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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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just water weight



yes, thats a good thread


I identify as skinny


what are your pronouns


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tfw when i have to write my pronoun at school and email


no way this actually happens now


image the satisfying *pop* noise it will make when you stomp on it…


i just had to submit a form for college that required me to put my pronouns


frankly id just leave it blank in defiance


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Looks like #dragongate birthed dark kaze…


Honestly it's mostly just women pushing this retarded shit. I listened to some coworkers talk about some alphabet soup shit and they want characters in media that are all under the oppression umbrella so they "relate" to the most superficial of features.


Pigeons are actually one of the best animals but you wouldn't know it just by looking at 'em.


My cousin had to write xer pronouns and name on a paper that was folded up like a name tag. Xhe's first grade


If you are in grade school, prepared to get dragged into the principals office with a call home


thats actually fucking retarded im glad i left school before all this shit picked up traction


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I remember sex ed in school and there was a talk about trannies and such, the final conclusion of the lesson was that we should be tolerant to different people but also not go full retard dildo waving fag and find a middle ground or something
that would be considered nazi af today


Some Latinx people are now using latinx unironically now. the west has fallen


Nazi demon. You must be lynched by your genitals and poked with shit covered spears.


>I remember sex ed in school and there was a talk about trannies and such
I'm so glad I finished school just a little bit before this started to become a thing


itt: rw circle jerk about how the government is trying to make our kids trans or something by having people write down their pronouns


The government is actually feeding cats and dogs loaded with HRT to migrants doe


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Although the thread digressed to a contentious discussion about pronouns. It is within the scope of gender and idenity politics.
This is relevant to the thread as Anon projected his construct of what constitues as "Chonker" onto the pidgeon perpetuating social stereotypes and labels to subvert an entities individuality.

I suspect there is shady agent injecting psyops in order to foment discord among the peaceful denizens of /bant/. Very sneaky.



this might be right


i just find it retarded
i can confirm with my fellow lantix that they are infact doing this though


>by having people write down their pronouns

By people you mean kids as young as five

And yes the public school system wants kids to be injected with lgbt ideology look at things like that gender unicorn shit

Just imagine if you were five and the teacher starts telling you about gender expression and how you can choose to be a boy or a girl or both or neither Wouldn't some impressionable young minds just go along with it and be railroaded onto getting HRT and surgeries

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