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 No.37541[Last 100 Posts]

Discuss computers and technology - hardware, software, Linux, server hosting, programming, and other things of the sort


idk electrons


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Is this the ray peat progesterone general?


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I had a teaspoon of prog today and my bodycount is the highest


Ok but what if we exclude the teens in your discord kitty harems


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KDE 6 is a dogshit release. KDE on X11 is more unstable and is unusable, while KDE on Wayland is slightly more stable at this point, but has other bugs which make usability so obnoxious as shit. i'm just considering on going for a X11 WM or that hot new Hyprland compositor, hoping it has less bugs than KDE on Wayland.


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I use windows because I value my time


xfce mogs


Has there been a trend of trying to phase out X11 because I haven't really been paying attention much to this stuff


i was gonna reply to my own post about trying out xfce, it's probably going to be a good idea to try out xfce even doe there's screen tearing.
Red Hat wants X11 to be dropped. GNOME and KDE are following that trend but are slowly deprecating the X11 backends to eventually remove the X11 backends entirely. Fedora also wants to drop the X11 backend from KDE in a next stable release.


I think the screen tearing in XFCE is fixed by disabling window compositing, but I'm not sure since it's been a while now
Also https://techstop.github.io/fix-screen-tearing-xfce/


will keep that in mind for intel shitboxes
also the default upstream xfce theme sucks ass, which is what is on arch


It's aged and minimalist looking because you're supposed to do whatever you want with xfeces, most people replace the panel with whiskermenu, I think whiskermenu is available by default but not enabled


i'll try updating later and see how it goes in my machine
if it really sucks i'll probably go back to using a wm


i use the kde on the x11 because it was the random uninformed choice i made in installgin arch linux and its perfectly usable to me it only crashes if i close the laptop lid and even then only sometimes


i'm on nvidia, so it might be part of the problem i'm having


Guys if I get a domain name for a website that I'n making should I worry about the privacy stuff since apparently the contact information for a domain has to be publically available



njalla can take away/seize your domain if you say "offensive" stuff doe, which could be whatever they arbitrarily deem offensive


Both domain providers I've used put in generic info provided by them unless you choose to use your real credentials


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linuxcord I miss photoshop…


GIMP won



i decided to update arch on my laptop with an intel iGPU, and so far KDE 6 Wayland isn't too bad. this is certainly a nvidia problem.


i forgot to say that Brave had froze everything for a bit when i first opened it, but i dunno if it'll happen again


big paintnet cock


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>using brave in 2024


Free crypto


you pay for it by doxxing yourself on da exchange


>not doxxin yourself for free
Absolute win


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TKV-Total Krita Victory.


CSP's vectorized lines (I.E. infinite scaling without quality loss becuz vectors) are superior to everything other programs offer, I wonder if it isn't open source


Vectors lost. Hardedge GIMP brushes won.


what do i use then since default firefox is dogshit bloat and librewolf is broken


also the tabs in firefox/librewolf all end up freezing up and everything breaks until i quit and restart the browser


I think Firefox is quite good these days honestly


probably yes, but i have problems with the entire firefox browser breaking from time to time when i leave it open for a long time or a short time, i have to restart the browser to fix the problem and it's obnoxious as shit to do


ungoogled chromium


the minor releases get outdated for a while doeever, meaning security vulns


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Never had this problem with librewolf and my main pasokon (and browser) are on 24/7/365. Uhh last time I had to end the browser session there were ~500 open tabs. Also whenever some webpage gets broken with my ff config I use >>39483.
See pic. please don't hack me!


my waterfox is freezing like a nigger fairy holy smokes I had to use the flamevixen


the ruined filepickers award


I use it and nobody has hacked my bank account yet
truke the file browsing thingy for exporting in gimp (when im bringingin something in I always just drag in) freezes for many seconds when you go to folder with thousands of pictures in it


Ok I forgot to update my packages but once I updated them the only change I noticed was that it put mouse acceleration back on wtf




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r-strategist logic


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i had a dream i installed systemd on windows


javascript won


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Are 32-bit systems less secure than 64 bit ones? I decided to host an SSH server from an old Raspberry Pi but my dad told me it might be a security risk for my network if I don't patch it properly and I think they're phasing it out soon


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This is hilarious




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xfce mogs kde


>openssh does not directly use liblzma. However debian and several other distributions patch openssh to support systemd notification, and libsystemd does depend on lzma.


