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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

File: 1715126443170-0.png (1.32 MB, 1344x1970, 1713881564379.png)

File: 1715126443170-1.jpg (247.58 KB, 1080x826, Screenshot_20240507_195955….jpg)


Just a heads up that nusoicacas are trying to raid you guys again.


skubigi tolie


that was me stealth advertising


File: 1715126791181.jpg (68 KB, 520x472, owjsksidms.jpg)

what if you guys went and colonized the /ptb/ board


actually lets colonize sude


No. /ptb/
Because it has Flags and Ids
Just. Like. Muh. Bnat.
also the filter is gey


Pink Pet Bottle


Thanks but I don't think we need it, every time they've tried so far they get BTFOed hard by Trumpflare

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