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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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 No.41Cyclical[View All]

You better not try anything funny.

1. Open tf2
2. Open the console with ` and enter:
3. connect banttf2.ddns.net



>MODS (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/hat/

>FANART (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/fanart/

original thread >>>/j/9211

1400 posts and 627 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it better have Aris, she's gëmmed because she likes gaming and inmu


there are people born after TF2 came out who are now adults…..


no one corrected me that it's not true because TF2 will be 18 in October this year
bint is dead


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not sure whether it's pirated though


It's because everyone is used to blackpilling
:nerd emoji:


do sound sprays work on da server?


They're supposed to but I just realized that a plugin that prevented spray exploits from crashing the server was stopping it from working but I only installed that cuz of the donald trump themed hacker who was instantly crashing the server and he was using the newline exploit and not a spray so I removed it and now they work



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ac needs to stop putting aya feet on the maps




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Today I saw someone's spray in a casual match


if you have the spray file downloaded you can still see it when someone else sprays it in casual


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I got tricked by this spray at least twice


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insanae new tf2c medigun


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Adding tf2c weapons to this bix rn
Probably only gonna do 2-3 though because most of the tf2c items are super gay
Especially the anti air cannon which killed that game


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pyro with a double-barrel goes hard as fuck but what are the stats? pls tell me nothing like this


It's the same as tf2classic


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anti-LGBT tf2 server (half of playerbase is repping and owns female lingerie)


the kiwifarms discord was angry at me for telling them to ban evade but nobody cared and it was funny


Just wait until they get their hands on the #dragongate files


wait, I have no tranny porn or gay prolapse pics on new pc


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It's up


I will finally kog out again tomorrow probably this seems cool


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took me 3 hrs to get the sfx working fr


Chill bro I haven't even said Junky Bunky yet


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new reddit


this is like cs_italy


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tony gamemode



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>tfw bedtime when the server is active



Somehow we were able to get the server started around 2 on a Sunday a week or so ago. I don't think I will be able to make it today but if a couple of Koggies get on maybe it can happen? I think keeping it KOTH until 12 or so into payload maybe could help.

How long is this stuff sticking around?


It'll stay but if the server developed performance issues I'd yank a lot of things out because I'm schizo about that
Eventually I'll add something that has to be removed but these things haven't been cancerous and blend in so they're fine


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I've been thinking. Would it be possible to have 2hu fortress models as a server plugin that only affects the client?


yes but you need to become part of the workshop discord cabal to get access to tutorials how to do it


Anyone over 110 IQ cancels connecting to a server if a fastDL starts
A modpack would make sense but Touhou fortress + the corresponding nohats mod is around a gigabyte or more
Best that could be done was a page like this and letting people fend for themselves


I realized
I just need to wake up earlier and voila


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they then bitch and complain to reddit so more of these people stay away, perfect filter.

some guy joined saw adolf hitler next to a gyate complained in chat and then left


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>Benny B : NOTICE: Be aware there are fake Uncletopia servers. Please visit pornhub.com/bukkake for a list of safe servers.
>howabe : are there even many real uncletopia servers these days?


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Lets try to get the party started


yoooo dolltoucher cameo 🤯🤯🤯


Damn at 6???


The only time I got sadly


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queuing up for coal town with this


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learn from scout


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shalom human


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Spy knife irl????


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everyone just needs to stop playing for 5 years to get rid of the burnout


I do 🥺


I wish we got a major update every 2 or so years. AFAIK its been almost a decade since the last one. (JI) Not really a whole lot going on besides some randumb hats and trite.


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sorry if cringe but i just wanted to tell you that youve been such a great pal all this time, thanks for being such a cool guy and introduced me to this great server, much like a group of friends. "muchas gracias papu :steammocking::steamthumbsup: "
and im NOT gay btw xd, im still trying to learn how to sound silly on english


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>venusian is back


Bruh he was spinbotting as heavy


A huge L. He could've been cheyed, but became cheated.


Lets try for a game JOIN!!!


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this shit server is back ngl


Shapes is back?!?!? This is huge


Every server is down rn except for gasa so it's full

no plugins tho



>Updated ctf_applejack
>Gave a chicken a friend, because friendship is magic


Can't wait until when someone creates their tf2 mod, it gets popular and then they add a function that sends delete all inventory items api calls to steam after 10-20 minutes of being open.


Though the inventory will probably be read only because of this


friendship is overrated


You know that rehab room video only applied to ethnics correct?


WW made a video about how the only real friends are the ones that would help u if u got ur bike stolen


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madokanon roasting this reddit ass game 🔥🔥🔥


What's the chance of this SDK release starting a war between multiple furry groups that want to have a mod considered TF2 continuation everyone will move to



>that bottom lisp



nuke it


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Lighting difference in the new update


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are you doing a new map?


The screenshots and update explanation were from the uncletopia cord


what does Pronoun Names mean?


It's when you join kitty pound and get pocketed by Puke (Yum) She/her


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This sounds jewish. What about unlockable weapons? You make a mod where everyone can use banana and homewrecker from the get go regardless of having them in TF2 inventory and it won't be allowed on steam because these are community made items?


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someone dm'd me new fanart :eyes:


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this made me laugh


same thing on how valve was unhappy with people using sourcemod to get item skins for csgo


Is there the smallest speck of chance that opening a EU server may one day be considered?
I can't believe we are all like what >>74749 experienced. At least give us a chance.


We used to think that would happen but we came to understand it would just dramatically fragment the playerbase and that people tend to play here with their friends, if the server were a corporate thing instead that would've probably happened already
The server is hosted in New York so that European people can play here anyways at least
We're starting to organize the server somewhat over a steamcord since we used to do that with the steam announcements feature but it stopped because Valve broke the feature permanently and we never developed a replacement, maybe the steamcord change would let us spin up a europe server sometimes
Also I should drop the steamcord link because I'm supposed to be a shill right now 😈

Also you should make sure your cl_interp_ratio is 1 and your cl_interp is at the minimum (among other settings but those are the main ones) since it reduces latency regardless of location


i'm so tired of gay weapons that completely change class matchups. oh you managed to get close to a sniper? undodgeable huntsman arrow, you're dead immediately no matter how good your movement is. you're far away from a demo and think you can dodge his explosives? good luck reacting to loch grenades traveling at what feels like twice the speed. you think you can 1v1 a scout? force-a-nature completely rapes your aim etc.
it didn't always sting that bad but considering that i keep getting fucking reminded that tf2c exists, it WOULD be the perfect mod for me where it's a less overstimulating and simple experience. IF THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE ALTERNATE WEAPONS MAKING IT AN OBJECTIVELY INFERIOR VERSION OF LIVE TF2 INSTEAD


Understandable. Thanks for the link.


The new weapons in that mod are a mess, used to be aryan when it was more barebones

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