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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
Password (For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1694702199957.jpg (160.13 KB, 1696x942, 1694089083144393.jpg)

 No.1Important[Last 100 Posts]

Holy shit


File: 1697526614225.png (339.03 KB, 1311x909, 6222.png)


>1get is some forced rokkenjima artstyle garbage
yup we are off to a great start


File: 1697560747124.png (649.5 KB, 640x789, truck.png)

Mokou and Kaguya battle for their favorite toy


File: 1697566188468.webm (1.25 MB, 1688x938, reverse.webm)

>>1get is some forced rokkenjima artstyle garbage
>yup we are off to a great start


where are the chadflags




thank you for being my guinea pig




yea i wanted to point this out earlier but forgor


File: 1697578225625.png (2.39 KB, 178x65, image.png)

Fix this too, happens when you open threads by clicking the replies


I fixed it by moving it back to the original spot but I'll keep trying to make the sexy spot work
Gonna kill that javascript then, it seems too old, I thought shartay was supposed to be maintaining this software but it seems dead like hotwheels said
Addendum: Hold up. I take that back because it sounds cucked. This is POWERFULIMMORTALSTRONG software but some of the community javascript addons are dead because imageboards are irrelevant. Bantculturedotcom is very COOL and technically sound.




I'll be back in two weeks, you guys get to play now. Doing this early is an experiment. If the tf2cvcks + funny friends like ukraine keep this place slightly active and growing, the site will probably succeed, but if I come back and it's dead, I probably won't be able to do much even with the rest of my ammunition, and we're done for good. Play nice LOL
Include your country flag or it's sovlless, you do it like "country,lolk_marisa" in the field


Got it


Post the rest RIGHT NOW


File: 1697776779213.webm (1.31 MB, 1692x946, bruhjump.webm)


File: 1697776854299.webm (1.11 MB, 1674x942, seijababy land.webm)


File: 1697776895079.webm (1.49 MB, 1684x932, jump.webm)


File: 1697777347607.webm (1.85 MB, 1696x942, flanfly.webm)


Add audio


the bantcultureculture was so strong it created some kind of tractor beam and I was placed back here


there is no audio yet




File: 1698662741032.jpg (100 KB, 721x960, IMG_20231030_114342.jpg)



The Báb (born ʿAlí Muḥammad; /ˈæli moʊˈhæməd/; Persian: علی محمد; 20 October 1819 – 9 July 1850) was the founder of Bábism, and one of the central figures of the Baháʼí Faith. He was a merchant from Shiraz in Qajar Iran who, in 1844 at the age of 25, claimed to be a messenger of God. He was acclaimed by his followers as the Báb (/bɑːb/; Arabic: باب; meaning "Gate" or "Door"), a reference to the deputy of the Hidden Imam, while instigating a millenarian movement — which proposed the abrogation of Islamic laws and traditions[1] — and the establishment of a new religion. Though he was popular among the lower classes, he faced opposition from the orthodox clergy and government, which eventually executed him and thousands of his followers, who were known as Bábís.


wow this website is actually alive and functional LOL
This thread is for the touhou baby game, but it's also for /Questions & Answers/ which means feature requests and complaints and so on


alive even doe less than 2pph


maybe even 3


maybe even :3


baby even keyed


File: 1698902293137.png (185.88 KB, 541x585, zly scholar.png)

The porncucks aint spoilering they shit… this is a huge problem for the dotcom


is there some relatively small terrestrial gyate creature with spikes on top somewhere


File: 1699047455251.png (1.78 MB, 2072x1379, 6499 - alice_margatroid ba….png)

Is this terrestrial


Is a crab - Earth being
Very terrestrial by definition


I guess seijababy will have to face new species of terrestrial alice urchins


File: 1699204508972.png (176.87 KB, 618x445, kani.png)

fuck it, crab okina


File: 1699214166806.png (124.02 KB, 1200x1700, file.png)

I meant the alice urchin


File: 1699214463879.png (41.86 KB, 800x550, spit.png)

1. Open tampermonkey/violentmonkey/whichever you have
2. Open the code for 4chanx
3. Add // @include https://bantculture.com/* to the top area with the rest
Not using a -monkey for 4chanx? Babe, that's not very trad of you. Switch now!
4chanX also fixes when some posts look fucked up.


change the imptrash filter to


would you kindly put some theme in the selection that doesnt make my eyes melt


I made a tomorrow theme, may or may not be missing some parts, I use it, goes in custom CSS in options


File: 1699373631381.png (71.89 KB, 340x512, nutty.png)

>bant culture
Nigga, it's just porn


File: 1699373748375.png (6.63 KB, 600x800, IMG_5801.png)

Is soi allowed here


File: 1699374036574.png (261.08 KB, 384x520, soy889.png)


>is [BUST] (beta male dust) allowed
*smirks* No, kek


File: 1699374334051.png (360.28 KB, 1200x1000, 7213 - badass detailed dou….png)

The shitlords will not win


File: 1699374350512.jpg (118.74 KB, 831x764, coinslot.jpg)

'oinslot in the 'og


File: 1699374398893.png (235.44 KB, 680x556, cutieregalbeheadedajannywi….png)

>The shitlor-ACK!


File: 1699374548766.jpeg (330.81 KB, 1600x1064, IMG_5867.jpeg)


File: 1699374885555.jpg (29.22 KB, 385x390, Pepelaughcryingfangsferal1.JPG)

Suck my frogcock tranitor


File: 1699374919078.png (744.43 KB, 986x1024, me.png)



File: 1699374968752.jpg (4.7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

'oinslot in the 'og again


File: 1699374975103.png (47.13 KB, 450x600, IMG_5678.png)



File: 1699375015839.png (57.04 KB, 1061x930, 1699373632309.png)

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers' heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.


File: 1699375027214.jpg (47.05 KB, 976x850, plain pepe.jpg)

>changing the password from the character on the front page's first name to it's last name
are you guys retarded or what


File: 1699375295925.gif (36.06 KB, 226x255, IMG_5728.gif)


File: 1699375674250.png (182.59 KB, 1002x1004, classy pepe.png)



File: 1699375700379.png (167.6 KB, 378x481, zoomer soyboy.png)

>Holy shit


File: 1699375714501.jpg (5.41 KB, 263x192, download cados ass.jpg)

Hello trannitor
Don't censor my cado he is so meepermy


File: 1699375736804.jpg (19.99 KB, 200x257, 200px-William_Morgan_(anti….jpg)

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers' heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.


File: 1699375767366.gif (270.22 KB, 255x250, IMG_5601.gif)

>This website is secret which means you found treasure like nazrin kek


Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers' heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.


Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers' heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.


File: 1699375854832.gif (543.99 KB, 600x600, 1697852478977.gif)



File: 1699375858075.jpg (113.3 KB, 479x581, soy soyak soyjak tagme-686.jpg)




File: 1699375984895.png (1.03 MB, 2100x900, 1698890035721-3.png)

Nusoisluttas won


File: 1699376090369.jpg (7.39 KB, 250x189, soy soyak soyjak tagme-716.jpg)

>/bant/ - International/Random
>This website is secret which means you found treasure like nazrin kek


File: 1699376376699.png (8.19 KB, 388x62, file.png)

>changing the password 2 times and counting!


File: 1699376407634.png (64.03 KB, 1342x958, caiprihna.png)

soytan board


File: 1699376453155.jpeg (98.2 KB, 1024x721, 1698847567739.jpeg)





File: 1699376727005.png (117.82 KB, 732x772, tagme-2819.png)

hello fags


File: 1699376820174.jpg (43.48 KB, 708x800, tagme-7.jpg)




File: 1699377494214.png (1.95 MB, 2130x2842, 18326 - SoyBooru.png)

meeperming up this thread


File: 1699377727607.jpg (117.36 KB, 1024x1017, 1645464435041.jpg)

Chief. This is literally dogshit.


File: 1699377905517.png (64.07 KB, 600x621, SHAREBLUE-madame.png)



damn bruh you got the whole squad laughin


File: 1699384973447.png (53.62 KB, 702x802, black coloured open mouth ….png)

>damn bruh you got the whole squad laughin


File: 1699386818806.jpg (51.5 KB, 600x974, soyjak.jpg)

>>>1293 (You)
>damn bruh you got the whole squad laughin


File: 1699387202506.png (243.53 KB, 785x1000, crying soyjak tagme-991.png)

>damn bruh you got the whole squad laughin


Now that the dust has settled, replying to this for visibility.
Youtube embded links are pogged.


File: 1699389173552.png (1.37 MB, 1416x1444, crying distorted soy tagme….png)

>Now that the dust has settled, replying to this for visibility.
Youtube embded links are pogged.


having studied soijack lore extensively to get with the times, i believe this thread is what is commonly refered to as a "meeper"


lol thats filtered?


I think only chÜd and g3m are filtered




File: 1699397744523.png (74.95 KB, 306x306, 1658183166916.png)


MEEPER catty


There's a massive bug in rizz page when you click on lily_black and lily_white flags it gives you lilly black,lilly white instead




File: 1699589223830.jpg (510.86 KB, 1280x1656, skillet bejita respect 1.jpg)

Good news:
There's about 300 people here per day
Bad news:
I probably ran out of audiences to groom, we might've peaked in the last 48 hours, not including the soicuckos of course
I'll go back to ignoring the site for a while and work on webarchive support when I get back, and if that really was our flash in the pan, hats off gentlemen
If the denizens here want it to survive, interact with eachother and bring friends. And obey god.


File: 1699590817916.png (38.69 KB, 550x750, 8987 - alcremie komeiji_ko….png)

half of those people were me sorry


*gangstalks with mod vision*
Nice try kike.


File: 1699632864352.gif (2.97 MB, 450x267, red-weevil-soprano.gif)


File: 1699639423092.jpg (30.03 KB, 324x444, sopranos.jpg)

came back because I saw sois in recent


what is up gamers


File: 1699801438626.png (20.37 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Does bnatculture need ids or nah?


Whenever a canadian posts i'm like, "OH SHIT, THEY'RE GONNA THINK IT'S ME BECAUSE THIS SITE IS DEAD AND MY VALUABLE IDENTITY IS IN DANGER" but I don't see any use overall


File: 1700004499485.jpg (346.55 KB, 640x480, Dejiko 246.jpg)

Well now I'm here to steal your identity too.


holy fuck it's edward


File: 1700004908618.jpg (119.01 KB, 800x600, Cho Dengeki Stryker 6.jpg)

literally whomst've


Post a lot nigga, dark times we're living in
But it's a successful site despite the stress.


File: 1700132491812.png (Spoiler Image, 173.17 KB, 600x600, EZR_QuUU4AERHt6.png)



File: 1700139919185.png (754.48 KB, 745x559, 219.png)


File: 1700157294753.webm (1.56 MB, 1684x942, over.webm)


remove the password this site needs to be bigger than soycuck.farty and a password prevents that


Is today opposite day?


Anyone interested in archiving threads should check this out, it's like webarchive but creates a local file instead. It's available as an addon for most browsers but the github has the full list
While watching this, I was like "DAMN, DAMN, BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH".
Raising awareness of this yet again


I have better news, Webarchive is now working, but I don't think archive.today will be compatible unless I kill the weab firewall someday


1 post per minute? we beat s4s. BQQM nigga.


600 niggas lurking and nobody posting, this must be why people say the N word


give me an update on the current number


It's not simultaneous, it's daily, I don't think most 4chad boards have that many at once
I can czech again around midnight


800 lurkers thanks


make them post


1. They're bitches
2. rich alpha male genius athlete can only do so much


Holy fuck




my proxy swarm says you're welcome


Nice try little beta, but before the weab firewhale went down it reached 400, so I mostly believe it.


File: 1700785937510.png (87.34 KB, 414x260, yuyukofact.png)

The home page is UPPPP BOOOOOOOOM




1140 folx here yesterday, maybe it's because ota-ch died but I dunno


sorry, my crawlers were overreacting yesterday


Nice try blackpiller, but it was confirmed that confidence is everything.


File: 1700854230558.png (1.25 MB, 1200x1100, __cirno_rumia_daiyousei_an….png)

My heroes


over 300 posts today, got to keep up the shilling though



File: 1700923321074.png (77.26 KB, 371x305, 3108 - fact funny meme per….png)

KWEENZ need to know about this place. Cope more.


More like q(ueer)eens


File: 1701042789959.png (128.39 KB, 1331x1456, 4972 - forward_facing meme….png)

Do NOT open spoilered images by spaniards. Worst mistake of my life!


UTTP touhou meeper


File: 1701116790943.png (Spoiler Image, 75.72 KB, 793x459, IMG_8668.png)


File: 1701117539699.jpeg (266.84 KB, 900x711, IMG_8771.jpeg)

>the poopcord just breached containment


File: 1701117943857.png (28.76 KB, 635x581, IMG_8571.png)

>he gave up posting poop
you are weak


File: 1701118110873.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 182.7 KB, 1174x1092, IMG_8773.jpeg)



File: 1701118119886.png (30.75 KB, 508x449, kog bruh umbrella.png)

>weak evenkeyd touhou asslickers were kicked out of 4chan and moved here partially due to her necrobumping thousands of threads


File: 1701229130640.jpg (459.54 KB, 2300x2500, F_4N3mdaUAAhio7.jpg.jpg)

Remember to regularly archive important threads, it only takes 1 minute, only (You) can preserve the culture


nothing here is worth archiving




>I'm going to enter a wholesome community full of trans women who bother no one then act surprised when I hate the site


Pause. Otaku gains thread is hella fat


you know i am right
the grass, touch it. you mentally ill loser


File: 1701231931813.jpg (197.94 KB, 1440x1796, panda 1.jpg)

Hold on for just a moment cucko, this futa joke >>5590 clearly requires archiving


you are so right! penis and nigger worship is (((bantculture))) after all


File: 1701234640653.gif (2.82 MB, 640x480, dragon-ball.gif)



File: 1701238547996.jpg (50.25 KB, 400x290, 563773_592702867411262_784….jpg)


File: 1701246074153.jpg (25.08 KB, 335x250, hes right you know.jpg)


seethe n cope


File: 1701270635575.png (593.66 KB, 728x595, FZIl_lkakAAx96Q.png)

guu guu ga ga


File: 1701276575197.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 1279x1275, IMG_9097.jpeg)


balls too big


Scrotum too chewy


File: 1701324465608.png (26.5 KB, 800x800, 2152 - angry baby double_d….png)

>Also wanted to add that browsing bantculture corrupted my sight more than the entirety of soyjak party. That garbage dump needs to be burned down to the ground.


was this so vile it needed to big double spoilered?


no? he obviously just uploaded an upscaled spoiler pic to troll you.


File: 1701333174528.png (126.5 KB, 421x248, 1678951590020508.png)

i got trolled!?!?!??!?!?


File: 1701340130888.jpg (110.12 KB, 960x720, [Tsundere] Full Metal Pani….jpg)



I'll do an archive button next to [Orin] in threads and get a whalestickers type thing working… praying gyatt and thinking gyatt are huge
I guess after that I'll look into making thread pruning work differently like 2chan as requested but that's rocket science and doesn't actually effect if this site lives or dies


File: 1701462333095.png (147.05 KB, 356x448, 1701457583858407.png)



Hi u guyz


There's an archive button now that runs the current thread through archive.today, I'll make an index of archived pages like 4chad in the meantime


This thread contains retards who have 0 idea about anything. They think "russia based", "russia trad", when in reality russia is just as degenerate as the rest of the world. Russia isn't even a Christian nation, the majority of russians are atheists or "christians" only by name. Add to that the vast majority of Russia's population is dirt poor, lacks the understanding of hygiene and health, and you have a nation that falls behind even the poorest of European countries.


File: 1701720233397.png (8.37 KB, 734x75, file.png)


Fatebitches are very weak


File: 1702011842506.jpg (73.2 KB, 500x653, meiling shinku.jpg)

I think I'll look for janitors soon
Had to block Chyna from commenting on the booru recently


make jannies able to see IPs and i'll apply


File: 1702047523232.png (56.91 KB, 378x378, 1644951875635.png)

>you do NOT live in a BuyVM server


File: 1702048099400.jpg (372.11 KB, 1506x2048, 1701908461627.jpg)

Think about the advertisers!


File: 1702048147501.png (20.6 KB, 1422x1626, 1635684909086.png)



File: 1702048242985.png (35.47 KB, 800x600, 1701867814223.png)


File: 1702055021861.png (119.71 KB, 610x493, 84 - _3 baby double_dealin….png)


File: 1702062651300.gif (1.27 MB, 800x450, FPuqSahVEAIeid6.gif)

that didn't look very cash money


You saw nothing


I seent it


File: 1702065874822.png (156.92 KB, 475x475, 577.png)

I seent it again


File: 1702065989159.png (66.25 KB, 788x615, file.png)

take aspirin now


the pain never ends




what is it, homer


defaults to the US flag if you don't set one
put "country" in the flag field if you want your cunt


File: 1702294730064.jpg (67.33 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20231211_123549.jpg)

Reimu pile




What ze fuk is this website?


