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/j2/ - j2

(For file deletion.)


File: 1702235185225.png (9.78 KB, 350x350, file.png)


bnat lurkers: show yourself NOW




good day




File: 1702244457292.jpg (295.97 KB, 850x1214, shota chasers.jpg)


File: 1702251787152.png (1.23 MB, 1420x1987, df39793fc3041f80aa0e45128d….png)


File: 1702396957160.png (754.48 KB, 745x559, 219.png)

Dead board be more keyed


File: 1702413774097.jpg (24.22 KB, 333x354, 1654837918540.jpg)

spam this place more chief sir


File: 1702414370960.png (191.67 KB, 500x600, 1683000824285.png)

C'mon man I've done my part


File: 1702414592025.png (159.01 KB, 551x551, 1527811665772.png)

take up thats anons offer
buy the plane banner
i have to train more people today so ill have time to spam on altchans again later


        >   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
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Very much this




File: 1702798741898.jpg (24.17 KB, 198x255, 409211655_379418291408594_….jpg)

hey sexy




File: 1702967614680.gif (106.15 KB, 56x56, baldguya.gif)


she is stunning




File: 1702998384682.png (31.01 KB, 800x600, 3284 - antinomy_of_common_….png)


John Smt


File: 1703531925291.png (34.7 KB, 800x550, 2050 - double_dealing_char….png)





File: 1703617068586.png (82.41 KB, 1200x1400, 1700878760342.png)

Facts and Furious


File: 1703686163066.jpg (108.18 KB, 768x1024, 1703669755657.jpg)

Are there pokemon in your country?



Jit spitting


File: 1704403177493.png (1.52 MB, 2067x1382, 10883 - badass bleach dino….png)




File: 1704756719563.png (41.86 KB, 800x550, 9681 - ears english fact h….png)


File: 1704757801103.png (28.46 KB, 204x272, 3650.png)

Ok, although I don't think anyone will recognize me


File: 1704757883581.jpg (235.37 KB, 839x1200, 1701814625006.jpg)

oh no its easy
youre that one guy who does that one thing


I do actually do that one thing



File: 1705126677384.jpg (39.92 KB, 800x485, bvllgaryan.jpg)

>Soviet Russia


File: 1705265590476.jpg (92.66 KB, 492x711, let_s_kick_some_ass__by_re….jpg)



Freaky Facts


File: 1705930201614.jpg (43.86 KB, 621x475, 1705842738927098.jpg)

Trump x Fred Durst


File: 1706135555944.png (12.6 KB, 500x474, 1692569540030428.png)

website is dead without umineko thread being spammed #True


File: 1706136073820.jpg (133.16 KB, 849x1200, EbYHH0eU4AAUZc_.jpg)

stupid board be faster




File: 1706483134937.png (35.23 KB, 818x466, 4999 - fact meme sign tata….png)


File: 1706918101330.png (420.2 KB, 453x458, GE4NIp9XIAAhLme.png)

It's truthnuke


I wonder if LUA would be dead without roblox


File: 1706923569299.png (286.44 KB, 700x700, __flandre_scarlet_and_hong….png)





File: 1706926840914.png (339.03 KB, 600x669, 2213548465165.png)

moshi moshi


where did you find this website


File: 1706927402548.png (236.04 KB, 1143x851, 1678193283467935.png)

through the booru


>She's dead


what will happen if I go to touhoufest and can't delete futa for 3 days because I wanna vibe


imagine the futa spam ….


you can give me admin rights for that time I will delete the futa spam and you won't have to worry ;)


File: 1707469078171.png (239.94 KB, 489x474, 1525389843029.png)

i trust this man ac you should totally give him admin rights


Print out an ad


i'm soisissy lurker cuz soyACK.discordy is so shit now i've got nowhere to go



i already tried a touhou shmup i literally cant git gud also isn't touhou made by a discord tranny or something


Bruh it's made by an old man


urm actually i knew that i just dont wanna play shmups i tried QP dangerous shooting and it was too hard so i went back to playing aryan souls or something


play fangames like touhou luna nights or udongein x they're cooler


File: 1707486798012.jpg (131.1 KB, 600x480, __hoshiguma_yuugi_and_stee….jpg)

Play CAVEmeepers instead like mushihimesama or dodonpachi


you VILL play the mainline 2hu games on hard mode und you VILL be happy
only trannies have issues with the difficulty git gud blud
those suck only the danmakufu fangames are good
skydrift and sky arena is fun doebeit


play mars matrix


>She's truthnuking


File: 1707695452031.jpeg (38.73 KB, 680x510, F4znMbgX0AArrw9.jpeg)

I found this site through kogasatopia


Let her cook




Too damn true



File: 1710433240778.png (474.26 KB, 1030x1124, 1710398581393.png)


File: 1710437017728.jpg (802.25 KB, 1434x798, 0055588002097c69b824299f90….jpg)


File: 1710616105518.png (147.21 KB, 1200x1400, 11569 - carrying dino kanm….png)




File: 1711168301041.png (173.67 KB, 1200x800, 1711032683261.png)

my transbian ass


my transbian ass:






File: 1712142950680.png (46.12 KB, 649x1000, 11606 - alice_margatroid a….png)


File: 1712145487353.png (2.66 MB, 1427x2100, illust_79971128_20240402_2….png)


File: 1712173530962.png (24.74 KB, 495x331, file.png)


File: 1712173592438.png (480.32 KB, 687x960, 1651171013299.png)

>sexsy rika


dima velikiy:
Satoko-chan is cute but she loves to make traps
Sexsy Rika:
Cute kawaii rika chan
Yulia ulanov:
Cute brother satoshi
dennis ribak:
Cute keiichi kun


File: 1712177656616.jpg (867.62 KB, 2732x4096, GKPB0PEbUAA2d0X.jpg)




File: 1717287950816.png (34.18 KB, 822x448, 3841 - funny glasses meme ….png)


phup missed this one


File: 1718336205636.jpg (259.69 KB, 1488x960, 0d19b92356c65ad2c0f70bba31….jpg)


girls kissing is bnat culchar


It's because BNWO gooning dampened your senses and deprived you from your big break

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