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File: 1697918352222.mp4 (1.48 MB, 640x360, Sega! Remix.mp4)

 No.336[Last 100 Posts]

/hood/ - shit i really care about


File: 1697918978736.jpg (1.48 MB, 2728x4096, F7aW5IjWgAAp6j-.jpg)

new chapters are up



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kad had to nerf goatnic hard so the monkey can keep up 😞
but its all good i guess


File: 1697972377028.jpg (1.23 MB, 2728x4096, F9APOnkXwAAPK0s.jpg)

Realistically speaking, base Sonic would've shitstomped him in a femtosecond but I'm not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad im not mad


File: 1697972421865.jpg (1.6 MB, 2728x4096, F9APOnnXkAA-2Uw.jpg)

dude archie reference lmao


File: 1697972473191.jpg (1.22 MB, 2728x4096, F9APOp7XwAEq4fj.jpg)



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they both wouldnt survive a day in King's Landing




fodder verse, omochao victims


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Me on the top right


Balerion could swallow the blue rat in one bite, and TARDku would be the first to be poisoned and cut up even by a low intrigue stark loyalist like Wyman Manderly


File: 1698017518968.gif (3.65 MB, 640x330, sonic-missiles.gif)

get that town-tier verse above movie goatnic first 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


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who fucks this


who sucks this


bring the iraqi here


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image limit is set to two now


File: 1698192808183.mp4 (7.31 MB, 640x268, like I care I can outmatch….mp4)

Who's the gigachad that said that?


File: 1698193329518-0.mp4 (3.07 MB, 478x854, Rip Satoru Gojo 💔.mp4)

File: 1698193329518-1.jpg (666.89 KB, 1366x2048, F6enltqXAAA6p9u.jpg)

😭😭 Weeks later and I still can't get over it, RIP GOATJO 💔🕊️🕊️


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>my mom just died you powerscaling brown spic what do you mean "Goku could've tanked that"


File: 1698276022442.png (171.28 KB, 800x567, 72f7b5ae5b452bd45de8ef5220….png)

>Who's the gigachad that said that?
Well I'm not quoting anyone in particular so I guess I just quoted myself or something.


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The most goated form that we'll never see again


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Wow this is an important fucking thread
Did you draw this one or was I misinterpreting?


File: 1698804990342.jpg (171.29 KB, 2202x1673, yajuu gojo.jpg)


Yeah I did, not finna shade it cause 2 lazy


shar/int/ hood got deleted
unless their servers are just migrating or I'm 'tarded


no you are just 'tarded
regardless, who cares about the obsolete imageboards?


File: 1698940370712.mp4 (8.22 MB, 720x1280, Sonic vs Bernkastel.mp4)

Wow the new administration is extra mean :/


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Do you feel it? This is happenin'.
No nigga, Wakasagihime circlejerk? GONE.


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New one from some soi spinoff


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>Only a couple of ugly foids and some fat retard
Kek, nothing compared to the funeral held for CHADkiishi LORDru. Chinks literally using up their sick days at work just to attend his service.


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i wonder, who will win in a 1v1

Goku or Ichigo?


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Ichigoat gets slammed, so does Yhwach if Goku doesn't play around.


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This 07th shit get serious


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For y'all who don't know, this is what we're all about. We are keeping up with this and would scrape bus seats for a shaving of Super All Star Bros content. We've also all watched the complementary power level explanation video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gntPDcqQoOU). There's no lick of irony in any of this.


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babe, wake the fuck up
new pages are up


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Debunk this


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>shit i care about


Using my Almighty to predict gokek is making a jobber face in panel 2


Le "my powerlevel is higher than yours therefore it negates it" (canon btw)
Also Babidi's control >>>>>>> Genjutsu and the town-level illusions, and they're way past that in Super.


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Shirley temple? RAPES your favorite verse.


I'm 60% of the way through big tree
I'm thinking Naruto > Bleach > OP gentlemen


thats like the inverse of my rating but i havent touched naruto much


I haven't started reading OP yet but it's my prediction
Bleach was flawed but is carried by amazing art, while Naruto is far better in many regards i.e. characterization and action
I don't know if naruto drops the ball soon however


The nob says Naruto falls off after the Sasuke retrieval arc and I have to agree. There is a small peak during the pain arc but it ends horribly and I think everyone except for the retna obsessed spics quit the show after that


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She's so right for this one.


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"We'll be together, forever"

bro thinks he's peakneko 😭😭


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‮ ‮ >>1485
It's up




File: 1699490732584.jpg (69.27 KB, 736x414, SS3GODLY.jpg)

Say that again to GODly you petulant pup




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Now I wonder if the PABLOes manga is worth a read
I only know the anime is low budget


It has better art than the super mango


Whenever a touhou fan talks about lost word they say "Lost World" every single time… this means Sonic is winning.



