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Hereditary monarchy is degenerate. Tradcucks who claim we should value these faggot European royal families, who won't lift a finger to save our nations, are always weak men and LARPers.

Society should be ruled by something like the Teutonic Order in early Prussia. Ascetic warrior-monks who elect a grand master as the supreme leader. Hitler tried to set up something similar with the SS.


hereditary monarchy like in france or england is degenerate
the roman monarchy was never hereditary


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monarchy in general is a system by which inbred unworthy retards justify their rule over the common man by going "uh uh the reason i get to rule is… uh im just king OKAY!?"


>"uh uh the reason i get to rule is… uh im just king OKAY!?"
still more reasonable than "the opinion box said so"


im always trolling democralarpers


im thinking of a better response.


inbred unworthy retards whose ancestors happened to be successful narcissistic, machiavellistic, psychopathic, opportunistic, manipulative bandits and murderers


There is no hope, there is no reason to care about this shit. Everything is going to be consumed by shitslam.


monarchism has no reason to exist in da modern world doe. its primitivist and i think thats why u like it. conservitards romanticize the past and like strong centralized states and so the natural conclusion of the fashie is the monarchist. you're either trolling or too far gone to be enlightened. have fun being a serf little nigga


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you see
old good
new bad


the whole argument of 18th century republicans was its primitivism
monarchy is just the most natural form of government, it is like an equilibrium that states will always return to while all other state forms are some form of corruption or tyranny


Nigga why do you still have a royal family?


>natural = good
stop wearing clothes or eating anything you haven't foraged yourself. saying its the most natural way of forming a state doesnt even mean anything because there is a clear distinction between what is the "natural state of things" and what is better than the natural state of things. This is what separates us from animals. nigger.



even doe I think there are opposing forces such as Christian Latinx muchachos, numerous Hindus and Chinese
Latinx are as violent and belligerent as Muslims, if not more, even doe they are on different continents o algo


wearing clothes is natural and so is eating farmed food
>This is what separates us from animals. nigger.
what seperates us from animals is intelligence
>saying its the most natural way of forming a state
maybe a better expression would be that it is the fittest way or most stable of forming a state
monarchy is the only social contract that makes sense


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you will not change the germans mind he is too primitive to use critical thinking sorry


>Everything is going to be consumed by shitslam.
islam is already a dead thing
what we will have will be some post-islamic idiocracy


Lmao. Lol even.


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Everywhere in the world is the rule of Oligarchy.


>Isn't lactating




bourgeoisie democracy is almost as flawed. It is truly a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Only the issues that the rich care about get passed in congress, regardless of popular support. This is no surprise, as those with capital can exert way more force than the masses who are without this influence. The communist model is far more democratic.


Because Francisco Franco.


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>arguing on whether tyranny of the minority (dictatorships and monarchy) or tyranny of the majority (democracy and republicism) is better
They're both terrible


We should have a radical meritocracy.


Quiet, conservative.


I'm a social Lamarckist actually


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we should just eat slop, own nothing and be happy


bitch please, theres a difference between the trees and the grass "natural" and human nature


your ideal values genes, my ideal values memes such as wisdom passed through generations


I didn't know that SSP was teutonic order pilled
meanwhile Poles still cherish the day they kept some psycho aristocrats in power that would just randomly come in and burn everyone in their village


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Government is a tool of oppression



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