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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

File: 1710703083856.jpg (193.17 KB, 1000x1272, 1625957304681.jpg)


I think touhou is mid


File: 1710703362300.jpg (39.45 KB, 784x676, 1710616069602.jpg)

I respect your opinion. Thank you for sharing.




Holy fail


>Holy fail


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no futa allowd in my thread


>futa… allowd in your thread


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So here's the deal. There are (((people))) and *Humans*. All (((people))) and *Humans* have souls. That is the part created by the demiurge and is damned to hell. Real *Humans* are created when Barbello hijacks the embryo of an empty vessel (((person))) and implants The Holy Spirit also known as the Divine Spark. This is immaculate conception. There are only 144000 *Humans* here. The rest (((people))). And since Barbello hijacks what it wants, the true Holy Bloodline is actually spread out everywhere. This is what GATE was looking for. Lots of people hate this because of the implications. This is also why the pop culture icon for a bimbo is Barbie and she has no genitals, (((they))) hate the truth.






File: 1710709727499.png (276.8 KB, 599x683, muu.PNG)

I don't get it

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