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FoTM folx are out here copying the goat witch word for word
Her name is even Fern, they're making too obvious it smh


2chan says this is patchouli
did not save related content because FoTMs expire however


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i want 2 see strongestnic's domain expansion


The TikTok hoes are already on this banger wtf


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Good, I don't want to see SHIT battle lowball my hero again.
And sakuyashadow is the better match up anyway.



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Hate when this guy gets recommended to me, his takes on Sonic are so ass, he got literally everything about 06 wrong.
And Sonic is getting his ass handed to him by Shadow in Prime as we speak.


They need to do chucky cheese vs billy b me thinks


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2hujerk guy made vegeta… this is bigly


legs not muscular enough


If the sonic fandom is so great they need to remake rush


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plankton won that beef btw
play the 3D remake


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Sc6ut is the goat


I meant to link this video
ignore my failerald


ok but spongeopps still runs cricles around him lyricallu
>F.U.N Fun stands for fuck you and pay me
>FUN funnu how you never gonna play me


ai slop doe


File: 1699917181122.mp4 (9.29 MB, 1280x720, KRUSTY KREW ANTHEM (BACK O….mp4)

God and blue are so dogshit its unreal, in both design and role in the story.
SSB berserker from pedroes was okay though
his verse on the bottom was heat
this isn't ai


File: 1699917294598.mp4 (34.23 MB, 1280x720, Mr. Krabs - Do You Wanna D….mp4)


I was going to post the AI black souls utsuho and say that it destroys 95% of human art but I literally can't find it and this is a huge catastrophe for /bant/ culture


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New pages are U P


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‮ ‮ >>2836
Holy FUCK he's powerful


Bro is facing down the high-dimensional feat 👀


If the next Sonicheyed game doesn't have the 2 goats teaming up its ass


File: 1700061504612.mp4 (21.76 MB, 1280x720, Matt Maltese - As The Worl….mp4)

I spent years reading SnK monthly so I still have a soft spot for it even after the shitty ending, and /snk/ was fun back in the day, RIP.




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It had a great atmosphere back in 2013


Yeah I was 11 in 2014 which was the peak of the emome movement so I get it. I was also into Steven Universe and dabbled in tumblr too. If I hadn't become an anti sjw polcel I would probably be a pink haired weeb with a they/them gf by now


File: 1700230874276.mp4 (946.46 KB, 304x454, ttf27x5iUnGqHhx6.mp4)

This one is true except it's no concept of diff, composite Umineko jobs to a single atom from Sonic.


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why qa vs bant isn't close


i need 2 make a hakurei shrine level in srb2, would be cool


bantculture srb2 server when


I thought the only MP one was the kart racing
This is interesting


Srb2kart is a different game
There are 7 different competitive MP modes in normal srb2


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When I'm in a peak design competition and my opponent is OVA Knuckles


File: 1700444819480.mp4 (51.21 KB, 282x320, F_S7iOOawAAboh3.mp4)

the hood really needs an 07th bread


Lambda feet thread can handle this


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He's gonna get stomped a third time.


File: 1700576110301.mp4 (11.74 MB, 1080x1920, Gohan Sonic boosie fade.mp4)

Wait nevermind they're using pedroes Goku for this one, now I want him to win, DC is extremely fodder.


It's wubalubaupup


It wasn't even close, not as big of a stomp as Dragonborn vs chosen fodder


File: 1700601942199.png (343.01 KB, 563x429, 036a92978a03f776b61ae39496….png)

also the possibility of you being the pink haired weeb who is a they/them gf to a anti sjw polcel


File: 1700608412417-0.mp4 (1.17 MB, 858x396, 997.mp4)

File: 1700608412417-1.png (652.88 KB, 533x745, KNEELhan.png)

Yup, YUP! My franchise will never welcome /pol/turds.


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how much time a day do you spend searching for weird touhou pics




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kill this man


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delete this blasphemy


>aryan baby


File: 1700758131455.png (640.82 KB, 720x625, bab.png)

not when the anti racist baby got anything to say




File: 1700761267280.jpg (98.99 KB, 960x976, 30aa88196b0a58331ba479d36a….jpg)

Dat BBC and afrikan blood finna show them crakkas just who gon win this shit omm nigga. BLACK EXCELLENCE ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️


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look, look, they even got your weab characters in, isn't that cool? PLAY THE FUCKING GAME


holy fuck is that gawr gura


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File: 1701006560315.png (63.51 KB, 800x472, 3428 - badass sunglasses t….png)

>vegito aspirin is real
This website is affecting the noosphere


File: 1701011465875.png (901.16 KB, 1024x1024, file.png)

Spongebob will never not be fodder


Death battle debunked this nonsense


Oh man, Otis and Shadow in smash would've been SO peak…


Baseline universal I'm afraid


'Rin's not a candy


File: 1701043154610.mp4 (14.92 MB, 480x360, rf.mp4)

14 years later and I still don't know why they were fighting


>DB ceding that instant transmission isn't infinite speed


Teleportation is not a speed feat.