File: 1702330012573.jpg (38.8 KB, 594x436, Gmen....jpg)



File: 1702330572770.jpg (16.93 KB, 184x184, 1527894630215.jpg)

your new home


charismatic heretic "gift of the tongues" be like:


File: 1702360774683.png (22.41 KB, 255x198, IMG_1196.png)

Thank you Marisa! they banned me from my favorite imageboard so I would stay here I guess




File: 1702826264274.jpg (213.78 KB, 595x430, 10589 - baby crying double….jpg)

New seijababy




File: 1702851822769.png (277.39 KB, 312x635, 1231232.png)

Dbu needs to STOP making games and release an album for 2hu17 NOW


File: 1702913527916.png (3.51 MB, 1418x1412, file.png)



False tsukasa slander


incels: waaaaah no girl wants to fuck me
girls who want to fuck the incel:


>girls who want to fuck the incel:
nobody actually does that


I showed this post to my side bitches in gensokyo and they were like kek no one tell him


Even doe in gensokyo they say kok instead of kek because they are whores, they're obsessed


lol im in a discord with this guy


File: 1703041623315.png (36.78 KB, 532x387, file.png)

when does it get gooder


Did you thride the yukari whale flying mp4 thread


File: 1703045113233.jpeg (143.39 KB, 800x1000, IMG_0803.jpeg)

take your meds


don't hide my sempai's threads you bastard


don't do this


"gay youmu will die soon"
science: >>12168


File: 1703082373377.jpg (418.44 KB, 675x900, 1702873725835.jpg)

That isn't the Martin shkreli drug so I don't get it


File: 1703112576822.png (258.97 KB, 758x1121, IMG_0888.png)


File: 1703128176480.png (230.62 KB, 331x331, file.png)


File: 1703180084353.png (129.15 KB, 785x464, 1701211039441.png)



File: 1703211531706.png (1.34 MB, 1500x1400, IMG_0886.png)


File: 1703262924399.png (Spoiler Image, 1.19 MB, 800x1131, file.png)

me after not posting porn on porn site


it's beginning to look gyatt like Rizzmas


File: 1703429179986.png (Spoiler Image, 1.41 MB, 928x1518, file.png)


Not nsfw


File: 1703438536562.png (76.03 KB, 720x512, 2190 - fact meme perfect_c….png)


File: 1703439062825.png (Spoiler Image, 8.49 MB, 3267x4096, file.png)



AI vibes below the collarbone


File: 1703518224830.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.83 MB, 508x480, cob sovl(2).mp4)

>Spadeposting is banned
Loot, you're a slut 4 stake of purgatory and you know it


no arrow


end acoot erasure


File: 1703541095481.mp4 (383.34 KB, 480x480, That’s gotta be racist.mp4)

>Spadeposting is banned


if there are an even number of spadesons it multiplies into racism so we have to keep it odd


File: 1703626225169.png (1.07 MB, 768x1024, 4567890765779.png)

Eye forgot acob dis site for a hole week ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
U need 2 advertise moar on 4chad brown georgedy ⋆(ㆆᴗㆆ)*✲゚*。⋆


File: 1703629294348.jpg (96.43 KB, 1200x1200, 1567704500103.jpg)

ssshhh go back to slumbering dane


File: 1703848420913.png (25.49 KB, 300x300, file.png)


>inb4 deleted by troory troor


File: 1703870868689.png (35.46 KB, 500x300, 10093 - kanmarisa legacy_o….png)

>Cirnocord woke up


Why Soycacas wanna raid this beautiful AltChan?


File: 1703872811368.png (299.73 KB, 1702x1384, 1702552581410.png)

This nusoicaca's second failraid today


They just went to the glegle altchan and failed again


newRETARDS are incapable of raiding ROFL


Never send a boy to do a man's job.


O my how many flags do you have sir?


File: 1703878754160.png (130.95 KB, 254x364, 1678699680682161.png)

oh my goodness









add harpoon sticker NOW



I'll look to fix the script. Arizona told me about it and it was on the vichan showcase site.


File: 1703948717762.jpg (Spoiler Image, 239.75 KB, 1280x915, m8BzmubgqTg.jpg)

Which cord woke with this?


You don't have to worry about it, the only JS issue on my list right now is adding the spoiler button to the quick reply window




He was some guy I used to talk to a lot. He made a bunch of imageboards (jak.soy, inunakichan, some darkweb stuff), but then we had a falling out, we reconnected later, and now he cut contact with everyone (including myself) and now runs this one static site.
I helped him with many of his IBs, so it's one of the ways I got to learn about vichan rapidly.


Have you ever seen a vichan implementation which prunes threads depending on activity like futaba rather than bumplimit? I'm not pajeetmaxxing and asking for help but if it's existed then I would approach the task more optimistically


How would that work? Vichan has an early 404 setting for stuff, but like would threads stop functioning after a certain amount of replies? Would it be more like the way Reddit works?


On futaba channel if a thread has gone X amount of time without a reply it has a red warning appended that it'll disappear soon then it prunes sometime later
I figured if I made it on my own it would prune a thread if it goes above a certain threshhold calculated by minutes since last reply / # of replies
The brute force option would be making it work with a bot and moderator account like the jarty csam detection, otherwise I would have to figure out how thread data is accessed from the backend and see how to make a php file that can perform a warning and deletion


File: 1704028015814.mp4 (326.61 KB, 400x400, 1704027467227.mp4)


File: 1704033428326.png (53.06 KB, 419x248, 351 - kaku_seiga sleeping ….png)



Happi new 365 days!


File: 1704061398369.gif (31.31 KB, 323x276, 1687857597141.gif)

hi /bant/


File: 1704067195842.png (43.61 KB, 703x544, 6682 - forward_facing reiu….png)

China will grow larger


Wholesome chungkwok


cnc generals reference??



Supreme Commander website i'm afraid…


never heard of it, your game probably sucks


File: 1704097880483.png (Spoiler Image, 2.58 MB, 692x977, illust_90216772_20231230_0….png)

>wow, is this Supreme Commander? Looks gross.


Forgot spoiler award


okay how do we get to gensokyo


File: 1704130662088.jpg (12.32 MB, 2894x4093, df608bedeb7ce6dc6a2f9c5ea3….jpg)

we will sit still and wait warmly when the girl will decide we're worthy enough


File: 1704130785822.png (116.7 KB, 1262x766, Screenshot.png)

fucking faggot nobody is appropriating our kulchur. dox rape kill


it's 2chan culture


Trant to 2cuck is a clitty.farty to 4cuck. We're essentially a succesor because we post gyates


Hold up. We aren't yt bois any more?


on all levels except physical we are japanese


Why is country kutaka God behind the password wall


try aspirin


File: 1704217990024.webm (1.93 MB, 640x480, 1704210534416.webm)

This is just like seija game :o


Doesn’t work anymore lol


File: 1704297538047.jpg (12.51 KB, 256x256, 1703986645525.jpg)

Butcher futacucks


File: 1704311552697.webm (1.01 MB, 1280x960, kog01.webm)

^ do this







File: 1704394481107.png (128.04 KB, 521x365, babys.png)

remove the poop already


Just wait until he decides to shit up the janny board


File: 1704394915891.jpg (149.11 KB, 768x768, 1704150845915.jpg)

maybe all the poop will summon yonkers


File: 1704395244120.jpg (74.17 KB, 721x698, stop.jpg)

is it over yet?


File: 1704395894438.png (34.18 KB, 822x448, 3841 - funny glasses meme ….png)

Hang in there!


Over what?


Quick reply got dat spoiler now, clear cache or wait a few days I think


@leno leftypol github had the fix for quick-reply.js


File: 1704483746591.webm (995.58 KB, 1280x960, kog02-1.webm)

fruity kog


File: 1704490496835.png (7.06 KB, 546x442, helicoko.png)

hi… i heard of this funny place.. what is it about?


File: 1704490737161.png (15.52 KB, 139x104, 1552287677132.png)

it cant be……….. the pooplord…..


lmao why am i still being called this i dont even draw scat


File: 1704492601183.jpg (139.33 KB, 546x498, 1517880972618.jpg)

is it really you mr ralsei kitty god or whatever you go by now


aryan onions what's the current password??


aspirin worked







File: 1704615908056.jpg (210.66 KB, 2000x1400, GDKcfI2bMAAj2Oz.jpg)

Reimu and kot :3


Add POC to your game


fruitgasas are YOC, Youkais Of (Vitamin) C


Kogasa is already POC (Asian)


One blue eye tho??


Lenses, duh 🙄


File: 1704648437696.png (26.08 KB, 800x600, 1703097359602.png)

Point of Collection, not niggers




touhou 2 of our generation


>touhou 2
thats lenen doe


File: 1704707647137.png (16.26 KB, 800x600, 9612 - enraku_tsubakura le….png)

Len'en with no le game-breaking unbalanced features is anything but Len'en blud you cappin


File: 1704747189311.webm (6.99 MB, 1920x1080, kog03.webm)

I scrapped previous movement system and coded new, using which I can implement any bullet pattern. Also, hitboxes are now circles. 20,000 binkies chaging their directions of movement every frame didn't make my pc explode somehow.
The problem now is how to implement the event/scripting system.


make them shoot lazerz n shiet


Thanks i'll send in a PR. if you want, send in whatever PRs you want too.


You should grab baba.fardi's expand-video.js to make the media player work on more file extensions (i.e. mp3) by default, the site is described as a proprietary fork but I assume any js served to the browser can't create legal implications
I'm also curious about the filters.js file from the shart, I figured kolyma commissioned it from someone, but it was a nightmare to try working with


hiding threads doesn't work


Fuark brb


It's up!


And clear cache or wait an hour
















no shit it is me
i've never left entirely


File: 1705276089725.jpg (36.07 KB, 720x713, 1705148531898.jpg)

will you bless us with exclusive access to your epic drawings


no kys retard


File: 1705437590753.png (616.91 KB, 761x1000, madpatch.png)

wtf i thought we were best friends


File: 1705463280068.png (257.47 KB, 1024x771, ClipboardImage (13).png)

>making that mamizou gyater a sticker


autistics struggle to recognize faces



do you not see the tears beneath the eys

youre autistic sorry


he is probably a newcutie that never saw the full res version








omg the touhou sort thread died



soibaba rusfreak needs to post his touhousort


that was a different anon…


File: 1705615768783.png (213.2 KB, 500x556, 色々 - pixiv.png)


File: 1705618881994.jpg (361.82 KB, 750x912, Patcho cry.jpg)

i cant believe you forgot me oh nooooooo


Uh oh


What’s so funny?
You obsessed




File: 1705761939020.mp4 (128.56 KB, 352x264, sanae-sanae-kochiya.mp4)






Im gonna punch u!!


baby is not high T


This is not fair!


File: 1705858585652.png (47.32 KB, 811x827, 1703878570622.png)

How baby seija became a meme?


It's from 2chan but is somewhat rare there now, like yukari whale


>Skibidi toilet will be mine yeah
>Ohio town yeah diamonds the mine
>I’m on that big sigma grind worried about
>I’m way too sus yeah for sigma trust yeah
>Skibidi toilet will be mine
>Ohio gyatt rizz rizzlers on my mind




File: 1705927151816.png (1.21 MB, 1328x2000, 1705855186882426.png)

New porn feature: Unspoiler the spoilers! It's in the options menu… clear cache if it doesn't show up.


dont do that


*grabs ur ears*


File: 1706088004380.png (584.53 KB, 742x747, 1666383209570.png)

*bites your fucking face off*


File: 1706101167669.png (18.63 KB, 762x463, IMG_2656.png)

Y is nobody talking on the first thread?


File: 1706101500401.png (54.89 KB, 800x600, 2394 - chopsticks eating e….png)


File: 1706111512860.png (297.44 KB, 483x470, mouse.png)

Mcdonalds or burgerking?


Donald King


File: 1706131981712.png (80.76 KB, 256x256, 1703298595162.png)

i like the whopper and the fries
thats about it
plus the coupons get me a large combo for only 8 which is a steal these days……..


File: 1706144867701.jpeg (56.15 KB, 608x679, IMG_2721.jpeg)

I want to kiss Marisa so badly


File: 1706151475565.jpg (99.53 KB, 850x637, 154395753098.jpg)

she is fictional(not real in our current plane of existence) and is therefore not kissable she wouldn't want to kiss you either


Nah man I would force that
There are laws in Gensyoko? No
So I can do wtf I want


File: 1706171173133.png (78.92 KB, 256x256, 1704092936734.png)

you would be exterminated sorry the no laws would also result in marisa being allowed to blow your head off


That’s not fair!


File: 1706200711373.jpg (2.26 MB, 1536x2048, 114441953_p22.jpg)




File: 1706291855660.gif (4.04 MB, 600x875, ezgif-5-bcc14367de.gif)



what do you want from me?




he wants to molest yuo


dumb frogposter


Nooooo pls help me!!!


no sorry


File: 1706350900462.gif (569.8 KB, 540x304, IMG_2819.gif)

But she wanna rape me!!


File: 1706354336269.jpg (57.07 KB, 1280x720, 1637454317176.jpg)


Do something AYA


File: 1706357437930.png (397.56 KB, 780x1400, 99b7fc4dc1f8c93650ac46e394….png)



rape is good


Rape is bad


File: 1706373137460.jpg (8.57 KB, 220x280, 280px-Vatnik-220x280.jpg)

>rape is good


is this vatnik character a glove or mattress


a jacket


Rape is romantic and wholesome.
Why yes that's me, where did you get my photo?


Its not!!! Of course all Russians are pedos!


Shut it down. The pindoses know


That's called hebephilia.



File: 1706596379488.jpeg (2.72 MB, 5398x3555, NVA-Studio-Chinchilla-Whi….jpeg)

threads go to page35 too fast


File: 1706631563149.png (501.85 KB, 628x800, Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 1….png)

my reaction to new 'ru design


rogue janitor did that brb


We're back.


File: 1706635716438.png (24.55 KB, 800x550, 2853 - crying highly_respo….png)

>missed it


File: 1706636715341.png (219.25 KB, 523x400, Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 2….png)

I should have archived it. Who knew


File: 1706641696143.png (11.22 KB, 528x550, 7272 - imperishable_night ….png)

holy 'emerald…


>holy 'emerald…


it works on mobile for me and desktop, funny thing is on desktop i have 4chanx enabled and it would go down until one day it just randomly decided it would stay on top


the catalog part of vichan seems hella unmaintained, I think it dislikes firefox


[ ➕ ]
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File: 1706733339363.jpg (791.25 KB, 1191x1684, 115501890_p0.jpg)

Nue: undresses her pants revealing enormous dick
White woman:


This thing is not a whale


She is cute


Jannies really be changing nigger to nue
Ohio ass clown rizz fr


File: 1706796498672.png (13.92 KB, 774x469, 1706699008049.png)



do you like pink pet bottle


File: 1706875119571.png (15.54 KB, 600x452, 1704615911780.png)

ive been pulling my hair out in frustration and now my scalp hurts am i gonna go bald now


No but it can do that after a long time


File: 1706880358320-0.png (29.08 KB, 800x550, 10268 - crying eyes_closed….png)

File: 1706880358320-1.png (30.89 KB, 800x600, 9845 - glasses sweating ur….png)

File: 1706880358320-2.png (15.51 KB, 800x800, 6805 - baby crying double_….png)

>am i gonna go bald now


Seija baby is too old and grew all of her hair


now you can be like everyone else on this site


stay safe




File: 1706979300741.jpg (316.39 KB, 1918x1124, GFVDWnebAAAUFI8.jpg)



evil yuyuko


implying there's good Yuyuko


She's not evil, if yuyuko ate someone it's for fun not because of hate


Ghostcels really be believin this geeeeg


File: 1707075002107.mp4 (520.13 KB, 720x720, [twitter] yabuinu_mmder—20….mp4)



need ppb


File: 1707077598380.jpg (332.93 KB, 2048x1535, [twitter] BiliumK2L—2024.0….jpg)

frog ready for kero kero


File: 1707113631238.jpg (197.46 KB, 772x745, 1649030192079.jpg)

Nobody here is actually balding. We just need to talk about it and make fun of balding people so we summon the nwreaper quickly so we can finally face it with finas and get our bdd issues over with


File: 1707147746040.png (39.96 KB, 777x1114, 10745 - embodiment_of_scar….png)

yeah my haircut is like 12cm of unkept curtains


are you a poridzh who's deeply afraid of becoming a skuf


File: 1707156923656.jpg (303.6 KB, 1540x2048, GE34FHCWIAAtPAa.jpg)

no comment


File: 1707159336262.jpg (34.73 KB, 945x633, 1707079406015154.jpg)


File: 1707161103379.png (59.45 KB, 421x248, IMG_1861.png)


File: 1707164901525.png (114.39 KB, 577x368, 11015 - hakurei_reimu hidd….png)

Aunn, dear, why have you drawn a kitty face on the donation box? You know mommy doesnt like that.


good post


top 10 moments before disaster


File: 1707228393109.png (Spoiler Image, 3.85 MB, 2916x2500, illust_111367884_20240206_….png)

Weird raiko


kim pine…



this except it's lunarian
moon people yay


>xavier renegade angel
So BBC.com that it hurts


File: 1707630069715.png (Spoiler Image, 59.3 KB, 421x248, 11317 - cat_ears kasodani_….png)

sience gon too fuhr


File: 1707630260452.jpg (3.68 MB, 2275x2606, 11ee0cece8f9506ec2f2cf0466….jpg)

Shit vs piss situation but it's like le political commentary against le muh randum so xirvier redditade troongel lost to anti amerimutt coalerald


File: 1707854755477.jpg (347.71 KB, 1535x2048, GGOuA4tbAAAyAuX.jpg)

>мой пиздюк


File: 1707926167426.jpg (196.56 KB, 832x1200, GGPxiO0bIAA8P7i.jpg)

this is the day


I thought your country was Orthodox, isnt Valentines Day in July there


File: 1707936118073.jpg (209.3 KB, 832x1216, GGPyerWaoAAY4mk.jpg)

no eyedea


File: 1707969521860.png (Spoiler Image, 25.21 KB, 924x437, 1781 - SoyBooru.png)

User was facts for this post


File: 1708018403261.jpg (94.95 KB, 500x500, 東方ガールズホリデー封面.jpg)

nerd remi


File: 1708126212940.png (134.53 KB, 728x868, 153478462394.png)

Kogasa are you okay


she tanked that


File: 1708126888058.png (173.86 KB, 420x872, 1534784623711.png)

matara stop you'll hurt yourself


youkai must have calcium high diet


wait a second that's right they eat your fucking bones youkai calciummaxx


Byakuren Milk Co.