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Wine won
Proton won
RetroArch won
The Steam Deck won
iToddler gaymers Chrome Drones won? Because of Wine/Proton too…

Pic was made by a local drawfag on the /v/irgin board on zzzchan if anyone was curious.


nonody was curious about this



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I was


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I got B&'d from the 4channel /v/irgin board for making a light hearted steam deck linux shitpost thread similar to the post I made here, why is fun frowned upon there again? ellow again Bantsisters.

Here you go anon
Hopefully this VN game is completed in our lifetime but alt image board projects are infamous for taking forever.


Showers are proprietary


Bros remember to update your PHP applications, it's #bad


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this is #Real


Bros I think I bricked my windows install and the flash drive install medium doesn't work, what do I do?


>Showers are proprietary
Only if your afraid to put holes in drywall.


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Is it just me or are Odysee videos not loading for everyone else here too?


Never mind, Odysee still works in Brave but not Firefox/Librewolf for some reason.


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Never keeping root and home separate again


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Story time?


My ssd is only 256gb and by keeping them separate I had to run pacman -Scc constantly to make package upgrades due to the space constrictions in under a year, eventually my kernel broke but I don't mind since I had intended to do a clean install soon, my drives get full of things I can't keep track of


Why not just get a bigger SSD to run your OS on and use the old one strictly as storage or a backup? Is it an old laptop with only one slot to put drives in? If so maybe you should get one of those nub flash drives that only stick out a little and treat that as a limited use drive if storage is such a big deal.


I only spend money on food and the status quo of having an OS on a small fast drive with large spare drives for storage and backups hasn't been so bad
I think I'd run into the -Scc issue on a terabyte drive anyway, eventually, as long as I have root and home separate


My windows install flash drive refuses to work no matter how much I try to make it work. I think I have gone a full month without windows


Should I just bite the bullet and install windows 11


I used ventoy to create a windows install usb recently


Ventoy looks incredibly useful so I will look into this


Update: ventoy was the only way that the install medium worked at all so thank you for this pointer


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OMG tech xisters!!!!!
New Laptop Memory Is Here! LPCAMM2 Changes Everything!


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Should i get a deck or tighten my asshole and wait until the next model comes out (if ever)


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wait for the next model
use paccache, which can be installed:
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib


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>wait for the next model
Isn't the OLED Deck 'technically' the model 2 deck already? I mean they put in a more efficient APU and gave better storage defaults right out the box with it.
I don't think Valve will ever outright call any of their products the 'deck 1' or 'deck 2' and I certainly don't think they'll ever release a 'deck 3' either.

1: How often would you game while away from your desktop PC and or console-entertainment room? Is it something you'd do often if given the chance and hardware?
2: Is your current gaming rig so ancient to the point that a UMPC/Steam Deck would unironically be a huge upgrade? If so retire your old toaster to be a home server or whatever or give it to a young family member.
3: Do the games you wanna play while on the go have good controller support? If not you'll need either Valves or a third party docking station and or a dongle at the very least but I'd personally get a proper dock for more port options.
4: Do you mind playing vidya on a smaller screen?
Me personally I wouldn't mind having grown up playing a lot of Nintendie DS games as a kid.

If you answered yes to any of those questions then sure get a deck anon otherwise don't bother and just save up to upgrade your desktop or get a better monitor instead.>>53699


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i got an asus motherboard from the cpu bundle and the ethernet port doest work, i have a dongle and it works fine but its still pretty gay desu, and yes ive tried everything already ive just accepted it


But have you tried throwing the motherboard like a shuriken at the guy who sold it to you?


pure tuber mogs 'vanced


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I use Linux because I am mentally silly.

All these browser troubleshoot make me wanna take my shorts off and assert my dominance.


hhhhhnnnnnnggghghghghghg femcel goonette *sniiiiifffffffffffff* s;jldfjaowiejfef


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Why isn't Yewtu invidious instance working? Well whatever, in the meantime I found one that does work currently.
Nvidia goes Open Source, Cosmic update, attack bypasses VPN: Linux & Open Source News
LinuxXister W, I still prefer AMD but this is a step in the right direction for Nvidia for sure.

Well at least you found a work around that works even if it's jank shit.


if 18/73 vendors on virustotal flag it as malicious but it had the green checkmark on rutracker.org should I do it


There's no way I would


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flandre said its safe though are you sure


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why does every turkish drink look like cum ?


