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/j3/ - Meta & Random

Methylene Blue
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/j3/ when?

File: 1737759396912.png (75.74 KB, 256x259, 1623458144964.png)


Aya background is broken on bant
plz fix, it's my favorite.
this is a threat


It started working for me abruptly after I started looking into the problem


thank you for looking into the problem


still broken, sorry.


What's it look like


File: 1737763393597.png (1.51 MB, 1080x2082, PSX_20250124_190254.png)


It works for me even if I clear my cookies/cache and everything on my desktop and phone, you could try going incognito and see if it works since that opens a chrome instance with none. I saw that the site where it's from had the file missing for a bit until I posted >>1471 so I think it's the cache.


didn't worked, it's ok though.


Bruuuh I figured out why but I'll fix it when I get out of bed


It's fixed
It's because I was sourcing it from a website owned by a guy I used to know but he got cp spam so he put his website behind an ip whitelist like bintculture was but he's got no real reason to program a trumpflare type thing since it has no activity
he stopped posting here because he had a god complex and crashed out and threatened me with cp spam lole


yay it works again, thank you!
also that's a pretty wild ride of a story, wonder what happened to the dude.


are you talking about the guy who had whale gun flags?


Nah he was canadian and wrote bantculture in japan, I was warned by a group of people that he was really crazy and dangerous a bit over 2 years ago so I remained cautiously friendly but he was jealous of me and eventually his god complex got triggered by that. He made a threat then sent me a meme drawing which depicted his self insert and discord friends blowing up an 8chan webring /v/ board with explosives but I had been told about that event several years ago and he did that with cp spam. I started catering to his delusions after he made the threat and he was placated because I'm slick like that and he was dumb. He hasn't come back.


There's also a video of him dancing with fumos while shirtless on kiwifarms or something and he's very fat haha..


aryan get

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