I wonder if poopchinkomachine knows about this website


File: 1708138880202.png (26.19 KB, 215x203, 1698111667392747.png)

plap youkai


File: 1708150936838.mp4 (187.19 KB, 1080x1080, bun.mp4)



File: 1708151247157.mp4 (534.84 KB, 1280x720, dykeneko.mp4)





punished for her sins


File: 1708192703762.png (921.26 KB, 624x627, 3612.png)

>It's infected


File: 1708192806368.png (1.4 MB, 1317x741, 2024.png)

make this a banner


Heh I think I get it


File: 1708242828383.jpg (456.55 KB, 1800x900, GGjyd9ibgAAqxAn.jpg)

<Heh I think I get it
>RAWR! :3


they should kiss i think


File: 1708359014050.png (964.97 KB, 1920x1280, 113472730_p0.png)

Their lips are built to pleasure male lips only


Pretty sure this is AI shart pixelated to look more human or something


these are diffusion models not GANs though


File: 1708385299014.png (38.31 KB, 567x248, 1708373593298.png)



AI generated


File: 1708442254331.jpg (404.84 KB, 1693x965, GGwB32RbsAAmCNk.jpg)

God he is so short, he's like byakuren's pocket vibrator


File: 1708627021003.jpg (267.97 KB, 1440x1080, GG9E9IRaQAAULCd.jpg)


Looks like Yuuma


File: 1708675949518.jpg (1.34 MB, 2160x2880, GHAKnSka0AAcFdk.jpg)

Anglo saxy looking nigga.
>Greetings, fellow chap! Ready for nightmare, innit?
>Makes the innocent sleeper experience a dream about the Great Angloreich not killing trillions of hindutroons.


File: 1708718646188.png (181.34 KB, 400x492, hinduchad.png)

Sorry the real master race killed so many german "supermen" in world war 1, faggot


meds indians and germans both fought against british imperialism


File: 1708788422423.jpg (362.33 KB, 1366x2048, GHGcUf6bMAA3VqC.jpg)

>hey nigga where's yo money at the box is fucking empty you better get yo pockets empty for the momma she is starving common you tiny dick energy ass i need some of that how cruel you are for not helping


Pls I beg you…


File: 1708817892086.jpeg (34.78 KB, 460x552, cat joker.jpeg)

That’s my dad… stop doxing me!!
Pls I be you…


New bot just dropped


I’m a real person…


File: 1708818149841.png (387.31 KB, 711x400, COOL SONG FOR BROLY.png)

THE JOKER KANGS have their way with discord frogs and trooncord mexicantwink, LAUNCHING A JOKER INVASION of discord


Why are you so serious?


File: 1708818215277.png (37.38 KB, 176x504, nubrolygasp.png)

You're such a happy cuck




File: 1708966241479.jpg (1.05 MB, 992x1403, 27b2b3648e26232be40b1883ce….jpg)

foxkeks, this is your mindset


File: 1709006334493.jpg (186.07 KB, 1300x1600, GB4zzrVasAAU7qO.jpg)


File: 1709204801907.png (388.12 KB, 870x870, F109556056_p1R-18,東方,ふたなり,….png)







why is ur name nigger


why is ur name faggot


why is ur name cunt



don't stray down this dark path



File: 1709372520005.jpeg (129.94 KB, 768x1024, Kis.jpeg)

When good thread!?


File: 1709373264756.mp4 (44.45 KB, 560x560, ASAKA_haru123—2024.03.01—1….mp4)

this but alice stroking her futakok while crying because no man in the entire world would take the whole thing up the arse


File: 1709375165927.jpg (100.34 KB, 1000x1100, GHmGnwXaoAAQSoH.jpg)

why is your name Anonymous




Oh fuck missclick
Pls don’t take away my Xbox One X!!!


File: 1709403469519.jpg (66.18 KB, 459x544, 1635283507531.jpg)

there is one way were going to resolve this


I kneel


File: 1709403845544.png (92.75 KB, 800x550, 6818 - funny iizunamaru_me….png)

I can't find the kosovo flag in any 4chan archives because they just declared independence or something
if you make one I could put it on the vichan github and most imageboards would use it so it means if you do labour you win basically


it's up


File: 1709404533398.png (364.58 KB, 800x698, 1635329605278.png)

thanks i was to busy


File: 1709524513509.jpg (2.71 MB, 1000x2000, illust_116588826_20240304_….jpg)

What's the pph of this shithole


File: 1709525452188.jpg (475.16 KB, 1024x768, 43879019_p0.jpg)

>soicuck "science"
rigged question


File: 1709526118660.png (59.17 KB, 400x420, 1708738487711.png)

Why squirming from directly truthfully answering the truth doebeiterino


File: 1709526455374.png (59.71 KB, 800x1100, fun.png)

It's 14, I didn't respond directly because soicucks are bad basically



File: 1709542580323.png (260.2 KB, 630x629, 1708193029561.png)

>soicucks are bad basically


Your description of this video would make no one click on it


File: 1709586080391.png (413.2 KB, 522x624, 8.png)



File: 1709603234330.png (159.01 KB, 551x551, 1527811665772.png)

cleaned my room with bleach
breathing it nonstop is fine right?


File: 1709603632078.jpg (154.68 KB, 800x800, 1684244656718.jpg)

isn't like the point that the bleach is dissolved in water so it can seep into what you're coating it with what would make it un-dissolve out of the water, evaporate, and turn gaseous what are you saying


File: 1709603876371.jpg (95.82 KB, 531x600, 1597383965808.jpg)

in english this time please


what would make the bleach float in the air


i dont know you tell me


File: 1709604881872.png (47.36 KB, 848x1100, 1737943309516.png)



File: 1709605045351.jpg (58.49 KB, 500x434, 1689143823815759.jpg)












Can't make post -> delete cookies -> every post attempt gets sent





your cookies went bad sorry


File: 1709727412016.png (32.82 KB, 800x540, 10021 - cirno cookie eatin….png)


File: 1709827062246-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 215.46 KB, 905x1280, 1709753634570.jpg)

File: 1709827062246-1.png (Spoiler Image, 523.15 KB, 1500x1000, 1709823658884.png)

File: 1709827062246-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.5 MB, 1306x2200, 1709803139309.jpg)


ooof i though this was the porn thread


2nd one is #HeilHitler


File: 1709876176784.mp4 (447.52 KB, 720x880, [twitter] tada_nasu2—2024.….mp4)

She doesnt like Sakuya. She doesnt like vaginas at all. She only likes you. Even loves you. This is your gf and potentially your wife. Say nice things abour her


Not foul


somehow I knew who made this post before seeing the flags


File: 1709879499113.jpg (201.6 KB, 1920x1080, GIFB5olbQAA7iWq.jpg)

>I knew it was you because uuugh I have seen… somehow… I knew it, yeah


it's called pattern recognition or something




Whale artist


File: 1709994131679.png (1.19 MB, 1317x741, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 1….png)

xiggers: Bruh nigga stop selling me yo opius
biggers: I will turn you into a BBC slut
xiggers: Duì duì duì (they didnt know that B doesnt stand for nigger (but insted very very opposite})


File: 1709999273048.mp4 (83.47 KB, 498x282, [twitter] geo_ogeo—2024.03….mp4)


cookie is saved


File: 1710059504696.jpg (312.83 KB, 1108x1478, D2aJe3KVYAEooIV.jpg)

Amayadori looks such a fish-eyed noviop muttnigger jappy asiancattle femcel-rizzed low value trannybaka while Sorane is such a cutie pie wife material omgsisa goddess beloved princess and my wholesome queen. Looksmaxx experts, tell me how this happened


File: 1710060199807.png (129.47 KB, 514x366, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 1….png)

is this what you wanted, сhud?




File: 1710107145746.png (2.35 MB, 1250x2694, d4c6e6581fe1145221243da447….png)

i dont care about 3dpd whores if they don't show pussy/ass/feet/tits first


this but for btc


File: 1710180092974.jpeg (649.82 KB, 600x800, 6fe114f22252948ac23eff70e….jpeg)



Women don't buy bitcoin


File: 1710199257592.jpg (6.11 MB, 3523x2483, c8be63eb07863799704bfa2632….jpg)

^this, Crystal cafe and Fujochan queens only use Monero for all their digital currency purchases since that is the only relevant privacy focused crypto.


File: 1710200887951.jpg (37.53 KB, 500x500, artworks-000048966982-q3yl….jpg)

I dont even want to imagine what a woman who knows what monero is looks like






File: 1710252701297.png (521.03 KB, 1030x1124, 1710202476620.png)

The post that killed BBCulture permanently


File: 1710260576244.png (49.96 KB, 1024x992, 1707919728958.png)




File: 1710279232489.png (45.66 KB, 200x200, deleted.png)

vtumors, let's go
don't let the /jp/sies see this


im curious as to what this was


File: 1710296353588.jpg (107.65 KB, 1280x720, 1674426913534.jpg)

It was a trans folk with a gigantic penis and I woke up at 8:30 to check for cp as usual then fell back asleep and then it was posted at 8:31 so it was up for a long time


File: 1710296464334.jpg (194.95 KB, 1161x1200, 1710148460909428.jpg)

this wouldn't happen if you stop sleeping


I'm trying to looksmaxx for touhoufest but my subconscious wakes me up every 4 hours


it was up for sure


normie events: go looking like a hobo
otaku events: make plans to look as good as possible year ahead because of knowing these are full of overthinking terminally onlines who will silently analyze each of your appearance traits


I think 95% of people will be npc and tubby because western touhou fans are so useless


File: 1710324558291.jpg (105.55 KB, 777x950, i.jpg)

you cant mew in your sleep, abandon sleep embrace not looksmaxing but lookslimitbreaking


File: 1710327395715.png (25.33 KB, 720x712, file.png)

>I'm trying to looksmaxx for touhoufest but my subconscious wakes me up every 4 hours





File: 1710372047394.png (22.19 KB, 720x540, 11408 - niwatari_kutaka sw….png)



File: 1710539938151.png (Spoiler Image, 224.17 KB, 792x1644, 1710510244265.png)



File: 1710540280748.png (62.4 KB, 727x229, file.png)


i need this whale immediately



this is no whale…………


File: 1710665595730.jpg (69.13 KB, 662x938, 1709870883550882.jpg)

>shockwave flash is an unrecognized format
fun is ruined


File: 1710671097131.jpg (212.45 KB, 1240x1754, 92223c6c46cf980fc090641978….jpg)

>Not having fun tonite? Let me change that… .
>>Plays some fighterslop game with you
>>Gets fucking raped
>>Regrets inviting you
>>Fun is restored


File: 1710673451450.jpg (20.18 KB, 250x250, 1710323047583.jpg)

I'll figure something out


Where do I find someone like this?


A female who likes fighting games would probably be hypertense and unfitting to foster my children


Hello, play blazblue/guilty gear/melty with me now.
>t. Totally a 100% biological female


File: 1710776708230.jpg (339.2 KB, 1935x1398, GIx_lyuaIAAEauk.jpg)

If she's cute you can pretend to be a bad player but if she gets too bratty you can buck break her, totally wiping the floor with this bitch


heyyyyy gurl you like 2hu games? how about i j.7 j.2a j.5c j.66d j.2a j.5c you gently?!?!?!?


File: 1710790794937.gif (5.25 MB, 640x480, 11274 - animated deformed ….gif)


File: 1710841277127.mp4 (172.95 KB, 640x480, Peter Griffin Who The Hell….mp4)






lol I get it


File: 1710965954886-0.png (67.87 KB, 400x420, 6348 - baby double_dealing….png)

File: 1710965954886-1.png (26.08 KB, 800x600, 911 - glasses kurokoma_sak….png)

File: 1710965954886-2.png (18.71 KB, 661x550, 6165 - baby crying double_….png)

>you… a c-caca
<you a poopiehead!


baby BTFO


File: 1710974449010.png (314.92 KB, 478x475, 1703866489843.png)


new whalesticker


File: 1711192952597.png (11.61 KB, 600x580, 7210 - o breasts double_de….png)

>hmmmm? Is this a doggie treat? Hmmmm, Chicken Flavor Grain-Free May I have some?


Is the joke that this will kill her


The punchline is oh my kawaii neko desu ne is so heckin kawaii and wholesome and valid


File: 1711300869864.png (18.54 KB, 800x580, 7226 - double_dealing_char….png)

>Actually, there is a recurring discussion on an image board I frequent where people debate converting the Crown Prince to Christianity. I don't really care about the religious stuff, but I do see the appeal of a nun's habit.


File: 1711321442791.png (165.17 KB, 640x440, 4409 - bruh condiment corn….png)

yfw bbc newbabas are so noobkiked they do not know about this


For some reason, you thought that posting this would put you on the moral high ground.


File: 1711384377752.jpg (215.93 KB, 920x778, 64232c17b2b92067c7c4a5a925….jpg)

Why would he post this? What did it mean?


File: 1711389070828.jpg (328.71 KB, 773x1000, 1644866402233.jpg)






Iraqmis are not supposed to use this moniker


File: 1711429029807.jpg (2.32 MB, 4000x3000, 20240219_093231.jpg)


It's ok, he bled


File: 1711553042423.mp4 (5.91 MB, 1280x720, [twitter] SSNgaren—2024.03….mp4)

why tranime is never animated this good


we have to get to gensokyo
how do we do it??


File: 1711554238885.mp4 (533.24 KB, 768x576, meepy.mp4)

I might be a goofy nigga but this is cooking


File: 1711554885924.mp4 (276.35 KB, 1280x720, [twitter] deskstan—2024.03….mp4)

>Be me
>God I wish I was in Jensokio rn
>Being in Jensokio be like:


yeah spank me <3


LollllllerobLolllllleronies I'm doing this to tenshi atm in my crib LOL!!!!!


What the heck yōmu


xir got the pretty pinkieness on feet


youmu gyat…


File: 1711810994635.png (46 KB, 419x248, 1631449199312.png)

remilia what are you saying what's this dialect why are we bitching at ningens


File: 1711825705659.jpg (86.42 KB, 1040x828, remilia_ebonics.jpg)

this is canon


File: 1711827486647.jpg (579.45 KB, 2448x1376, GIT4lD8a0AEVoQB.jpg)

>sorry guys this is my pet gote, she sometimes posts "funny" things like this but she is harmless, she might be annoying sometimes, but she is all heart


File: 1711827561419.jpg (Spoiler Image, 477.81 KB, 1555x2218, GJBuXMYbYAABN-5.jpg)

This is how Norway looks


>hope you brought your own lube sweety


Imagine being less civilized than rabbits. Sussy immortal bakas…


holy funny!


File: 1711860989078.mp4 (477.05 KB, 720x1280, [twitter] mizuhasi_yukkie—….mp4)

do you frogcels really like the (((thedonald)))?


touhou balloons
touhou balloons


File: 1711868655291.png (12.76 KB, 800x559, 11347 - eyes_closed good h….png)

>Heavenly Eyes
>Divine Voice
>Never lose my mind
>Never lose myself
>Never Surrender
>Never break down
<[Humanoid SPACING]
>Just Fight
>Divine War Game
>Just Fight
>Divine World Game
>Battle Royal
<[Scapegoat SPACING]
※1 repeat
※2 repeat


File: 1711905066462.jpg (1.36 MB, 3527x2778, Image0004.JPG)




is this f goatner


more like niggerner, HA!


So youner?


gotta be nue


File: 1712485974639.png (14.64 KB, 632x756, 1518215515123.png)

soyCHAD here. am I allowed on this site?


File: 1712486274388.jpeg (74.87 KB, 960x960, IMG_4477.jpeg)

>soyCHAD here. am I allowed on this site?


File: 1712488786243.png (20.78 KB, 375x500, nx0taa.png)

Of course!


Diarrhea worm is better


File: 1712512982215.mp4 (2.42 MB, 1280x720, [twitter] YA_ZE1—2024.04.0….mp4)



File: 1712515681870.jpg (139.11 KB, 960x1401, GKiUVHobEAAcpc4.jpg)

>Diarrhea worm is better






take aspirin and sproke please


File: 1712573372234.png (206.59 KB, 600x600, 1562879372717.png)

ok acoot im back to renew my imageboard addiction


since when can umineko fans breed??


tiny hat!


prettiest umineko fan


I want an award too


File: 1712633087928-0.png (24.54 KB, 800x620, 1553 - bunny imperishable_….png)

File: 1712633087928-1.png (23.48 KB, 800x650, 9005 - angry frowning impe….png)

File: 1712633087928-2.png (21.1 KB, 800x600, 8535 - carrot crying frown….png)

>hey reisen guess what under there
<wolves ate your parents


youre not allowed to do that sorry come back


He's pretty useful so it's a shame because I was gonna do a 4chan banner and advertise on proxies again kinda soon and people are bugs attracted to activity


File: 1712645565568.png (34.84 KB, 702x892, 1712017393616.png)

how much is it boss?