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File: 1701195947775.mp4 (33.85 MB, 1280x720, Jujutsu Kaisen Boys.mp4)

Men, that's it, that's the tweet.


holy shit


File: 1701209201484.png (41.36 KB, 800x560, 10006 - alternate_headwear….png)


File: 1701212382768.png (277.79 KB, 494x491, erika bored.png)

Shit takes all around, the manuals do state that Sonic was enough for him (he even admitted that a year later in his "Sonic vs Shadow" video), Shadow's basic chaos spears and Sonic's attack dealt more damage to Solaris than the latter's own attacks(amped up btw) reflected back to it, Sonic and Shadow even mock it and don't take the fight seriously, not that any of that matters anyway, since
Post-SR villains >>> Alf Layla Wa Layla (Infinitely) > Base SR Sonic >>>> Erazor Djinn => 06 Hyper Sonic (infinitely) > 06 Super Sonic >>>>> Phase 2 Solaris.
His take on the Secret Rings is also shit and lacking but I won't get into that.
And Solaris isn't 5D, 6D, or 12D, or 35923D, he's beyond the concept of dimensionality all together (Chõ jigen = beyond the order of dimensions, and there are infinite spatiotemporal dimensions in Sonic)
Also, lollmao @ the Sonic CD part when the time posts are just a game mechanic and the developers themselves specifically refer to Sonic's "ability/talent" to time travel via speed when designing the game.


File: 1701235403701.jpg (75.03 KB, 803x390, HeWon.JPG)

YUP HE WON …bejita bros oddly quiet since this dropped


go fast



File: 1701305062718.png (237.18 KB, 470x375, 1644465886676.png)



File: 1701305342872.png (100.53 KB, 703x239, FGHGHGHGHGH.png)

Vegoatto bros are we getting too cocky


Goatjito CANNOT lose.


Movement a bit slow at times but cool


Barradock predicted Vegoatto would go evil. Maybe he becomes evil because he doesnt have an equal rival. This is just like when Aryan chυd said the nword and posted twp edits before he met you


I stopped being a pissbaby and started malding at rw on my own terms, and besides, if a georgedy turns on the rw now he's still ahead of the curve


File: 1701355602974.mp4 (24.4 MB, 1280x720, eth.mp4)

the cap is insanae with this one, gandy has been past his prime for ages, and barrett always had an uncanny look 😭😭😭


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Chad worshippers destroyed the #blackpill


Chaotix W out of the ether


File: 1701399118383.jpg (110.75 KB, 640x520, IMG_0788.jpg)

I found gyate potara


all of my knowledge is second hand from fitness forums but studying male models makes sense because it's like shounen, as you can see my nuts aren't on the table and I'm not at risk of being called a homosexual


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libtard status = annihalated


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I love her so much


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File: 1701462967566-1.mp4 (8.72 MB, 426x240, SRB2 OST - Egg Rock Zone 2.mp4)

>Is that Soniceyed music? Turn that shit WAY up, my guy.


File: 1701463066378.png (41.52 KB, 800x900, 10245 - alternate_outfit d….png)


File: 1701463820072.png (144.74 KB, 1920x1080, file.png)

This is happening


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File: 1701465841878.png (164.72 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2023-12-01_16-2….png)

I hope this is visual storytelling


File: 1701466121679.png (485 B, 48x48, 20090714204916!POSSA1.png)

they used to look hideous


I was thinking it was a planet and it would tie into something grand later… I'm fucking retarded


Don't forget the emeralds


I got the first level's emerald but I'm worried i'll miss the subsequent ones like when I was a kid


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File: 1701635531354.jpg (554.53 KB, 1951x1952, F8nfhoWbYAAZFhq.jpg)

He's right about that one, Gojo's personality is just a walmart version of Dante who himself is a walmart version of T H E B L U E G O A T


File: 1701707654946.jpg (279.72 KB, 1150x2048, GAg6LiuaMAA5seN.jpg.jpg)

Rouge, that's it, that's the tweet.



Gokek vs superman in 5


normalcel: age of first kiss
hood folk: age of first rouge fap


Truly the battle of mid, SHITperman is a Gilgamesh victim


Latinx folk love to wank Goku shaking a battlefield in the TOP even though that scales nowhere


File: 1701713715680.png (58.54 KB, 699x573, shion glasses off.png)

3-0 definitely about to become real




>Fighting Infinite Zamasu (they didn't even fight him, he oneshotted them) is immeasurable speed
DB are so low IQ it's unreal


File: 1701717639907.jpg (65.62 KB, 400x622, 1660527019872581.jpg)

A 3rd one?


