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/bant/ - International Random

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 No.76556[Last 100 Posts]

>Blumpft TANKED a headshot
I… I kneel.





i bet the shooter was a frogcuck


i bet his ear was a frogchad


okay hes gonna win the elections for this one


File: 1720911935771.jpg (280.08 KB, 1122x1301, F_IrXDOXAAAKKAE.jpg)

>Sonic is canonically a SHITrump supporter




File: 1720911968638.png (115.22 KB, 508x375, m4.PNG)

nigga did 92 in 1



why are there trannies at the replies saying what you said but unironically. twitter is so gay its unreal


they will all die under barron


i like how the crowd reacted pretty calmly except one women screaming her head off so late like 36 seconds in


im honestly surprised this hasnt happened sooner given how much the media hypes up orange man bad


>faggot aimed at the head
Imagine being this silly.


File: 1720913139676.webp (35.65 KB, 1000x667, trumpshot.webp)

>okay hired gunman i need you to shoot me but only in the ear so that i can stand up immediately after and pump my fist in the air. that'll make me look really cool and affirm to my support base that im being persecuted and the woke antifa agenda wants me dead. just make sure you miss okay?


bidens donors said it's time to put trump in our bullseye


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trvmp won….


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He should have sacrificed his testicle. He doesn't need them anyway. Old fart


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the guardian says an attendee and the shooter are dead. keeping my eyes on this story.


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if it comes out that this nigga MISSED and then killed himself im gonna die of laughter


I guess he would kill himself anyway, killing Trump would definetly end his life anyway




this is true but at least make sure you get the kill before you ronnie yourself. that nigga dinked him and then hit his killbind, and all it's gonna end up doing is make poltards go "LOOK LOOK THE ESTABLISHMENT WANTS PMURT DEAD!"


why does trump make you seethe so much


I think he could have no chance to kill Trump anymore, maybe he had last bullet or security was coming(or theykilled him)


it isnt trump i care about, its his followers desu
theyre like a bunch of remoras who just latch onto everything he says and completely ignore all the bad he did - and the same goes for left wing politicians also
bottom line is im sick of hearing about politics and want things to go back to how they used to be where everything was fun and people got along and politics mostly existed in the background or around erection season rather than being a constant thing
you have to be stupid to bank on just four shots lel this assassin is retarded. my money is on the assailant actually being a member of antifa or some other pseudo-left wing "activist group" (thinly veiled corporate-funded organization)


unironically his supporters are far more annoying than trump himself, they would get on their hands and knees and suck his dick if he asked them to.


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we should start calling trump supporters zoros



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of course this retard has to weigh in


He won.



More importantly though what caliber was he hit with?


considering he still has his whole ear, probably nothing larger than 9mm although i dont know much about guns


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calling it rn
the assassination weapon in question:


A storm is coming


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>A storm is coming


File: 1720921521102.png (242.71 KB, 1000x1217, file.png)

I bet the shotter heard megalovania kick in when Trump dodged the attack like that


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>>A storm is coming


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>>>A storm is coming


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yeah kneel for your furher






>As soon as I shoot this hekkin george, trans right will become real, and the the BNWO order will be en-ACK!!!


wtf starts with en that the bnwo would be




BNWO would have jjk gojo altars in every subway tho




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He grazed that bullet like a 2hu game.


wtf i love troonic now




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American politics are crazy…


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should have bombed that nigga. or freeze his bullets


what if the shooter was a time traveler


then he probably predicted being killed


its all part of the plan to make drogodobrumpft think "wew guess the gunman is dead im safe now #MAGA" and then have a second gunman actually own him. he gave his life for the plan. keep the faith.


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>what if the shooter was a time traveler



imagine of biden died of a heart attack and trump died of assination before the election. who will americans vote for?


File: 1720945416717.webp (37.74 KB, 1290x711, rw78ezm60xuc1.webp)


ever played plr_hightower_event?






holy shit


>God is good because he saved a powerful rich guy while letting some average joes die or be badly injured




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The meatriding is insanae with this one


The jartycucks did this btw


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It was a $12,000 AR-15 chambered in 6.5 Creedmor which is a cartridge used for hunting bears. If Trump didn’t turn his head slightly the exit wound would’ve obliterated the back of his skull, killing him instantly.
How about you kill yourself fucking Latinx femboy. This website is full of niggers and tranime anyhow


File: 1720979813739.gif (1.84 MB, 200x200, 1708405757904248.gif)

Die hateful troglodyte


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roblox meeper


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This would have been the best timeline. But if Trump died of assassination whoever became the new Republican nominee would end up winning the election anyway cause TRVMP would end up becoming a martyr.