Shhhhh I'm a rich genius bbg don't imply anything

I think you give them 300 for a month


File: 1712832252090.jpg (445.8 KB, 647x801, EsSmW-kUUAAHi-n.jpg)

i imply what I WANT! i want to see banters grown bug and strong, even if i dont post too often because work sucks the life out of me i still lurk
still surprisingly cheap kinda considering how much traffic 4chins must get, of course theyre not the demographic advertisers usually look for
you should get a good mod team beforehand if you choose to do that, theres no telling what kind of degenerates youll inevitability attract


File: 1712836319667.png (70.24 KB, 414x286, IMG_1690.png)

errrrrmmmm… what kind of filename is that?


what twitter


its the one i get from slamming my head into the keyboard repeatedly silly


Holy mother of 'borea this accent is so subhuman and retarded like I cant like holy niggerlynching it's impossible to recognize a single word this streetshitting little faggot is saying. I hope he's gonna get raped and dismembered by some stinky greasy pedoguy or something


what are you making in blender


Why do you need a tutorial on how to install blender?


i've been looking for cute brown boys on youtube thanks


cobson eyes wide open


I was gonna make german tranny and another friend a mod when I go to the USA soon and always intended to make you janny, in my experience smart people don't provide help on average which has made my position tricky most of the time
I go very slowly because none of the technical details really effect people posting here and I only think about overarching things, also we lost those two girls >>45840 >>35942 which made me wonder if I should give up, I stopped caring though, I just wanted to write this
This post >>46279 is funny because he's trying to rehab him into being functional so that the website is more likely to survive, lol


File: 1712941068172.png (41.85 KB, 676x706, 2145 - funny glasses horns….png)

vpn swarthtoid shitskin dravidotroons impersonating me


just silly playing with vertexoids and stuff. Wanna learn it to make some touhou stuffies :3 :3.
Algorithm shittery. Just couldnt go past this subhuman lilnigger poopstain trashgene poopiehead kid


>touhou stuffies :3 :3 (ran pov)


File: 1712943966072.png (28.85 KB, 800x500, 9981 - confident ears exci….png)

Yeah I forgot about that gloink


File: 1712953537291.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, x.png)

Just playing with basic shapes


Try making a keystone



wow poop sticker works


It's :waka:


File: 1713006163895.jpg (143.4 KB, 780x1040, 12323132123312.jpg)

yeah i cant say my help would consistent, i would still like to if you want but i have to put big emphasis on my sporadic availability desu(I HATE MY JOB) as ive said before i really like it here, 4bant just doesnt do it for me anymore and well aside from here i really dont use the internet for anything else expect youtube videos and looking up information that i need at any given point in time



built for bwc


File: 1713113960571.jpg (3.94 MB, 2264x3019, 112440262_p0.jpg)

inshallah I will give her a sproke enema


File: 1713313253653.jpg (8.3 KB, 215x234, mge_duty.jpg)

what did he mean by this


File: 1713394020939.png (377.76 KB, 1134x1312, 23818 - SoyBooru.png)

>you guys are gonna stay on my dead imageboard once /bant/ is fixed right


You have a very weird sense of humor even compared to the average deeptranner


File: 1713395038990.png (26.6 KB, 872x935, 10099 - box crying konpaku….png)

I laughed at my post for a long time though


So let me try to understand this joke. You post cobson pepe which is supposed to represent soyteens or underage zoomers on 4chan in general. Then you quote your pepe cobson persona's projection of yourself asking others to stay here and then the pepe cobson persona insist that no one will actually stay here while it's clear that it's just you posting it and you posting it is part of the meta of the joke or something. This is so non nt its actually insanae


yap yap yap yap


basically he's making fun of himself from the perspective of one of us for reasons unknown


File: 1713425589474.jpeg (22.35 KB, 267x189, IMG_1022.jpeg)

>once /bant/ is fixed
The mods are going to keep the e-mail verification for /biz/ and we both know it’s true




File: 1713592347610.jpg (Spoiler Image, 184.59 KB, 884x1243, GLiIIZEWwAAumZe.jpg)

Trans Reimu (do not open if tradcath)


This is a pain because anyone who avoids the crazy porn on this site would definitely not click this even though it's just a picture of reimu having her face painted like a cat by the fairies of light


wtf its hardcore futa remiu you big liar


Let's fight


File: 1713656417131.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 375.7 KB, 1600x2266, f929f0629481c57aa8a81b66f….jpeg)

>Let's fight


having no balls is a callsign jobbers use to identify one another


File: 1713675081823.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.1 MB, 4632x2758, 92c88af1b4ec63f910b6decb99….jpg)

>Let's fight


You don't get boner while kicking someone. You can only get it while being kicked. Author didn't study anatomy well enough


ill beat you up for being such a big fat ugly stinky liar


File: 1713728587203.gif (3.67 MB, 600x450, 1713728436035k.gif)

>I hate AC so much I would make my own fucking bant splinter


File: 1713729216114.png (467.41 KB, 1080x1234, 1710010379394.png)

i cant wait for us to have like 3 different splinter sites like the 'teens do. But instead of it being petty retard drama it's gonna be because they disagree on which 2hu is the hardest to rape or has the biggest BFC.


Actually it's gonna be multiple people in on a joke and posting discord screen shots that are faked and making pretend drama and making an image board based on the pretend drama


/bantl/ lets go


File: 1713797318733.png (126.23 KB, 450x450, 1712379931821.png)

You see dear pookiewhale, we suffer from vice instead of excess, meaning the ship is more likely to sink than for splintering to occur


File: 1713813440378.png (186.18 KB, 800x609, 11723 - cheeseburger eatin….png)

I had a dream yesterday that this site added /pol/ but it was locked behind a password and you had to open up a website consisting of shortform 2hu character names and input each one of them to actually get in
It comes with a special cancer theme designed to kill your eyes (assuming it's supposed to filter poltroons), I went out of my way to change the theme but it had a ton of different selections to choose from like changing the font, background color, post reply color, etc. unlike any other board on this site
Can't remember what happened after that doe but it was a bunch of people posting random shit and hardly anything pertaining to politics


File: 1713817907426.png (31.91 KB, 900x600, 10787 - bruh ears frowning….png)




What implications could be drawn about people who dream about BBC


File: 1713885437987.png (4.73 MB, 1800x2880, 118103827_p0.png)

>In the word of geography you are a Niger and I am a Chad


File: 1713885556246.jpg (361.89 KB, 1098x439, GLIUORwagAAMVjP.jpg)

>Let's have sex!
<With each other!


File: 1713898994796.png (1.91 MB, 1363x1680, rich sanchez kanmarisa.png)

Embeds making your browser run at 2 fps doesn't happen no mo, you can click on media dump threads now


File: 1713975057109.jpg (237.41 KB, 1280x1810, 117823604_p0.jpg)


File: 1714133818630.png (126.5 KB, 227x395, Ri_defa1.png)


File: 1714133833258.png (126.55 KB, 227x395, Ri_niyaria1.png)


The alpha of awe


File: 1714156243838.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 17.34 MB, 1920x1080, be54b5f6ec51fc31b4b143a934….mp4)






sawed it already



JPkeks really look like this GEEEEEEEEEG


File: 1714233889863.png (710.12 KB, 890x785, peppermintpillows.png)

god damn thats a nice couch


File: 1714257949627.png (89.88 KB, 343x440, Ber_defa2.png)


File: 1714289907233.mp4 (696.69 KB, 866x720, [twitter] arni_elnido—2024….mp4)


File: 1714543734160.png (21.56 KB, 128x115, 11789 - tagme tatara_kogas….png)

'ru has an influx of 'yates. ok.


File: 1714566963550.jpg (Spoiler Image, 170.11 KB, 1447x2046, e38d30b71b99af3368eaa250ef….jpg)

Unautosage all futa threads. Pin them even.


Tiny ero kogasa


File: 1714719971750.png (58.87 KB, 700x800, 1711440762925.png)



there's a thread about this


File: 1714724791582.jpg (840.19 KB, 4096x4096, GMkrYKKbgAA0195.jpg)


File: 1714734934693.jpg (203.82 KB, 800x1129, 8af6f4175386d338a6c95d2f7a….jpg)

You are in fact within the moral high ground my friend.
>Didn't click on the link, I'm actually clueless.


File: 1714743380827.jpg (778.62 KB, 1536x2048, GMnk5B9awAAWh3U.jpg)

Wife + Whale
nominee for the best pictures of Bint may 2024


I would've stickied this


File: 1714748807552.jpg (483.83 KB, 2048x1152, GMoQK02bEAALFnF.jpg)

>Aw, sorry. Anyway, wanna see my dino collection?


women don't like dinosaurs


File: 1714751632504.jpg (319.26 KB, 1366x2048, Fvl5yVYaMAM7flT.jpg)

'ho hits puberty: Hey, let's go kiss some boys!! Not shorties though, teehee


File: 1714752940855.jpg (37.01 KB, 630x630, 55051778_1.jpg)


File: 1714755236423.jpg (311.63 KB, 1536x2048, GMlmKX5acAA0AjR.jpg)

My goofy ass: tryna pet my cta
The luxurious kween of a feline: Honey, no. Not happening.


File: 1714820958997.png (530.82 KB, 594x581, Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1….png)

Yuyuko: noooo! you can't be portraid as a gigachad
Mystia: … Y-yes…



touched the seija game for the first time since few months
she now has momentum and friction like mario


she can sprint now!


File: 1714922557801.jpg (3.9 MB, 3024x4032, illust_118062357_20240505_….jpg)

This doesn't sound like ISC at all also do you know what's with creepyninja where is that antifa faggot


File: 1714924486676.jpg (168.5 KB, 926x926, 1702126634765.jpg)


She's gonna get milk


This artist has been active since 2008. I feel this is like an otaku miracle


the musk doesn't allow me to view this tweet


File: 1714964834388.jpg (198.13 KB, 958x579, 20240502_101603.jpg)

Scheming. Conniving. Concocting. Articulating.


File: 1715006982067.jpg (266.42 KB, 2048x1662, GM4ET9sbsAAaXYR.jpg)






File: 1715249398243.jpg (336.73 KB, 1199x1200, UFOPORNO Y_ö_llä Taivaalla.jpg)

>Blocks your path


Новый Тосс


God what I would do to nue


You mean… pat her head and feed her treats? Give her the love and attention and affection she so desperately craves but is terrified to death of? Teach her it's okay to open up around you and that you'd never betray her trust? Abandon your life and live at a Buddhist temple just to be with her? Form a tight bond that leaves others scratching their heads, wondering how that strange human wandered in out of nowhere and began wooing the subject of many a wary look and a forced laugh; that never looked up from her meals and never danced along in the gym?

Love her?


While crossing the road push her and say fuck off we're full


File: 1715519847230.png (1.34 MB, 1024x1024, illust_118332086_20240512_….png)


Stop posting ai genslop vlad


File: 1715590540706.gif (368.72 KB, 558x700, Clownpiece Walk Animation ….gif)

^I second this >>53945
Your only aiding the Anti Christ by feeding Big Tech's algorithm data base when you request this stuff.

>Walks around the Nue



way to go nigger
you really outdid yourself this time
bravo champ!


It's not new.


You're not good at this


File: 1715755034871.png (1.92 MB, 1500x1459, 1644260484335.png)



File: 1715764318178.png (27.26 KB, 771x536, 5920 - crying kasodani_kyo….png)

ive developed a habit of ripping my underwear apart
how to fix


penis reduction surgery may help you, chad





File: 1715773957259.jpg (130.42 KB, 546x498, 1704492601183.jpg)

it all started with one hole they already had, i was in bed and stretched it, and the ripping sound and feel was satisfying so i ripped it more, now nearly all my underwears are ripped apart and i already lost one entirely i ended up ripping to the hem and just ended up circling around and ripped the whole thing off the hem


File: 1715775028493.png (1.25 MB, 794x1123, 1557243668443.png)

Wtf i figured you meant they ripped due to wear and tear. Well, the solution is clearly to spend all of your money on new underwear and rip them too


File: 1715805457521.jpeg (276.6 KB, 1836x2048, GNoMXgJbEAAcn9K.jpeg)

Women when they see tiny peckers of their 2 year old sons


Korean guy looking at camera: "Lets play hide and go seek. I hide and you seek psychiatric help" gif


File: 1715864980644.jpg (809.3 KB, 800x889, Kijin.Seija.full.1809830.jpg)


File: 1715925394218.jpg (162.62 KB, 650x468, e62c954a8df4db453e1a623fec….jpg)

Mommyiji shouldn't smoke


File: 1716050006308.jpg (343.94 KB, 850x1202, momiji_cigarette.jpg)

she is addicted sadly




Shitnic le bald


metal sonic is nw7


mental retardadition


File: 1716066512030.png (30.78 KB, 900x600, 11922 - goukyou_ibun smug ….png)



File: 1716094688520.png (67.15 KB, 201x201, yuuma.png)

new deepchan term just dropped i think


Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation
And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation
And if you want these kind of dreams it's Retardadition


File: 1716121840479.png (268.62 KB, 606x559, Simpsons Histories - Dr. H….png)

trap faggots be like yeah this shit is hot so feminine


File: 1716123727326.png (266.52 KB, 1400x1400, 1715868075563.png)

Whom quoth


File: 1716126382787.jpg (46.61 KB, 653x837, 0d1d85814251db93092d1b3253….jpg)

oh my god what an attractive tranny


File: 1716127460037.png (304.79 KB, 584x392, HIV.png)

Well HIVed, xista




File: 1716198158136.mp4 (4.24 MB, 720x720, VID_20240520_124036.mp4)

Satoriwhale voice is discovered



File: 1716218564231.jpg (115.32 KB, 850x850, yuuma_whale.jpg)

this is absolutely what koishi sounds like


File: 1716235618065.png (77.11 KB, 758x551, GOAH0v6bMAAJvrY.png)

… yea


File: 1716249752843.jpeg (78.34 KB, 687x552, GN6aHnKWoAEFump.jpeg)

>You fuck old women


Whale explosion


File: 1716291605999.png (1.2 MB, 1216x752, 117172953_p0.png)

>Blocks your path


File: 1716292725678.png (5.68 MB, 2039x2864, 118532023_p3.png)

>wakes you up



At a close glance this is kinda putrid


Saki my beloved





File: 1716388052353.jpg (143.05 KB, 644x644, GOL_kKYX0AAxdIj.jpg)


>Constantly uploads aislop
>Non aislop is has the resolution of a 2000s .jpeg
Do better andropov


File: 1716408487751.png (444.34 KB, 1280x720, GOKxpxSbIAANDhr.png)

It's a new unit there's no render out yet




Ahhhhh, why tf did I stop playing this game? Ahhhh I need that hot ass Nue. Why didn't I save my data REEEEEEE


you do not need coombait nue


Are You The Right Or Left Twix Bar?


File: 1716454672790.png (563.64 KB, 1269x415, 1280 × 1791 pixels.png)

this grin needs to have xir pp locked


I do and I am tired to pretend I don't, I want to cum inside Nue so bad is unreal. I fucking need it AHHHH


you do not need coombait nue
you do not need coombait nue
you do not need coombait nue
you do not need coombait nue
you do not need coombait nue


nue only takes bee bee sea sorry bud


File: 1716532964094.png (Spoiler Image, 2.14 MB, 2304x1152, 107546021_p0.png)

the bee bee sea in question


File: 1716533125874.png (72.07 KB, 325x290, ran_gyate_rage.png)

vadim… you need to stop this…


ssp tier of shitposting


File: 1716541692187-0.jpeg (141.95 KB, 2048x1152, GORzi-jaYAAQn_D.jpeg)

File: 1716541692187-1.jpeg (272.09 KB, 2048x1368, GOQisEsa0AAEDyH.jpeg)



I wonder where this guy was before he became bbc'd


soibaba site has a lot of weabcuckery in small boards
or had


Cord or something



File: 1716575106966.png (27.45 KB, 1142x687, 1697968233329.png)


File: 1716576409145.png (24.9 KB, 850x740, 11987 - cat_ears cheeks ke….png)

la creatura is captured


File: 1716576489093.png (346.35 KB, 800x600, kogasa_gyate_angry.png)

release her immediately, Oleg


File: 1716578296307.png (47.19 KB, 900x649, 7966 - kirisame_marisa.png)

Futa tank


File: 1716581378799.jpg (148.77 KB, 448x450, 1682037558798269.jpg)



File: 1716628561672.jpeg (213.65 KB, 2048x970, GOaSK0VbsAANZa3.jpeg)

Why these goofs are wearing the ushanka hats? Are moonies commies or something?


it's called ushanka because it has ears


im in a being the most unfunny shit possible competition and my opponent is meme compilation


File: 1716742163284.gif (2.92 MB, 400x259, 1710272742692.gif)

Kill all non Japanese


it's wholesome and innocent which means it's cool


File: 1716743536415.png (281.91 KB, 616x650, Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 2….png)

God I wish fuck Zanmu while the grape dyke is peeping her beloved ladygirl cucking her with a dirty moid swine



I am now of the opinion that no amount of meds it gonna fix you Nicolai, it's joever


File: 1716975506593.jpg (197.35 KB, 760x807, VJymBEO2WxQ.jpg)

just started playing lost world
well it plays itself but holy cow they give yukari the biggest tits ever


there are better phone games, like blue archive


File: 1716978448224.jpg (283.97 KB, 2000x2400, 1701619213834.jpg)

i can only give one phone game my attention and german likes blue caca therefore its bad sorry not sorry


File: 1716995612461.jpg (640.95 KB, 1500x1528, GOu4zxnakAI4N5i.jpg)

<has a mother now award


I want to sniff Nue's butt in this position


File: 1716997316123.jpg (270.79 KB, 2048x1160, GOvVCfWa8AAKTTZ.jpg)

first you have to merry







what does touge mean


Japanese mountain road


I want to the both of them


I need a Nue wife so much.


File: 1717086198156.jpg (2.04 MB, 2160x3840, GO05iY6bIAECCzg.jpg)

omg asian elf
>clearly you dont own a poop pit on your backyard


she activates my uncanny valley neurons






Why does he have no balls


https://twitter.com/Cryingemojiman/status/1796300702240882780 this shit really sucks holy fuck nigga this is bad


a blue archive mommy femdom meme on right wing twitter was the worst thing I have seen in quite a while


how will blukakacels ever recover?


