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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
Password (For file deletion.)

Meta + Cancer

File: 1725197035567.png (10.75 KB, 497x535, 11041 - forward_facing fro….png)


delete the cp already, it's been almost 20 minutes


File: 1725197407330.png (61.35 KB, 578x304, file.png)

i had the admin password at one point but it must have changed, if i could get in i would delete it :(


Janny is currently jerking off to it he will delete it after he cums


how did the bot get past the firewall anyway


where is it


It came from the soycluck pph site lole


Mkay another one came and I got it instantly but a third one didn't get in, it's because desuspic used the site on tor so much and the ip range allowance was greater back then, I wrote some software to stop them in a way that makes them blind and blocked redirects from the soycuck pph site but unfortunately they added us to their imageboard list and don't use it exclusively
It should be fine though, I'm going to clear all of the old large ip ranges day by day, if you want to keep up with their activity they hit this shitty board all the time unfortunately LOL https://mlpg.co/3dpd/


remember when I was janny? If I wasn't fired I would have got it.


Don't do that

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