My fellow lib'rals… We're beginning to move beyond safe edgy.



File: 1721003808817.png (1.15 MB, 1200x800, thomas-matthew-crooks.png)

>this is the guy who tried icing trump
The left lost…


Why is he having such a meltdown?


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president bye'n, president zlenskee, president truhm, president poo'n


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Well well well, Destiny was right, the trumpshit deserved it.


That guy looks like hasan



Trutaku humor


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>Libarels: Don't you know that El Paso being a reigstered snowflake has been debunked by snopes?
>Also libarels:


File: 1721084536769.mp4 (3 MB, 720x1280, f1skYW4JLxFgZO8A.mp4)

All groyper incels look like that


>oh my god he was a drumpfpublican
>actually snowflake he was a LIBTARD!
It does not matter. If he was motivated enough to attempt to assassinate clumpft he was 99% a schizo anyways and whatever "ideology" he espoused was in all likelihood unintelligible schizobabble


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might have went too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole


hell yeah


wtf i guess i now know that I have good eye proportions because they are exactly one eye length apart


oh my false flag fake account


File: 1721088059625.gif (2.96 MB, 546x568, 1705532327220343.gif)

Wasn't there a video of him ranting inside a car about how much he hates Republicucks and Drumpf and that he is about to kill them?


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Looks like a cope


>>77687 To be honest he looks very similar to the photo of the suspect + we know very little about who Thomas is.



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Nothing in that article disproves the possibility of Yearick being the culprit other than appeal to authority and shitty evidence like https://archive.org/details/yearick-shooting


blud posted le fact checkers unironically 💀


File: 1721096535053.png (4.84 MB, 10000x5315, 76584 - SoyBooru.png)

>poltroons meme'd snopes out of seethe therefore they're wrong now or something


when bant culture is being more useful than /pol/ imps at deboning stuffs
AC make bbc /pol/




or perhaps make one of the /j/ into a containment political board.
election season isn't even in full swing yet and there's shots fired.
gonna be worse than 2016.


I support this given what he said
2016 was bad and this year its gonna suck even more and drive america apart again


someone post the pic of shinzo telling trump to stand up if you can find it and saw it


it's unreal how hideous he is


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if meme magic GET Trump will be the new Emperor of Western Civilisation


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Checked and trveked


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kys scriptcaca


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It's up



is that a guy or a girl behind him
looks like girl arms


its a boy delusional nigger


File: 1721144766190.png (1.51 MB, 1307x1057, FOxHcUGVEAY6ya9.png)

>its a boy delusional nigger


bizzare meeperearld


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Honestly I'm glad troon flags are a thing it's an easy retard alert


I will defend the queen and she will reward me with sex


/Pol/ is just filled with too many people and it's just mostly tard posting and bait posting and asking about redpilled haircuts


we need this in bint2. i need this


You already are a retard filter


You like fumos and cosplayers so we're friends


File: 1721151855755.png (2.38 MB, 1890x1286, 119433092_p2.png)

I dont filter retards what whats the nonsense


Memories of Pheyed


Ivan please


File: 1721152168369.jpg (96.88 KB, 960x960, GSmAU9zWQAAD0qM.jpg)


I bet you repeat that stupid quote by Voltaire


which one


>I would rather obey a fine lion, much stronger than myself, than two hundred rats of my own species.


Practically everything Voltaire wrote is debile drivel you have to be more narrow


I was thinking about this concept today while reflecting over crazy discord troons I've had to wrangle over the years, that's weird


the hitlerian response would be that we are lions ruled by rats


he would say dadim pososat' / mozhem povtorit'. He kinda did it. The latter is 100% done doe kek


sto ty govorish suchka


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>sto ty govorish suchka


File: 1721155884226.png (74.78 KB, 172x324, 172px-Th08WriggleNightbug.png)

he looks quite normal to me doe


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eh hehehe libtards in shambles rn


is the apoastraophe sopposied to be like a latinski version of ь or what


File: 1721157236855.jpg (158.41 KB, 850x979, oh_my_flan.jpg)

that's it exactly. the apostrophe is how that letter is latinized.


>brit politician
>calling somebody a normalnigger
oh my irony


File: 1721157898833.png (984.61 KB, 1327x873, of_course_he_reads_ayn_ran….png)

sargon of akkad is there because reading studies and wikipedia articles are for democrats. real men only skim them and jump to conclusions because they need to do manly things like jerk off and eat tesco sandwiches


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bet you dont even own a suit faggot


Any screenshots from your arguments or whatever?