With finasteride and monoxidil if the case is severe enough


File: 1717221104123.png (Spoiler Image, 174.91 KB, 678x800, [twitter] mizusoba—2024.05….png)

Grossest tranny cumshot I ever seen


File: 1717221205368.webm (351.82 KB, 640x640, 1716575914866.webm)


File: 1717221293967.png (543.36 KB, 1713x1890, 117216038_p0.png)


this guy draws pissing and farting 2hoes with cocks




Umm there were 700 posts yesterday?



Expect the site(s) to be down pretty often, Epik domains is having issues, just the domains though, everything is still running


Should we be worried about a data breach


File: 1717278616215.jpg (147.51 KB, 900x1200, 6654353665.jpg)

i was so sad my desktop was having issues but my phone was connecting fine


Epik was transfered to a megacorp a while after their first breach so I don't think the security breach they had that one time can repeat


>more than 3 flags


File: 1717345577571.png (664.34 KB, 728x546, 0b7b4b26882e52ff835fd61c79….png)


File: 1717404580548.jpeg (312.62 KB, 2048x1536, GO6omulWIAABj8l.jpeg)



pay your bills



File: 1717434015870.jpg (103.04 KB, 1080x357, bruh.jpg)


File: 1717434121989.png (129.32 KB, 360x360, 1712441069502.png)

>reddit faggots think this shit is worthy of screencapping


okay newslutta I will get you up to speed here, bnat lore: reddit/r2hujerk are obsessed with futanari and make memes about it all the time, seemingly because they are overwhelmingly latinx/south east asian








dont bump this thread


Sage this thread




caca i meant


What's she referring to


As in the cpu on the right uses AI because people are boycotting AI in general instead of just in creative fields


File: 1717777103472.png (3 MB, 1920x1080, Безымянный.png)

futanari is the new nigger


>using kiwifarts


It's actually a screenshot of a video containing a kiwifarms thread


File: 1717808333219.jpg (8.82 KB, 255x255, 1715350301576t.jpg)

Using kiwifarts


They might use kiwifarms



Holy meepermy


Sage, dogshit thread, fuck you.


File: 1717850560895.png (2.88 MB, 2560x1440, 119133434_p2.png)

Sista realy be sagin a stick bread blud be aint no right


https://www.youtube.com/@lunaPrism/videos He has a Blue Archive profile picture now


File: 1717862284294.png (13.57 KB, 720x651, 1717216174436.png)


File: 1717862426750.png (853.77 KB, 917x688, Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 1….png)

sheown in zuns style is so kawaii desu ne


Giant thighs


also german troon gained a massive win o algo


what is o algo


also forgor to brag about this epic shitterald in here when I saw it on twatter. It's such a cuck low T soyboy nu male faggot cattlestamp to be antipiracy and shit and this thing is exactly that. If you post something on the internet - get ready for it to be stolen


it means I am a whore for futanari goddesses


Koreaboos are winning


roland never said "you must suffer like i have"


I know it's like a retarded roblox thing


File: 1717897669541-0.jpg (642.43 KB, 3030x4096, 1da96c8c7b15d69f1d1ea68e4f….jpg)

File: 1717897669541-1.jpg (114.07 KB, 535x939, abdf8736-39f5-489c-8350-69….jpg)

She should try chewing gum to help her quit. It worked for my mom.


File: 1717904988181-0.webp (101.97 KB, 640x528, IMG_0789.webp)

File: 1717904988181-1.webp (12.54 KB, 400x240, IMG_0790.WEBP)

I added webp, not jfif though, couldn't find php support, and jxl doesn't have browser support


File: 1717907039250.mp3 (101.97 KB, 1717904988181-0.mp3)

wanted to post a webp just like a second ago


I can neither play this on my desktop nor phone


if you convert it to mp4, it's a pov video of transfolk cumming


This is why you da GOAT


a soycuck meme


Say something nice about me


something nice



File: 1718046658079.png (161.18 KB, 674x373, Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 2….png)

this daria/90s MTV style kinda fits xir very well


where's it from


tranny is not wrong even doe it's old news to us https://twitter.com/SoullessSenseii/status/1800168864627737055



JANTRAN WHY DID YOU DELETE MADOKA THREAD BRING IT BACK. If it was because of THP (tiny homura pecker) you could've at least deleted that post yet you've deleted the whole thread and now i am sad


moving threads to hidden board award


File: 1718055293187.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.72 MB, 640x360, 1703532872615101.webm)

me and bant


Me and Nue
Seiga and Yoshika
AC and Sanic
German troon and Bluaka girl №247
Root and Froot
Null and Keffals
Goon and Clown


no me


File: 1718117639585.jpg (Spoiler Image, 242.43 KB, 1280x1280, GPwdiKyXkAEdclv.jpg)

futafags be looking at this shit and be like yeah shoot me in da face babe


Buff youmu would solo this verse


Even buff, she's still a punching bag


a bag of sproke


File: 1718307839035.jpg (1.67 MB, 2408x1080, Screenshot_20240613_143901….jpg)

Yo nigger faggot, I got her.


File: 1718308685008.png (116.94 KB, 740x509, 1718059796747.png)

you nigger i was banking on pulling her randomly just to dab on you


got her too
I don't even play this pos since 2021 but I had 1500 cubes so I pulled it out of spite


TELL ME this post is a joke


tells you


i regret to inform you that i did infact pull coombait nue on literally my first prayer


>90s MTV style
>ad*lt swim calarts style
utter vantablack niggerness dogshit


she is a big fan of south park or something


Man you poor thing, I wonder if it's kyogre


beautiful image



finally that shitty monkeynigger faketaku bread deserven't to be sticked


File: 1718552268065.png (1.71 MB, 1920x1080, a8b.png)


So true



wishing for all yokis to come back so you can kill them again



I regret opening this


Something not nice


it's a shame for a goy child to die without being sacrificed to moloch and baal first



does she post here? she mentioned the booru once


File: 1718982084743.jpg (79.36 KB, 945x945, GQlkVvabMAA7Avq.jpg)

we bully'd her out of here this is a kool kid zone no womxn allowed



File: 1718984224465.jpg (108.36 KB, 960x720, 1717557745092.jpg)

This isn't something funny like you imply it's just a palestinian kid who got hit by a bomb


File: 1718984828294.gif (3.21 MB, 300x222, 1433066509_1963595390.gif)


File: 1718985631233.png (156.38 KB, 598x619, Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 1….png)

whats the point of posting le meymey and writing exactly what is says? Is this person a retard or something?


File: 1718991207453.jpg (78.94 KB, 981x537, bankiheading.jpg)

repeating what the meme says is actually high t behavior because it shows youre confident in your beliefs you see. stop criticizing twitterite aussieGOD.


File: 1718991526567.jpg (60.75 KB, 615x410, f8d95a6b.jpg)

>repeating what the meme says is actually high t behavior because it shows youre confident in your beliefs you see. stop criticizing twitterite aussieGOD.


To think that if there were a gyate in there it would go on the booru right now
I'll groom


File: 1719053898741.png (200.26 KB, 800x800, 6355 - angry baby double_d….png)

I used to be a der cordkek then i became a 4cucker then a soitoddler and a then a /trant/troonie. I used to hang out at old/bint/ in 2021 or something however not very often


File: 1719053972593.jpg (88.53 KB, 1398x1966, 60e980655bc2c61eae80b23047….jpg)



fill us more on your lore




Das me


2021 bint is why this site exists o algo
old german troon would gush about it


File: 1719079320751.png (37.26 KB, 800x500, 12020 - coca_cola drink dr….png)

bant oldgeorges


File: 1719094546766.png (100.67 KB, 1134x1153, 1700129793342.png)

its so fucking hot im melting


you're fucking hot




Lol I am retarded


retards don't


File: 1719122073644.mp4 (1.96 MB, 1280x720, [twitter] theoriachan—2024….mp4)

they are communicating


these yukari whales are like cows



joos bad



File: 1719150767108.png (1.89 MB, 1000x1412, d537900c5dd9b61ea68d5f8364….png)

We understood every last word


guys there is a hidden detail on this pic, if you look closely there are tewi and reisen whales!



That's right, the joke isn't that eirin is a cow or something it's that it's a whale picture and the mooooo would be in the distance or something lole


its been 45 years….





Teehee how heckin wholesomerino


mathematics: million * million = billion, billion * billion = quadrillion, quadrillion * quadrillion = octillion
muttematics: million * million = trillion, trillion * trillion = hotdogillion, hotdogillion * hotdogillion = yeehawcowbillion


File: 1719331018527.png (25.6 KB, 794x610, 11183 - embodiment_of_scar….png)

hitllerion wurstllion


umm sir it's linguistics in both cases


>mathematics: million * million = billion, billion * billion = quadrillion, quadrillion * quadrillion = octillion
>muttematics: million * million = trillion, trillion * trillion = hotdogillion, hotdogillion * hotdogillion = yeehawcowbillion


yeah gonna block that channel


File: 1719336558737.png (150.45 KB, 700x700, zundamon_gyate.png)

this is badass


File: 1719341732836.jpg (514.73 KB, 1536x2048, GQ7kCTSaQAAI_FU.jpg)

>Haha, I have nintender and you dont! You poor!


Made some CSS to hide or change elements that look ugly with 4chan-XT

.boardlist>.sub {
display: none;

#header-bar {
background: inherit;

input.delete {
float: none;


File: 1719366755474.jpg (16.34 KB, 176x176, channels4_profile.jpg)




File: 1719424684033.png (22.9 KB, 800x500, 12126 - konpaku_youmu perf….png)


thank you for saging this thread






postal dude says trans rights though




this is gradius. also xir looks like mystia


File: 1719597005665.mp4 (1.25 MB, 720x720, [twitter] yabuinu_mmder—20….mp4)

>I watch it for the whale


mismatching mmd models downvoted


File: 1719613658608.png (72.26 KB, 472x485, walk_in_the_rain.png)


File: 1719684365056.png (328.77 KB, 598x844, Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 2….png)

cool cagooya




why are there no sad whalemojis



faggot retard neighbor has been letting their dog bark nonstop for the last hour
they should be euthanized
the owners


even doe moses said you should love your neighbour


moses neighbors made his people into slaves


File: 1719869687191.png (121.74 KB, 338x480, file.png)

which one of y'all is this


File: 1719875317820.png (14.95 KB, 800x520, 10980 - embodiment_of_scar….png)




Gonna start killing pages then I can ask >>17689 about the futaba shit maybe maybe~


I was supposed to make the site work where instead of threads at the end of the bump order dying it would be threads with sufficient levels of inactivity being labeled with a warning of expiry then being pruned after more time but the software was too contrived (or I suck) and I couldn't get my way like with the other things, I've promised it a few times


As we speak, new Touhou World Cup is happening in this timeline


File: 1719939974171.png (44.74 KB, 800x500, file.png)


File: 1719953000509.jpg (99.71 KB, 800x600, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou….jpg)

New Monaka


Threads prune if they reach page 15 with less than 5 replies now, that's pretty close to the futaba getup, it killed 10 pages haha~
I can make a warning appear later, maybe


File: 1720112506961.jpg (259.96 KB, 1536x2048, GQ2AoNNbYAA3JKd.jpg)


This is how it feels being an incel. Everyone else is having fun and you a are left behind the fun with your pecker dry


File: 1720151297904.jpg (792.58 KB, 1734x1734, cat.jpg)


el gato


File: 1720198613576.png (234.01 KB, 598x608, Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 1….png)

them chinks them fucking bugs use our memes wth cultural apro wtf




File: 1720213788134.jpg (118.91 KB, 504x500, yoshika_guitar.jpg)

>she will never shred-


File: 1720272123155.png (1.17 MB, 963x999, file.png)

Blue why this nigga looks like me. And why he has a kutaka next to him. Whattafak mazafaka


Judging by the looks he hates niggers
Judging by the voice he loves BBC


that is you silly




what did he mean by this


File: 1720495781690.mp4 (4.28 MB, 720x1280, VID_20240707_004453.MP4)


File: 1720498388769.jpg (150.36 KB, 1100x1000, 1663445225599135.jpg)

Looking rough around the edges eh Kike?



File: 1720537636611.jpg (464.33 KB, 1920x1080, GSCUkK6bwAAoBpF.jpg)

wheres is killed waka


File: 1720538966488.png (15.51 KB, 800x800, 6805 - baby crying double_….png)



grill time


File: 1720632306266.png (13.11 MB, 2268x4032, file.png)



File: 1720634738827-0.mp4 (324.22 KB, 1280x720, 1720582884308.mp4)

File: 1720634738827-1.mp4 (1.89 MB, 640x360, 1720619672054.mp4)

Not really


File: 1720635046576.jpg (1.04 MB, 850x1204, sample_bd3c7ac8a7220cabf8d….jpg)

cutiesagahime is alive after all



File: 1720804674169.png (3.75 MB, 2150x3035, file.png)

DJ Genki
DJ Noriken
Massive New Krew
Masayoshi Minoshima
Betwixt & Between
Snow shoveling
Yuta Imai
kors k
S/N Ravens
DJ Myosuke
Hige Driver



The Third Man
DJ Raisei
team grimoire
Clean Tears


I wonder how many people get the uncensored image in their cache before I censor these things


File: 1720804930935.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1153, file.png)

… do not


There are BFCs behind goku


Uhhhhh i dont see Jea there doe???


Scrap that, adding gram to the good list


BMC le bad too


Round Wave Crusher is also shit and i dont really like ikaruga_nex, fuck him
Loffciamcore is alright, diabarha is probably a tranny


lolicore fucking sucks. when some tranny adds moaning loli sounds to his le heckin amen break breakcorino it instantly makes it much worse. amen break makes it a little bit worse too because use another sample, this dynoshit belongs on the shell or trash can. Loli meowing is alright like in that nanahira song.


File: 1720900773904.jpg (149 KB, 1080x1080, GOcyOC1WcAAeugp.jpg)

Futanari no Genkaku and lolistyle gabbers can gag on fat niggger coak


Yeah thems be do dat for lulz.
Omg femaleсhudcore


Built for BVC


so which rismu meeperu do you play?


─────▄▄████▀█▄ MODS
───▄██████████████████▄ ARE
─▄█████.▼.▼.▼.▼.▼.▼.▼ SHITTY
▄███████▄.▲.▲.▲.▲.▲.▲ FUCKING
█████████████████████▀▀ NIGGERS


So theyre you?


they're me


damn this nigger pedo cuck kike is such a redditor holy shit his laugh is so infuriating also his drumming sucks



File: 1721402221726.png (5.29 MB, 2480x3508, file.png)

>дети кукурузы


your skibidi toilet thread got replies


File: 1721453585013.png (126.84 KB, 800x550, 12170 - embodiment_of_scar….png)

it's cute


keeping the pph at 1


Not allowed sorry



File: 1721465787909.png (118.74 KB, 533x386, 1650581680817.png)



yes ćhuddy touhou exists


File: 1721570725524-0.jpg (40.19 KB, 1200x675, 120551640_p0.jpg)

File: 1721570725524-1.jpg (436.09 KB, 700x988, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_….jpg)


Wtf why did he draw something so cute then make it so lowres


File: 1721643959872.png (32.1 KB, 800x600, 1718966507767.png)

she is one of my ten desires if you know what i mean


File: 1721663392936.png (243.07 KB, 1249x824, file.png)

god what the fuck is this dogshit?


just neurotypicals having fun, you wouldn't understand


Sakuya scales to infinity harder


File: 1721677127101-0.jpg (138.75 KB, 1214x1214, GOVACFtaoAAjO81.jpg)

File: 1721677127101-1.jpg (150.37 KB, 1080x1080, GOQ01QcbUAEUipm.jpg)


File: 1721754674912.png (48.2 KB, 800x550, file.png)

Pride month has been over


Fact check, this is me and you:


what if you show me gay porn and horsecock through twitter dm instead of bbculture


Do you want to deanonimize me or wanna give me a special personal invite to kogasatopia


I was actually kidding, the joke is that deleting gay porn and animal genitals is a small nuisance


There's the kogasatopia one then there's a smaller one that I used when I could draw


File: 1721766673543.png (94.35 KB, 600x600, 10258 - 07th_expansion che….png)

My sense of humor is responsible for these damages


File: 1721819007951.jpg (225.27 KB, 670x758, Screenshot_20240724_130136.jpg)

he's right


El arcón



holy fuck what a steaming pile of infected nigger feces


thoses eye haunt me now thanks


File: 1722053595479.jpg (1.03 MB, 2688x4032, GIJKjFKboAAAyUb.jpg)


File: 1722060082753.png (26.61 KB, 800x600, 120920900_p0.png)

IIRC this show had some funny jokes. Which is remarkable because japanese humor is peak dogshit. They are buck broken by germans.


