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File: 1711924897774.mp4 (829.78 KB, 720x720, Gelbooru_ed681df63696bd204….mp4)


🇷🇺 = "oh look I'm posting unrelated gay interracial porno, I bet you feel stupid now"


Sodomy is pathetic.


yfw shiki eiki has sproke colour palette so it means she pees sproke


File: 1711987494883.png (17.06 KB, 750x498, 8224 - eyes_closed nippaku….png)

>Very unprofessional for an admin to say bad things about… people who… bellow… the chat


File: 1711988183107.png (177.39 KB, 1222x1152, 11498 - chain cheating_det….png)

rushit be like
>posting tranny porn will put me on the high ground


File: 1712000604475.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.19 KB, 1129x800, illust_116919669_20240327_….jpg)

Muh yukrein and shiiieet amirite, leaf?


File: 1712093838049.png (673.07 KB, 666x1797, rika_furude__higurashi__pn….png)

It is nothing sexual though. Thvgs are just funny and cool, so stop projecting your leakage, sissy.


he means the russian who posts btc tho


File: 1712105083826.png (562.98 KB, 1200x1091, Laughing fairy.png)

>🇷🇺 = "oh look I'm posting unrelated gay interracial porno, I bet you feel stupid now"
Hah, jokes on you OP, I always feel stupid because I'm a 100% genuine retard regardless of unwholesome porn spam or not.


>Thvgs are just funny and cool
Purest truth
Yeah leafhitler is just resisting the progress with his iron grasp on the community's throat


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This is the culture of bant сhvd


File: 1712118056915-0.jpg (196.36 KB, 850x1166, kogasa_hina.jpg)

File: 1712118056915-1.jpg (191.38 KB, 850x622, kogasa_hina_2.jpg)

not even spoilered? CHAD.




File: 1712118660149.jpg (180.41 KB, 1000x897, 70fe212daf060107e8843377c2….jpg)

>tattoos and piercings
How un-Christian like.


He compensates it by showing love to his brothers


File: 1712119101765.mp4 (1.01 MB, 1280x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)


File: 1712181518611.jpg (219.69 KB, 750x625, d0af688777bb63bd3b9a3cbe65….jpg)

Fair enough, brotherly love is very Christian-like.


File: 1712269527217.jpg (356.96 KB, 800x1200, 71822cd322b8c5482abc4a201b….jpg)

somebody once told me clownpiece is gonna suffocate me
i ain't the sharpest human in gensokyo


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File: 1712459506100-1.jpg (919 KB, 1214x860, 13902f12f8e7786a3645d7e4dd….jpg)

You can sharpen your knowledge by attending your local library doe, or do you mean sharp as in reflexes? Because you'll need a sparing partner for that.


File: 1712480761900.png (546.2 KB, 900x1126, 95869476_p6.png)

my reflexes aren't sharp, but tenshi will help me with that!


The sword of hisou would vaporize you


File: 1712515577050.jpg (93.43 KB, 928x1150, [twitter] plst41—2024.04.0….jpg)

>The sword of hisou would vaporize you


takes one to know one


File: 1712517652574.png (75.72 KB, 793x459, IMG_2090.png)

i post hetero foul, you post reddit soyjaks and tiktok zoomer niggerslop videos


>scatsexual erasure


Thule vs 'borea


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This was boom's last post


File: 1717088593410.png (41.86 KB, 800x550, 9681 - ears english fact h….png)

faggots treat their mental illness as it's their whole personality holy Jesus these lowlives should be put to death


File: 1717089066572.jpg (100.34 KB, 850x955, sample_37fd0930943e01f11c2….jpg)

my initial gay reaction to this was that it's meant to show the mental capacity of whales


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File: 1717336205692.jpeg (33.2 KB, 640x485, F1Mg42oWAAEJt44.jpeg)

>calls faggots mentally ill
>posts interracial porn
typical Zigger mentality


File: 1717336877651-0.jpeg (428.78 KB, 2048x1194, F4oYcyqW4AAryC3.jpeg)

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File: 1717336877651-2.png (13.95 KB, 794x602, 10666 - crying laughing me….png)

ruskies can't refute this


>1st pick
holy trvke. We are all just cattle. The only difference between the east and the west is the branding iron they use.


File: 1717346781155.png (40.87 KB, 800x700, marisa_gyate_squish.png)

its called ironic humor, mom. its kind of a young person thing, you wouldnt get it since your ovaries stopped working.



File: 1717348308598.jpg (33.75 KB, 680x642, funny_cat.jpg)

twittercucks, do we really name ourselves this?


>nooooooo I'm too hot!
Probably ironic or he takes his mother's words too serious. Or he's actually attractive but shits himself or something
Decent human beings doing decent human stuff like having an interest in procreation, what's with that?
It's called having high T


File: 1717357844974.png (13.9 KB, 800x800, 9909 - alternate_headwear ….png)

there are probably more images like that…


hmmmm… no?


Why did he leave again?


He described himself as an internet addict a few times and took the ascend I guess, he made a bunch of posts in June then left again


File: 1720833646594.png (14.78 KB, 120x116, 10773 - cheeks eating funn….png)

But we've known eachother for less than a year and I met him in 2020


File: 1720836033895.jpg (67.57 KB, 960x720, __kaku_seiga_and_ebisu_eik….jpg)

It was a dark satirical joke that you need to orbit me for 4 years but it's not serious since I don't mind if the imageboard dies as long as it doesn't become a dumpster like tf2 and then I can go back to discord




Pot calling the kettle black


you're brown


Says the Moroccan


File: 1720959562476.png (335.83 KB, 2014x2164, 64041 - SoyBooru.png)

>Says the Moroccan


File: 1723275755083.png (26.81 KB, 800x559, 1720190068742.png)

Says the Moroccan


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File: 1730195874951.png (54.94 KB, 800x559, file.png)




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