File: 1701717851411.jpg (3.17 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20231204_112324.jpg)

Look at what came in the mail today


Peak everything, I need to replay it


Lost 100 rings at the end of deep sea act 2
Are there any banger OSTs in this, when I was a kid everyone had Rush but the sequel wasn't popular



File: 1701731805504.png (243.65 KB, 624x975, 0232573.png)


Also this underrated remix


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She rapes human men


File: 1701793334467.jpg (72.8 KB, 640x480, win.jpg)

That one cat from that one Sonic Arcade fighting game.


File: 1701793616698.jpeg (3.16 MB, 2302x3720, honey.jpeg)

I really like her design.


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File: 1701805770181.png (627.99 KB, 559x653, file.png)

Holy FUCK. This is just like srb2


File: 1701812798978.jpg (248.77 KB, 1000x1375, ezgif-5-76b4ae93a3.jpg)

Just got done with the first stage 2 acts and holy fuck that was the most fun I've had playing a sonic game since I was a kid. The fucking music is insanaely good too. For a short while I remembered why I liked sonic so much as a kid.


File: 1701814316518.jpg (183.67 KB, 1155x887, BETRAYEDandTRAPPED.JPG)


i watched one of these in th ebackground and now they are plaguing my recs


read the manga now that you have free time fucko


This happened to me but with nostalgia critic, I watched one of his vids and my youtube was full of his stuff.


uhh i think ill read the touhou mango first


File: 1701820111405.jpg (154.94 KB, 735x668, bakurope.jpg)

>remember a sonic fan project from 2009 that I thought was really cool
>decide to check it out for nostalgia
>he's still "working" on it
Many such cases


Is this the new totally spies/spiderman and elsa


File: 1701893613077.jpg (213.26 KB, 1720x1800, GAeUZEPWsAAH98d.jpg.jpg)


File: 1701893685769.jpg (33.42 KB, 346x317, SOUL_OF_F.JPG)






did the mods edit the get contents or am I being gullible



File: 1701895110039.jpg (508.57 KB, 1245x1605, __dikke_and_dikke_reverse_….jpg)


Yeah jan jan edited it
There is an archive doe


File: 1701898587968.mp4 (10.04 MB, 1280x540, Tuner Scene Remastered HDR….mp4)

THIS is hood


only watched cars once 15 years ago and i thought lightning mcqueen had zero personality, i need to rewatch it


File: 1701901707435.jpeg (94.52 KB, 1104x828, joe yabuki 6.jpeg)

Lightning is literally Joe Yabuki in that movie.


File: 1701903413490.jpg (71.57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Ive been thinking. If Mark from invincible has a kid with the black queen to purify his hapacel genes he would have a kid who is viltramite + a bbc king. Wouldn't this baby be the most powerful character in fiction?


eve fears that


File: 1701917525016.jpg (110.71 KB, 543x855, amber comics~2.jpg)

Amber in the show is such an improvement over the disgusting frail effeminate version of her in the comics. Thank God amazon recognizes black excellence.


File: 1701920604302.png (170.55 KB, 840x396, 45455555555555555.png)

Ok wow


File: 1701975296856.png (629.33 KB, 512x514, 70260.79999999638_image.png)

Take that, taste the pain


File: 1701983654466.png (19.1 KB, 287x322, FqyEtFKagAEr1Yd.png)

Vroom vroom


File: 1701983929905.jpg (72.84 KB, 915x647, BITCHku.jpg)


good post



DC is irrelevant layers into fodderversal


Babe, wake up.
New 'jutsu:


File: 1701988527995.jpg (38.91 KB, 300x387, PREGOJITA.jpg)


File: 1702002428018.jpg (22.78 KB, 576x324, 1702000191827662.jpg)

SEGAbros, we are so back, they should also bring NIGHTS.


BMAF BBCkino on the adverts? SEGA the goats fr


>no demetori


File: 1702034712393.png (893.57 KB, 1260x720, TARDku about to fucking di….png)

Xeno goku has lost his fucking mind.


File: 1702035363405-0.jpg (23.73 KB, 288x175, RCO022_1468424396 (1)~2.jpg)

File: 1702035363405-1.jpg (614.14 KB, 1988x956, RCO018_1468424396~2.jpg)

>xeno WEAKku actually thinks he has a chance against this


Blackpilltv isnt gonna like this one


Umm cas struggled with a few billion suns and Xenoku is gazzilion of times universal so he solos - 🤓


>Your IP address is listed in dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net.


trusting this plan


/fit/ used to have 1 post per 4.5 seconds 2 years ago, now it has 1 post per 12, I guess the self improvement meme died off.


