soyciety


File: 1738511455207.png (386.81 KB, 360x626, file.png)

morocco what are u doing on tttt…


File: 1738513767113.png (740.37 KB, 519x632, GirJKevWMAAlNxN.png.png)

Someone posted the link on farty pol and I was like "oh that's koshka that's pretty cool"


File: 1738513933241.png (1.12 MB, 560x1997, file.png)

My goat went from blitzing a gazillion armed villagers to jobbing to low level goons 💔💔
Assassinate ryukishit


File: 1738513999964.png (514.61 KB, 733x895, file.png)



File: 1738621097140.mp4 (8.23 MB, 720x1280, iJmSNyAfUU7fsZIN.mp4)



File: 1738780800396.jpg (188.37 KB, 960x1440, Gi_zNtebYAAk3y8.jpg)


File: 1738977938609-0.jpg (262.6 KB, 1366x2048, GiEBUbFbcAAYLWz.jpg.jpg)

File: 1738977938609-1.jpg (251.02 KB, 1366x2048, GiEBUbEa0AAqjNz.jpg.jpg)


File: 1738992356750.jpg (512.06 KB, 1616x800, 8ff06eff1e54156cbf533a74aa….jpg)

<Coming to me for advice, I tell you to read Umineko and then you tweet THIS? 0 fcking respect this is why I ain’t fw you no more Ye this is why I stopped responding to your calls this is why your music sucks now. Umineko could’ve saved you Ye. Don’t EVER hmu again the deal’s over


File: 1739239128522-0.jpg (376.58 KB, 1018x1200, GT4VW9ya4AAJqS2.jpg.jpg)

File: 1739239128522-1.jpg (679.01 KB, 716x1200, GJR9q_BacAAs82I.jpg.jpg)



File: 1739638828267.jpg (86.77 KB, 760x900, GjMttojW8AIXSxi.jpg)

>the person I really wanted to get to read Umi ended up being avid incest lolicon weirdo(yikes!) and honestly thanks god I didn't convince her to read it
>what the
>is anyone on this app normal bro


File: 1739756369930-0.jpg (117.45 KB, 1200x1200, 1571159247355.jpg)

File: 1739756369930-1.jpg (623.15 KB, 2128x3506, Gi0eSY3XIAAzN4y.jpg.jpg)

>What's your favorite anime

<My little sister can't be this cute

>Ewww this is why I'm scared to admit I'm an anime fan

<I didn't even name my favorite anime yet



File: 1739843884488.jpg (635.63 KB, 2188x3000, GkAVoKDWsAA14uu.jpg.jpg)


File: 1739888515063-0.jpg (869.79 KB, 4096x2730, Gj_FkwragAAJ9uD.jpg.jpg)

File: 1739888515063-1.jpg (822.77 KB, 4096x2730, Gj_FkwpaUAAswjl.jpg.jpg)


File: 1739897330609.jpg (79.77 KB, 702x830, 20250218_114749.jpg)

new twitter coal meme just dropped


File: 1739916137832.jpg (125.18 KB, 1200x1600, Gj_serabUAAU5lb.jpg.jpg)



File: 1740062856397.jpg (697.48 KB, 2316x3088, GkO-BPcaQAAOl0M.jpg.jpg)


File: 1740146104922-0.jpg (190.97 KB, 1092x1162, GkT-1-eWYAAAvfc.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740146104922-1.jpg (168.91 KB, 1092x982, GkT-196bgAAXepD.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740146104922-2.jpg (184.87 KB, 910x1424, GkT-1_MWoAIyhLU.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740146104922-3.jpg (163.96 KB, 1004x1068, GkT-196aoAA-NQv.jpg.jpg)

They did it


File: 1740149483628-0.jpg (252.95 KB, 2048x724, GkUK2eKWIAAu-u0.jpg)

File: 1740149483628-1.jpg (20.46 KB, 334x279, GkULAGYWoAAPs3J.jpg)

Fully ca? non.



Bern looks like a crossdresser



why did I make this post


Noticed any estrogen in your water supply lately? 👀


my estrogen levels have to be increased because of all the booze


File: 1740187157538.jpg (690.21 KB, 1536x2048, GdjZRcSa4AAxwub.jpg.jpg)

Hop off


such a massive win😍


Nigga, ain't no way this is the same person as the other one


File: 1740355078245-0.jpg (345.97 KB, 2048x1536, GkYLmZmWoAAc9cR.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740355078245-1.jpg (425.06 KB, 1536x2048, GkE3cCDaAAIwVL4.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740355078245-2.jpg (473.39 KB, 1536x2048, Gjt16U6acAAcDO1.jpg)

She is, she looks better without the costume


File: 1740355288902-0.jpg (419.2 KB, 1805x2048, Gked1UfXYAEgNgm.jpg)

File: 1740355288902-1.jpg (608.63 KB, 2809x2106, GkeXVkvW8AAf0qY.jpg)

File: 1740355288902-2.jpg (750.03 KB, 2520x3360, GkecLifXwAAxkDW.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740355288902-3.jpg (512.88 KB, 1536x2048, GkO-I3KXgAABtWC.jpg (1).jpg)

Although the top 3 of the play were definitely the kid, the detective and the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAT


File: 1740356673011.jpg (231.34 KB, 838x1200, Night Patrol Sensei - Chap….jpg)

Maybe it was a bad angle.

Erika is so cute, cute hamster face


Wrong pic


File: 1740408325598-0.jpg (209.82 KB, 855x1200, GkibDU7XEAAFbRs.jpg)

File: 1740408325598-1.jpg (214.04 KB, 868x1200, GkibDUdbUAAtHQC.jpg)

New Ryu art




Dats my goat


It's been like a decade, only difference he can draw hands properly now


File: 1740424020617.mp4 (64.74 KB, 540x540, beatricesplosion.mp4)

beatrice looks like she's having a stroke


If Ryukishi created you why wouldn't you have a stroke?


