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losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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play black souls


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How the FUCK did people find this playground
I dropped the apache firewall before falling asleep and 'cord found it overnight


it is getting spammed on bant and pol


That's keyed
I was going to open it in november and it'll have a complicated firewall


my ip is changing ever 5 four lol or whenever the 4G signal drops to 3G


There'll be nothing here until like November so getting locked out isn't so bad
I was finishing flags before I do the auth page


aah allright


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Does it run on troonix doe? I ain't buying a Microsoft cuck pass.


play fear and hungary


maybe later


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find the download yourself


yes it does
I also played it on freebsd


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ATTENTION!!! DELETE JAPANESE CHARACTERS FROM THE EXTRACTED FOLDER'S NAME (if it has any), or else you might get "File corupted ! Please run a virus-check, then reinstall the appliaction." error message.

Install RPG Maker VX Ace Run Time Package: https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/run-time-package

Red Hood's Woods (EN): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ259845.zip
BLACKSOULS (EN): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ251629.zip
BLACKSOULS II (EN): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ293183.part1.exe https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ293183.part2.rar

Red Hood's Woods (JP): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ185696.zip
BLACKSOULS (JP): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ203687.zip
BLACKSOULS II (JP): https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ237469.part1.exe https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/RJ237469.part2.rar

BLACKSOULS walkthrough: https://pastebin.com/kFNJ8bE3
BLACKSOULS II walkthrough: https://pastebin.com/9fvXjeeW

NOTE: BLACKSOULS II version found on my server is the one before almost all game music was changed due the licensing issues.


yo nigga, when is red dead hood dropping


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in case anons here need convincing


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chop chop the norms are coming for you


keyed, total elitist death


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Someone on /v/ drew this therefore western artists can achieve GMI


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how many gacha assets did he throw in for that one


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dodo is cute


not quite enough to convince me


dead red hood in 2 weeks


now i'm more convinced about black souls


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new yukari whale




I am back




is this another disposable hjrpg? what makes it stand out other than the hairy line girl


Bro your still obsessing over this game?





Played it for an hour, I don't really see the appeal. Killed the drake at the start and made it to rich bird goose. Copying Dark Souls is nothing new. It also kinda fails as an hgame. Takes too long to see a few scenes and they are too short. Only 2-3 cgs per scene. The girls are cute at least.



other poster is wrong, the appeal is that the game doesn't force it's story in your face and lets you wander around finding loot and killing shit. if you're just starting out i'd recommend beelining north as far as you can go and then afterwards heading out east. that'll give you weapons, rings, and what you're looking for, women. make sure to check in on people between boss fights, some of them do stuff after you beat certain bosses.





how come movie and music reviews giving 6/10 means the product is good but for games 6/10 is mid


story (it was all a dream, endless cycle because buddhism and evangelion)


but that's slop souls and slopborne too if you think about it…


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It uses strong lore explanations for the eternal loop to make obscurewackysnob folk more interested in it though
I think those folx abandoned it after 2022 for project moon games and consider it faux now fr




take your aspirin bithomo


dead links


blackedsouls is trannycore (altho DLC3 is nice it is still game for troons)


it's georgecore af


nvm just remembered that one crossdress video


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basing your media preferences off whether something is liked by troons or not is the ultimate trannycore media consumption strategy


How the fuck do I play it? Jewtube keeps recommending me videos of this game and for some fucking reason I can't find any place do download it.


petabyte of whalesam btw


bluepilled: black souls
truthpilled: bleach souls


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ascended pill


must… play… black souls…


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I played it. The gameplay is shit. I just select dodge and attack from a menu.
I disabled sex scenes btw.


No arrow


for some reason some parts of blacked souls have more DeS/DaS1 vibes than DaS 2 and 3 do



Where alice?


i've played it all
alice is a bbc slutta


Wtf is this game n^13 OP?




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when is red dead hood coming out


it's been months and i still haven't played black souls at all…


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the vidya core game loop sucks hard howeverbeit the art is kino
'rald troonix guide itt, I hope it will work alright on my gentoo doe


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no, browsing /vt/ in order to shit it up has made my english regress, also it's a non R1a language so whatever


In the hospital


I should put back the downloadlinks


Stop being schizo bithomo


yeah, you should




where is alice..?


repost da link once you upload em



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>downloaded it many months ago
<I still haven't played it
fuck me


It's not fotm on 4chan anymore but it's very good


tudéj áj vill poszt dö linksz


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links are back


Bithomo take your meds and you will never get trannysalvania back


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ay, can i get a link


This game is too boring! Turn based combat will never be fun or engaging.


No I have not. I'll give a try, though.


Korean PSL pill is spreading


SAME uuoorgghhhhhh


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H-holy fuck…!


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hugehomo can't explain this


Nice save


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She's pregnant


sorry I don't like rpg maker games


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new egregious e-whore dropped


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<my rape romance rpg is mainstream now


Actually it went mainstream in 2022 which is why people on twitter complaining about it becoming mainstream are entertaining for they lack self awareness


on the other hand, it becoming mainstream means eenie meenie will have more money, cuz normalfags actually pay for it unlike us truetakus and bs3 will come out quicker.




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links alive


he did not even make any posts about the red hood game


he is never making another game btw


It's over


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slide thread


its never coming out


I believe


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>One of the bestest girls was a free asset, not oc

>Dodo is the same


based asset flipping chad
do you ahve source on dodo?


asset reuse is simply fromsoft homage




I reocevered the walkthroughs

BLACKSOULS walkthrough: https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/bs1.txt
BLACKSOULS II walkthrough: https://bantcraft.serveminecraft.net/bs2.txt


flag test


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the nostalgia rn


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Medicate self bithomo



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I remember…..


Octopuses do not have any bones with the exception of their beaks. so if you are responsible and depraved enough to be literally the life support of your 8 limbed friend, you can debeak it like how you'd declaw a cat and then push your member into it's feed chute.
You can then let it subsist on your baby batter.
The Octopus is smart. Very smart. It will learn that without it's beak, it cannot feed on anything else but your human seed that has to be milked from you.
Every morning, you will feel your clothes slide off and a damp weight on your lower half.
The sensation creeps up your body until most of the jiggly mass has enveloped the entire length. It will start pumping as fast as it can for it is hungry.
The animal gyrates its empty stomach and the folds of its brain rubbing on your glans, begging for nutrition.
You climax and give the marine creature's breakfast. The pumping slows down but doesn't stop to milk out the last few drops of its meal.
Looking into its yellow animal eyes, it looks back with a thousand-yard stare. This will be routine for all of its meals for the rest of it's 3-5 years on this god forsaken planet.
I felt sad for her being in my prison


Why did God stop smiting people


becasue jesus deid to for our sins


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This nigga toro has been slacking off, werent we supposed to get something tis February


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where's the r36s port of this game?


what is an r36s?


whatever it is you dont want it from him


i figured it out


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