File: 1702062497191.jpg (25.34 KB, 391x391, Vo6pwtBV_400x400.jpg)

Don't be a free agent in life. Let the blackpill guide you


File: 1702062549622.png (28.09 KB, 788x900, file.png)

They're diving in pussy right now.


The only thing so called gymaxxers dive into is the noose


only ottermoders are gmi


truchanners go to gym to beat up prettyboy chads going home from clubs, not to "dive in pussy"


Bigbrainpill(huge): Only chinups are good for you


I go to gym so I can beat people whom I disagree with up


Even doe when a subhuman attacks a pretty boy chad he gets 3x the prison sentence


I see you're new to this… the prettyboy doesn't press charges because he is that far above 'celly


Even if he doesn't the beckies in his harem will


blackpilled again


File: 1702068268258.jpg (492.03 KB, 1988x1021, RCO018_1468424396~3.jpg)

Oh you mean the metaphorical statement that mandrakk used similar to the one in the panel I posted where he talks of poison in his eyes? If mandrakk where only billions of suns level then he would not be stated to be capable of ending the entirety of DC's story and continuity multiple times. Also CAS' feat of winning despite the fucking story ITSELF trying it's hardest to make him lose id far above anything xeno goku has thoever.


File: 1702068648354-0.jpg (793.1 KB, 1372x1485, RCO020_1468424396~2.jpg)

File: 1702068648354-1.jpg (623.28 KB, 1280x2007, 6578d798533ee6201042cf126c….jpg)

Also CAS TANKED that attack and immediately BTFO'd mandrakk kek. It's implied that the only reason CAS faltered was because he was thinking of lois since she was literally a heartbeat away from dying.


'casm, I don't really scale Xeno/CCku to CAS or the bleed.


My bad homie, I've seen too many people use that billions suns statement to tell if someone's being genuine or not


File: 1702077193693.jpg (23.68 KB, 495x391, Smol chubby rika.jpg)



File: 1702077193797.jpg (23.79 KB, 400x400, rika rabbit.jpg)





File: 1702077259894.png (34.88 KB, 234x242, 1698830938501427.png)


File: 1702077362601.png (58.25 KB, 455x349, file.png)



lol soiboiz btfo








holy meeperino


File: 1702080360149.png (1.34 MB, 1600x1213, 4595 - badass dino embodim….png)

new high testosterone term just dropped


File: 1702088547836.mp4 (12.46 MB, 1280x720, x_qEpcxAd9a0evKw.mp4)

New jjk was *chef's kiss*


File: 1702088861803-0.jpg (198.6 KB, 2048x1924, GA02yvTWwAANbAm.jpg (1).jpg)

File: 1702088861803-1.jpg (214.17 KB, 2048x1924, GA02yvTXMAA_nsd.jpg (1).jpg)



Meanwhile soytards literally had their admin delete and manipulate posts just because they got BTFO'D of their own GET


File: 1702126241923-0.mp4 (2.32 MB, 480x360, 9zx12.mp4)

File: 1702126241923-1.jpg (482.61 KB, 1602x2048, 3711bfe3e835af8f7517bad66b….jpg)

Elise is cute and underrated


File: 1702154129335.jpg (958.33 KB, 3840x2160, 1702153932910502.jpg)

Ooof, that's hot, that's hot


File: 1702156126802.jpg (87.44 KB, 1290x1385, VegitoBRUHS.jpg)


SOULSTORM on the bottom left


File: 1702158661283-0.jpg (161.89 KB, 1436x1079, GAs8L0maoAAEZbx.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702158661283-1.jpg (140.17 KB, 1408x1056, GAs8Mt6bsAAe-CF.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702158661283-2.jpg (152.88 KB, 1318x987, GAs8MdHa4AAqBmX.jpg.jpg)



File: 1702158697125.jpg (189.21 KB, 1285x970, GAs8MI7agAAowDU.jpg.jpg)



File: 1702168931698-0.jpg (589.67 KB, 1536x2048, GA6PyAoa0AAjdXj.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702168931698-1.jpg (643.23 KB, 1536x2048, GA6PyAjbgAAvbvz.jpg.jpg)

New mid


send her to rwwtc


File: 1702176293876.png (1.63 MB, 1200x1200, file.png)


File: 1702216593187-0.png (27.28 KB, 375x303, file.png)

File: 1702216593187-1.jpg (90.65 KB, 1000x1300, ceb8de674cdf90803938bf9c49….jpg)



File: 1702217320407.jpg (330.46 KB, 2300x3300, Fzg4pFnWAAAg7i3.jpg.jpg)

Holy mother of culture


I was taking a walk with my gf remilia today in her neighborhood. I'm 10 kg underweight, thin as fuck but my face is nice. While we were walking a lot of self improvers were going home from the gym, they had these bags and sportwear, trademarks you know. Some even had hair transplants. Others were like 60 years old, still self improving. I'm like "Bruh" and she's like "KEK these guys are desperate for pussy".

