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File: 1718659562434.webp (108.14 KB, 1000x918, mlgniggaweed.webp)


>go outside
>have allergies so constantly have a runny nose
>can sense femoids getting the ick when they see me walk by whilst sniffling
looksmaxing and psl is all fun and cool, but this is why i support eugenics


File: 1718659840211.png (249.02 KB, 360x584, isaac.png)

This is the folly of modern society. In the wild, lions and tigers would be able to sense your pollen allergy and would determine you to be weak and sickly because of this. We need to tear down society and return to natural living in order to rid the human race of pollen allergic subhumans.




Wtf is the ick


>Peat o phile


It's when a female on some subconscious level thinks "damn I am so not reproducing with this mfer"


Elliot was right we need camps for them so educated men can choose who can reprpducece


It's that feeling you get when someone says skibidi toilet is similar to the gmod idiot box

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