I'd have a 'stroke' alright


File: 1740516829155.jpg (364.52 KB, 2048x1152, GklopWwbkAIppld.jpg)


File: 1740525003217-0.jpg (188.17 KB, 729x1062, GknxZGRW8AAkuSp.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740525003217-1.png (188.75 KB, 400x209, file.png)

Your ass is NOT him dawg


File: 1740525325003-0.jpg (606.82 KB, 2048x1536, Gkn4LlUbkAA3og5.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740525325003-1.jpg (608.63 KB, 2048x1536, Gkn4LlRbkAELaoQ.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740525325003-2.jpg (690.93 KB, 1052x1259, GkpMCBTWkAAShl4.jpg)



File: 1740603339082-0.jpg (951 KB, 2774x3300, GkeUDnZbcAAK0DS.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740603339082-1.jpg (316.59 KB, 1773x2048, GkKKTTobYAA6PF-.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740603339082-2.jpg (422.88 KB, 1717x2048, GkY9XVRaYAAex26.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740603339082-3.jpg (1 MB, 4096x3938, GkuRH-7bcAE8y9z.jpg.jpg)


File: 1740603391400-0.jpg (341.44 KB, 2048x1548, Gi6tqh0WMAAQ1hB.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740603391400-1.jpg (1.62 MB, 2731x4096, GjrF-sGbAAAKbmX.jpg.jpg)


Don't dox iramqi, delete this


File: 1740667184618-0.jpg (1.13 MB, 3024x4005, Gkp1NVNWEAATXxc.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740667184618-1.jpg (419.47 KB, 1536x2048, GjN7pwkaQAMVfvO.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740667184618-2.jpg (241.15 KB, 1080x1920, Gikdcq1bYAIXJ0v.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740667184618-3.jpg (385.24 KB, 1366x2048, GZC-zBMawAA2mTg.jpg.jpg)


File: 1740686296996-0.jpg (233.84 KB, 1080x1920, GkzXCnvXgAA06da.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740686296996-1.jpg (240.19 KB, 1948x1221, GhgAvFGacAQRlI4.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740686296996-2.jpg (308.14 KB, 1200x850, GkzPT58aoAEtcXP.jpg.jpg)

File: 1740686296996-3.jpg (259.17 KB, 1355x2048, GkyGDbXXEAAFh70.jpg.jpg)

Bye bye Mei


File: 1740850404528.jpg (625.8 KB, 1478x2140, 127767290_p0.jpg)


File: 1740851479605.png (498.1 KB, 470x604, file.png)


File: 1741052239959.jpg (317.65 KB, 1536x2048, Gi-8PRBXoAAwmIA.jpg.jpg)




File: 1741103832570-0.jpg (236.42 KB, 1511x1815, GlM7l0zaIAASrgk.jpg.jpg)

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File: 1741103832570-2.jpg (223.69 KB, 1353x2048, GlM7l00bQAA-FB7.jpg.jpg)

File: 1741103832570-3.jpg (225.7 KB, 1353x2048, GlM7l01bsAAH4pd.jpg.jpg)


cute interaction


File: 1741123792598.jpg (154.31 KB, 814x1254, GlM9ssobUAEpmDo.jpg)


File: 1741148840098-0.png (426.79 KB, 1440x2048, 39789c07-5565-49b6-bc79-9d….png)

File: 1741148840098-1.png (474.96 KB, 585x525, 1607394387823.png)

Retarded bimbo out here stealing Mii-chan's whole thing 😔


File: 1741218215564.jpg (415.96 KB, 1536x2048, GlTmyx7XgAA2Ytt.jpg.jpg)


File: 1741522693202.jpeg (237.77 KB, 1080x1601, bs5hku22trxd1.jpeg)


File: 1741531968813-0.jpg (140.29 KB, 1200x1200, GDyupdOaoAAZpRk.jpg.jpg)

File: 1741531968813-1.jpg (439.57 KB, 2480x3508, GTkx9h9agAArT6i.jpg.jpg)


File: 1741796048219.jpg (65.4 KB, 1288x990, Gl2GZVhXcAABV3d.jpg)


File: 1741797666454-0.jpg (282.2 KB, 1537x1759, Gl2QgzdbUAAa6m8.jpg.jpg)

File: 1741797666454-1.jpg (304.43 KB, 1719x1798, GlxHXDcawAAf7ud.jpg (1).jpg)

File: 1741797666454-2.jpg (262.33 KB, 1651x2048, GlnMGtybUAATMJQ.jpg.jpg)

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File: 1741800694613.jpg (480.62 KB, 1630x2048, Glwu8HaaIAA9DkC.jpg.jpg)

Sheesh! Is that BB and the honored one in Natsumi Kei's style? I'm soyfacing so hard rn


File: 1741801796380.jpg (165.21 KB, 1456x1021, Ichi The Killer - Chapter ….jpg)

Satoko housewife, I'm finna bust


recognizable artstyle


File: 1741906365265.png (1 MB, 1878x1043, file.png)


File: 1742057844977.png (42.46 KB, 192x171, file.png)


File: 1742446458748.jpg (233.95 KB, 1509x2048, GmbOvr4a8AMUEkY.jpg.jpg)


he is balding though


File: 1742673890572-0.jpg (5.59 MB, 4000x3000, 20250322_125440.jpg)

File: 1742673890572-1.jpg (6.34 MB, 4000x3000, 20250322_125433.jpg)

Umineko tree


File: 1742857407433.jpg (189.98 KB, 1000x1000, Gm1CXTkbYAA8h_P.jpg)


cute cake


it ain't no cake


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