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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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it was a "1 glass of wine" evening


Decent human being evening


KANPAIing with the chilean discord atm


blasphemy. kongara is negative infinity booba level pettanko because my retarded headcanons say so


saturday too


these 25% alc liqueours are basically water, need more hard booze


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you can also try fasting before having a sip
i have 710ml 8% colt 45 malt liquor niggerbooze, 2 of them on an empty stomach makes me fall over but i can have 4 with a meal and continue to send drunken rambles to strangers on the internet
can i see what you are drinking


I did it in the past and got fucked after a glass of wine lole


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i'm cutting you off youre too drunk


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Nigga im 75% alcohol


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truth "nuke"


talk me out of boozing today


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This is you if you booze


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I will booze now and watch Tranime.


i love booze now wtf


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What if he doesnt want to become a woman tho


bottoms up


No one says that


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i just said that


Delete your post because no one says that


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I will get a free boytoy? :3


I drank 14 Milwaukee's Best Ice last Friday. Whenever I drink I get lingering stress for a few days now


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>tsukasa in the way of the fluffy oni hole


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me: trying to find a cross screwdriver
every screwdriver in close vicinity:


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im fucking dunk
its called a philips drive
and a slotted drive not a flat drive


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Booze friday is ON


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boozing on water real hard rite now


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All liquids are water


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@OP why did you do this?




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It's Wednesday


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didn't know


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I thought he was in jail


Mr. Beast broke him out


Thats a true homie


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You already know nigga
Its that time of the day



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im drunk for the 4th night in a row
im drunk driving in beamng for the third friday in a row


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Rum is alright.



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Im eating a 'zza with hella booze


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love the ear


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What the ohio fuck is this abomination bruuuuh is this her daughter or what shit i wonder who the father is then

Oh hell naw it's this nigga


fuck i love eating these in school


American moment


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that's American food for ya, it's got vegetables and crap, all tasty all good, everything the body needs, no more no less, the most nutritious food on the planet

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