>>3142It's the 15th since it's when I started sending people here
I couldn't think of anything to do since no one really immigrated here outside of the original bnat community and people from that have started growing up and moving on like german koishi and the swedish, this place was firstly about allowing the relationships to remain alive without bant1 and second about trying to become sensational and meet new bantoids/have all of my friends in one place but it never really went that way, there are new people who have become bantoids imo but they weren't a big deal and don't make up for the losses like the mexican dbz guy who would stalk me, the guy who I went to touhoufest with cut his balls out and I stopped being friends with him since he's crazy and so on, however the posters lost were all pretty bad except for the dbz one
It's also hard to house people like ssp and russian kutaka and people think the site has too little porn or it has too much and etc
There are smaller parts like how a lot of tf2 people I like praise the site but are almost only lurkers and I sympathize with that because I remember being underage and waiting a long time to post on 4chan due to the format being intimidating, there's also a large tf2 discord I really look up to but they're only into trendy deeptaku stuff like project moon and they would have nothing to do here on top of losing their interest in imageboards a long time ago, some posted here to look for me but bintoids are wild and it's not a match
The tf2 server is kiddy and looked down upon compared to this place but it's a good reference point since it's a very large community related to this one, when I imagine things I could've done differently there I can plot the outcome in my mind clearly while with this place I can wonder "what if it were never associated with bant" "what if it were a shounen site" "what if I had banned the russian" and I can't foresee how things would be, I think it's because they would be no different
I was gonna draw something for Christmas though and didn't want to use the idea now, I would draw like vegito and kaguy and other bbc things
Despite this message looking gloomy as hell I'm not sad and just wanted to write out my thoughts around this time, this place will probably just remain how it's been for the past long while of containing the core bant community even if it's anemic, or maybe it'll randomly dry up for good, or maybe it'll become something? Either way we all got to remain friends for longer, my life is very happy
If it were really over I'd probably write quite a bit about the tf2 server because the drama there was actually nuts, there was a discord trying to kick me out for almost 2 years and they were really dirty, they were giving me backshots in June after I had beaten them for a few rounds but I turned the tables on them by pretending not to own the server and it made their political movement fall apart, I'm very glad bbc never became that way even if the status quo can look sad, the server is lit again now but it wasn't worth the damages, not sure which place will outlive the other ha
There was a final and important thing I learned which was that in the first 2 years of the tf2 server it formed a really amazing community for the most part, and I felt "imagine how things would be if it continued to grow from here, the future must be so lit" but in reality it peaked there and almost everyone who immigrated afterwards were either dumb or human trash, I think it's similar to this community, almost everyone capable of being meaningful and making a difference joined the bnat community before this site was made, part of why the site was made was to fish for more hoodtaku scholars and deeptaku but no additional people like that pulled up, they're out there but most people truly like us are here already and not a huge amount can be done
If this site disappeared I'd be pretty satisfied having written this here now da ze (scholarly version of 'tbh'), I've done a lot of tech stuff for fun and I figure making trumpflare only required for posting (instead of preventing lurking) could help the site grow, might advertise again sometime since it would be more practical, hope we can all stay together but whatever happens happens
>>3291It says almost, copium is right there

>>3293That's just my dark sense of humor speaking

However my view of the world is that while I believe in perseverance, in the end people are in their own magnitudes of value relative to others, and only some people are towards the top like Maracco, I hoped to meet more people like that (and help them meet eachother) which made me persist on 4chan and then here but not much went how I thought, I know two cool hoodtaku guys that posted here quite a bit but neither became community leaders and they often prefer to dm me, so even if I find the right type of person they often prefer to lurk or don't have the traits to be on top
Your tier is maybe C+ but since I see things in a deterministic manner it's not insulting, being on top means I have to deal with crazy discord folx and keeping people happy and so on

