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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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iramqi be like


nice skin


The semite beak


You already made this thread


it's actually persian


Semite rape baby


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>when saar does not redeem



I wish hed come back so I can hear his thoughts #dragongate


He'd pay money for more leaks


H'ed leak clitty for more money


is this some new soyjak lore


I've been investigating into where AC gets his money to pay for server costs and advertising and it just so happens that his parents have a connection to the venture capitalist Blake Masters. Really starts to make sense why he does so much shilling for trump in 2024(server banners, the tf2 website, etc). Peter Thiel has Blake Masters invest in certain cultures to have them push vance/trump and his other agendas. Turns out one of Thiel's agendas is to make the right wing more gay and misogynistic(thiel was a closet gay himself). Thiel is a huge part of why the blackpill has gotten so mainstream over the years. AC's imageboard bantculture started out as a friendly otaku fandom imageboard, but it's now clearly just another way to push the demoralization blackpill agenda on vulnerable lonely men

Thiel wants to turn all high IQ otaku men into demoralized malleable servile faggots who have no money, no children, and no true impact on culture.
>your crush has already been 4 dimensionally BLACKED before you ever even heard the word puberty so find a bro on discord to jackoff with
>there are no jobs so don't even try, boomers ruined everything, never take your own initiative, bounce on dicks for money if you have to, what are you a fucking puritan??
>just be a gay loser and get raped on discord by faggots because all women are whores bro, lmao thanks rene girard
>etc etc etc

AC sure does remind me of another "male role model" that Blake Masters also has a huge investment in. They are both closet gay guys preaching to be masculine and go to the gym.
AC sold out to the dark side.
AC is Thiel funded controlled op to turn kids into touhou cosplaying crossdressing faggots


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you know too much


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>AC (aryan chad) is the leader of a gang of unhinged otaku goons who I believe are deeply affiliated with the japanese bōsōzoku they used to be quite vocal on here a while back but for some reason they've gone quiet and now only lurk in the shadows
>AC (Aryan chad) is a deranged homosexual loser who e dated a bunch of femboys and they all dumped him. He spends his days coordinating discord raids with his friends, and spreading otaku (codeword for lgbtq) culture
>Dont you fucking retards even understand whats going on. There is no discord war, or trannies. Its 10 teenagers using falseflags, and advanced manipulation tactics to try, and make this board their touhou discord circlejerk playground.
>The first thing aryan chad needed to do when he wanted to take over this board was to create a dichotomy between himself, and the 2020 discord circlejerkers like reimu and the moldovan. Despite the fact that their posting styles and discord faggotry is on par with eachother. The "circljerkers trannies" Like the elffaggot. and the slovakian only serve as shadow enemy for aryan chad's "otakus" to fight against, since they are all universally hated. None of them are actually as trannyish as they pretend to be. They hype up their circlejerky behavior, to make their allies (the otaku discord) look good. There is no separator between the two. They are literally on the same side.


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>The second thing aryan chad needed to do was to subvert the opposition. Theres more obvious signs of him doing this like replying "tmst" to every anti aryan chad thread to make it look like one big joke. Touhou pe, and big brain sawuko pe were psyops by aryan chad, not only to mix jp trash with qa culture, but also to make it look like the frogposting complainers were on his side, and to make them look like they were just aryan chads discord orbiters making up fake drama for attention. This ended up being true however. About 50% of the frogposting threads that mention aryan chad are ones made by his goons. Bantoids are too stupid to realize this but ac makes sure his minions always post pepes with the sawuko hat on so that he knows which anti aryan chad threads to bump, and which ones to slide. Ofc hes going to bump this thread most likely as to not look suspicious.
>If you want to save bant from becoming an actual discord circlejerk like it was in 202 0 than just filter aryan chad. Let this thread be the last one you see that mentions him.
>/bant/culture is having a huge Pride celebration this month! Lots of Pride festivities like enema shitwater chugging competitions and our famous bussy bonanza.
>If you like anime be sure to stop by theres something for everyone.
>Be sure to stop by our discord for daily updates on activities and to find the latest Minecraft, Terraria, and roblox server info to invite your little friends to!
>Remember to pay your respects to Aryan Chad, he is our leader. We love you AC!
>/bant/culture: be the above girlfriend you never had!


He is shit testing us, this is a female brain behavior
He want to see if we'll despair about his departure


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I did this. I'm such a low T cuck subhuman girl bitch.



My privately hired gangstalker confirmed that you were a cis female


After the recent discord screen shots from aryan chad's discord >>14817306
I thought I should make my opinions known. From what I gathered about aryan chad he is quite a messed up individual for several reasons.
1. He is a homosexual
2. He is a pedophile (obsessed with remilia)
3. He is a chronic internet user (as proven by his multiple attempts to take over /bant/ through coordination via discord)\
4. Possibly a closet tranny (obsessed with trans people + homosexual= Possibly a closet tranny)
Now what disturbs me about this is that to many otakus on bant aryan chad is the pinnicle of manhood. This is why they call him "chad", They look up to him as some kind of god. So if this abomination, and failure of a human being is truly what otakus see as the pinnacle than what is to be said about the rest of the otakus on bant. How low are they that they see this creature as somone to aspire to be. Anyone who has spent any significant time on bant will tell you that often times touhou posters are the most mentally ill and braindamaged people on the site. They spend all day spamming their garbage and making 2d childpornography, and the trans touhou pipeline seems to be more apperent day by day (even though aryan chad denies this to save face). Posting touhou seems to me to be a signifier that the person who is posting it is a sad lonely mentally broken individual. Pedophile furry homosexuals seems to be the core of its playerbase. Now do you understand why these people will destroy bant culture if they are allowed to continue uncheckecked.


The /bant/tf2 discord trannies will gaslight us into thinking that otaku culture is separate from discord circlejerk culture but as we see here >>14666564 a resident "aryan otaku" german making a post calling out to his ""aryan brothers"". Upon further inspection of the thread we see anons exhibiting behavior not too dissimilar to the cult of reimu or as some call them "reimunites".
1. They are all inappropriately blog posting with no context within the thread
2. They all seem to know each other despite 4chan being an anonymous imageboard. If not for use of an outside platform (whether it be discord or a platform not too dissumlar to discord, like steamchat, irc, etc) they would not be able to recognize each other
This isn't the only thread where this behavior like this is shown


would have taken this just a little bit seriously if memeboi wasn't always an anti-fun stick in the mud who makes up pages upon pages of lies to try to get his way.


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This is the last post I'll make on this thread before I go to the gym with my bf but when I met with Tony IRL to file the report to the police I told them to log off 4chan and discord so they can slowly build a social life outside of the internet especially after they got doxxed by you faggots. I have the document on my computer and I keep adding new information that is sprinkled in these threads. And I lurk around ac's bootleg 4chan site. So if you're reading this ac. Here's the doc. It's real. Also Hi Salieri! I got some dirt on you too you Scandinavian bitch ass cracker :3






holy truthnuke


>iramqi be like


Hombre telepathically rapes me every night, it works because I live in Europe, the difference in time grants him power over my body and mind for the greater part of the night, basically he spends his evenings just to fuck with me while I am powerless, I'm so fucking tired. I have tried everything, I fucked up my sleep schedule, I didn't sleep for days, I tried renting multiple apartments all over the city, I thought if he loses track of me he won't be able to perform mental attacks on me, I ended up spending tens of thousands of dollars on it and didn't help me, somehow he always knew where to attack. Police refuses to act. More, hombre hired agents in there and now I'm being telepathically raped by policemen as well, fuck. Man, I am tired, I just want to be able to sleep in peace again.


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