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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Look at this tree casting a shadow as if from the future.
(Dark pebbles scattered around the seedling making it look as if casting a shadow).

If it were a man, it would grow higher than all the tallest sequoias, because it believes that it is already great. And unless this faith destroys it (rests on its laurels, pride and laziness), it will grow to the measure of its faith.

And you are (made out) of faith, and you are faith. Faith in your senses, in yourself and in me, and in what I tell you, and in what I believe through faith and pass on to you.

You are faith in my eyes, because I believe that you are what you are, and you are what you believe that you are.

Truly, he who believes that he is great will become great by the virtue of his faith, and by his faith he will make others believe that he is great. But this power can be destructive, for man is full of flaws that fill in the gaps in imperfect faith. Therefore, one must not only believe, but combine faith with action, so that faith may become truth, and not truth as if it were faith.

There can be no more basic and important act of cultivation of fellow spirit, than a good word (of praise) said in precise moment of its need. Nothing grows a man more than cultivation of its faith. Henceforth be kind to those older and peers, and especially younger, for they are the most fertile ground of all, and strenghten their being by your faith in them - for they are faith and that is what you can give them.

TL;DR - help others believe in themself and stuff will work out fine (usually, there's a lot more elements to it, but that is the foundation)


i believe you can send me thousands of dollars


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Ade are you doing alright long time no see I am doing well been working here and there silly jobs meeting people helped me grow up mentally and feelingwise tremendously still at uni btw Ade I hope ur alright have u escaped ur family or came to a consensus please respond I love you like a brother


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no my dad is being insanae and took my electronics send help i had to buy a secret phond to post


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hella cute thuja tree

for your writing about worrying, Matthew6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?


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The tree only really lead me to this thought, it was not a good analogy without making it a man.
I really do think that right praise at right time can make people in the strongest sense of this world.


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sariel does not believe in christcvck god she only worships bbc


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youre just the worst sometimes


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i had wrote something else about your points on pride but it became too unclear to post, so i defaulted to bible banging. because when it comes to pride,
1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.
and as for your other point about helping humans, i don't know because i don't like humans, i only like youkai


glad you're checking up on us down here in the gutter despite walking above the clouds yourself


He lives in a femdom polycule ran by Yuuka


MoF or something like that sau asa ceva


all shitty humans are equal


>brick roads


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i will find you one day and beat you up


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I'm flying in a spaceship above you when it comes to that aspect but thanks for concern

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