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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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oh you're blackpilled?
name every uncomfortable truth


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youre never getting with your coworker


lol that my post


>name every uncomfortable truth


actual uncomfortable truths go beyond blackpill philosophy


But if you stated them we would call them blackpills


yeah this is one of them


you can keep the phrase
in exchange can you fill me in on the meta outside of /bant1/ concerning /bant1/?
seems all the different factions that lost are making their bitter stubborn rounds again, at the same time.


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it's literally valhalla for bad posters and will never end?
i like those odds.


This isnt uncomfortable this is well known and hilarious


Even doe living as a sub 9 male can be worst than death very often


for you the uncomfortable truth is that the reverse is the case


Yeah its gonna suck seeing someone who used to be so epic become a step dad


…on opposite day


I let bastards bleed


anime girls arent real


enough talking about the Zionist Terror state in Palestine for a second
Can we talk about the Norman Terror state in England instead?


or the actual /trash/ /gif/+generals bullshit.
iramqi was right, they were allowed a foothold.



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It's over when the fat lady sings


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there is no escape from me. Bones wild ride


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maudib commissar that doesn't suck it's own dick slanesh


When bro is geeky


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there might be a slight misunderstanding,
I am on nobody's side.


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it's just the idealism of /bant/ supremacy is all


<pokes German
Hey hey hi did I ever tell you how your georgedy rants are the best posts ever?
sometimes I even borrow from that.


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it makes sense to me.


stop trying to groom him please


being friends is not grooming freak
log off for several days


being a whale is not keyed bantcorder


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just trust the schizo because his reach is the stars


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Alr, I love Touhou and other female oriented medias
I’m a fap addict
I’m a big faggot
I go to gym
Ok, that’s it


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nobody is allowed to be friends sorry


Friends don't exist in the real world


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and they will not be allowed to exist here either


in an ideal world there would be no friends or enemies, people would be united by their common love for iramqi who'd be worshipped as god


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your messiah is GONE


he needed to abandon everything to be exalted as god


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We're not on the third day yet


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So true


god i wish i had that pizza


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post the correct version next time at least


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wot in the edgy angsty teenager take


What do you think of Anglish


same ngl


kys redditor


The reason why modern culture sucks is because we got filtered



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i watched most of it
it is mostly correct and i agree so i don't want to nitpick the arguments
this video was peak midwit core because his key arguments and principle could have been stated in 10 minutes without as much redundant examples and asides (emphasizing how the education system is inefficient compared to history by grumbling about how it didn't recognize his so called abilities and help him specialize in lucking out with the youtube algorithm to fame for 5 minutes was the point i had to turn it off…. dude you literally are a normal 110iq guy who can reference pop culture and thats why you can reach an audience so well. geniuses are always shunned from society and you would know this if you were a real historian hobbyist you fucking fake gamer girl)
the biggest issue is that although genetics was mentioned it was downplayed in comparison to the historical examples, which were less relevant whilst also being much more obvious and unnecessary, which makes sense because he is a history hobbyist so whatever

skill verdict: not worth tolerating his homosexual voice inflection for 50 minutes to understand his simple ideas


>110 IQ
That's very generous for tizzy tbh


unsure what you mean, but in the video he claimed 110 iq per school test


I get lost in the videos easily despite him being in his early 20s (major intelligence red flag), dunno what he does so well
It's some kind of slang for whatifalthist, maybe it's thist + rizzy


He said he had below average iq though and it makes sense since he sounds and thinks like an adhd ridden retard


Honestly, I am insanaely tired of constant rationalization, the world around me couldn't be understood anymore and I don't want to spend much time trying to do it.
Times when problems could be solved through a civil discussion are gone if they ever existed, there is only violence upon us now
1 hour essay? I just listened to it and while he makes somewhat good points on what caused what, he autistically tries to find some bad boy entity that ruined everything. As there is one. All what if channels view history like if shit could be fixed if we flipped a switch.
I ultimately come to conclusion that civilization can not exist while shrinking. Once old farts overweight youngsters status quo can no longer be questioned, evolution stops and civilization dies out.
Urban civilization can only exist with constant flow of people from outside, before those were rural people, now it is foreigners. Urban reliance on specialisation is what kills it, nation that can not build homes is doomed. 3 generations in and people don't know anyone who they could have learned it from, all their rural ancestors are rotting in soil.
Record a vocaroo, please


You first


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Both of you sound like failed abortions. Guaranteed.


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Being blackpilled is le lame, I intend to become fully iron pilled instead. Then I'll be able to shrug off any civilization collapse or whatever.


reasonable takes from the rare sound mind russian


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trans lives matter
black lives matter


why did they shop the nazi flag out of his shirt


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>Recent genetic studies have shown that males of the Khvalynsk culture carried primarily the paternal haplogroup R1b, although a few samples of R1a, I2a2, Q1a and J have been detected
and yet R1akeks still purport that they created aryan culture


autism is incurable

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