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cause they like drinking cum not hard to figure out dumbass


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this Trojan.Win32.VMProtect.4!c is goated


Black to the Souls



what is that supposed to mean


You posted a black souls reaction image that one time


So you should get I'm saying your scribbles look like black souls




blacksouls sissies arent going to like this truth bomb


or something


I haven't participated in the community since 2020 but it's probably a cultural gesture and not insult


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my retarded ass just deleted and reinstalled Tor for no reason becuase it was bothering me that it was in a random folder instead of C:/Program Files and completely forgot to save all the bookmarks I had


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damn where are you gonna get your cp from now


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You VVILL watch some Pajeet talk about Qualcomm's new Snapdragon ARM CPU's, Microsoft Windows, AI integration, and dunking on IntelXissies and iToddlers for nineteen minutes and thirty seven seconds for some reason. You VVILL share in my suffering today bbc.com, for some reason….



i would download this if she didnt have those things on her ears


They're probably just clip-ons that Hectatia made her wear for a photo shoot. Jo'on is more likely to actually giant ring ear rings.


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spasibo 🙏


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Why doesn't Transmission have a dark theme?


i noticed by your filenames on some you videos that it seems maybe you had yt-dlp work on xwigger? I thought elon muks killed this but idk sure if its what you did doing so please clarifyf tell me maybe hey


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wtf you cant fucking see the video information comments past the playlist when your in a playlist in this new youtube layout they rolled out where that stuff goes on the right and the reccomendations go below


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itoddlers… our response?


grapheneos is good i enjoy it


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Would Graphine OS work on an ancient Sony Xpiria phone or am I eternally BTFO'd for being a SonyXister? Well I don't actually use that phone anymore but it still works just fine and it be such a waste not to I dunno use it as a separate reading tablet or whatever.


it only supports pixels unfortunately


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is it bad that I wash the weird gray spots off my screen by spitting on a tissue and then wiping it with that



I've had it with Ubuntu and am switching to fedora. How retard proof is it?


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From our cord


Not very compared to Arch even


how so?


I've fucking had it with arch and I want to switch to something else. what should I switch to? I think maybe debian because that seems less niggerlicious than linux mint but idk


I have a friend who ragequit fedora recently due to instabilities and poor compatibility with a lot of packages he wanted
On my laptop I use ubuntu to be positive that everything will be compatible
If I had to drop arch on my desktop I would pick debian


Also distro debates are midwit as hell and are essentially horoscopes for men


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free .exe versions of all the unix bash commands for windows, installer will add them to path for you if select right option, that way can use them in any commandline window


niggas will do everything except install linux


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because windows is the superior operant system


my 8GB of ram says no


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>Amateur Radio Communications
>FLAMP is a program for AMP or Amateur Multicast Protocol. An FLAMP session will transmit one or more files with one or more iterations of the transmission. Each file is broken into blocks, each of which has a check sum. The receiving station saves the blocks that pass check sum. Successive transmissions will fill in the missing blocks provided that the new blocks pass the check sum. After the transmission sequence, the entire file is assembled and may be saved. “Fills” may be provided by retransmitting the entire file or by the sending station only sending the missing blocks.

I wish I wasn't a brainlet and could understand HAM radio stuff.


and add e
price p october low
pm how page long


they black three
no which university
j just


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The mark of an inferior artist


Oh god I'm gonna coom to the krita critta




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PlayStation 4 Emulation on the PC has hit a huge milestone

Whow neat

>it only supports pixels unfortunately
I thought they also supported Fair Phones to but those are perpetually NOT exported to the USA and therefore your forced to rely on third party sellers like Ebay to get one.


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The PC industry is changing: RISC-V goes mainstream

Should I care r/Bants?


bro thinks hes a journalist


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>bro thinks hes a journalist


Youtube is raping ublock origin users finally
It's over…


Yep. Time to switch to CHADdysee.


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And Brave BVLLS are still winning.


…The bloatware competition


Whose the purple haired girl? :)


Oh hey, this is probably the right thread; how do I get photoshop for less than 1 cent?


They're some kind of 8chan political characters


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i dropped my phone last month and it fucked the screen by making some red lines show up across it. still usable though


also my rooms light and my fan stopped working. i think they got fucked by a power outage or something


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do you have your ublock origin maxed out like i do in picrel or not? also it always only takes a while of waiting for something like that to get added to one of the lists dont be a prejacpiller
>CHADdysee ev&oe they respond to DMCA takedown requests and issa cryptonigger platform
https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6554484 probably, I'm a gimpGOD so I didn't try this though
good maybe it disabled the mark of the beast antichristware that comes built into every phone too


Holy crap th am youuuuu also HOLY SHIT MAXXED OUT ADBLCIK EXISTSTD :0


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I ordered an i7-4790 from China for the new PC im building so I can get away from my 2010 PC. This is what being a thirdie mean.