Collecting negative things or documenting conversations is silly, most communities online are just destroyed by a lower class and I've been spectator a few times, I theorized that peasants like dming and forming cliques because they're the most socially failed


she wouldnt be an internet survivor anymore after 5 hours with me


File: 1721162254863.jpg (710.65 KB, 1920x1080, 542364236234673457.jpg)

ill get the job done in 1


leave her alone swarthoid I'll protect her from you like a valiant knight so back off unless you want to taste my blade


I think this quote is the exact opposite of german troon's ideology


why does everybody call him a german troon he seems like a based george to me


File: 1721162958342.jpg (155.86 KB, 700x460, b525b3d647ab81b36091fd27d3….jpg)

because he's unironically trans it's not an insult


that doesnt make sense it doesnt align with catholic value.


File: 1721163254034.png (25.83 KB, 434x675, e984b2ae9c2fd5c59064773671….png)

>making sense
yeah christians dont do a whole lot of that


oh really then what religion do subscribe on that makes so the more sense chump


File: 1721163346604.jpg (47.58 KB, 614x614, 1718800475491101.jpg)

He spammed 4chan.org/bant so much that he is permanently controversial, good thing clubbing erases the damages and he has an awesome friend!!!


what does clubbing mean in this context


He does the normalfag walk per se


File: 1721163551554.jpg (167.9 KB, 800x600, 8528096d9657efe24053fd6151….jpg)

>what religion makes the most sense
just believing in cute 2d girls and that you'll be with them after u die


File: 1721163626672.jpg (32.17 KB, 499x397, tumblr_nl9x7jH1Tp1s03r7do1….jpg)

>>what religion makes the most sense
>just believing in cute 2d girls and that you'll be with them after u die


File: 1721163704719.png (7.5 KB, 342x257, file.png)

An atavistic mutation in dolphins causing their receeded hind limbs to grow out


thats just called being wishful thinking delusional and if your subconsciuos doesnt scream on panic at prospect of just accepting this because it feel lnice rather than having truthsauce in it than there something wrong withy ou. also you didnt trick me into deleting the yakui picture i downloaded by putting (1) in the filename I check every single time


File: 1721164467146.png (1.34 MB, 1200x900, 47929020_p4.png)

hey thanks for visiting but we're good on pph and don't need anyone new at the moment please stop posting
>my subconsciuos screams in panic at the thought of being with 2d girls
congrats on coming out of the closet dude
>also you didnt trick me
no i downloaded it twice cause i couldnt be bothered to find it on my pc


your ponscious would cream on panic because its such an obvious false nuke and your not solved the knowing what happen after die problem actually the thinghy is the delusaions and stuff


File: 1721165371246.jpg (47.01 KB, 400x300, 1556592_p0.jpg)

i dont panic at thoughts you pussy


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new development in the story


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why do republicucks have to virtue signal so much


what was the Asian dwarf doing then


When you look like that guy your only choices are miscegenation or inceldom


miscegenation is soooo fucking gay
and mongs like believe it's a good thing because of the hybrid vigor theory because some mong thought that if we stop hyperinbreeding flowers to have the same colour then if apply to humans too even doe europeans are the least inbred


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>they capitalized on the hype by bringing in Kanye's cumdumpster


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>miscegenation sucks because its a mongolian-jewish conspiracy to taint our pure european bloodline or something
>europe is somehow the least inbred even though it had multiple famously inbred lines of rulers


the point of this post is that we should strike europe and probably turkey too with cruise missiles until they turn into lava


when ur only argument is some guy that lived 500 years ago and not literally every study available showing that europe is the least inbred region in the entire world


Incest only has detrimental effects because of miscegenation



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if only


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New cult activity


It would almost be cool if they made it into a scarification rite


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This is why you #NeverGoon


File: 1721488293627.png (30.55 KB, 370x320, 570764962x.png)

so true


File: 1721490091118.png (21.97 KB, 800x500, 12304 - crying happy konpa….png)

It was for stiletto heel stomping penis destruction


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Vortex Xisters, how will we ever recover?


Austro-HungAryan phenotype


what kind i do wonder


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I love AI


ok this is epic


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>Trump survives getting shot in the ear
>Biden quits running for reelection
Trust the plqn


File: 1721592380307.jpg (43.59 KB, 984x1000, A13usaonutL._CLa_2140,2000….jpg)

Kamala's slogan should be this


it already belongs to candace owens


File: 1721690260771.png (4.69 MB, 1800x2200, b53866ee12719210c8c1f3ca44….png)

You know I put effort and research into my post assholes, I DESERVE A (YOU) OR TWO.
I even had to convert the last two images into jpg's because they were originally webm formats.


Kangs is letting in mixed mullatos now?