Do you ever laugh at these people? I can't help but think that an American meme became widespread in another continent. I bet all of them are listening to red pill gurus right now practicing their PUA techniques or some shit. Bruh


that's an 8 out of 10, come on..


File: 1702244635996.jpg (266.28 KB, 1440x1436, 131481376_390574322023368_….jpg)

Jawline too squared, this is an 8.


Still, there is zero shame in getting a 'plant if a nigga is needing it.


jomon on the right


File: 1702257069627.png (402.87 KB, 1035x410, tumblr_74565ac7312d4107780….png)

baldness is so devastating that getting fin and transplants isn't insecure… finally a moid W


It is unironically better for your smv to be morbidly obese than bald


File: 1702282641904-0.jpg (90.47 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (16).jpg)

File: 1702282641904-1.jpg (52.07 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (17).jpg)

>Sonic for hire
Holy shit I remember watching the whole thing when I was a kid. The only joke from it that still gets a laugh out of me is when sonic got the shit beaten out of him and he told tails to pick up his rings cause he needed them for laundry.




Dorkley is a genuine disgrace to retro video game flash parady culture. It's like comparing modern family guy to the golden age of season 4-6.


How long would Sonic last against Jiren?


File: 1702430379013.jpg (243.08 KB, 2500x1711, 2fa9140733c09243ea883a2214….jpg)

Composite dragon ball unironically doesn't even scale to cream


File: 1702442847287.jpg (156.95 KB, 900x900, GA9FECTbQAE6XKO.jpg.jpg)

Jamal sees this everyday btw


File: 1702486251829.png (233.41 KB, 432x473, 1701381062664917.png)

She bad!



File: 1702517553481.jpg (107.09 KB, 806x1024, GA5Nd8CXYAA3CoE.jpg)



File: 1702518935439.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.99 MB, 800x360, lv_0_20230908153059.mp4)


File: 1702560367040.mp4 (37.44 MB, 480x360, Kizami - Run, Rabbit, Run!.mp4)

‮ ‮ >>10869
I 💜 Ronove's va.


truth:that feeling when too incompetent to nuke the prefix


what game is this


We're probably fucking back.


this strains my eyes to read


probably 37.44 MB, 480x360, Kizami - Run, Rabbit, Run!.mp4


I made it darker
you are a guinea pig


File: 1702584133748.jpg (931.18 KB, 960x544, Erika Furudo.jpg)

Corpse Party, it even has a walmart Erika in it, with the same personality! Can you believe that!



File: 1702584670328.png (730.6 KB, 850x705, i2FMkKg.png)

its like when those fucking cars with led lights turn on the high beams even though theyre in the middle of the fucking city with lights EVERYWHERE


Don't download that, I've played the original 2010 version but it's shit and I assume this one is shit too and requires mods for full voice acting and passable sprites, there's a 2021 remaster on steam but I've never played that one, you should pirate that instead.


File: 1702594204101.png (233.07 KB, 598x605, file.png)

Who was in the right here?


File: 1702594526430.jpg (4.7 KB, 192x128, thumb.jpg)


black culture on top


Couldn't bait xim into posting in this thread 😭


We'll groom a nazi femboy one day


>top is a Serbian nationalist
almost certainly brown


File: 1702611180771.png (176.71 KB, 206x338, file.png)

ANOTHER BALKAN PATRIOT LIVING IN A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY(but still a shitskin as proven by picrel)


File: 1702612117054.png (85.85 KB, 217x236, Screenshot 2023-12-01 2358….png)

faggot pedophile imageboard


…but enough about Soyjak Party.


File: 1702614025710.png (30.95 KB, 587x289, file.png)

She's spitting so hard right now


nope, she's spitting shit





File: 1702645133504.mp4 (2.49 MB, 1280x720, Sonic Prime Season 3 Drain.mp4)

>Hang on, Sonic!
My heart 😭💔
whoever is writing those sonadow moments needs to get a raise


File: 1702658487909.png (Spoiler Image, 171.12 KB, 881x1314, black nationalist screamcr….png)

>absolutely wild ass


She's a black woman but whatever


File: 1702668167355.gif (343.82 KB, 2048x1350, alunya making chud read bo….gif)

Well all blaq pipo look da same an shiet



I binge watched all of 'sonic for hire' does that count



expert thread derailer


File: 1702672604005.jpg (192.95 KB, 1280x1280, 20231215_153422.jpg)



i cant believe the west would do this


Rare ps3 L, there's a special place in hell for those who draw Bernu without massive tits



File: 1702673762617.jpg (291.73 KB, 650x868, sekibanki is well behaved!.jpg)

dammit i was gonna react with an awooga eyes popping out of head tongue rolling on floor reaction image but i misclicked its so over