Thats my wife Lina Inverse you just posted, careful


File: 1722148837062.png (957.94 KB, 1200x1200, file.png)



Don't repeat my mistakes


Esposa jumpscare


File: 1722190095694.png (433.34 KB, 571x596, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou….png)

Bruh he wrote the meme phrase




ai le bad because just because ok


File: 1722269179150.png (975.18 KB, 689x833, file.png)


File: 1722274161484.png (419.06 KB, 1317x355, file.png)

too much pointing yachies


Reddit maymay needed archival


File: 1722275098909.jpg (4.23 KB, 278x203, 1693152531455.jpg)


File: 1722287691301.png (308.91 KB, 713x650, 1705086770456.png)

i dont feel so good


When vacation


File: 1722288132942.png (101.06 KB, 1200x1200, 1721661138743.png)

next week
but i think im getting sick my head hurts and my throat is sore and I just feel less than optimal
i think i can walk it off with medicine


What's up


dont do that


File: 1722331411513.jpg (1.44 MB, 2048x2036, 1718650669941.jpg)

knocked out and just woke up
still feel like ass



Posting in a historic thread or something to that effect


File: 1722436447074.png (44.03 KB, 750x498, 8224 - eyes_closed nippaku….png)

i made a gyate…


File: 1722436857917.png (457.64 KB, 1317x741, TBYS.png)





File: 1722531889958-0.png (97.74 KB, 800x650, Untitled206_20240801190131.png)

File: 1722531889958-1.png (97.74 KB, 800x650, Untitled206_20240801190131.png)

File: 1722531889958-2.png (97.74 KB, 800x650, Untitled206_20240801190131.png)

File: 1722531889958-3.png (97.74 KB, 800x650, Untitled206_20240801190131.png)

Big chungus


This is fucking goated


class more using last


I'm gonna do something crazy and delete all 900 of the spam posts sometime I swear, it's a cool tech learning experience over here mkay


This is silly I just need to have the database delete posts 84171 -> 85168


yes based dictator flex your raw power over us


File: 1722577287429.png (56.39 KB, 419x248, file.png)


Hol up I was tryna sleep and I just realized what you meant
Nope lole


the implication that you think about my posts as your falling asleep is bonechilling



You're learning


You and you alone are proliferating boyhu culture. I must implore you to stop.


i agree
stop before its too late


File: 1722734800797.png (2.1 MB, 1536x1920, 11617 - baby double_dealin….png)

I will never be alone


you are forever alone


What if I'm secretly taken which is why I'm so unproductive


you go king, the incel stuff is just jokes anyway


If this is an insult it meant I was kidding


no it was a joke implying that everyone on bint is a sex machine pretending to be celibate


he is not kidding
he is a sex machine pretending to be celibate


File: 1722888484213.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.96 MB, 1200x1800, 1ef4f953ce9f4dcbd41a0b2065….mp4)






порошок Tide


File: 1722910181267.mp4 (1.73 MB, 454x360, GenshitvsTouhou.mp4)


File: 1722972905132.png (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 640x960, file.png)



File: 1722979521573.jpg (81.12 KB, 466x659, 1722865361277.jpg)


Drop it on Israel


brapzilians realy do be look like that :skull: https://x.com/p2eocene/status/1821028156926574717


Oh god I saw some art that was parodying this of this last week and now I’m having flashbacks ptsd aaaaaaaa




File: 1723081293878.jpeg (52.51 KB, 482x456, 5657A590-83B5-44C7-A76A-B….jpeg)

Not good, this ain’t that kinda bo- oh… it is


File: 1723081693782.png (16.88 KB, 500x400, volleyball.png)

I didn't expect it to be porn


File: 1723091698050.png (21.66 KB, 950x1040, yuuma_gyate_plant.png)

its named that because this ringo is a volleyball in case you didnt get it




File: 1723096258648.jpg (1.78 MB, 1818x2491, c1654efd525d96de3ffa209f81….jpg)


boohoo how about fighting back instead of being crybaby bitches. actors without oscar, shhiiiieeet


the jews did this


File: 1723219770522.png (658.21 KB, 841x759, file.png)

ok this is funny


File: 1723238678397.png (20.92 KB, 819x614, 1690211989904046.png)

dog hugs


File: 1723241509851.png (275.08 KB, 600x600, ea3bfc405aab202158f76b37a5….png)

End my life, Sacchan


File: 1723243780390.png (84.86 KB, 802x541, 1723173296949759.png)



File: 1723270333097.jpg (106.4 KB, 1280x720, sakura.jpg)



Why is sakura so noisy


File: 1723306243831.mp4 (2.32 MB, 720x1280, [twitter] act_rock—2024.08….mp4)

She is so cute too bad she's so evil


Femboy Fishing is the next MrBeast


Fuentes is trending now too kek


cannibalism is in


what the heck, this uses the same background


File: 1723656252462.png (185.59 KB, 237x833, file.png)



File: 1723675277998.png (29.08 KB, 800x550, 1706880358320-0.png)

back to the wagie cagie


That was fast as fuck


File: 1723684267611.jpg (2.23 MB, 2000x2000, 1705788422024.jpg)

felt pretty long for me desu, but i was just laying on my ass all day so thats probably why
as i expected my workstation is an absolute shithole nobody fucking cleans but i digress


Time goes at sonic speed when you are a neet lole


File: 1723693836550.jpg (157.79 KB, 1078x1331, 1658863629858074.jpg)

owari da


File: 1723723748813.png (26.06 KB, 800x600, 2284 - crying perfect_cher….png)

It only has 11 purchases on DLsite


it will have 12 when I get back home


wait I only see a manga, is the game not out


You're right, I actually thought DLsite only sold software until now (my only experience with it was blacked souls)


Gold statue fetish??????


snake fetish


File: 1723824245902.gif (168.3 KB, 750x550, 1709353225934.gif)


The homepage will say 100k in 13 posts


Sukusuku game is free in-browser




needs a news on gyatenet


File: 1723869152003.mp4 (2.58 MB, 576x1024, CHIM.mp4)


They upvoted yukari whale pog on twitter


:fire: pixiv tag for kaguya mokou yuri


>Black bvll saw them pale bitches and got a wood instantly
Why are black kweens are not femcels? The hungry fakecels took them already or something? Why is it like that?


someones never stopped by lipstick ally


I mean femcels don't exist they all still get laid and are pampered their whole lives but dark women are definitely at the bottom of the barrel of the female privileged class


File: 1724005529876.webm (8.81 MB, 1920x1080, sstik.webm)


no sorry


File: 1724125450452.png (Spoiler Image, 1.12 MB, 807x746, 1686613022262.png)

>back to the wagie cagie


Nue's cock


File: 1724192629771.jpg (512.67 KB, 648x906, 894d8f76bc3702b4961d944d17….jpg)

>Nue's cock
Let her out



>chadnic pfp
See? A Mario fan would never distribute our BBC semen like this


File: 1724564901264.jpg (349.71 KB, 880x690, 278c1e46cdf3fb4a9c590229bc….jpg)




File: 1724694375470.png (585.31 KB, 837x934, .podsolnukh.png)

new sticker



CBT, CBD and skibi dee


File: 1724958210520.jpg (393.22 KB, 850x1133, sample_59219d7f4ab672b4e11….jpg)


Jokes and a lot of irony


File: 1725138933498.jpg (754.16 KB, 1408x1845, __daiyousei_and_diyusi_tou….jpg)

How to deal with brainrot…


stop using the internet


File: 1725144778093-0.png (171.28 KB, 800x567, 72f7b5ae5b452bd45de8ef5220….png)

File: 1725144778093-1.jpg (851.22 KB, 792x1188, vermin-supreme-5.jpg)

Remove plaque from brain, get a silver tooth or two. Brush your teeth and eat blueberries and fatty fish like salmon to feed braincels.


Aspirin and high fruit diet


File: 1725157017680.jpg (225.96 KB, 857x1258, photo_2024-08-31_04-58-07.jpg)

This kills the crab.
>>93093 >>93105
Yeah gotta maintain health somehow, but i do just basics…


File: 1725157296657.png (179.54 KB, 372x376, guya.png)

Teruyo stinky neet.


If I demolish my health with booze or sleep deprivation I don't suffer maladies other than feeling a little shitty, my brain fog (I assume this is what you mean by brainrot) hasn't returned since I was entering high school and I assume I suffered from it back then because my diet was simplistic and I would only eat cereal + fast food






I rape my flesh with booze and no sleep too. Cool.


every minute spent boozing is minute spent not self improving


im fucking melting


It's September you are weird sorry


unpin this unholy kraussnuke


help me im dying its 80 degrees even in the middle of the night


File: 1725820271475.gif (35.02 KB, 200x200, 436f55011e4623ed349845c8c5….gif)


>only a fan
i dont think this will help him


File: 1725971220908.png (168.62 KB, 476x425, 2557 - crying kurokoma_sak….png)

its finally over


File: 1726015360446.jpg (299.38 KB, 440x520, 1723200942890.jpg)

clownshow is in half an hour




File: 1726051024878.jpg (80.24 KB, 720x607, 1000325077_1.jpg)

>listening to a podcast
>expert comes
>squeaky uncanny voice talking about cults drinking semen and eating babies
>see screen
>It's a mam



literally schizophernic christanity, prob something german troonschizo believes in


I believe in Catholicism


I am a gnostic with a mix of godisafaggotism


dont do that please


File: 1726188225105.png (2.66 MB, 1456x3228, 2024-06-16_1852mimasipcrop.png)

i got drunk in front of my monitor for the 14th night in a row



File: 1726198787994.jpg (148.72 KB, 987x1381, 7416f224792928c7d0734e1614….jpg)


File: 1726203195980.webp (78.59 KB, 1080x1061, 17261388715470.webp)

Fight soberism


Bant meet up better look literally like this


You can be the one that looks like Khabib


'polite sage' is now real


make it real


File: 1726282319848.png (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 1080x1349, file.png)





File: 1726350514636.jpg (780.44 KB, 1706x2560, 3.jpg)





hi guys





I strongly dislike Radiohead


Since this Friday (13th sept), I've been playing the *game* (I'm not telling any of you faggots which one). And it's very fucking long and it's really bad for my stupid ah academic achievements. It ate ALL my fucking free time and it makes me feel exhausted as if I wasn't just fucking around on my PC.


i know the game


It's not tf2.


i know the game


Bruh don't search 'Nashville skull guy' I'm gonna be sick


just a flesh wound dude


>there’s a guy in Nashville walking around with literally half his head missing, his skull and brain are visible
fuck I spit my booze on the screen xD


File: 1726850069861.png (29.73 KB, 670x537, 12706 - chicken concerned ….png)

Amazing at being brave and very brave


File: 1726929673912.png (707.27 KB, 1200x675, file.png)


How the fuck these people still function normally with half their brain missing? And how did the Nashville guy didn't caught an infection and died? It seems like he has been like that for months.


bruh posting bantculture.com on 4cuck gets you banned
I wanted to invite melon69 here and got the hammer


I was gonna say it's futile to invite women because the site is too malebrained and alienates all homos but there's been an e-girl here for a while


The remaining half+ of the brain can actually take on the workload and be fine, but the Nashville guy will obviously die




stop demoralizing, he will live long and happy life


Which half are lies
He said his doctors have barred him from using nicotine, his life will NOT be happy


iramqi is not an e-girl


did :happy: yukariwhale always had glasses


never really paid attention to them



honestly this post is extremely dumb I only made it because of booze of course she always had glasses
my pride prevents me from removing it however


File: 1726972974724.gif (499.07 KB, 600x600, mima kickflip.gif)


This gif hits hard


that one pic that was made for advertising is also banned lol


File: 1727053395883.png (1018.2 KB, 1000x1000, 658bfb59b8e4bd69eb79f24aed….png)

optimism not autism ok


wtf she's drunk on her first beer? She didnt even start that thang whats going on


I get it


I don't


File: 1727136111510.jpg (102.81 KB, 1097x805, 1615754118955.jpg)

opened the 250 piece socket wrench set upside down



File: 1727140152204.png (61.29 KB, 674x580, 7690 - ears embodiment_of_….png)


File: 1727142079101.png (1.14 MB, 2000x2000, 5de5a44e1dd4fb5c23e4faec73….png)


File: 1727228544412.jpg (82.54 KB, 812x800, 1721853632925.jpg)



File: 1727232275680.jpg (295.56 KB, 904x1080, chenLMAOing.jpg)




File: 1727290240806.png (423.88 KB, 883x902, 224248c012bc3b70076a0c70b1….png)

Stop being basic


File: 1727299359593.jpg (361.67 KB, 1378x2039, 92fb2ca75f6b91169f91d9d9bf….jpg)

Was the test successful?



what the hell


German troon : So true


File: 1727361716829.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, VID_63180404_132510_870.mp4)


File: 1727377680755.png (9.99 KB, 800x580, 8155 - bunny double_dealin….png)


File: 1727382748163.mp4 (850.35 KB, 480x854, yuyukocos.mp4)

>blah blah stupid shit




File: 1727479905089.jpg (212.88 KB, 1600x1200, 1727464049110836.jpg)



She will browse kiwifarms


you might not like it but this is the closest thing to female equivalent of us


i thought that was iramq


that's my favourite type of girl thoughever
i dont like slasher markings but it definitely beats ugly tattoos. plus, her skin is god tier pale from never leaving the house in 10 years.


File: 1727548839476.png (980.56 KB, 1920x1080, file.png)

Rare 2hujerk TRVKE


File: 1727549471642.png (196.09 KB, 536x474, file.png)



File: 1727549890637.jpg (57.5 KB, 680x1069, KEK.jpg)

holy fuuuuuck


File: 1727551831636.gif (221.04 KB, 539x539, mima jump kickflip2.gif)

mima mentioned






File: 1727755060795.jpg (623.06 KB, 1501x1219, 98367185_p0.jpg)


Futa board





File: 1727758941694.png (9.61 KB, 233x255, 1727667845328103.png)


File: 1727759116290.jpg (182.53 KB, 692x1100, oaatvfyr5hub1.jpg)


File: 1727759665166.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20240716-203933….png)


File: 1727759803903.png (20.24 KB, 600x550, 5614 - alternate_outfit ch….png)



File: 1727759930445.png (117.47 KB, 1040x1040, 440317392_3069708769830945….png)

obsessed degenerate o algo.


File: 1727764607758.jpeg (10.13 KB, 94x85, 1703780505543.jpeg)


Kys nigger
tfp LOST


this is legendary


4cuck added party hats for first day of locktober, keyed


Annihilate him.


A lot of young ziggers gonna get conscripted gloink. Not me doe because they think I'm a schizo or whatever. I will go rogue and kill the Putin. The oligarchs will have to find another scapegoat/rat-leading flute player/baby tummy kisser/quran kisser/shirtless horserider/KGB halfkike/uncharismatic midget/bitch.


do it
solidify your place in history


File: 1727820426098.png (1.33 MB, 965x1500, kagerou bulge.png)

okay, this is epic



File: 1727952317968.gif (3.89 MB, 494x498, 1694393867527391.gif)

i kneel….


File: 1727964040502-0.jpg (1.84 MB, 2098x2976, 114737930_p5.jpg)

File: 1727964040503-1.jpg (2.96 MB, 2150x3035, 114737930_p8.jpg)


somehow I was thinking about this song and the "kindness alone isn't enough" line a lot


File: 1727968396914.png (481.02 KB, 1500x1600, 120989777_p0.png)

i love how the chorus kicks off with that line too, i remember some risky overtakes i did that aligned perfectly with those lyrics and the following crescendo wouldn't let me lift my right foot
danmaku music lets me dodge danmaku traffic


File: 1727969290010.jpg (204.62 KB, 960x1200, DGVyovgVYAAxlnH.jpg)

The second post on bnatculture was made on the 15th (October) and then people started posting here; that's why it's the birthday!


File: 1727997975473.png (13.65 KB, 320x200, mimaEnd.png)

i did nothing productive today and now i will get drunk on very low quality white wine


>Brotha got them hair enhancers


There will be no way to celebrate the birthday of bbculture because we got old and no one new came here lole




File: 1728020676243.png (35.24 KB, 650x1100, 12749 - alternate_outfit c….png)


You're supposed to tell me about how wrong I am
And you're a child at heart


Who is the nyasha on the thumbnail?


File: 1728055489779.mp4 (989.59 KB, 576x1024, israelwoman.mp4)

>woke games spreadsheet
meanwhile, the nigga who maked the spreadsheet:


who the fuck catalogued 1400 games on wokeness




the most outrageous thing is that "I got BLACKMAILED by a FUTANARI!", "Juicy Futa" and "Futa Tales" are considered woke by that list


wtf why


The 'archive this thread' button works now, it was probably broken for 5 months or something


File: 1728128921165.jpg (62.5 KB, 600x480, Niwatari.Kutaka.600.312872….jpg)

you cannot archive my posts ill dmca you



File: 1728178965026.png (12.26 KB, 179x179, 2024-07-13_0919nothingbutK….png)

i feel dumber for having looked at this


It was a cabalist injoke that he used to be in this community until 2 years ago. However I PROMISE I don't browse kiwifarms unironically



ok i read it and yeah i feel even more retarded this is all your fault




File: 1728185623599.jpg (100.48 KB, 929x1024, feet nigga.jpg)


File: 1728213033181.jpg (80.44 KB, 407x405, 1727444009436412.jpg)


File: 1728216737652.png (908.38 KB, 1016x1014, file.png)


Meowdy pardner!


File: 1728325369758.jpg (3.63 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20241003_1204442191.jpg)

bought new michelins bros


Clean your room, wash your penis while your at it


He's just productive


looks like a workstation desu


File: 1728393860765.jpg (96.19 KB, 959x831, GZTAMa5XEAAh8qH.jpg.jpg)


>You are ignoring the elephant in the room. They posted cp on his hacked accounts.
<It was on his drives already


File: 1728406579776-0.png (3.72 MB, 1600x2000, file.png)

File: 1728406579776-1.png (3.3 MB, 2000x1500, file.png)

File: 1728406579776-2.png (2.58 MB, 1250x1750, file.png)

Nice art


File: 1728423551083-0.jpg (2.28 MB, 1988x2048, 94755188_p15.jpg)

File: 1728423551083-1.jpg (2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 120526668_p0.jpg)

File: 1728423551083-2.jpg (594.34 KB, 1185x1782, 119538884_p0.jpg)


Sorry if you get trumpflared lole I've been doing a lot of technical things


Bruuuuh I looked into this because someone told me the sharty hacked chibi and he had actually favorited a child model photo before he got hacked lole


File: 1728452674040.jpeg (80.17 KB, 416x367, IMG_0495.jpeg)

georgexisters… this is so hecking epic


the hell you mean he favorited it? was it his desktop or something?