Brown indian mother and a black father, she's black enough.



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enough to use it as a political point, abandoning your pride as a black man.


File: 1721700402717.jpg (26.39 KB, 290x290, 1721248440753081.jpg)

if you're not a black gentleman then why are you speaking for them and designating who's black?


I'm blacker than you'll ever be


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deja vu


that's not hard to do, but you're also the least chill about it out of my homies.


did i do a thing or have you heard this specifically before?


Pause, is that futasuck




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end of the night, having a little fun.


I'm done tho, nini.
political trolls are going to be why you'll want a politics board I think.


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Trump raising his fist and saying "fight" isn't heroic or impressive. He was on the ground for over a minute before getting the all clear from like 15 different people to stand up


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its because he wants the trumpies to think he's just like teddy roosevelt
…and it absolutely worked because americans are sheep

that nigga didnt even get shot lol a piece of glass grazed him


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im sorry she's doing WHAT


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Harris is not popular with blacks, with women or with liberals. The so-called "momentum" behind this brown, cold blooded, reptilian, hag bitch is entirely astroturfed and fake


be right time here
map women


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>map women


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edits like these are how harris will win. glumfpft's final days loom over him already.


Ohkanay kageroo watashee wah stah


No one actually likes Harris. Heck that's the only reason she was installed as Vice similar to Pence because then you have a situation where if the elected president gets sniped you end up with a president that everyone hates even more.
I'm tired of being gaslit by the so called mainstream legacy news channels as not respecting individual woman or whatever just because I hate Harris and her policies, like fuck em for their low effort bottom of the vine arguments.

Also the last time we had a Commiefornian as president (Richard Nixon) we got a bunch of gay ass gun control laws that didn't stop spree shooters and a bunch of drug laws that didn't stop cartels from selling their products.
It's all so tiresome.


File: 1722642231476.jpg (96.86 KB, 1264x818, 18d55c359f87255da7aca681d1….jpg)

…I wish Ron Paul were president instead.


wtf i thought richard nixon was aryan


I dunno what ethnicity Nixon was.


no as in like I thought he had an aryan personality and policies


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a polish sitcom predicted it in 2020 (long after it stopped being good)


that's not what happened though


xQc & Adin show Donald Trump a Custom Cybertruck


File: 1722904460071.mp4 (4.19 MB, 1280x720, bnjq8ICEgTYrKB2G.mp4)

/hasan/ debunked this slop


when has it ever stopped aipac


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Quad rail looks way cooler than M-lok (personal opinion).

Nah, he was a Keynesian and loved Communist China for some reason.


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rightoids are so desperate they left out the z


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Hawk twah


File: 1723983161650.png (624.33 KB, 720x1075, Screenshot_20240818-081017….png)

People who unironically buy shit like this need to be removed from the gene pool


File: 1723983714004.png (2.83 MB, 1236x1240, file.png)

only people like these are breeding. No "based" antinormie intellectual trvthpillers are getting laid. the gene pool is a pit of cess, always was, is and always will be


bought a coin like that from alex jones to show my support



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Lmao this nigga bruh


The Jews are blackmailing him with pictures of him in Epstein's Island.



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This is ai


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Was this his plan all along…


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>BREAKING NEWS: People are arguing over a coin


'the fuckwas he just mumbling for? what is that dialog


For them you are the enemy. Shit like this is spit in your face


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What even is going on, he just called the president of the United States an "old fart" to his face bruhhhhhhhh none of this is real


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This is so uncanny that it's painful dawg



Bruhhh are you watching the debate rn?
Look at the top of his head… The norwood reaper is coming for Pmurt…


He's 3 billion years old give him a break


>Joe Biden KEPT the Trump 2024 hat that was given to him by a firefighter in PA. The Trump campaign confirms that they gave the man's daughter another hat as a replacement. Wild.
Hood asf 🥶🥶🥶


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The rw is divided, /ourgrifters/ are beefing right before the election


A second assassination attempt hit the Trump


Imagine losing the election because you just can't stop deepthroating circumcised kike penises.


>staging another one
Imagine being this much of an attentionwhore, and it STILL will be memoryholed like the first


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…Bruh… BUH….

I hate people who Bubba up innocent SKS's with plastic shit, this is NOT okay.
Also holy shit he'd unironically be better off spotting with binoculars and using the built in irons for shooting because there's no fucking way that ducktaped Walmart scope is holding zero. The worst part is you can mount optics to SKS's and NOT have it look like shit (3rd pic related), then he could have still been a cheap scape and slapped on a Vortex 3x micro prism AND actually hit what he's aiming at.

The Bubba'd SKS and their consequences have been a disaster for humanity.

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