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But the 4790 is so new


That CPU is old enough to attend elementary school.


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How do I find huge block lists to use for Ublock o superior one


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nigga thats the settings page just click on the gears in the ublock interface


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>Whose the purple haired girl? :)
Her names Gilda, she's basically 8channel's interpretation of the Reddit side of Gaymer Gape or so I think….

Jesus dude donno why you have such shit luck with technology, maybe just get a Nokia at this point? Or a big Otterbox case.

Get candles, preferably the non scented kind since those are made of cancer causing oils or something.
You want the organic bees wax kind.


i am now happy to admit i was wrong and that my motherboard is perfectly fine it simply refused to accept plebian cat5 cables, after upgrading to cat8 it now gladly accepts it without dongles


I see… also I think Ublock was updated and isn't being raped by Youtube anymore, you were right


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>i am now happy to admit i was wrong and that my motherboard is perfectly fine it simply refused to accept plebian cat5 cables, after upgrading to cat8 it now gladly accepts it without dongles
That's fantastic anon, whatcha gonna do with your old cables? I'd personally just give em away to a PC building hobbyist or a used PC parts shop or whatever but I guess you could sell em at a loss on OfferUp too. I'm sure they're fine for older or low spec boards… Probably?


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>Japanese do not use fos-
*mic drop*


Woah this reminds me of when I made gyates


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Steam Deck 2 release date estimate and latest news
>Here’s everything we know about a possible Steam Deck 2 release date, as well as the Valve handheld's price, specs, and benchmark rumours.

>Niall Walsh

>Published: 2 days ago
>PC games hardware Steam Deck Valve

>What is the Steam Deck 2 release date? New developments in the mobile processor market have led to some speculation being cast that the Steam Deck 2 could be closer than we first believed. Could Valve turn to a more traditional solution to power the Steam Deck 2, and could it get the jump on competitors to AMD’s shiny new mobile processor?

>Valve may have already released the best handheld gaming pc as we coined it in our Steam Deck review, but that doesn’t mean the company has been resting on its laurels. We saw that with the refreshed Steam Deck OLED and the company has confirmed it’s also already hard at work putting together a Steam Deck 2. This isn’t too surprising given how many people are clearly interested in the Deck. Time will tell, however, how much of an upgrade it will offer and whether it can stand up to more powerful competitors.

Oh neat, they're catching up.


When my computer is slow I punch it to tell the little men inside of it to work harder or else


wordsalad that ends up not saying anything at all. Probably AI generated as well.


Well the point is we might get better APU's for the deck soon but the article could be AIslop for all I know but I dunno.


File: 1726303596830.png (43.47 KB, 800x620, 11402 - happy imperishable….png)

just stored them for now we have a hoarding issue when it comes to cable I MIGHT NEED THEM OK?!?!
we upgraded them after getting fiber optic internet and its been great desu
going under the house to rerun wires is not so great
was thinking of getting an oled steam deck but im debating whether to get an oled monitor instead
that and well i need to budget some money aside for it


File: 1726603757148.jpg (61.06 KB, 533x400, Big Brain Fish.jpg)

>going under the house to rerun wires is not so great
>was thinking of getting an oled steam deck but im debating whether to get an oled monitor instead
You could save money for your OLED monitor by just getting the LCD Deck instead perhaps so long as you don't mind the slight hit in battery life…? Valve is trying to get rid of their older 64GB and 500GG first generation Decks by selling them bellow MSRP in fact now.


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>PC doesn't recognize dual channel


Damn truetaku trash. Don't underestimate consumer otaku that don't create anything!


Wtf kinda vacation you on bruh wtf


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you are not a nigger from God-knows-where you just use tor


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Monero Sistas~
How Monero Users Get Traced (RUN YOUR OWN NODE!)


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god this noise is what i hear all the time with my drawing tablet ):


I get it


Webarchive got hacked 🙏


I need 4080 or at least 4070. Is 4070 good in the year 2024?


I dunno dawg I'm still running the RX 580 I got in high school


File: 1728821157315.jpg (50.6 KB, 400x400, 1706420828680.jpg)

what are you looking to play desu, i have a 7900xt and its pretty overkill on most games even on games people say have performance issues
i mean if youre willing to shell out for a 4070 you might as well save for a bit longer for the 4080 desu
amd has lowered the prices on the 7900xt recently(makes me seethe n mald) but if you want ray tracing then you do want nvidias cards


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only 18 left tho


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