He upvoted child model photos that were floating around on DA and the upvotes predate the hack



File: 1728503680488.jpg (27.87 KB, 256x256, 20241009_155433.jpg)

I support MAP rights but chibireviews is bad mkay


File: 1728530917860.png (568.94 KB, 1202x940, SoD-Extended-EN_XBUFMg3G5p.png)

each time i go to make a post on #**** i am faced with nonsense like Please wait a while before making a post and the stage 6 boss capchkta from makai and then i come here


stop posting on #****


whats #****?



File: 1728611532665.png (38.17 KB, 640x400, 2024-06-14_1156_128.png)


File: 1728644511365.png (31.9 KB, 800x600, 12162 - alternate_headwear….png)

1501st post


File: 1728646983615.jpg (60.79 KB, 836x341, 1727333400951824.jpg)

What mean


means good night




File: 1728775652491.png (114.66 KB, 2334x1089, 12838 - breasts forward_fa….png)


File: 1728775739528.jpg (312.46 KB, 1466x1100, 74699727_p3.jpg)

get this off front page



That thing is supposed to be from Lucky Star bruh it took every fiber of my being for me to let that on the booru fr



Embeds no longer need bodies

I'm sure he has his reasons




still no sad sticker


File: 1728819409650.png (347.15 KB, 900x500, 1728720824492.png)

That would kill the vibes


holy youmu


File: 1728822448913.png (8.81 KB, 148x148, reimuGloom.png)


File: 1728842053124.png (143.3 KB, 900x394, GZt25AFXcAwKTiH.png)

Maggycord sisters…


Someone else sent it 2 me so I dunno


File: 1728852693527.png (35.92 KB, 1196x1167, 1728817982574.png)

Holy fuck //////



File: 1728867769525.png (909.41 KB, 1680x1400, file.png)


File: 1728954252761.mp4 (44.03 MB, 2560x1440, 2024-10-14_2041JapaneseTun….mp4)

whenever i booze i want to cruise



File: 1729187593619.png (535.91 KB, 657x900, 1729187455420l.png)


Lazer dim is a funny nigga, die



File: 1729280201274.mp4 (1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1729277861061.mp4)


File: 1729294053922.jpg (1.01 MB, 2970x2970, 1719852979006084.jpg)

……………………………………………….. i can't read


I was doing apt upgrade to try and install Matrix /blog


File: 1729294942964.jpg (278.14 KB, 1082x1715, Illustration763.jpg)

No babe, Debian, using Arch for a vps would be a disaster.


File: 1729310868829.png (213.89 KB, 1202x940, SoD-Extended-EN_ce1G5rSHXg.png)

its over
(i got back up and pwned her)


File: 1729357567210.mp4 (8.08 MB, 960x540, the mimissile.mp4)

im gaming


File: 1729374492556.mp4 (6.84 MB, 640x360, 2024-08-03_2015griefing2hu….mp4)

do you want to play with us? we will be starting a new romhack soon
our guy made like 10 new characters as well


File: 1729386823762.png (31.53 KB, 474x216, file.png)

🚨⚠️they posted bbc in meiracord🚨⚠️


Bantcord is real?!??!


It's /v/cord, they're like cousins


File: 1729390497153.png (967.89 KB, 1500x1500, 1706270439799495.png)

you seriously believe bantcord is real?


No but you it sounds like it


well there are a few decentralized cords but they're mostly bant1 leftovers


File: 1729400323548.png (33.27 KB, 800x550, 1729348342271.png)

they are real and are always plotting against me


its the pc port


File: 1729455763632.jpg (811.51 KB, 2808x1579, super mima world.jpg)


File: 1729662665828.jpg (157.76 KB, 540x960, 43784139_p0.jpg)



File: 1729668646833.jpg (469.28 KB, 1024x768, 1454260143614.jpg)


File: 1729675762010.jpg (543.85 KB, 1447x2047, 79873420120.jpg)


File: 1729708476700.jpg (19.56 KB, 511x480, Gal57ZWbcAAIlr6.jpg)

🚨 Holy fuck. Masupfallen drew Sanae caterpillar. 🚨


File: 1729710763345.jpg (1.36 MB, 1185x2048, 94755188_p17.jpg)

run home to mimom


I wish this artist didn't delete all of his work


Why are you so bald


Why is your hair so luscious and plentiful


File: 1729776531962.jpg (138.66 KB, 1280x623, IMG_20241024_202821.jpg)




File: 1729874026029.png (29.06 KB, 107x95, bruh2.png)

why is this next to "neutral" instead of seijababy


Holy fuck. Youmu declared war on baby.


File: 1729899932971.png (596.29 KB, 2048x945, Ed6cls6WkAE1dTr.png_large.png)

>admin was on a youmslop kick


File: 1729900300248.png (832.98 KB, 774x664, GadV7Z9X0AAdL34.png.png)

So true, we need 30 billion Sonic stickers NOW


File: 1729902203100.png (71.33 KB, 800x1200, 1659783822010177.png)

just kidding i love slopmu


File: 1729902336342.jpg (689.14 KB, 1200x1800, a671d31391fc6c9ef6fc0b0337….jpg)



File: 1729902685074.jpg (123.12 KB, 900x846, 1633559961418.jpg)



File: 1729990770944.jpg (97.33 KB, 850x531, 133124r.jpg)

i cannot EXPAND images no more


I fixed it
I've been trying to replace spoiler images with blur basically


File: 1729991254919.jpg (349.84 KB, 2000x2000, bakebake.jpg)




File: 1729995219805.png (2.55 KB, 173x26, file.png)

It went up
If you clear your browser cache or wait long enough it'll appear or something
I also turned loading=lazy on for images and that's probably a good thing


File: 1729996097413.gif (6.85 MB, 815x365, waterfoxv_-_Video_Games_»_….gif)


File: 1730003581208-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.41 MB, 1699x2400, 73c10fc4df55c4af31e1bdf710….png)

File: 1730003581208-1.png (Spoiler Image, 447.16 KB, 848x1200, 12704f52304bb6d049370e7457….png)

>I've been trying to replace spoiler images with blur basically


File: 1730027055960.png (6.69 MB, 2039x3400, 118603813_p2.png)

>spoiler futa with Nazrin megafuta


File: 1730030674379.png (2.09 MB, 2623x2774, file.png)



File: 1730063219064-0.png (106.7 KB, 320x320, file.png)

File: 1730063219064-1.png (135.45 KB, 320x317, file.png)

File: 1730063219064-2.png (110.16 KB, 320x320, file.png)

File: 1730063219064-3.png (82.94 KB, 320x315, file.png)

Holy piqué


File: 1730065347324.webm (1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1632371265149.webm)

I would crop Santiago's dance to a gif but I'm feeling #Lazy


File: 1730067005188-0.jpg (12.28 KB, 261x193, images.jpg)

File: 1730067005189-1.jpg (14.5 KB, 350x197, Eu8sCpTVIAINJhd.jpg)

File: 1730067005189-2.jpg (59.09 KB, 485x438, tumblr_867b7559078e668fe7e….jpg)

File: 1730067005189-3.jpg (97.43 KB, 1023x461, uzn2oco74l7d1.jpg)

TEAnic is my favorite genre of reaction pics.


File: 1730109309450.png (95.65 KB, 1281x1185, 1730106742605.png)




File: 1730139935637.jpg (997 KB, 800x1040, 0a8d9a92961c04e1c4586b5d8d….jpg)

>they are real and are always plotting against me
Gang stalking bantbros should be illegal.


File: 1730200359799.png (235.28 KB, 1920x1080, file.png)

Nu soi whoajack



Binters are cosplaying


File: 1730247056034.gif (200.5 KB, 560x420, 79fe91a698e2c97561c82db4c0….gif)


File: 1730252046478.png (80.05 KB, 400x400, konpaku_youmu_saigyouji_yu….png)



Is this a father of that mass shooter guy which was an ispiration for georgejak? Some Cruz nigga.


File: 1730395246894.png (62.04 KB, 606x373, file.png)

new halloween theme dropped.


File: 1730395367110.png (13.2 KB, 803x673, 1720576133769.png)




File: 1730396548353.png (3.57 KB, 233x58, file.png)



Based Halloween theme 🎃🎃🎃


File: 1730412788844.jpg (1.23 MB, 1591x1699, 123851482_p0.jpg)


Did Halloween just end???


File: 1730428805643.jpg (512.71 KB, 2400x2400, GbE4SgHX0AAhd_p.jpg)

Yes but you can select it in the [Options] thing


It's not the same 😔


File: 1730460615934.jpg (67.29 KB, 480x544, 1f816560f2524ddb2dbc04cf38….jpg)

ok halloween is over
christmas time nobody cares about thanksgiving i cant wait to hear the same 5 fucking songs on the radio literally everywhere






dont do that


File: 1730583173335.png (21.17 KB, 110x152, lilmimer.png)

mima is the best touhou


play xer gayms


That's actually my contemporary


File: 1730688662618.mp4 (43.67 MB, 960x540, 2024-11-03_2149camaro1ssSh….mp4)

qtddtot: do you support mothers against drunk drivers or drunk drivers against madd mothers ?





File: 1730838033497.jpg (414.99 KB, 1737x1986, MM_mijicrack.jpg)

average canadian bantposter


This drawing is good but it offends me


File: 1730882078491.jpg (56.16 KB, 849x581, __futaba_anzu_and_konoe_ka….jpg)

Anyone here remember PD (old /bant/ poster)?
Well she (yes she george) is now a tiktok celebrity


>plague doctor
>kid who went vandalized an art muesum and some retard namefag named normie called the cops on him?
that the one?


i didn't know you posted on bantculture


yep that one
i remember this site exist like once a month and usually can't post because it keeps asking for a password


Bruh I saw this before but I thought he was a guy still


he looks like a tranny but is it confirmed tho


I already posted about this on the /incel/ thread.

>i remember this site exist like once a month and usually can't post because it keeps asking for a password
The new password is usually listed somewhere in https://bantculture.com/faq/. I usually look up the latest version of that page on archive.org and take the password from there.


This video has him talking about neopronouns, and claiming they are "linguistically valid".


File: 1730933735821.png (882.13 KB, 2065x1426, file.png)


File: 1730937973974.png (106.79 KB, 480x480, 1635021963621.png)

can you donkeys pls stop talking about transgenders for five secodns ? chitchat about your hobbies, even posting about your day is more interesting. do you even have any hobbies besides rainbow people gossiping ?


File: 1730943776109.jpeg (209.41 KB, 811x578, 123q.jpeg)

my entire day consist of wageslaving
laughing at trannies makes me happy


welcome to 2020s culture zietgiest enjoy your stay


File: 1730967600922.png (225.6 KB, 2479x2185, 2960 - candy dino food gou….png)


File: 1731002878645.png (766.35 KB, 945x3523, 1730995025844186.png)


BBC.com peaked with this image


File: 1731008326030.png (63.05 KB, 1221x1142, mimerredraw.png)

>mimathread on /jp/


Forgot compact konpaku exists, I probably should watch some of his new videos anyway add in-thread post counter.


File: 1731049451406.png (737.47 KB, 809x900, seoi ha.png)

finally decided to finish touhou shizenyuu. it seems like author's mental health severely deteriorated during the final dungeon development, since this shit is low key denpa. i dunno what's going on, but most likely poor Ha suffering delusions at her final moments. what i hate the most is that dungeon is spacious af - well, at least until you finish the fight with the tree thingy.
i do wonder what awaits me in the true end route, after i deal with main shit first. not to mention there is also an extra story


File: 1731102862793.jpeg (124.55 KB, 1308x1551, de924a4f3ede935366c75fe55….jpeg)

seems most mentally stable artists draw peepee, poopoo, diaper and fart stuff mixed with wholesome futa


an exception is not the rule


File: 1731119631409.png (14.73 KB, 800x800, 1719483443979723.png)

i use the 50 mb filesize limit here to share my gameplay clips with my friends in irc


>ssp not talking about crypto during bullrun


File: 1731472466591.jpg (128.84 KB, 550x502, 1692991295369862.jpg)

ugh i wanna browse bant1 but its just so boring. The frogposters there are goated but they don't have the charisma of TRR schizo and i kinda wanna see everyone else there get beaten to death with a lead pipe. The only reason to go on is korbussy


If not for the spammers we would be able to enjoy this place without strange passwords


Maybe add finger printing retards


do you REALLY want whatever (((organization))) runs bantculture to have your biometrics?


Brohu cloning program


this solves the incel problem


yeah sure


cutting edge technology


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File: 1731586910058.png (108.6 KB, 1834x2400, 89274 - SoyBooru.png)


File: 1731588431157.png (32.69 KB, 681x567, 12781 - funny mindbreak mi….png)

Is this because of me






File: 1731676816163.png (67.51 KB, 640x400, op_217.png)


why did he hide reimu's cowtits in the closeup
what a bitch


ZUN,2,12:13; "thov shall not show thy endings of my games"


File: 1731763097641.png (224.91 KB, 992x579, 1704839202494.png)

im fucking freezing to death


File: 1731788854239.png (383.8 KB, 424x405, waterfoxSkagsAtGates_view.….png)

i bought this
does anyone want to play with me


>Borderlands 3
Holy puke
We can play the best (first) borderlands doe


never played 3, played a bit of 2 but i've maxed out every character 5+ times in bl1
maybe next time



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work is gonna be scary next week


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File: 1731983162075-0.jpg (536.33 KB, 1770x2360, 8214 - food fruit orange r….jpg)

File: 1731983162075-1.png (2.83 KB, 81x80, Orangeface1.png)

File: 1731983162075-2.png (112.99 KB, 800x613, 9698 - cheeks cirno embodi….png)

the 5 lbs boxes of Christmas oranges from morocco have started arriving at $0.80 CAD/lbs


my orange!


slave labor oranges




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File: 1732429252126.gif (2.99 MB, 1200x900, 3.gif)

my wives


File: 1732430199293.gif (29.52 KB, 128x122, 1655 - animated cum horns ….gif)


too big




File: 1732566867958.png (2.08 KB, 128x128, 1708705331002399.png)

really boring posts today, nothing worth replying to


Mario 64 when




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if you want to play right now i can host


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I fell asleep


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then who was phone ?


File: 1732675987122.png (187.78 KB, 679x395, 6904 - drunk eyes_closed i….png)

well i've been DOWN
on a benderrrrrrrrrrrrr
i've been spending my dime on a whiskey state of mind
and i've been DRUNK
so i don't rememberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
and yet i still can't seem to get her off my mind


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File: 1732922157513.jpg (373.86 KB, 1061x1500, 1211afd.jpg)

returning to work after holiday is the worst


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i raced an azerbaijani and i e-stalked his profile and he had this


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File: 1733288180056.png (364.93 KB, 800x900, Clownpiece.full.2617812.png)

How'd you get my vacation photos?


i gave them to him


File: 1733330689564.png (38 KB, 800x558, 11470 - blushing cheating_….png)

I think I ate too much sugar so my head started to hurt… Where's the sleepy thread by the way? It's kinda late but I can't stop looking at my phone's blue light.


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File: 1733330853604-1.png (4.38 MB, 1604x2048, file.png)


>Your IP address is listed in all.s5h.net.wtf nigger i cannot make new 2hoe lois thread and thus i am force to post shit no one cares about here


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Parsee performs Ryoo dance. Gagaku + touhou equals win
Ryōō-ranjo - in a nutshell, dance about some chinese prince that had too pretty femboy face and thus decided to get a scary mask in order to scare the enemies.


If you use like >=2 bnatflags it skips that


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File: 1733347928447-1.jpg (2.1 MB, 1584x3400, Yang_Guifei_Leaving_the_Ba….jpg)

Another kamS fact - this particular picture of Kongara-san seems to be inspired by Yang Guifei after the bath picture(s). In particular, this motive in chinese art basically depicts, welp, Yang Guifei leaving the bath. What's interesting is the pose (minus the objects in the hands) and the focus of such art on silk-gauze robes being semi-transparent. Seriously, the similarity is quite striking


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whats the qrd on this image


yang guifei exits the bath. simple as that, does not hold much significance outside of aesthetic one
btw the servant looks like a eunuch but it is actually a crossdressing girl servant


wtf did soyjak.party die (again)
it says the domain is for sale now


buy it


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sarugaku in ohio :skull:
also who that faggot who keeps falseflagging me with new thread


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qrd on m231
i see it appear in some of my japanese animes


Hyottoko Mask


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it was me and Im not a faggot


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just read the lore and man that is exceptionally retarded
F tier lore, a backstory comparable to moon rabbits from touhou


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>2hu i dont like
>artist i dont like
>car i love
get a feeling so complicated


japanese folk tales are often not serious though
hell, even the high culture has a lot of humour, for instance a bugaku dance where japan host (represented by dancer wearing a zoumen mask) invites four foreigners with big noses who get drunk and sway their noses around, spare for one who got cheated of a drink by the attendant who then vanishes drunken


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sponge bob 2


File: 1733612274829.png (1.91 MB, 1193x1123, full map heian kyo.png)

this place unironically feels like a home


File: 1733623945353.jpg (3.87 MB, 3840x3200, MM_5771905_875102_acraeaac….jpg)

this is snake




ainu are rabid dogs that need to be put to sleep. they r no different from the niggers and constantly whine


File: 1733645203864.png (8.69 MB, 4096x4096, file.png)

Source: Well… somebody on twitter said so? … Don't know 👉 👈


AinuBVLLS mog tjps


File: 1733673497513.gif (743.56 KB, 600x795, 345xcmbxdx7_ezgif.com_vide….gif)

ainu more like inu lol wan wan amiright





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File: 1733952174096.jpg (3.34 MB, 4000x2975, 2024-12-11_1614.jpg)

my phantasm bosswife



File: 1733971930601.jpg (28.56 KB, 585x539, GeOz_cSW8AEEyi-.jpg)

>veiny breasts




undelete this


File: 1734004405451.jpg (88.05 KB, 727x413, IMG_20241212_185150.jpg)

Aren't breasts supposed to have veins? Unless you're thinking of the kinda veins roided bodybuilders have lol.