File: 1702694832663-0.jpg (513.59 KB, 1183x1528, dengeki09-06-sonic01.jpg)

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File: 1702694887217-0.jpg (354.96 KB, 1176x1524, dengeki09-06-sonic07.jpg)

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File: 1702694940225-0.jpg (351.42 KB, 1173x1523, dengeki09-06-sonic13.jpg)

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File: 1702694940225-2.jpg (384.98 KB, 1191x1526, dengeki09-06-sonic15.jpg)


File: 1702694949903.jpg (394.55 KB, 1175x1523, dengeki09-06-sonic16.jpg)


>mangaka's xitter is inactive
not keyed


File: 1702753411477.jpg (569 KB, 2006x2800, GBaU5bCWcAAzTcU.jpg.jpg)

The 2010s were a drought time for side content in the franchise compared to the 90s and the turn of the millennium. I wish SEGA had produced more stories like these. A decently long manga for example would have been amazing. Even Mario has one that's still ongoing for 3 decades.
Though it's over now and we're #back better than ever in 2024.


File: 1702760262025.png (70.79 KB, 798x481, Sc.png)

Of course the SHIThou brainlet doesn't understand how inaccessible a 4D construct, however small it maybe, to the entire 3D axis.


PROVE that he's talking about shithou and not the japanese mountain


File: 1702761574762.jpg (326.78 KB, 900x1273, GODly.jpg)


File: 1702768246628.jpg (472.16 KB, 1093x1600, SS4 broly.jpg)



She* is actually slandering Mario (based), except she's being low IQ about it.


Mindfuck: the director of the dbz movies said broly survived second coming and the broly in PABLOes is him


It's up


File: 1702830347237.png (384.91 KB, 640x639, file.png)

Saw someone say majin bejita beats fleetway sonic because of "superior speed", and I didn't lash out, I'm learning to control my anger #ZenState


That one idle animation at 12:40


File: 1702835199375.png (2.33 MB, 900x1200, lbss4.png)

Not even his final form


File: 1702857443990-0.jpg (2.51 MB, 1881x2990, GBNC5UoawAAxVT1.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702857443990-1.jpg (223.4 KB, 1191x1684, F-KMkzSakAAl9yD.jpg.jpg)

Ugh, umishit midget is bullying my goat


File: 1702868448616.jpg (299.41 KB, 1080x1440, GBjix5JXsAA6rXO.jpg.jpg)

bankai vs domain expansion


File: 1702941923097-0.jpg (305.35 KB, 1365x2052, GBpsKcWWoAA2s9X.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702941923097-1.jpg (372.09 KB, 1448x2048, GBpi8l_WMAAAyOJ.jpg.jpg)

File: 1702941923097-2.jpg (92.2 KB, 750x1000, GBpzHDvXkAA3Nzc.jpg.jpg)

It's Drakengard 3's 10th anniversary today.
Taro you hack give me a remake already.


oh my kino


File: 1702966527541.gif (7.9 MB, 458x640, remilia-guitar.gif)


i love this hoe <3


File: 1703004465506-0.gif (2 MB, 300x252, Hanging poltard 10 (Compre….gif)

File: 1703004465506-1.png (356.28 KB, 588x571, file.png)

File: 1703004465506-2.png (26.17 KB, 509x302, file.png)


Silver in the cuck cage yet again


File: 1703013859147.jpg (232.72 KB, 1280x1600, GBt9MHdW0AAeEEV.jpg)

No way 'toss is powerscaling now


>gokubro has more pimples
we lost


File: 1703015520935.png (275.18 KB, 461x837, e86ce912c5c8785a8754f2abf5….png)



File: 1703016221146.jpg (127.97 KB, 1024x1024, sakuya_have_s_a_crush_on_v….jpg)

Learned from the best.


File: 1703016261970.png (3.58 MB, 2880x1620, file.png)


I've played Save me, Sakuya-san and it's a shame it was only 10 minutes, hopefully this one is longer


Pretentious reddit game


File: 1703026606276.mp4 (12 MB, 854x480, Kuroi Uta - Emi Evans ~ Ei….mp4)

We need more of that genre


make new threads instead of posting in the same one over and over again its not 4cuck fucking retards


crystal cafe says to check the catalog for existing threads relating to your topic before making a new thread cob


File: 1703031571473.jpg (126.03 KB, 621x1200, GBo-eUxaIAAOqk8.jpg.jpg)

sorry, but im addicted to necrobumping the same threads for 3 years :^o


File: 1703032327280.jpg (178.45 KB, 566x594, main-qimg-b1a638b9406efbda….jpg)

this. Kys turkroach tranny


just checked the 'feyed and it got catty wiped today


shut up.


