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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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>jews were in Europe, constant wars for hundreds of years
>jews relocated to middle east, constant wars ever since
>the only war in europe is started because a jew got elected (in urine)
Who could of forseen it


This proves nothing george


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>jews show up someplace
>subhumans (Germans, Arabs) foam at the mouth to genocide them
>start a war over it
>drag the inheritors of the earth (Americans, Russians) into their retarded conflict
why do mutt races hate jews so much


A Russian Touhou fan from the chen thread warned us that the Russian race is completely incorrigible


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nonsense. rather, the russian people are incorrigible. 99% of ruZZia's issues are cultural and the only thing wrong with the average russian is his biological disposition towards pedophilia and baldness. societal conditioning and a steady, nationally subsidised supply of finasteride can solve these issues.


>99% of ruZZia's issues are cultural
true half of russia is of germanic descent the only problem russia has is slavshit """"""culture""""" corrupted by mongals


>half of russia is of germanic descent


jews are protected by christcucks wherever they go


would you kindly stop with these non-contributions




keep contributing


kamaz gyatte is so cute i want to make babies with her


United Federal Europe needs a Black King


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Make a vatnik gyate fellow gyatemakers


Kill Christcucks.


>subhumanic barbarians keep killing eachother
>subhumanic barbarians keep killing eachother somewhere else


China had no jews for thousands of years, and has had tons of wars.

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