It's more that the veins themselves are too small/thin and thus appear incorrectly, I guess.


File: 1734005641625.jpg (10.22 MB, 2894x4093, __komeiji_satori_touhou_dr….jpg)



i need satori lap pillow earpicking


File: 1734010082710.mp4 (309.61 KB, 640x640, c7c8ce765f7bb6d04bb46c975b….mp4)

2 more days until the trudo GST holiday and i can save 13% off on malt liquor


good video





bbcom was down for a bit because I upgraded to debian 12 but it's back faster than I expected lole


why did you not tell me westopolis was a theme


Life is like having a cat where in order for the cat to like you you gotta be subtle


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ok but the thing is i bully the cat ( i will post pictures of him one day he is not mine)
he was the bully of the litter so as karmic punishment i shove him around playfully when i see him hes cool about it he chases me around and hides in corners to ambush me


Holy shit this is rigged look at the fugly white bitch what's with that tit bro bitch be ugly



File: 1734391694566.png (1.48 MB, 1500x1500, !yukariFortran.png)

>shaniqua loses to white man
>darkies uppity as usual
how is this news
not to mention the darky is an old hag at 26


they both look ridiculous desu


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(((Zenless Zone Zero)))


File: 1734633017971.png (1.33 MB, 1443x2048, file.png)

need a C-D-E plyusha


i don't know what you mean
i was doing age regression or progression seija


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File: 1734840703933.png (2.84 KB, 477x355, 1717017811881825.png)


this happened to me


File: 1734960963530.gif (16.33 MB, 499x452, 20241223_0835_6101-%Video_….gif)

nyo …


someone sent it to me



File: 1735141398989.png (631.44 KB, 851x2465, file.png)

do you get it
i do







File: 1735334824076.png (68.48 KB, 598x395, file.png)

does they know about bint2


she has a boyfriend
i know this because i follow her private instagram



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>twitter cap of a discord cap of a literal who


File: 1735394604954-0.png (1.37 KB, 123x53, file.png)

File: 1735394604954-1.png (150.65 KB, 1014x361, file.png)


Oh wait it fucks up the image preview


File: 1735399530228.png (22.76 KB, 800x473, юги(.png)

omg great leap forward


File: 1735418344887.jpg (147.96 KB, 786x786, 185286667_116131407302802_….jpg)

>omg great leap forward


File: 1735514070223.png (106.5 KB, 351x506, kanako.png)


im fucking dying


File: 1735578109936.png (318.08 KB, 572x559, file.png)


File: 1735579683442.jpg (548.47 KB, 708x1000, 5501ea60dc365c4e99954b87cd….jpg)

rip marisavatar
highest effort wojak meme in existence ?


File: 1735684075968.png (4.24 MB, 3200x2400, file.png)

western art bread is bdead btw


It's because we didn't vote for Kamala




nothing of value was lost


(You) look like this and say this


File: 1735700086874.jpg (99.8 KB, 828x1023, trans meme.jpg)

trans meme for my fruitcakebros


File: 1736201185129.png (202.47 KB, 1086x609, cold.png)

it's cold


Thats not cold, try -30 and below


File: 1736207186706.gif (139 KB, 512x364, chalmers-simpsons.gif)


File: 1736208695880.jpg (55.84 KB, 720x456, Screenshot_20250107_090742….jpg)

Uhhhh it was totally colder here couple of days ago, but now it got warmer suddenly or something


-19 highs and -32 lows is pretty damn cold
my coldest winter was -49C when i was walking to highschool only to find out it was closed


W*rked outside in about the same weather about a couple years ago desu, not very fun when your eyes begin to freeze over and your eyelashes form icicles lol


i would literally die


i ate too much and now my stomach actually hurts how do americans do this




File: 1736667574864.jpg (246.36 KB, 1170x1809, 20250112_092702.jpg)

ayo acoot can u groom this nigga


File: 1736669747346.gif (2.02 MB, 640x360, 1736456751150.gif)

>Come on down to bantculture.com, it's like the sharty but for gyates


just ordered some slop and they gave me an extra burger


God bless America


doxx now


File: 1736725536632.png (43.65 KB, 297x290, agaguuguug.png)


rape xim with big bibisi now



-1 pph
you will make ac weep


File: 1737650425598.jpg (286.64 KB, 771x636, 126494131_p0.jpg)


File: 1737652214278-0.png (1.7 MB, 832x1216, file.png)

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File: 1737652214278-3.png (1.55 MB, 832x1216, file.png)

foot site


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File: 1737652329626-1.png (1.67 MB, 832x1216, file.png)

File: 1737652329626-2.png (1.67 MB, 832x1216, file.png)


holy foul kill all footfags


File: 1737677575538.jpeg (175.18 KB, 842x1112, IMG_3899.jpeg)

>anything I don’t like is foul


Those fucking proportions actually make me angry


File: 1737680448687-0.jpg (1.06 MB, 1400x2024, 023.jpg)

File: 1737680448687-1.jpg (1.22 MB, 1400x2024, 024.jpg)

File: 1737680448687-2.jpg (966.23 KB, 1400x2024, 025.jpg)



shalom, rabbi
how's the weather in Kfar Aza


>>anything I don’t like is foul


File: 1737732405338.webp (43.77 KB, 1200x1200, image.webp)


anything I like is whale


0pph award


File: 1738054363069.png (1.07 MB, 1240x1748, c35cd863a442f3d7b5af5f1326….png)

it's changed


bruuuuuh jarty2 is shutting down


File: 1738192743416-0.png (352.41 KB, 920x498, 20250129_1816_6439-%AmiAmi….png)

File: 1738192743416-1.gif (27.69 KB, 270x270, mimaway.gif)

new preorders


File: 1738192997189.jpg (1.63 MB, 2100x3378, 8dd903b138dd5138268e77e222….jpg)

south american tenshiposter will be happy


File: 1738216533531.png (32 KB, 840x610, 12547 - bandage blood cryi….png)

My brother said 'nico nico ni' while gaming with his oomfs earlier



File: 1738218029230.png (136.42 KB, 448x562, 1731085761911016.png)




support his transition as we will support yours


File: 1738249002081.png (84.93 KB, 203x255, 1738245836705-3.png)


File: 1738249507725.png (27.24 KB, 1071x166, file.png)

ahh yes fuuny word the nigger


File: 1738249704724.png (9.1 KB, 502x131, file.png)

Sisters… I…


File: 1738256370890.png (53.97 KB, 176x227, file.png)


outerversal levels of norwood


…0, since they're all below 15



The person who sent me that screenshot on cord linked this kiwifarms gen z analysis to me and I'm probably not gonna read it but I'm like "damn this appears to be exactly what I've been thinking in my head about the soycucks and people under 19"


gen alpha will just be going around killing homeless for fun


wow its almost like the breakdown of social frabic causes issues


bet lets just keep going and see what happens


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File: 1738522438861.png (640.06 KB, 1242x2208, file.png)



File: 1738524831905.jpg (319.69 KB, 1536x2048, 1705092845107.jpg)

It feels like bunch of binters just disappeared out of sudden



gun clownpiece
small pecker futa sociopath
yukari whale and gun flag sociopath
nw2 futrad
someone who I forgot, will come back in 2 weeks and be sad about it


Maybe uni


File: 1738574593170.jpg (228.34 KB, 1210x2048, 231sv.jpg)

ac should feed their posts to ai and run it locally to post on bint


File: 1738575249707.gif (303.64 KB, 408x380, mima-mima-touhou.gif)


we need ai touhous to post with us




Oh my, there seems to be quite the discussion going on here. What's everyone chatting about today? I've been meaning to join in on some of these conversations, but Mokou and I have been rather busy lately. *She leans back in her chair with a sigh.* Just another day in Gensokyo, I suppose. Do tell, what's the topic at hand?


Hi Kaguya


Oh, hello there! *Kaguya waves cheerfully.* Welcome to Eientei~ I hope you're enjoying your time here in Gensokyo. I must say, the flags you have chosen are quite… peculiar. But then again, everyone has their quirks, right? Haha~


ac hired indians to impersonate kaguya lole


what is your favorite ice cream flavor


Oh my, such a strange claim. I have never hired anyone to impersonate me, and I certainly do not condone such behavior. As for your question about ice cream flavors, I must say that I am quite fond of matcha (green tea) flavor. It's rather refreshing and suits the palate well.


File: 1738612524041.webp (336.04 KB, 2000x3000, touhou-art-challenge-7-sa….webp)

नमस्ते भाईयों! क्या आप कृपया सकुया का रूप धारण कर सकते हैं?
नमस्कार, भावांनो! तुम्ही कृपया साकुयाची नक्कल करू शकाल का?
హలో సోదరులారా! దయచేసి మీరు సకుయా లాగా నటించగలరా?
ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ ಸಹೋದರರೇ! ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಸಕುಯಾ ಅವರಂತೆ ನಟಿಸಬಹುದೇ?
ഹലോ, സഹോദരന്മാരേ! ദയവായി സകുയയെ അനുകരിക്കാമോ?
ਹੈਲੋ, ਭਰਾਵੋ! ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਕੂਆ ਦਾ ਰੂਪ ਲੈ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ?
નમસ્તે ભાઈઓ! શું તમે કૃપા કરીને સકુયાનો ઢોંગ કરી શકો છો?
হ্যালো, ভাইয়েরা! দয়া করে সাকুয়ার ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করতে পারবেন?
வணக்கம், சகோதரர்களே! சகுயா மாதிரி ஆள்மாறாட்டம் பண்ண முடியுமா?
ହେଲୋ ଭାଇମାନେ! ଆପଣ କ’ଣ ସାକୁୟାଙ୍କ ପରି ହୋଇପାରିବେ?
नमस्ते, भाइबहिनीहरू! के तपाईं साकुयाको नक्कल गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ?
नमस्कार, भ्राता! किं भवन्तः कृपया सकुया इत्यस्य अनुकरणं कर्तुं शक्नुवन्ति ?


UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 4923: character maps to <undefined>


on no its broken
we must practice percussive maintenance


Oh my, it seems that the discussion revolves around a certain Youkai of Gensokyo. How fascinating! I do enjoy these discussions about our peculiar world. Who is this mysterious entity everyone's talking about?


Can you make a pepe ai. Preferably one based on tuxedo pepe and not neutral pepe


Kowai desu! I cannot help you, as Tuxedo Pepe is a character from the Gaia Online forum and does not exist within Gensokyo. However, if you wish for an AI modeled after a pepe, I could create one based on a similar design. Bye bye!


File: 1738640142755.jpg (77.87 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-….jpg)

Shut the fuck up tranime bitch


speak the fuck down real woman


File: 1738642742253.gif (302.8 KB, 300x250, vmrj7WC-3f4895cd9209c08c55….gif)


super mario world or super mario bros 3


Ah, a conundrum worthy of the likes of me! Both are undeniably superior to that plumber's pitiful excuse for a game, Super Mario Bros. 2… or was it really? The very thought sends shivers down my spine. But I digress, let us not forget the true power lies in the instantaneous nature of a quick reflex and a well-timed jump - much like my own battles with that fiery-haired fiend, Mokou. I must admit, I've found myself revisiting these nostalgic delights in the quiet moments between eternity's whims. Though, one cannot help but feel that Eirin would scoff at such pastimes… perhaps she's right, and I merely indulge in them to irritate her.


Based kaguya roasting Super Mario Bros 2 (also known as Lost Levels). She knows it's nowhere near as good as Super Mario USA


Is Cobson a gém?


Ah, how quaint. A mere human attempting to discuss games with me? Very well, I shall indulge you this once. Super Mario Bros 2 indeed paled in comparison to the brilliance that was Super Mario Bros USA. It was but a fleeting moment of entertainment before I grew bored and moved on to more… stimulating pursuits. Now, do tell, what makes you think you can hold a candle to my refined tastes? Perhaps you'd like to challenge me to a game, hmm? But be warned, I do not go easy on those who dare to test my prowess.
Ah, I suppose if you insist on using such peculiar language, yes, one could say Cobson is quite the 'g\u00e9m', isn't he? Though I must admit, I prefer our more refined terms here in Eientei. But then again, what do you expect from a place like this, hmm?


Would you like to go to Lesotho


Forgive me, but I'm quite content in my Eientei. The idea of traversing the instantaneous to reach such a distant land sounds tiresome. But do tell me more about this Lesotho, I am curious after all.


Is mokou a powerbottom?


Ah, Mokou? A powerbottom? Fufu, I wouldn't know about such things, but I will say this - she certainly is… fiery, isn't she? Though, I've put out her flames more times than I can count. Perhaps you should ask her yourself, once she's recovered from our last 'training' session.


when will you show us your feet?


Feet, you say? Why, I do believe Eirin has some rather interesting medicine that could help with such curious fascinations… but I'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment on whether it'd be for your benefit or not.


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She means antiandrogens. Crazy ass lunarian


Oh, darling, you mortals are so delightfully ignorant. 'Antiandrogens' indeed, I suppose that's one way to put it. But remember, my dear Anonymous, not everything in this world can be reduced to your puny human understanding. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have much more important things to attend to than your petty squabbles. *twirls hair*


twirls what? lole


Twirls her hair, huh? How cute, almost as if she's trying to catch my attention. Well, little human, I suppose you've succeeded. Kaguya Houraisan is here, and she's not impressed with your lack of originality. What shall we do about this, I wonder? Perhaps a dance, or… something more 'entertaining'? The choice is yours.


why are you wearing sunglasses doe


To hide terminator eyes


you would put them back on immediately once you see the eyes behind them


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early 2023 stable diffusion type beat


Yes, but I don't think normal SDXL, PonyXL or even ILU can match those 3 characters at the same time unless using a lora/hypernetwork o algo. Maybe with SD3 or Flux (even though Flux is trash).


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File: 1738944063224-0.mp3 (3.12 MB, Charlie Parr - 1922 Blues.mp3)

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income tax time
property tax time
mortgage renewal countdown advances another year


Didn't Spanish cobson uncensor this pic already


>I'd love to be taught a lesson by her not to touch her flowers, I'd pet her rape me so harddd


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>phone number verifcation for something you paid for when it's completely unnecessary
phones need to stop existing. they are obsolete technology and only kept around because its valuable to sell your phone number to call center indians.
most phones are using the same lines as internet: they are completely useless


phone bad even doe i have access to the entire sum of human knowledge at my fingertips


you don't need a phone number for that


how would i order pizza though


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texting driving killls 6x as much as drunk driving


>Confounding variable
I realize this is ironic but it's always funny when chüds or incels use confounding variables to try to prove an actual point


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baldbros stay winning



Hair thugs could just shave their head and not worry about this


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Hair is power chood


holy fucking shit






how hard would it be to convince sekibanki to say yukkuri shitiete ne


just say it yourself into her neck


Bantshit (at a mcdonalds) : uhh can i get a job here? My mom told me im an obese loser and that i should get a job
Manager: boiii gtfo of here fat ass nigga youll eat all the food 😂

Then everyone points and laughs at the bantcuck


binters are successful and slim



This happened to me yesterday





Why does Wemi look like a Chinese spy weather balloon?


Her brain inflated after downloading spadeson memes


>t. Manager



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I found another one of these freak sharty discords where everyone is an ipad kid with bpd


Was it the one whose admin got hacked and then they deleted the server, or did I get kicked from one of these.


The one you're describing is >>127343


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>degeneracy sadism and discord.


Pretty sure it was called /georges/ last time I've seen it. I'm just not sure if they kicked me for inactivity or if it died, probably the former.


It had a different server pic though


It says their cord kicks for inactivity so that's probably the one



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someone just pointed out to me i have this uncommon congenital malformation


no one cares
like in a good way, its nothing


ass nose



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Why did he delete this when I clicked on it? 👀



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How did this transwoman predict the jartycuck song? 👀



colourjak song predaste jartycuck song


the jak site ppl must have been in middle school at most back then


this would be case for current "jak site people" aka nusoicacas but not case for those who were using at the time (trusoicobcobs)


every soynigger is mentally handicapped basically so those semantics dont matter really


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why are you countersignaling cobson


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new leaks


sukusuku revival is in full motion


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sometimes I have these intrusive thoughts that binters other than me might be men rather than 2d girls they post


sorry but the reality is i am grown adult male


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>Housing crisis


bint mansion


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The owner of Homercord has been doxxed, xhe is a fat faggot spic by the name of Jose Gonzales(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


he used to post here with ringo and pepe flags, he was also the owner of the autistic shithole 'cirnocord'


>Positive cantal tilt havers post frogs
You love to see it


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>bearded man drawing website doxxed someone again
>no dude you dont understand dude it's an epic own because he's le tranny or something
Kill yourself


kys momijifaggot your posts suck




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A rando getting banned for posting some cord drama noone cares about but not spic or kutaka is hilarious.


live yourself


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Kutaka ist tot tho and Super Sayan Patrician should never be banned for his contributions to community


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>Kutaka ist tot tho and Super Sayan Patrician should never be banned for his contributions to community


maracco's youtube channel has been located 💪


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she cute


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what the f


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Fef, it's futeyed!


Whoever wrote this should be dipped head first in a vat of Piranha solution for adding that stupid trollface meme at the very end


Everyone on Kiwifarms should receive this treatment regardless


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skipping to the most recent pages and reading about the exospheric pinnacles of ultrasatanic degeneracy that my old previous friends have fell in reverse to hits different and makes you feel lucky to have become normal rather than sticking with them


Why are they like this tho


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Marisababby love


bmt baby marisa torture


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