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File: 1719610704534.jpg (3.78 MB, 4000x3000, 20240427_120130.jpg)

 No.70865[View All]

07th expansion thread
264 posts and 159 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


we transheart you
o algo


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i don't think ryukishi would want his works to be perversed by gooners


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When the umitwt hits too hard


this is hardly sexual though


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Ryukishi is a bisexual gooner pedophile, he knew exactly what he was doing when he drew that ass_visible_through_thighs


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Lay off the crackpipe


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File: 1729444285584.gif (4.16 MB, 672x384, RDT_20241020_1310582527706….gif)

oh my god.



wait is that snapchat or instagram


Instagram #NormieTraining


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this does not go hard


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Give him a break he did in one night


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omg! it's daiyousei!


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Announcement on the 25th



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>sequel to literal dogshit
Just finish Ciconia and retire you hack


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Auditioning for… "that"


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Cauliflower drip


File: 1730144070132.webp (48.31 KB, 363x412, Giginebura-Blademaster.webp)

auditioning for capcom with monster hunter 3 gigginox armor cosplay?


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Oh wow flo is gone for good


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flo will return if ciconia 2 comes out


otokonoko is aryan but only when it's with a woman and not yaoi


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I agree.


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spit your facts queen


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if only junya drew such expressive faces in touhou it would be peak




nice skin
puffy sleeves vs bare armpits, it sure is hard to choose


choose personality


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this would be funny with mtf drugs


no it wouldnt


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>tfw your higurashi thread on /v/ hit bump limit


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this made me laugh


we Hinamizawans are white o algo


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Tysonbros….suddenly i dont feel so good….


cute boy


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>the original arm was black


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Someone called manu the n word and the p word (with hard r) which was funny ngl


Bleachedtoko got dat K1 baby on board


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fishnet stockings over pantyhose stockings is quite nice
i love hoe's 'hose bros


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New manga, and Keigoat (not really?) is back.


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she's so based


wtf is 木っ端舞い散る その頃に


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>wtf is 木っ端舞い散る その頃に



>cunny not censored
>missing butthole
>penor is censored for some reason


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Don't infantilize Bernard's castle please, do that for Rika instead.


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>Q: What inspired the structure of the squads in Ciconia?
>R07: Ah, actually, it's a bit embarrassing, but I was playing Sonic Heroes at the time. (laughs) You know how that game has teams of three, with each character having a different role? Speed, power, flight, it really left an impression on me.
>After that, I started thinking, "A trio like this could work well in Ciconia too." It wasn't something I thought about too deeply at first, but I liked the idea of having three people supporting each other in a balanced way.


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now that palenstine conflict is lightening up maybe the hack will release phase 2 of his shitty series


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