Okay you have a lot of charisma you got me 😭 but spamming gibberish made me barely read the posts on this site for a while since reading the first few words then assuming what the rest would be about was more efficient for such low quality babble
i dont remember inviting anyone to my marisa schizo babble diary thread
>>3144> this place was firstly about allowing the relationships to remain alive without bant1well literally the only i still consider friends from original bant1 aside from you would be the russian and german so bantculture succeeds in that regards for me at least
aside from being smaller its a lot like oldbant desu oldbant had periods of like 3pph during american's bedtime but now i barely recognize the place, i mean it was always going to change, but having it be pols trashcan didnt help either, imptrash was kinda funny at times
< second about trying to become sensational and meet new bantoids/have all of my friends in one place but it never really went that wayits a shame it didnt go how you plan, i mean it can still grow but im not gonna hit you with fake positivity either, well ive said many times i enjoy it its the only place i use desu aside from steam, i dont like social media and 4chan is becoming more cucked by the day
>It's also hard to house people like ssp and russian kutakayeah , its part of the charm to me at least, spice of life, that jazz, but i understand why it can be unappealing to other users, hence the need to pig/spoiler which i think is a good middle ground, but of course where you draw the line supersedes anything desu i just try to follow your example
body was too long>>3144<The tf2 server is kiddy and looked down upon compared to this placeidk i dont really pay attention to tf2 desu so i cant comment on this
>when I imagine things I could've done differently there I can plot the outcome in my mind clearly while with this place I can wonder "what if it were never associated with bant" "what if it were a shounen site" "what if I had banned the russian" and I can't foresee how things would be, I think it's because they would be no differenthard to say anything on this too i cant say for certain how things would have played out
<I was gonna draw somethingi cant draw
>Despite this message looking gloomy as hell I'm not sad and just wanted to write out my thoughts around this time, this place will probably just remain how it's been for the past long while of containing the core bant community even if it's anemic, or maybe it'll randomly dry up for good, or maybe it'll become something? Either way we all got to remain friends for longer, my life is very happythats good, we will keep being friends, even if its only when i feel like it, which is my roundabout way of saying i hate being on demand anytime someone needs me, i dont like this new era of the internet where everyone has access to everyone at any given moment hence why i despise social media/discord/whatever fuck niggas use i dont like the idea of people being able to reach me at any given time, literally only you along with 2 other people aside from family can do that right now, of course i dont mean to dissuade you from reaching out desu, you can do that because ive already made the exception for you and the rest
im not going to reread this entire wall of text if i said something retarded so be it i dont care
>>3302Don't worry, today was funny, only apathy is scary
>>3305You have the website null routed while everyone posts here o algo

>>3329based based basedpilled
>>3411>New CoD is outYay, it that time of the year to watch someone (MKIceAndFire) to go through the campaign no commentary 4k60fps
>>3422Btw I posted this here for maracco and not just as a followup to the last thing lole

>>3451I thought you were fat, how can you hike 4 hours

its getting cold but i just need to run my pc for a bit for that comfy warmth
>>3453back in my prime( which was only like 2 years ago lol) i hiked that much wearing a weighted vest, was epic my entire body hurt even more, i misplaced the vest i cant find it anymore i used to jog a lot with it
im very small actually at 140 americans lbs, i used to weigh even less back when i was depressed about my dead mom and uncle/dad i think about 120ish but its going to be 8 years now
time flies but i still feel good and full of energy im trying to get back into it again, since i started working full time at my job its actually pretty physically demanding so i havent the drive or time to do stuff out of work
i miss part time
I wonder why the indian guy left, he told me about how his ex boyfriend doxxed him and that he would post it on the sharty and here and that I gotta delete the doxx for him like 5 months ago, maybe his ex boyfriend got more info so he deleted all of his posts and disappeared lole

This isn't to be confused with the other poc nazi guy who left this site because of his boyfriend
Soyclucks are a riot fr

>>3458i know nothing about soylore desu
they sound pretty gay though
>>3460fuck its still here im sick of this im beating the shit out of it
i think its inside actually
my tolerance to working long hours is increasing, my disdain for my coworkers only grows but at least i dont need to actually interact with them 90% of the time
>>3467no it actually fucking sucks i cant work without earplugs because all the plates smashing together gives me tinnitus, ive lost hearing for a solid 2 seconds from it on more than one occasion
sleeping is next to impossible without earplugs for me i hear the plastic bags crinkle, soda cans make an occasional metallic tap if i left any soda in it from the gas, not to mention the fizzy bubbles themselves make distinct noises, the floor creaks when i toss and turn which makes the furniture creak, and snap is what i would describe it too i cant even breathe the wrong because sometimes my nose exhales in a way that sounds like a whistle the apartments next to me has some gas gauge thingy that beeps nonstop its actually the bane of my existence
>>3993how can that be when on that day i watched sonic 3