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File: 1701743624811.jpg (69.06 KB, 750x600, the mighty weather stone.jpg)

 No.9047[View All]

Post silly memes that actually yield a chuckle or smile. And ARE NOT UNFUNNY TOUHOU RELATED GARBAGE!!!
227 posts and 211 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1726676449740.jpg (204.85 KB, 1290x1531, GXrVqt1XQAA93-P.jpg)


clitty leakage kraussnuke


File: 1726703180481.jpg (6.49 MB, 2894x4093, 117384753_p0.jpg)

sariel is more canonical than that book


That's a dude stop drawing weird gross crap on him


File: 1726704595132.png (3.29 MB, 1820x2742, 121073149_p1.png)

theyre called boobs and sariel has them


I thought Angels were commonly depicted as hermaphrodites


>Germans continuing to be unfunny
Never change herr Heinrich



sariel is a girl. she might be a futa doe like angels in devilman


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File: 1726768087599.mp4 (2.7 MB, 1280x720, persona.mp4)

why would mitsuru say this


File: 1726778077531.jpg (27.09 KB, 348x217, 1722712208368622.jpg)

hehe nigger


File: 1726779843526.png (430.78 KB, 408x360, 1711209151878.png)

I'm not a nigger!! I'm not a nigger!


This is what hyper chan looks when it's opposite day


Germans ruined yurop like a bunch of times. They killed rome, they did the reformation, they did ww1 they did ww2 they did EU they did it all


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>They killed rome
which was a good thing
>they did the reformation
the german king halted the reformation
>they did ww1 they did ww2
germany was on the defensive in both wars
>they did EU they did it all
the EU was imposed by the allied war criminals


how was germany on the defensive in ww2


they were being attacked by a coalition of poland, france and britain




File: 1727737323614.mp4 (1.64 MB, 720x720, squirrel whitepill.mp4)


Disgusting savage.
We should've moved the Polish border even further west. Hitler literally had everything handed to him and he still sperged out and demanded more. We literally babied him and he still attacked us.


>Disgusting savage.
Refer to: >>99608
>We should've moved the Polish border even further west
You expose the same bellicose attitude that caused the war in 1939
Was the greed that caused millions of Polish lives to be lost during the war you started not enough? You already failed at sufficiently settling those "ancient vandalic slavonic" territories that had never belonged to poles in the first place.
>We literally babied him and he still attacked us.
Typical dindu nuffin attitude.
Meanwhile in reality Poles were going through Bromberg and Kattowitz and other cities burning houses analogous to Negroes in Chicago.


Hans off his meds again


seethe rabbi


File: 1727740057638-0.jpg (102.21 KB, 850x750, esau.jpg)

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I saw that first xeet like 5 times at least


File: 1727917221966-0.mp4 (449.5 KB, 480x480, ssstwitter.com_17279171850….mp4)

File: 1727917221966-1.mp4 (3.5 MB, 1080x1080, ssstwitter.com_17279171670….mp4)


That nigga is telling the trvth doe. Makeup is basically catfishing.


>You expose the same bellicose attitude that caused the war in 1939
No. Clearly the common denominator was the fact that g*rms were allowed to roam freely. Thankfully they learned their lesson and occupied Germany for decades until they forever renounced their dreams of being a world power. Once you get to that point, it doesn't matter if you move the border further west. We already displaced millions of Germans and erased all of Prussia.
>Was the greed that caused millions of Polish lives to be lost during the war you started not enough?
Ask Hitler, retard.
>Typical dindu nuffin attitude.
You are the one with the "dindu nuffin" attitude.
Imagine a burglar coming pointing a gun at you and demanding your wallet, you refuse so he blows your puny Germanic brain out of it's thick skull.

You're saying that the victim is at fault for not surrendering his possessions.

Also, the Germans were not protecting the German minority from ethnic violence since these incidents were exceedingly rare before the invasion. In fact, Germany put them MORE at risk by arming civilians and turning them into guerilla combatants inside of Polish territory once the invasion started. This provoked massacres and the like.


Nigger women are born to please white cocks. Look at this nigger guy, no way a self respecting black woman will choose him.


in the meanwhile whitoid women are riding niggerdicks so everything is fair


thats called equality chuddy :fact2:


You didn't just seriously call me retard while insisting that Hitler started the war you illiterate


File: 1728403765298.png (33.85 KB, 120x120, qVT92qdlaz.png)


He's from Shareblue


File: 1728440278362.mp4 (5.92 MB, 576x1024, ro88MqwE0bOxqt0K.mp4)


wtf is galaxy gas


most of air is made of nitrogen


File: 1728660794665.png (452.06 KB, 640x496, file.png)

Chinks are using our memes


Tewi thumbnail



File: 1728770808336.png (42.36 KB, 483x570, file.png)

acoot asking jesus christ to raise the pph


this but in front of touhous


File: 1729482275000.png (75.27 KB, 720x620, IMG_20241021_064208.png)

Omg racism


i love racism


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File: 1734197306078.mp4 (6.18 MB, 720x720, [twitter] 7eaFwi—2024.12.1….mp4)

>Geetlehr is retarded because he speaks out of scale


File: 1735108684701.mp4 (1.58 MB, 720x1280, 1735041733345.mp4)


The 2nd one lmao


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This video had me dying for 5 minutes this morning


words words words the right can't meme


nigga can someone ban the christcuck /pol/tard for spam why is nigga posting about rabbi jesus and judeo chrisitian values on a futa website anyways


File: 1739085732372.png (717.38 KB, 640x675, GjFi3cyWYAAinxt.png)

I'm literally a janny here.


suck on this


File: 1739489560030.mp4 (1.37 MB, 912x720, G0krsPu8VMTX3hG_.mp4)


I wish it was real


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File: 1739546747921-2.jpeg (69.05 KB, 600x800, yehboqjskuie1.jpeg)

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>Jewish rabbis in Brooklyn
this is not because they're Jewish, but because they're from New York.


wtf!!! DREAMY IS…


inconclusive, could be a crossdressing gay dragqueer (a faggot)


File: 1739650581325.jpg (83.41 KB, 1080x1261, stroking_my_son.jpg)


off topic


What anime


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incels hate fatgods because they're jealous of them wasting their genetic potential and chad bones they themselves don't possess


>How do you wake up like that how do you not kill yourself.
I think this about my brother every day


I think it's more likely that they're very self conscious of their body image and can't fathom doing that to themselves


File: 1740167727038.webm (882.8 KB, 1280x720, 1732659180085.webm)


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me talking with yuyuko


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File: 1741179817111-1.webm (862.59 KB, 360x640, 1732658781369.webm)



Why are there so many of these


idk it's from pol


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File: 1742857749808.webm (1.61 MB, 406x720, 1742855340520659.webm)




File: 1742925620761.mp4 (1.66 MB, 480x678, imbored.mp4)


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File: 1742950644856-2.jpeg (423.23 KB, 1080x1080, u24nmr29008d1.jpeg)

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