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File: 1700260409463.png (Spoiler Image, 90.24 KB, 772x787, keyednic shock.png)




File: 1700262907229-0.png (300 B, 16x11, queen of hearts.png)

File: 1700262907229-1.png (239 B, 16x11, queen of spades.png)

Could we get a queen of hearts and queen of spades flags. I made these ones but theyre kinda shit. It could be good because we can rep our favorite suit in poker


based and cringe americhadvirgin


Add only queen of hearts and permaban tbpspammers




ban him


jan him


File: 1700264124970.jpg (50.4 KB, 1000x523, Untitled-design--19-_11zon….jpg)

>Yeah I think I am just going to post racism on bbc.com for no reason




Add both then ban both


I do that and my hairline is immaculate


immaculate is when norwood 4


if a soiteen makes a KF account and discovers lolcowfarm he achieves norwood 12 and can defeat glegle


File: 1704693859671.png (Spoiler Image, 1.98 MB, 720x720, 6833 - caption closed_mout….png)

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