File: 1703050245399.webm (492.61 KB, 312x240, 1653150540192.webm)


File: 1703050375800.png (399.42 KB, 1080x1350, file.png)

Of course SHITrio isn't as AESTHETIC as LORDnic, I'd kill myself if I were a shitalian plumber.


sonic-transformed-2.swf pussy got me acting unwise


File: 1703097359602.png (26.08 KB, 800x600, 911 - glasses kurokoma_sak….png)


Built 4 bbceyed


File: 1703113404268.gif (2.58 MB, 253x338, ss4CHRISTMAS.gif)


File: 1703120018823.jpg (89.12 KB, 615x425, PROCLAIM_THE_SCORE.JPG)

TARDku bros awfully quiet after this dropped…


File: 1703130118917.png (1.57 MB, 1936x968, file.png)

The 3-0 club.




File: 1703167813818-0.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, CIn7eYVp84pFWWHd.mp4)

File: 1703167813818-1.jpg (167.5 KB, 1097x1067, Todo1.jpg)

Peak, even though it's Vegito slander


File: 1703191355525.png (1.79 MB, 1140x1022, 1694480132519.png)

Dragonball multiverse is the only fanfic that matters


File: 1703209057616.gif (5.57 MB, 1280x720, GB5h2RxW0AEB2bF.gif)


File: 1703213824064.png (3.21 MB, 2225x3150, CHADrenMAS.png)


File: 1703230256229.jpg (353.77 KB, 1440x2640, 20231222_022946.jpg)

god damn




File: 1703251026098.mp4 (2.28 MB, 720x720, bI6chWbYzyFzdMUQ.mp4)


Finally started playing this yesterday


File: 1703255733600.png (157.6 KB, 640x480, file.png)


File: 1703255840231.png (105.53 KB, 601x768, file.png)

im crying 😭😭
doom is so ass man


File: 1703256292191.jpg (413.24 KB, 1536x2048, 32r24234.jpg)

I fucking DISLIKE!! fate but i hope you enjoy it


if u dont stop posting im gonna have to enable 4chanx here to filter you


File: 1703256967964.jpg (968.84 KB, 4160x3120, IMG_20231216_182051.jpg)

listen to Hot Nigga now


File: 1703257028058.jpg (7.18 KB, 192x170, thumb.jpg)


File: 1703288211642.jpg (661.24 KB, 2410x4096, GBZABwOacAA4rXG.jpg.jpg)




File: 1703300116566.png (625.5 KB, 1008x1147, dazsqtc-e24e1b6a-9eaf-4fbe….png)

One's gotta give SEGA a lot of credit, their experimentation in the 2000s was top tier.


File: 1703302226346.jpg (1019.31 KB, 1565x2047, 84833223_p0.jpg)

Chapter 3 cleared
NOOO i mean drakengard but thank you i am enjoying it
shut the front door


File: 1703332980491-0.jpg (405.33 KB, 1024x1024, GB_EfglXYAA3UI7.jpg)

File: 1703332980491-1.mp4 (6.89 MB, 854x480, Speed Highway - At Dawn (R….mp4)

File: 1703332980491-2.jpg (312.83 KB, 2048x1431, 803b060d4538dc8bae030a57e4….jpg)

Happy 25th anniversary to the greatest game of all time.


File: 1703347669770.jpeg (16.89 KB, 294x295, FzUVWUBacAIzX--.jpeg)

'Cord operative


seems like you want this thread to be bvmoed
don't forget to read the manga to better understand the story


File: 1703357292185.png (12.51 KB, 794x602, froog.png)

have you seen my froggeyed


File: 1703361770549.jpg (298.46 KB, 2250x2250, GCDOVOta4AA4IwR.jpg.jpg)

I was thinking about how one could fix Big's tedious gameplay if a remake were to happen.
Gamma has peaked though, check this out


File: 1703435683933-0.png (271.19 KB, 411x462, file.png)

File: 1703435683934-1.png (475.11 KB, 724x762, file.png)

File: 1703435683934-2.mp4 (380.15 KB, 640x350, He copied my whole fucking….mp4)




wierd looking patchos


File: 1703572653326.png (Spoiler Image, 403.97 KB, 654x960, 1702766409265.png)


new fiction


His best album


File: 1703734813418.png (159.44 KB, 604x750, dd83ssv-9fb72b78-3384-4c45….png)

Babe, get the fuck here


File: 1703736118994.jpg (73.17 KB, 378x245, 10237 - concerned embodime….jpg)





File: 1703869446001.mp4 (2.21 MB, 720x720, X_K38lLMheEwzd09.mp4)

Streets are slandering prime goatnic, how can you hate him? He's just so cute


>understood in an attosecond he could use the master emerald because of mecha sonic remains
pfft yeah i'm good at this

